Arun A . Patil, MB,BS


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Cardiovascular Fellowship

Arun A . Patil, MB,BS


Spouse:   Daphne
OFFICE ADDRESS:  Creighton University Medical center
601 N 30th street, Omaha, NE 68131
RESIDENCE ADDRESS:   6105 Chicago St
   Omaha, Nebraska  68132
PLACE and DATE OF BIRTH:    Bombay, India;  December 20, 1943
Citizenship:  U.S.A.
7/63-6/69    St. John's Medical College - Bangalore, India
Degrees:  Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.)
& Bachelor of Surgery (B.S.)
7/60-6/63    St Xavier's College- Bombay, India
Intermediate Science, Jr. B.Sc.
7/69-6/70    St. John's Medical College - Bangalore, India
7/75-6/77    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
7/74-6/75    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
7/73-7/74    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
7/72-6/73    Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland,  Canada, General Surgery
7/70-6/72    State University of Ghent, Belgium
Professor and chief, division of neurosurgery, department of Surgery
Creighton University School of medicine
Professor, Department of Clinical and Translational Science
Creighton University Medical School,
7/1/96-11/30/2013  Professor
Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery
University of Nebraska Medical Center
School of Medicine
July 1994 - December 2013   Continuous Appointment (tenure)    University of Nebraska Medical Center
10/19/87-6/30/96 Associate Professor
 Section of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery
 University of Nebraska Medical Center
 School of Medicine
12/84 - 10/18/87 Associate Professor,
 Division of Neurological Surgery
Oral Roberts University School of     Medicine City of Faith Medical and Research Center
7/81 - 12/84  Clinical Assistant Professor
University of North Dakota School of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery
Minot, North Dakota
1980    American Board of Neurological Surgery
2015  State Board of medical examiners  Iowa
1987    State Board of Medical Examiners -   Nebraska
1984    State Board of Medical Examiners -   Oklahoma
1977    State Board of Medical Examiners -   North Dakota
1)Clinical research for electro-convergent cautery. July 1994 onwards. Research grant of $10,000 by Baxter Medical. Principal investigator.
2)Evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Peg-Superoxide in severe head injury. July 1993 onwards. The amount is dependent on the number of patients recruited. Sterling Winthrop - co investigator.
3)Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Receptor Murine Monoclonal Antibody EMD 55 900 (MAB 325) in a Clinical Trial with Patients Suffering From Refractory Grade III or IV Glioma, by the pharmaceutical company, 1991-1992. The amount was dependent on the number of patients recruited. Merck.- co investigator
4) Artificial disc research. $5000 grant from Orthodevelopement, Draper UT
1.  06/01/91  Radio-Frequency surgical tool and methods.
     Patent # 5019076.
2.  06/03/86  Computer-Assisted Tomography Stereotaxic System.
  Patent #4592352.
3.  08/07/84  Computed Tomography Stereotactic Frame.
  Patent #4463758.
4.  11/13/80  Artificial Intervertebral Disc.
  Patent #4309777.
5.  10/12/99 Electroconvergent cautery, patent #5964759
6.  5/9/2000 Electroconvergent cautery system, patent # 6059781
1993-1996    Director, 6-West(surgical floor)  University of Nebraska Medical center   
1993 - Present   Visiting Professor, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India.
1991 - 2013    Graduate Faculty, College of Medicine
  University of Nebraska Medical Center
2016 Editorial Board - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Spine
2016   Reviewer-Neurosurgery (jounral)
  Reviewer-Journal of neurology and stroke
1997,98 Reviewer-catheterization and  interventional radiology
1995 Reviewer-catheterization and interventional radiology
1993     NIH On-Site reviewer.
1992 Reviewer-Vascular Surgery. 
1)Journal, Medical Instrumentation, Best Article Award for 1988, for the article, Precision Surgery with an Electromagnetically Induced Current Convergence Probe Application in Aneurysm Treatment, Angioplasty, and Brain Tumor Resection in in Vivo and
in Vitro Models.
2)Nebraska Epilepsy Association Award, 1992 Physician of the Year.
3)Membership to the XEIRON society (Winnipeg, Canada), in 1994 for original and significant contribution in the area of stereotaxis.
4)Special Achievement award, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 1996.
5)Outstanding award for scientific display on "Functional Neuroanatomy of Pallidotomy" October, 1996 by Omaha Mid-West Clinical Society.
1)Department of Neurosurgery, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India, 1993-present
2)Section of Neurosurgery, Kansas University Medical Center, 1994.
2016 Fellow, American association of neurological surgeons
1982   Fellow American college of Surgeons
1990   Congress of Neurological Surgery
1988    Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society
1986    American Stereotactic Society
Offices in Professional Societies;
2014-   2016   President, Catholic medical Guild
1996- 1997 President, Nebraska Neuroscience Academy
1994-1996  President, Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society
1992-1994  Secretary, Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society
NATIONAL: Member, Subcommittee to formulate performance standards for image-guided stereotactic neurosurgery.  A subcommittee of the Joint Committee of Devices and Drugs of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons/American Association of Neurological Surgeons.    1986-present
MEDICAL STAFF:Ethics Committee, University of Nebraska Medical Center 1989-96
HOSPITAL: Director, 6-West (surgical floor), University of Nebraska Medical Center, 1993-1996.
Salvation Army - Volunteer Physician, 1987-1990
St. Margaret Mary's Church, Instructor, Religious Education
1.    Patil AA:  Surgical excision of arteriovenous malformation of the cerebellum and brain stem. 
   Acta Neurochir (Wein) 54:117-125, 1980.
2.    Patil AA:  Intercostal nerves to spinal nerve roots
   anastomosis (spinal cord bypass) and Harrington rod  fusion in traumatic paraplegia - a technical   note. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 57:299-303, 1981.
3.    Patil AA:  Angiographically occult arteriovenous malformation of the brain.  A case report. Acta Neurochir 58:99-104, 1981.
4.    Patil AA:  Computed tomography stereotactic head clamp.
   Acta Neurochir (Wein) 60:125-129, 1982.
5.    Patil AA:  Computed tomography-oriented stereotactic  system. Neurosurg 10:370-374, 1982.
6.    Patil AA:  Angiographic disappearance and reappearance of   an arteriovenous malformation of the cerebellum and brain stem and its surgical excision.  Acta Neurochir (Wein) ,62:247-252, 1982.
7.    Patil AA:  Intracranial meningioma with subdural membrane. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 66:103-107, 1982.
8.    Patil AA: Computed tomography (CT) oriented rotary stereotactic system - a technical note. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 68:19-26, 1983.
9.    Patil AA, Nagaraj MP:  The effect of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone on functional recovery of spinal cord sectioned rats.  Acta Neurochir (Wein) 69:205-218,1983.
10.   Patil AA, Nagaraj MP:  Recoiling suture and methylmethacrylate in aneurysm thrombosis - preliminary report. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 72:73-78, 1984.
11.   Patil AA: Computed tomography (CT) plane of the target approach in CT stereotaxis.  Neurosurg 15:410-414, 1984.
12.   Patil AA, Nagaraj MP, Mehta R:  Cortically evoked motor action potential (CEMAP) in spinal cord injury research. Neurosurg 16:473-476, 1985.
13.   Patil AA, Yamanashi WS, Ross-Duggan JW and Lester PD: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stereotaxis using the Patil Stereotaxic System. Acta Neurochir,(Wein) 82:3-4,1986.
14.   Patil AA, Woosley RE: Scalp marking of intracranial lesions using computed tomography (CT) images - a technical note. Acta Neurochir (Wein) 80:62-64, 1986.
15.   Patil AA:  Target localization on standard axial images in computed tomography (CT) stereotaxis for functional neurosurgery - a technical note.  Acta Neurochir (Wein) 82:64-67, 1986.
16.   Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Valentine J, Hill D, Woosley R, Filip O:  Electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probe in aneurysm thrombosis - preliminary report.  Acta Neurochir(Wein) 81:68-71, 1986.
17.   Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Valentine J, Hill D:  Electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probe - a new neurosurgical tool.  Acta Neurochir (Wein) 86:106-110, 1987.
18.   Valentine JL, Yamanashi WS, Patil AA, et al:  Noninvasive Tumor Volume measurement using magnetic resonance (MR)    imaging and an open sided saddle coil. Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMR, 18,103-108, 1986.
19.   Yamanashi WS, Patil AA, Valentine JL: Electromagnetically induced focused heat in the treatment of surgically created aneurysm model.  Investigative Rad  22:574-580, 1987.
20.   Patil A: Stereotactic excision of deep brain lesions using probe guided brain retractor.  Acta Neurochir 87:150-152,1987.
21.   Patil A, Fillmore K, Valentine J, Hill D:  The study of  the effect of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on the survival of adrenal medulla transplant in brain -   preliminary report. Acta Neurochir 87:76-78,1987.
22.   Patil AA, Yamanashi WS, Valentine JL, Hill D: Electromagnetic Field Focusing System in the treatment of brain tumors.  Neurosurgery 22:18-22, 1988.
23.   Yamanashi W, Patil A, Hill D, LePage J, Valentine J, Lester P: Precision surgery with electromagnetically induced current convergence (EICC) probe - Application in aneurysm treatment, angioplasty and brain tumor resection in in vivo and in vitro model. Medical Instrumentation   22(4):205-216, 1988. (Winner, Award for Best Article for 1988.)
24.   Patil A, Yamanashi W, Hill D, Valentine J: Electromagnetic Field Focusing probe for intravascular endarterectomy -preliminary feasibility study. Acta Neurochirurg (Wien)  91:130-133, 1988.
25.   Yamanashi W, Yassa N, Hill D, Patil A: Properties of the Electromagnetic Field Focusing Probe. Angiology 39:953-959, 1988.
26.   Yamanashi W, Yassa N, Hill D, Lewis J, Patil A, Lester P: Electromagnetic Field Focusing Probe (EFFP)-A new Angioplasty tool.  Angiology 39:1014-1021, 1988.
27.   Valentine JL, Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Hill D, Le Page JR: Experimental Surgical Aneurysms in the rat. Vascular  Surgery 22:231-237, 1988.
28.   Patil A, Hahn F, Yamanashi W: Selective Arterial Thrombosis using the Electromagnetic Field Focusing (EFF) System-A feasibility study. Vasc Surg 24:245-250, 1990.
29.   Patil A, Filmore K, Hill D: The effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on restoration of physiological continuity of spinal cord - a preliminary report. International Surgery 75:56-57, 1990.
30.   Patil A, McComb R, Gelber B, McConnell J, Sasse: Intra-ventricular Neurocytoma - A report of two cases.Neurosurgery 26:140-144, 1990.
31.   Patil A.  Transoral Stereotactic biopsy of the Second Cervical Vertebral Body: A case report with technical note. Neurosurgery 25:999-1002, 1989.
32.   Kumar PP, Good RR, Patil AA, Leibrock LG. Permanent High-Activity Iodine-125 in the Management of Petroclival Meningiomas: Case Reports. Neurosurgery 25:436-442, 1989.
33.   Kumar PP, Good RR, Jones EO, Patil AA, Leibrock LG, McComb RD.  Survival of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme Treated by Intraoperative High-Activity Cobalt 60 Endocurietherapy. Cancer 64:1409-1413, 1989.
34.   Patil AA, Hahn F, Spanta AD, Yamanashi W.  Percutaneous discectomy using the electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probe -A feasibility study. International Surgery 76(1):30-32, Jan-Mar, 1991.
35.   Patil AA, Hahn F.  Axial herniation with brain stem deformity as a cause of sleep apnea - a case report. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 93-1:65-67, 1991
36.   Patil A, Yamanashi W.  Electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) system in clinical neurosurgery-preliminary report. Surgical Neurology 34:94-100, 1990.
37.   Kumar PP, Good RR, Leibrock LG, Patil AA, Bartone FF, Yonkers AJ, Christensen GR, Johansson SL, Strobach S: Tissue tolerance to continuous low dose rate Iodine-125 irradiation.  Endocurie Hypertherm Oncol 6:53-63, 1990.
38.   Patil A. Free-standing stereotactic microsurgical retractor technique in "key hole" intracranial     procedures.  Acta Neurochir (Wien) 108:148-153, 1991.
39.   Patil A, Gelber B. Accuracy of Thalamotomy Target Determination Using Axial Images Only. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 56:104-108,1991.
40.   Kumar PP, Good RR, Leibrock LG, Patil AA, et al. Tissue Tolerance and Tumor Response Following High-Activity Iodine-125 Endocurietherapy for Skull Base Tumors.       Endocurietherapy/Hyperthermia Oncology 6:223-230, 1990.
41.   Kumar PP, Patil AA, Leibrock LG, Chu W, Syh J, McCaul GF,     Reeves MA.  Brachytherapy: A viable alternative in the management of basal meningiomas.  Neurosurgery 29:676-680, 1991.
42.   Patil A, Kumar P, Leibrock L Aarabi B.  Stereotactic approach to skull base lesions.  Skull Base Surgery1(4):235-239, 1991.
43.   Patil A. Intraoperative Calibration of the Patil Stereotactic System during Computed Tomography (CT) Guided Stereotactic Procedures - a Technical Note. Stereotac Funct Neurosurg 56:179-183, 1991.
44.   Yamanashi W, Hudkins B, Dempewols S, Patil A, Clingon F, McGee  J. Thermal profiles of Electrocauteries, the ND:YAG laser and the electromagnetic field focusing system.  Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology, Sept/Oct: 414-421, 1992.
45.   Kumar PP, Patil AA.  Stereotactic external beam irradiation system.J Natl Med Assoc 84:139-144, 1992.
46.   Patil AA, Kumar PP, Leibrock LG, Gelber B, Aarabi B.  The value of intraoperative scans during Computed Tomography (CT) guided stereotactic procedures. Neuroradiology.  34: 451-456, 1992.
47.   Patil A, Yamanashi W.  Stereotactic microsurgical resection of intracranial tumors using the electromagnetic field focusing system.  Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 59:128-134, 1992.
48.   Kumar PP, Patil AA, Leibrock LG, Chu W-K, Syh H-w, McCaul GF, Reeves MA: Continuous low dose rate brachytherapy with high activity Iodine-125 seeds in the management of meningiomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 25(2):325-8, 1993.
49.   Kumar PP, Patil AA, Syh HW, Chu WK, Reeves MA: Role of brachytherapy in the management of the skull base meningioma. Treatment of skull base meningiomas.  Cancer 71(11):3726-31, 1993.
50.   Kumar PP, Patil AA, Ogren FP, Johansson SL, Reeves MA: Intracranial skip metastasis from parotid and facial skin tumors: Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Journal of the National Medical Association, 85:369-374,1993.
51.   McBride DQ, Patil AA, Yamanashi W: Electromagnetic field focusing instrument augments resection of meningiomas. Neurosurgery.35:163-167, 1994.
52. Patil AA, Yamanashi W. Electroconvergent cauteryNeurosurgery, 35:785-788,1994.
53.   Prabhu V, Patil A, Leibrock L: MRA in the diagnosis of traumatic vertebrobasilar complications - a report of 2 cases. Surgical Neurology.42:245-248,1994.
54    Patil AA,  McConnell J, Torkelson R: Stereotactic localization and excision of seizure focus using xenon enhanced computed tomography (Xe-CT). A Case Report. AJNR 16:644-646, 1995.
55.   Patil A, Chand A. Modifications of transnasal transoral stereotactic procedures. Acta neurochirurgica134:46-50,1995.   
56.   Patil A, Kumar L, Leibrock L: Response of extra-axial tumors to stereotactically implanted high-activity I-125 seed. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery1995,64:139-152
57.   Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Stereotactic Radiofrequency lesioning of intracranial structures to control of intractable seizures. Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery. 1995,64:123-133.
58. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Minimally invasive surgical approach for intractable seizures. stereotactic and funct neurosurg.1995,65:86-89
59. Patil A, Good R, Bashir R, Etemadrezaie H. Non-resective  treatment of Pineoblastoma, Surgical Neurology. 1995,44:386-391.
60. Patil A, Etmadrezaie. Post-traumatic intradiploic meningoencephalocele-a case report. J. Neurosurg. 84:284-287,1996.
61. Prabhu V, Kizer J, Patil A, Hellbusch L, Leibrock LVertebrobasilar thrombosis associated with non penetrating cervical spine trauma. J Trauma.40:130-137,1996.
62. Patil A, Torkelson R. Stereotactic localization and excision of seizure focus using Xenon enhanced computed tomography(Xe-CT). Search on Epilepsy 3(3):10-11, 1996.
63. Berger J, Witte R, Holdeman K, Tikofsky R, Hellman R,McConnell J, Torkelson R, Patil A. Neuroradiologic applications of central nervous system SPECT,Radiographics, 16:777-785, 1996.
64. Perdisky Y, Limoges J, McComb R, Bock P, Baldwin T, Taylor W, Patil A , Nottet H, Epstein L, Gelbard H, Flanagan, Reinhard J, Pirruccello S, Gendelman H. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Encephalitis in SCID mice Am J Pathol, 149:1027-1053, 1996.
65. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Treatment of  intractable seizures  with multilobar and BIHEMISPHERIC seizure foci, Surg Neurol 1997,47:72-8.
66. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Surgical management of independent BIHEMISPHERIC seizure foci. Journal of Epilepsy 1997,10:198-202.
67. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Multiple subpial transection (MST) in the treatment of extensive seizure foci. Journal of Epilepsy 1997,10:203-207.2.
68. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Isolation of "dominant seizure foci" by multiple subpial transection (MST). Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgry, 1997:69:210-215.
69.    Patil A, Hahn F, Rodriguez-Sierra J, Traverse J, Wang S. Anatomical structures in the Leksell pallidotomy target, Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 1998:70, 32-37.
70. Patil A, Andrews R. Surgical treatment of autistic epileptiform regression (AER). Journal of  epilepsy.1998,11:386-373.
71. Patil A, Hahn F, Falloon T, Wang S. Direct identification of Ventrointermediate Nucleus of the Thalamus on magnetic resonance and computed tomography images.  Surgical Neurology, 1999; 51:674-678.
72.Lewin J, Andrews R, Chez M, Patil A et al. Magnetoencephalogram patterns of epileptic activity in children with regressive autistic spectrum disorder. Pediatrics 1999;104:405-418.
73. Hashimoto T, Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Shimazu H, Zhao W: Usefulness of electromagnetic field (EMF) system in skull base and deep seated brain tumors.  Proceedings of 11th European Congress of Neurosurgery. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi, 1999, pp. 401-406.
74.  Kumar P, Patil A. Interstitial brachytherapy for skull base tumors. Neurosurg Clinic of North America 2000; 11:639-649.
75. Patil A, Chand A, Andrews R.  Single incision for implanting vagal nerve stimulator system. Surg. Neurology, 2001;55:103-5.
76. Andrews R, Patil A. Controversies in epilepsy and behavior.  Should epilepsy surgery be used in the treatment of autistic regression? Yes.  Epilespy & Behavior, 2002: 3, 113-121.
77. Murphy J, Patil A. Stimulation of the Nervous System for the Management of Seizures: Current and Future Developments. CNS drugs 2003:17(3); 101-115.
78. Patil A. Generalized Seizure Disorders. id 1121, 2004
79. Patil A. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. id 1125, 2004
80. Patil A. Myoclonic Seizures. id 1123, 2004
81. Patil A. Partial Seizures. id 1120, 2004
82. Patil A. Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal) Seizures. id 1122, 2004
83. Alberts R, Patil A, Zhou D. Single unit artificial intervertebral disc. Journal of Neurosurg (Spine 1) 1: 95-100, 2004.
84. Patil A, Andrews R. Is epilepsy surgery on both hemisphere effective? Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2004;82:214-221
85. Zhou D, Patil A, Rodriguez-Sierra J. Endoscopic Neuroanatomy through the sphenoid sinus. Minim Invas Neurosurgery 2005; 48:1-6.
86. Murphy J, Patil A. Improving the lives of patients with medically refractory epilepsy by electrical stimulation of the nervous system. Expert Rev. Med. Devices 2(2),    (2005)
88. Sather M, Patil A. Direct identificiation of the subthalamic nucleus on computed tomorgraphy images. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2007;85:1-5
89. Patil AA.  Computed tomography-guided vertebroplasty using a stereotactic guidance system (stereo-guide)-technical note. Surg Neurol Int 2010,  1:17
90. Patil AA. Stereotactic approach to the trigeminal ganglion using a stereotactic frame and intraoperative computed tomography (CT)  scans - Technical note. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2010;88:277-280.
91.Patil AA, Andrews RA. Multiple hippocampal transections (MHT)- Preliminary report.  World Neurosurgery 74(6):645-649, 2010
92. Patil A A. A modified stereotactic frame as an instrument holder for frameless stereotaxis- Technical Note. Surg Neurol Int 2010; 1:62.
93. Patil AA. Intraoperative image fusion during deep brain stimulator implant-technical note, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 2011;89:197-200
94. Patil AA, Antony A, Andrews R.  Efficacy of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) after Multiple Subpial Transection (MST) for Extra-Temporal Seizure Foci, Surgical Science , 2013, 4:273-276.
95. Patil AA, Andrews RV. Long term follow-up after Multiple hippocampal transection (MHT). Seizure 2013, 22:731-734.
96. Patil AA, S Raikar, D Otto. peripheral nerve field stimulation for sacroiliac pain. Neuromodulation, 2014, 17(1): 98-101.
97.  Kelley Keefe ⇑, Meysam Kebriaei, Andrew Gard, Arun-Angelo Patil.  Intraventricular tissue plasminogen activator as a viable treatment option for intraventricular hemorrhage caused by an arteriovenous malformation. Journal of clinical neurosciences. 2014, 21(3): 526-9.
98. Patil a, Sreenivasan S. ‘Axial (central) downward herniation of the brain as a complication of intra-thecal drug delivery system (IDDS) implant- a case report’. 2014, 125: 78-80Journal of clinical neurology and neurosurgery
99. Arun-Angelo Patil1*, Andrea Jennifer Chamczuk1, Benjamin Nelson. Stereotactic Radiofrequency Ablation of  Trigeminal Ganglion with Intraoperative CT Scans and under General Anesthesia. Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery, 2016, 6, 55-59
100. Arun Patil, Jason Loden, DO, Soubrata Raikar, MD, Rita Lee Fowler, PAC Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) for Pain Control in a Quadriplegic Patient: A Case Report   OJMN Vol.6 No.1, January 2016
101. Patil A, Chamczuk, A, Andrews R  Hippocampal transections for epilepsy. Neurosurg Clin N Am 27 (2016) 19-25
102. Arun Angelo Patil*, Britney Bell, Leo Yamaguchi.  Drainage and Cranioplasty as a Treatment
for Traumatic Subdural Hygroma Secondar to Decompressive Craniectomy. Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery, 2016, 6, 41-44
1.    Patil AA:  The Patil Stereotaxic System in Modern stereotactic surgery. (Ed. L.D. Lunsford) Marius Nijhoff Publishing, Boston. 117-125, 1988.
2.    Patil AA.  Linear Accelerator Adaptation to the Stereotactic System. In: Modern Stereotactic Surgery, Ed.:L.D. Lunsford, Marinus Nijhoff Publishing, Boston. 471-480, 1988. .
3.    Yamanashi W, Patil A, Yassa N, Phillips S, Valentine J, Hill D, Wagoner B. Electromagnetic Field Focusing Probe application in aneurysm, brain tumor resection and angioplasty. In: Emerging Electromagnetic Medical Technology (Eds): O'Connor, Springer-Verlag Wien-New York, 1990.
4.    Patil AA.  The Patil Apparatus. In: Textbook of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Eds.:Gildenberg DL, and Tasker RR. McGraw-Hill,105-113, 1997.
5.  Patil A. Changing concepts of Functional Neurosurgery, in Progress in Neuro Sciences, Ed: Venkatraman V , Neurological Society of India and MediWorld Pub, New Delhi,11:311-323, 1996 
6. Patil A. Stereotactic Surgery with the Patil frame, in The Handbook of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Ed: Schulder M, Marcel Dekker, Inc New York, NY (2003)
7. Murphy J, Patil A. "Improvements in Seizure Control by Stimulating the Nervous System" in "Trends in Epilepsy Research." Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY, NY (2005)
1. Patil, AA, Nagaraj MP: Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on spinal cord injury.Neurosurg 12:593-594, 1983.
2. Patil A. Regression of arteriovenous malformation. J Neurosurg 58:627-628, 1983.
3. Patil AA.  Radiosurgery with linear accelerator.  Neurosurg 25:143, 1989.
4. Patil A. Radiosurgery Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery 61:47, 1993.
5. Dominquez EA, Patil AA: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection with listeria monocytogenes. CID 19: 223-224, 1994.
6. Patil A, Andrews R. Non-resective surgical treatment of intractable seizures with extensive seizure foci. J. Neurosurg 80:402, 1994
7. Patil A.  Recurrent AVMs after negative angiography.  J Neursurg. 86:170, 1997.
National and international meetings:
1.    Patil AA, Nagaraj MP:  The role of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone in the regeneration of the spinal cord. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons annual meeting.  Washington, D.C., 04/26/83. Poster Presentation.
2.    Patil AA:  Computed tomography oriented stereotactic rotary system. The American Stereotaxic Society Meeting.  Research Triangle Park, N. Carolina. 04/29/83. Podium Presentation.
3.    Patil AA:  Computed tomography oriented stereotactic rotary system.  Sixth Meeting of the European Society for Stereo-tactic and Functional Neurosurgery. Rome, Italy. 06/03/83.Poster Presentation.
4.    Patil AA,Nagaraj MP: Recoiling suture and methylmethacrylate in aneurysm thrombosis.  The Seventh European Neurosurgical Congress at Brussels, Belgium.  08/29/83.  Podium Presentation.
5.    Patil AA, Nagaraj MP:  The role of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the regeneration of the spinal cord. The Seventh European Neurosurgical Congress.  Brussels, Belgium. 09/02/83.  Podium Presentation.
6.    Patil AA:  CT-oriented stereotaxis using the CT plane of  the target. Congress of Neurological Surgeons annual meeting. Chicago, Illinois. 10/28/83.  Poster Presentation.
7.    Patil AA, Nagaraj MP, Mehta R:  Cortically evoked motor action potential in spinal cord injury research.  The American Association of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco, California. 04/8-12/84.  Poster Presentation.
8.    Patil AA, Nagaraj MP:  Fluorescent tracer bisbenzimide and cortically evoked motor action potential (CEMAP) study indicating the beneficial effect of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Hormone on spinal cord injury.  The American Association of Neurological Surgeons annual meeting. San Francisco, California. 04/08-12/84.  Poster Presentation.
9.    Patil AA: Visualization of trajectory in CT stereotaxis using off-axis reconstruction.  The American Association of Neurological Surgeons annual meeting.  San Francisco, California. 04/08/84.  Poster Presentation.
10.   Patil AA:  Isocentric placement of target in the linear accelerator using CT stereotaxis - a technical note. Meeting of the Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society. Stockholm, Sweden. 09/14/84.  Podium Presentation.
11.   Patil AA, Knudson D:  Single beam radiosurgery using the linear accelerator and CT stereotaxis.  Eighth Inernational Congress of Neurological Surgeons.  Toronto, Canada. 7/8/85. Podium Presentation.
12.   Patil AA:  The Patil Stereotactic System.  Symposium on instrumentation for stereotactic surgery.  Cooperstown, New York. 8/18/85.  Invited Speaker.
13.   Ross-Duggan JW, Patil AA, Yamanashi WS, Valentine JL, Hill DL and Lester PD:  Stereotaxic System and its application using magnetic resonance imaging.  Fourth Annual Meeting, Society of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3/1/86.  Podium Presentation.
14.   Yamanashi WS, Patil AA, Valentine JL, Hill DL and Lester PD:Intraoperative hyperthermia on animal models for treatment of aneurysms and tumors using electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probes. Second Annual Meeting, American Society of Clinical Hyperthermic Oncology. Palm Springs, California.  12/5/85. Podium Presentation.
15.   Patil AA, Yamanashi WS, Valentine JL, Hill DL:  Electromagnetic field focusing probe - A new surgical tool. Congress of Neurological Surgeons annual meeting.  New Orleans, Louisiana.  9/15/86.  Poster Presentation.
16.   Patil AA, Murtagh F, Bruno L:  Preliminary experience with the Patil System in computed tomography (CT) guided stereotactic surgery.  Congress of Neurological Surgeons
annual meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. 9/15/86.
Poster Presentation.
17.   Patil AA, Yamanashi WS, Valentine JL, Hill DL:  Electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probe in the treatment of deep lesions - Experimental study.  Congress     of neurological surgeons annual meeting.  New Orleans, Louisiana.9/15/86.Poster Presentation.
18.   Yamanashi W, Patil A, Hill D, Valentine J, LePage J:  Radio-frequency induced focused heat probe in the treatment of aneurysms. 72nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Chicago, Il. 12/5/86.  Podium Presentation. 
19.   Yamanashi W, Patil AA, Valentine JL, Hill DL, Filip O,  Lester PD:Radiofrequency induced current convergence probe, a hyperthermic device for surgical oncology. American Society of Clinical Hyperthermic Oncology, Fourth Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, 12/11-14/86. Podium Presentation.
20.   Patil A, Woosley R, Yamanashi W:  Electromagnetic field focusing probe.  Southern Neurosurgical Society. 3/87. Podium Presentation.
21.   Le Page JR, Yamanashi W, Lewis J, Valentine J, Patil AA: A new device for laserless angiopyroplasty.  Society for Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, San Diego,CA. 3/87.Podium Presentation.
22.   Yamanashi W, Patil A, Le Page JR, Hill D, et al:  Radio-frequency electromagnetic field focusing (EFF) probe for  angioplasty and intravascular endarterectomy.  Ninth Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetic Society.  Portland, Oregon. 6/87. Podium Presentation.
23.   Patil AA, Murtagh F, Bruno L:  Preliminary experience with the Patil Stereotaxic System.  European Congress of Neurosurgery, Barcelona, Spain. 9/87. Poster Presentation.
24.   Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Valentine J, Hill D:  EFF probe inneurosurgery.  European Congress of Neurosurgery, Barcelona, Spain. 9/87. Poster Presentation.
25.   Patil AA, Fillmore K, Hill D:  Effect of HCG in restoration of physiological continuity of spinal cord sectioned rats. European Congress of Neurosurgery, Barcelona, Spain. 9/87. Podium Presentation.
26.   Patil AA, Yamanashi W, Hill D, Valentine J:  Electromagnetic Field Focusing (EFF) System for intravascular endarterectomy.  Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. 10/87. Podium Presentation.
27.   Patil A, Yamanashi W, Hill D Valentine J: Electromagnetic Field Focusing (EFF) System-A new surgical tool for brain tumor surgery. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. 10/87. Poster Presentation.
28.   Patil A, Leibrock L, Yamanashi W: Electromagnetic Field Focusing (EFF) probe in clinical neurosurgery - preliminary report. American Association of Neurological Surgeons -Annual Meeting, April 1-6, 1989, Washington, D.C. Poster Presentation.
29.   Patil A, Hahn F, Yamanashi W: Electromagnetically induced current convergence for vascular thrombosis. American Association of Neurological Surgeons - Annual Meeting, April 1-6, 1989, Washington, D.C., Poster Presentation.
30.   Patil A, Leibrock L, Yamanashi W: Tumor Excision with the Electromagnetic Field Focusing (EFF) System. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Atlanta, GA Oct. 31, 1989 Poster Presentation.
31.   Patil AA: Electromagnetic Field Focusing System. A new microsurgical tool.  American Assoc. of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, May 2, 1990.
32.   Patil AA: Free standing stereotactic microsurgical technique in "key hole" intracranial procedures.  American Assoc. of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, May 2, 1990.
33.   Patil AA: Stereotactic Brachytherapy Management of Skull Base Tumors. Second Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Feb., 1991.
34.   Patil A, Leibrock L, Kumar P: Stereotaxis in the management of skull-base lesions. Poster Presentation at the AANS Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 20-25, 1991.
35.   Patil A, Leibrock L, Letcher F, Yamanashi W: Neurosurgical applications of the Electromagnetic Field Focusing System. Poster Presentation at the AANS Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 20-25, 1991.
36.   Patil A, Yamanashi W: Stereotactic Microsurgical excision of intracranial tumors using the EFF system. Podium Presentation at The American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Surgery Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 18, 1991.
37.   Patil A: Stereotactic fencing of intracranial tumors. Poster Presentation at The American Society for        Stereotactic and Functional Surgery Scientific Meeting,   Pittsburgh, PA, June 16-19, 1991.
38.   Patil A, Kumar P, Leibrock L: Stereotactic approach to tumors in and around the cavernous sinus.  Poster Presentation at The American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Surgery Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 16-19, 1991.
39.   Patil A, Leibrock L, Kumar P: Response of extra-axial tumors to stereotactic brachytherapy. Poster Presentation at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 24-31, 1991.
40.   Patil A, Letcher F, W Yamanashi: Electromagnetic Field Focusing System in Neurosurgery. Podium presentation at the Ninth European Congress of Neurosurgery, Moscow,  Soviet Union,June 23, 1991.
41.   Patil A, Kumar P, Leibrock L: Prolonged treatment of relatively noninvasive intracranial tumors with stereotactically placed high-activity I-125 seeds.  American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 11-14, 1992. Poster Presentation.
42.   Patil A:  Stereotactic basal approaches to lesions at and    around the skull base.  Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, DC, November 29, 1992.
43.   Kumar PP, Patil AA, Leibrock LG: Continuous low  dose  brachytherapy with high-activity iodine-125 seeds in the management of skull base meningiomas.Fourth annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Scottsdale, AZ, February 12-14, 1993.
44.   McBride D, Patil A, Yamanashi W: Electromagnetic surgical  instrument enhances resection of meningiomas. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Boston, MA, 4/24-4/29/93.
45.   Patil A, Kumar P, Leibrock LG: Response of extraaxial  tumors to stereotactically implanted high activity I-125  permanent seeds. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Boston, MA  4/24-4/29/93.
46.   Patil A, Andrew R: Volumetric stereotactic lesioning of   intracranial structures for control of intractable seizures. World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Ixtapa, Mexico, October 14, 1993.
47.   Patil A, Andrew R, Prabhu V: Non-resective disruption of  seizure circuits.  Congress of Neurological Surgery, Vancouver, Canada, October 3-7, 1993. (Poster Presentation)
48.   Patil A, Brown M, Rodriguez-Sierra J, Zumpano B: Omental transposition to the brain for Parkinson's Disease:Congress of Neurological Surgery, Vancouver, Canada,October 3-7, 1993.
49.   Patil AA, Leibrock LG, Good R: Response of cranial nerves to High-Activity 125Iodine. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA, April 9-14, 1994.
50.   Patil A, Yamanashi W: Electroconvergent cautery. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA, April 9-14, 1994.
51.   Patil A, Andrews R: Non-resective surgery for extensive seizure foci. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Podium Presentation, San Diego, CA, April 9-14, 1994.
52.   Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R: Non-resective surgery for temporal lobe seizures. Epilepsy Symposium, Podium Presentation, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, May 24, 1994.
53. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R: Multiple subpial  transections for intractable frontal lobe seizures with multiple lobar or BIHEMISPHERIC foci. Poster, Congress of neurological surgeons, Annual Mtg. Chicago, Oct. 1-6, 1994.
54. Patil A, McBride D, Yamanashi W: Convergent electrical  energy for tumor resection. Poster, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Mtg. Chicago, Oct 1-6, 1994.
55. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R: Stereotactic volumetric radiofrequency lesioning of the amygdala-hippocampus  complex for the treatment of temporal lobe seizures Poster, Annual meeting, American association neurological surgeon, Orlando Fl April 22-27, 1995.
56. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Minimally invasive procedures for intractable seizures. Podium presentation. American Stereotactic Society Mtg, Marina Del Ray, CA,  3/9/95.
57. Hahn F, Cuka G, Patil A et al: Functional Neuroanatomy  of Pallidotomy, Poster, American Society of Neuroradiology
58. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R: Isolation of dominant  seizure foci by multiple subpial transection, Podium  presentation, Epilepsy symposium, Cleveland Clinic, May 15, 1996.
59. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R: Percutaneous amygdalahippocampotomy, Poster at Epilepsy Symposium,Cleveland Clinic, May 15, 1996.
60. Patil A, Andrews R: Surgical treatment of BIHEMISPHERIC seizure foci. Poster at the Congress of Neurological  surgeons' meeting, Montreal, Sept 30, 1996
61. Patil A, Hahn F et al. Pallidotomy or fasciculoanastomy?  Poster at the Congress of Neurosurgeons' meeting,   Montreal, Sept 30, 1996
62. Patil A, Hahn F. Pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease: Direct targeting and intraoperative verification. Poster at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons' meeting,   Montreal, Sept 30, 1996.
63. Hahn F, Patil A et al. Pallidotomy for Parkinsons'  disease: Understanding Functional Neuroanatomy, Improving benefits and lowering risks. Scientific Exhibit at The Radiological Society of North America, Dec 1, 1996, Chicago, Il.
64. Patil A, Andrrews R, Torkelson R. Minimally invasive  epilepsy surgery at the American Association of  Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Denver April 16,1997 (podium presentation).
65. Patil A, Wong S. Bipolar macroelectrode for pallidotomy  at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Denver, April 13-16, 1997 (poster presentation)
66.     Patil A, Andrews R. Surgical treatment of independent  bihemispheric seizure foci. World Congress of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Lyon, France.   July 2-4, 1997.( presented as poster)
67. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Isolation of "dominant seizure foci" by multiple subpial transection (MST). World Congress of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgry, Lyon, France.(Podium presentation)
68. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Special features of  multiple subpial transection. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, October 1, 1997.(Podium presentation)
69. Lewine J, Andrews R, Patil A et al. Magnetoencephalographic pattern of epileptiform activity in children with regressive autism spectrum disorder.   American epilepsy society meeting, Boston, December 8,  1997 (podium presentation)
70. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Usefulness of multiple subpial transection. International Epilepsy Symposium, Cleveland Clinic, 6/25/98, podium presentation.
71. Patil A, Andrews R.Multiple subpial transection for autistic epileptiform regression, Congress of Neurological surgeons, Seattle, Podium presentation, October,6, 98.
72. Patil A. Multiple subpial transection for seizure disorder.  AANS annual meeting, Toronto, podium presentation, April 25, 2001.
73. Patil A. Electromagnetic field system.  AANS annual meeting, Toronto, poster presentation, April 2001.
74.  Patil A, et al.  Seizure surgery with minimal cortical loss to treat extensive seizure foci.  CNS annual meeting, Philadelphia, podium presentation, September 23, 2002
75. Patil a et al: Is seizure surgery on both hemispheres safe and effective. Presentation at the plenary session of AANS April 28, 2003
76. R Kumar, A. Patil, R. Andrews, S Singh.  Role of centromedian thalamic stimulation in intractable epilepsy.  American epilepsy society meeting, (poster presentation) December 2004.
77. A. Patil, R Andrews. Multiple hippocampal transection.  CNS annual meeting, Denver, April 2011. (e-poster)
78.  A Patil, R Andrews The benefit of intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) during transective surgeries.Annual meeting,American epilepsy society, Baltimore, December 5th 2011
79.A. Patil, A. Anthony, R Andrews  Efficacy of vagal nerve stimulation after multiple subpial transection., AAN annual meeting, New orleans April 23rd, 2012
80. A. Anthony, A patil, R. Andrews Long term followup of centromedian thalamic nucleus stimulation in intractable epilepsy.  AAN annual meeting, New Orleans, April 23rd 2012.
81. Patil A, Andrews R. Long term seizure outcome after multiple hippocampal transection. Podium presentation, Congress of Neurological surgery, Annual meeting, Chicago October 8, 2012
82. Torres-Russotto A Patil. GPi−Deep brain stimulation can be useful for both refractory tics and OCD in severe Tourette Syndrome, 17ty Internatioonal congress of parkinson's disease and movement disorder. Sydney, Australia, June 16 th, 2013.
83. Patrea R, Patil A.A round hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign in a patient with seizures: an unusual presentation of a brain tumor rather than a subarachnoid hemorrhage” for a poster presentation at the American Academy of Neurology 67th Annual Meeting, April 18 to April 25, 2015 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC.
84. Patil A, Chamczuk A, Nelson B.   Stereotactic radiofrequency ablation of trigeminal ganglion with intraoperative scans under general anesthesia.  American Association of Neurological Surgeons.  Annual meeting, Chicago 2016
1. Patil A: External Beam Stereotactic Radiation. Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society, Omaha, NE, Oct 14, 1989
2. Prabhu V, Patil A, Hellbusch L, Leibrock L:  Vertebral   artery thrombosis in spinal injuries. Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Kansas City, MO, November 21, 1992.
3. Patil A: Stereotactic basal approaches to lesions at and  around the skull base. Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society  Meeting, Kansas City, MO, November 21, 1992.
4. Brown M, Patil A, Rodriquez-Sierra J, Zumpano B: Omental  transposition to the brain in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Omaha, NE, May 22, 1993.
5. Patil AA: Electroconvergent cautery.  Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Omaha, NE, May 22, 1993.
6. Prabhu V, Patil A, White CR, VonEssen S:  Gliomatosis cerebri - a case report.  Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Omaha, NE, May 22, 1993.
7. Patil A: Non-resective surgery. Iowa Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Iowa City, IA, December 11, 1993.
8. Patil A: Transnasal and transoral stereotactic  procedures.  Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Omaha, NE, May 14, 1994.
9. Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R.: Minimally-invasive surgical treatment of intractable epilepsy. Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society, Kansas City, October, 22, 1994
10.    Patil A, Andrews R, Torkelson R. Surgical treatment of multilobar and BIHEMISPHERIC seizure foci, Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society, Iowa City, April 1995.
11.    Patil A. Pallidotomy. Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society, Omaha, October 1995.
12.    Patil A, Andrews R. Surgical treatment of epileptic aphasia.  Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society,      Omaha, October 1997.
13.    Falloon T, Patil A. Direct indeinficatiion of thalamotomy target. Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical Society,   Omaha, October 1997.
14.    Puccioni M, Patil A. Cystic dilatation of fourth ventricle due to Chiari malformation. Iowa-Midwest Neurosurgical  Society,Omaha, October 1997.
1.  Patil A : Stereotactic Surgery, Mitsui General Hospital, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, June 23, 1989.
2.  Patil AA:  Electromagnetic Field Focusing System in Clinical Neurosurgery.  St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India, June 12, 1989.
3.    Patil AA: Stereotactic Surgery. Peninsula Hospital, San Francisco, CA, February 16, 1990.
4.    Patil AA: Stereotactic Surgery. University of Mexico, Children's Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico, June 30, 1990.
5.    Patil AA. Stereotactic Surgery. St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India, December, 1991.
6.    Patil A. Stereotactic Craniotomy.  Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, DC, November 29, 1992.
7.  Patil A. Update on Techniques on Stereotactic biopsy. (Transnasal and transoral procedures). Congress of  Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, Il. Oct. 5, 1994.
8.  Patil A. Seizure surgery. Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas. 12/1/94
9.  Patil A., pallidotomy- Nebraska and Iowa Parkinsons's disease meeting, Omaha, August 19, 1995.
10. Patil A. Pallidotomy. St John's Medical Academy, Bangalore, India, 12/96.
11. Patil A, Update on pallidotomy and seizure surgery, Ruby Hall Medical Center, Pune, India, 1/9/96.
12. Patil A. Changing Concepts of Functional Neurosurgery, at the CME program of the Neurological Society of India, Calcutta, India, Dec 11, !996.
13.Patil A. Surgical treatment of autistic epileptiform regression. University of Korea, Seoul, 10/21/98
14. Patil A. Multiple hippocampal transecetion. National Institute for Mental Health and Neurological Sciences, Bangalore, India, August 27, 2010
    Patil AA: Stereotactic Workshop,     International College of Surgeon's Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 11, 1992.
1.  Patil AA:  Stereotactic Course at the Congress of  Neurological Surgeons, Seattle, Washington.    September 25, 1988. 
2.  Patil AA:  Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Focusing Probe - use in Clinical Neurosurgery. Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 11 and 12, 1989
3.  Patil AA:  Image-Guided Stereotactic Surgery, Atlanta, GA, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Oct. 29, 1989.
4.  Patil AA: Two Workshops on Stereotaxic Surgery, The Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Los Angeles, CA, Oct, 21, 1990.
5.  Patil AA:  Course on Stereotactic Surgery with the Patil Stereotactic System, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans, April 20, 1991.
6.  Patil AA:  Principles of Stereotaxis and The Patil System,     Hands on Workshop, at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando,    FL, October 26, 1991
7.  Patil AA:  Stereotactic Course. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, DC, November, 1992.
8.  Patil AA: Stereotactic Workshop, Annual Meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Boston, MA, April 24, 1993.
9. Patil AA:   Stereotactic Workshop, Annual Meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Diego, CA, April 9-14, 1994.
10.Patil AA:   Stereotactic workshop, Annual meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Orlando Fl, April 22, 1995.
11.Patil AA:   Family Practice Review Course (head injury),  University of Nebraska Medical Center, March   21,1996.
12. Patil AA:  Family Practice Review Course (head injury), University of Nebraska Medical Center, April 18, 1996.
13. Patil AA:  Stereotactic workshop, Annual meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Minneapolis, MN, April, 28, 1996.
14  Patil  A:  Movement disorder workshop by the Neurological  Society of India and St John's Medical College, Dec 17-18, 1996, in Bangalore India
15. Patil A:   Stereotactic workshop, Annual Meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Denver, 13 April, 1997.
16. Patil AA:   Family Practice Review Course (head injury), University of Nebraska Medical Center, March and April,1997.
17. Patil AA:   Family Practice Review Course (head injury), University of Nebraska Medical Center, March and  April,1998.
18. Patil A:   Stereotactic workshop, Annual Meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons,Philadelphia, 26 April, 1998.
19. Patil A. Multiple hippocampal transection.  Southern Epilepsy Society. June, 2008.
1.  Patil AA:  Program director - Workshop on CT Stereotaxis,
Tulsa, OK, March 1987.
2.  Patil AA:  Course on The Patil Stereotactic System, Course Director, Omaha, NE, October 21, 1989.
3.  Patil AA:  Course on The Patil Stereotactic System,
Course Director, Omaha, NE, March 17, 1990.
4.  Patil AA:  Course on the Patil Stereotactic System,
Course Director, Omaha, NE, Sept. 28, 1990.
5.  Patil AA:  Course on The Patil Stereotactic System, Hands on
Workshop, Omaha, NE, May 18, 1991.
6.  Patil AA:  Course Director, Stereotactic Workshop, Lakeland, FL., Oct. 25, 1991.
7.  Patil AA:  Course Director, Stereotactic Workshop, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA.   April 23, 1993
8. Patil A : Course Director, workshop on Patil stereotactic  system, Seoul, Korea, 10/20/98.
1. Single unit artificial disc
1. Bijhan Aarabi from Iran, stereotactic surgery
2. M Etmadrezai from Iran, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
3) Ashish Chand from India, Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
4) D Zhou from China, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
5) D Kang from Korea, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Teaching Interests

  • Neurosurgery

Research Focus

Epilepsy surgery
stereotactiic surgery
stem cell stimulation for brain repair






  • Chemical Septoplasty Using Papain. Midwest Neurosurgical Society, Omaha, NE 2021
  • 3-D ventriculostomy guide. Midwest Neurosurgical Society -Omaha, NE 2021
  • Mid-west neurosurgery meeting in Kansas City presentation of direct aneurysm coiling 2019
  • A paper was presented stereotactic cryo ablation at the American Association of neurological Surgeon's annual meeting in San Diego on stereotactic cryo ablation 2019
  • Patil A, Chamczuk A, Nelson B. Stereotactic radiofrequency ablation of trigeminal ganglion with intraoperative scans under general anesthesia. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Annual meeting, Chicago 2016
  • Patrea R, Patil A.A round hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign in a patient with seizures: an unusual presentation of a brain tumor rather than a subarachnoid hemorrhage" for a poster presentation at the American Academy of Neurology 67th Annual Meeting, 2015
  • Torres-Russotto A Patil. GPi−Deep brain stimulation can be useful for both refractory tics and OCD in severe Tourette Syndrome, 17ty Internatioonal congress of parkinson's disease and movement disorder. Sydney, Australia, 2013
  • Patil A, Andrews R. Long term seizure outcome after multiple hippocampal transection. Podium presentation, Congress of Neurological surgery, Annual meeting, Chicago 2012
  • A. Patil, A. Anthony, R Andrews Efficacy of vagal nerve stimulation after multiple subpial transection., AAN annual meeting, New orleans 2012
  • A. Anthony, A patil, R. Andrews Long term followup of centromedian thalamic nucleus stimulation in intractable epilepsy. AAN annual meeting 2012
  • a) Feasibility study for direct stereotactic aneurysm coiling was done. Podium paper presentations was done at the late braking research session at the congress of neurological surgery annual meeting in San Francesco. One of the surgeons at the National Neurosciences Institute in Bangalore India has invited me to give them a presentation and perhaps start a clinical study.


  • Editorial Board - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Spine
    2016 - 2016

  • 2016 Reviewer-Neurosurgery Journal Reviewer-Journal of Neurology and Stroke
    2016 - 2016

  • Reviewer-catheterization and interventional radiology
    1997 - 1998

  • Reviewer-catheterization and interventional radiology
    1995 - 1995

  • NIH On-Site reviewer.
    1993 - 1993

  • Reviewer-Vascular Surgery.
    1992 - 1992