Manual de las toxicidades relacionadas con el tratamiento del cáncer Abazeed Mohammed, Fleming Christopher W., Estfan Bassam, Gandhi Shipra, Goyal Itivrita, Gupta Aman, Khunger Arjun, King Melissa, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Pandey Manu, Patel Shyamal, Patil Pradnya D., Punekar Salman R., Puzanov Igor, Pansare Rahul, Shepard Dale, Sukari Ammar, Taneja Alankrita, Thawani Nitika, Vachhani Pankit, Velcheti Vamsidhar, Vemula Sharanya, Vyas Shilpa, Yadlapalli Sri, Abdallah Nadine, Calabrese Cassandra, Carulli Alison, Chowdhury Tahmida, Ernstoff Marc S., Mutyala Subhakar, Nagasaka Misako, Colaboradores [Book Chapter] 2022
Interventions in Pulmonary Medicine Panchabhai Tanmay S., Ghobrial Michael, Mehta Atul C., History of Bronchoscopy: The Evolution of Interventional Pulmonology [Book Chapter] 2017
Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Highland Kristin B., Interstitial Lung Disease-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension in the Connective Tissue Disorders [Book Chapter] 2017
Diseases of the Central Airways Mehta Atul C., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Karnak Demet, Endobronchial Fungal Infections [Book Chapter] 2016
Cancer cytopathology Avasarala Sameer K., Matta Maroun, Singh Jaspal, Bomeisl Philip, Michael Claire W., Young Benjamin, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Di Felice Christopher, Dahlberg Greta, Maldonado Fabien, Rapid On‐site Evaluation Practice Variability Appraisal (ROSE PETAL) survey 131:2, p. 90 - 99 2023
Transplantation Banifadel Momen, Vonau Martin, Young Benjamin, Panchabhai Tanmay, Gilkeson Robert C, Schilz Robert, Matta Maroun, 'Digital Tomosynthesis' As a Technique for the Evaluation of Endobronchial Stents in Lung Transplant Recipients 106:12, p. 2462 - 2465 2022
Oberg Catherine L, Keyes Colleen, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Sajawal Ali Muhammed, Oh Scott S, Grogan Tristan R, Mojica James, Auchincloss Hugh, Pulido Natalie, Brait Kelsey, Folch Erik E, Combined Percutaneous Tracheostomy and Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes in COVID-19: A Prospective Series of Patient Outcomes 2021
Journal of intensive care medicine Oberg Catherine L., Keyes Colleen, Sajawal Ali Muhammed, Oh Scott S., Mojica James, Auchincloss Hugh, Pulido Natalie, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Grogan Tristan R., Brait Kelsey, Folch Erik E., Combined Percutaneous Tracheostomy and Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes in COVID-19: A Prospective Series of Patient Outcomes 36:11, p. 1340 - 1346 2021
Chest Roy Sreeja Biswas, Trahan Amy, Huang JASMINE, Edwards REBEKAH, Abdelrazek Hesham, Thawani Nitika, Panchabhai Tanmay, MUCOUS PLUGS OR CANCER: THAT IS THE QUESTION 156:4, p. A675 - A675 2019
Chest Roy Sreeja Biswas, Abdelrazek Hesham, Luzny Thomas, Walia Rajat, Panchabhai Tanmay, MYCOBACTERIUM ABSCESSUS CAUSING DISSEMINATED SKIN INFECTION IN A LUNG TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT 156:4, p. A1387 - A1388 2019
Clinics in chest medicine Panchabhai Tanmay S., Abdelrazek Hesham A., Bremner Ross M., Lung Transplant in Patients with Connective Tissue Diseases 40:3, p. 637 - 654 2019
ERJ open research Panchabhai Tanmay S., Cabodevila Eduardo Mireles, Pioro Erik P., Wang Xiaofeng, Han Xiaozhen, Aboussouan Loutfi S., Pattern of lung function decline in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: implications for timing of noninvasive ventilation 5:3, p. 44 2019
BMC pulmonary medicine Panchabhai Tanmay S., Arrossi Andrea Valeria, Highland Kristin B., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Culver Daniel A., Budev Marie M., Farver Carol F., A single-institution study of concordance of pathological diagnoses for interstitial lung diseases between pre-transplantation surgical lung biopsies and lung explants 19:1, p. 20 - 20 2019
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology Panchabhai Tanmay S., Abdelrazek Hesham, Bremner Ross M., Follow the Vessel Approach for Navigational Bronchoscopy The 'Unseen' Bronchus Sign? 26:1, p. E8 - E11 2019
Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology Biswas Roy Sreeja, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S., An Iatrogenic Pulmonary Nodule After Transbronchial Biopsy in a Lung Transplant Recipient: Proven on Pathology 26:1, p. e11 - e13 2019
Transplantation proceedings Madan N., Abdelrazek H., Patil P. D., Ross M. D., Roy S. B., Thawani N., Hahn M. F., Bremner R. M., Panchabhai T. S., Development of Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Pulmonary Aspergillosis in the Native Lung of a Lung Transplant Recipient: A Case Report 50:10, p. 4080 - 4084 2018
International Journal of Surgical Pathology Boylan Katherine E., Larsen Brandon T., Young Brittany A., Downs-Kelly Erinn, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Collum Earle S., Jensen Leif, Emerson Lyska L., Pulmonary Mycobacterial Spindle Cell Pseudotumor: A Report of 3 Cases Including a Practical Approach to Histopathologic Recognition of This Unusual Entity 26:7, p. 629 - 634 2018
Journal of thoracic disease Panchabhai Tanmay S., Roy Sreeja Biswas, Madan Nikhil, Abdelrazek Hesham, Patel Vipul J., Walia Rajat, Bremner Ross M., Electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy for diagnosing peripheral lung lesions in lung transplant recipients: a single-center experience 10:8, p. S108 - S114 2018
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology Madan Nikhil, Abdelrazek Hesham, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Pill in the Airway of a Lung Transplant Recipient 25:3, p. 228 - 230 2018
Journal of thoracic disease Panchabhai Tanmay S., Chaddha Udit, McCurry Kenneth R., Bremner Ross M., Mehta Atul C., Historical perspectives of lung transplantation: connecting the dots 10:7, p. 4516 - 4531 2018
Chest Omar Ashraf, Patil Pradnya D, Hoshi Sami, Huang Jasmine, Collum Earle, Panchabhai Tanmay S, A 68-Year-Old Lung Transplant Recipient With Shortness of Breath, Weight Loss, and Abnormal Chest CT 153:6, p. e153 - e157 2018
Chest Chaddha Udit, Patil Pradnya D., Omar Ashraf, Walia Rajat, Panchabhai Tanmay S., A 47-Year-Old Man With Fever, Dry Cough, and a Lung Mass After Redo Lung Transplantation 153:6, p. E147 - E152 2018
Journal of thoracic disease Gemma Vincent, Gagliano Ronald A., Bremner Ross M., Walia Rajat, Row David, Mistrot Daniel, Mehta Atul C., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Pneumatosis intestinalis in solid organ transplant recipients 10:3, p. 1984 - 1997 2018
Case reports in pulmonology Ross Mitchell D., Biswas Roy Sreeja, Patil Pradnya D., Thawani Nitika, Drosten Ralph, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Huang Jasmine L., Coexistent Non–Small Cell Carcinoma and Small Cell Carcinoma in a Patient Presenting with Hyponatremia 2018, p. 1718326 - 4 2018
Case reports in pulmonology Biswas Roy Sreeja, Ross Mitchell D, Madan Nikhil, Abdelrazek Hesham, Edwards Rebekah, Collum Earle S, Bremner Ross M, Patel Vipul J, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Aspirated Almond Masquerading as an Obstructing Endobronchial Mass Suspicious for Lung Cancer 2018, p. 3742036 - 5 2018
Case reports in pulmonology Koneru Himaja, Abdelrazek Hesham, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Madan Nikhil, Patil Pradnya D., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Biswas Roy Sreeja, Islam Monirul, Pulmonary Artery Pseudoaneurysm: A Rare Cause of Fatal Massive Hemoptysis 2018, p. 8251967 - 4 2018
Case reports in transplantation Biswas Roy Sreeja, Ross Mitchell D., Patil Pradnya D., Trepeta Richard, Bremner Ross M., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Primary Nocardia Infection Causing a Fluorodeoxyglucose-Avid Right Renal Mass in a Redo Lung Transplant Recipient 2018, p. 9752860 - 5 2018
Respiratory medicine case reports Patil Pradnya D., Sultan Samir, Hahn M. Frances, Roy Sreeja Biswas, Ross Mitchell D., Abdelrazek Hesham, Bremner Ross M., Thawani Nitika, Walia Rajat, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Incidental extensive adenocarcinoma in lungs explanted from a transplant recipient with an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis flare-up: A clinical dilemma 25, p. 45 - 48 2018
Transplantation proceedings Panchabhai T S, Arrossi A V, Patil P D, Bandyopadhyay D, Budev M M, McCurry K R, Farver C, Unexpected Neoplasms in Lungs Explanted From Lung Transplant Recipients: A Single-Center Experience and Review of Literature 50:1, p. 234 - 240 2018
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology Chaddha Udit, Patil Pradnya D., English Rebekah, Panchabhai Tanmay S., An Unusual Presentation of Cervical Carcinoma Metastasis as Mediastinal Adenopathy 24:4, p. E61 - E63 2017
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology Chaddha Udit, Patil Pradnya D., English Rebekah, Walia Rajat, Panchabhai Tanmay S., The Imitation Game: A 55-Year-OldMan With a Lung and Adrenal Mass 24:4, p. E52 - E54 2017
Chest Patil Pradnya D, Cua Yvette M, Farver Carol, Perez Rafael L, Mehta Atul C, Panchabhai Tanmay S, A 54-Year-Old Man With Anasarca, Dyspnea, and Recurrent Bilateral Pleural Effusions 152:2, p. e39 - e44 2017
The Journal of heart and lung transplantation Biswas Roy S., Bremner R.M., Haworth C., Smith M.A., Walia R., Olson M., Kang P., Varsch K.E., Panchabhai T.S., (981) - Lung Transplant Outcomes in Donors Managed with Airway Pressure Release Ventilation 36:4, p. S318 - S319 2017
Case reports in pulmonology Mony Shruti, Patil Pradnya D., English Rebekah, Das Ananya, Culver Daniel A., Panchabhai Tanmay S., A Rare Presentation of Sarcoidosis as a Pancreatic Head Mass 2017, p. 7037162 - 3 2017
The American journal of emergency medicine Moffett Bryan K., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Nakamatsu Raul, Arnold Forest W., Peyrani Paula, Wiemken Timothy, Guardiola Juan, Ramirez Julio A., Comparing posteroanterior with lateral and anteroposterior chest radiography in the initial detection of parapneumonic effusions 34:12, p. 2402 - 2407 2016
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay S, Mehta Atul C, Sehgal Sameep, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Erzurum Serpil C, Mukhopadhyay Sanjay, Plugs of the Air Passages: A Clinicopathologic Review 150:5, p. 1141 - 1157 2016
Chest Ballachanda Subbaiah Taaran Cariappa, Khosla Manraj, Mcghan Lee, Panchabhai Tanmay, Sue Richard, Huang Jasmine, The Milky Path to the Diagnosis of an Anterior Mediastinal Mass 150:4, p. 339 - 339A 2016
The American journal of gastroenterology Mony Shruti, English Rebekah, Das Ananya, Panchabhai Tanmay, Sarcoidosis Masquerading as a Pancreatic Mass 111, p. S561 2016
Journal of thoracic disease Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Bajaj Navkaranbir S., Patil Pradnya D., Bunte Matthew C., Primary pulmonary artery sarcoma: a close associate of pulmonary embolism-20-year observational analysis 8:9, p. 2592 - 2601 2016
Clinics in Chest Medicine Panchabhai Tanmay S., Farver C., Highland K. B., Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia 37:3, p. 463 - 474 2016
Annals of the American Thoracic Society Ramaswamy Anuradha, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Farver Carol, Mehta Atul C, Recurrent Tracheal Stenosis: A Novel Presentation of Silicosis 13:7, p. 1184 - 1187 2016
Chest Tejwani Vickram, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Kotloff Robert M, Mehta Atul C, Complications of Lung Transplantation: A Roentgenographic Perspective 149:6, p. 1535 - 1545 2016
Chest Mistrot Daniel P, Gemma Vincent A, Gagliano, Jr Ronald A, Omar Ashraf, Panchabhai Tanmay S, A 54-Year-Old Man Presenting With an Abnormal Abdominal CT Scan 8 Months After Double Lung Transplant 149:5, p. e151 - e155 2016
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay, Pioro Erik, Aboussouan Loutfi, Wang Xiaofeng, Zhang Qi, Mireles-Cabodevila Eduardo, Course of Decline of Lung Function Based on Tolerance to Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 149:4, p. A533 - A533 2016
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science Panchabhai Tanmay, Mitchell Charlene, Patil Pradnya, Riley Elizabeth, When the picture is fragmented: Vitamin B[sub]12deficiency masquerading as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 6:2, p. 89 2016
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay, Mireles-Cabodevila Eduardo, Pioro Erik, Aboussouan Loutfi, Predictors of Survival in a Large Cohort of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 149:4, p. A534 - A534 2016
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science Panchabhai Tanmay S., Patil Pradnya D., Riley Elizabeth C., Mitchell Charlene K., When the picture is fragmented: Vitamin B12 deficiency masquerading as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 6:2, p. 89 - 92 2016
International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science Panchabhai Tanmay S, Lane Charles, Krishnan Sudhir, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Kapoor Aanchal, Akindipe Olufemi, Acute ischemic optic neuropathy with extended prone position ventilation in a lung transplant recipient 6:1, p. 45 - 47 2016
Case reports in transplantation Tokman Sofya, Hahn M. Frances, Abdelrazek Hesham, Omar Ashraf, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Patel Vipul J., Walia Rajat, Lung Transplant Recipient with Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis 2016, p. 1 - 4 2016
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay S, Mehta Atul C, Faress Jihane A, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Yadav Ruchi, Arrossi Andrea V, A 42-Year-Old Woman With Abnormal Chest CT Scan and Chylous Ascites 149:1, p. e25 - e28 2016
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay S., Highland Kristin B., Chaisson Neal F., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Aboussouan Loutfi S., A 26-Year-Old Woman With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting With Orthopnea and Restrictive Lung Impairment 149:1, p. e29 - e33 2016
Annals of the American Thoracic Society Panchabhai Tanmay S, Farver Carol, Murthy Sudish C, Mehta Atul C, Recurrent Right Pleural Effusion after Double Lung Transplant 12:10, p. 1572 - 1574 2015
Journal of emergencies, trauma and shock Panchabhai Tanmay S, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Heresi Gustavo, Kapoor Aanchal, The outstanding diagnosis 8:4, p. 244 - 245 2015
Annals of thoracic medicine Panchabhai Tanmay S., Khabbaza Joseph E., Raja Siva, Mehta Atul C., Hatipoglu Umur, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and toilet bronchoscopy as a bridge to pneumonectomy in severe community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia 10:4, p. 292 - 294 2015
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay S., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Alraiyes Abdul Hamid, Mehta Atul C., Almeida Francisco A., A 60-Year-Old Woman With Cough, Dyspnea, and Atelectasis 19 Years Aft er Liver Transplant 148:4, p. E122 - E125 2015
Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology Panchabhai Tanmay S., Machuzak Michael S., Sethi Sonali, Vijhani Praveen, Gildea Thomas R., Mehta Atul C., Almeida Francisco A., Cicenia Joseph C., Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transvascular Needle Aspiration A Single-Center Experience 22:4, p. 306 - 311 2015
ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Mehta Atul C., EBUS-TBNA for the Diagnosis of Lymphoma Still an Achilles Heel 12:9, p. 1263 - 1264 2015
Journal of emergencies, trauma and shock Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Choudhary Chirag, Presence of rash in a catastrophic condition 8:3, p. 170 - 171 2015
Journal of global infectious diseases Panchabhai Tanmay S., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Arrossi Valeria, Brizendine Kyle D., Ahmad Muzaffar, A Red Flag for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in the Elderly 7:3, p. 119 - 120 2015
ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY Panchabhai Tanmay S., Mehta Atul C., Historical Perspectives of Bronchoscopy Connecting the Dots 12:5, p. 631 - 641 2015
The Journal of heart and lung transplantation Zhang A., Panchabhai T.S., Sun Y., Morf H., Budev M.M., Farver C., McCurry K.R., Klingman L., Askar M., (304) - The Deleterious Effect of De Novo DQ Donor Specific Antibody in Lung Transplant Is Not Related to the MFI Values of Luminex Single Antigen Assay 34:4, p. S120 - S120 2015
Journal of global infectious diseases Panchabhai Tanmay S., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Piliang Melissa, Duggal Abhijit, Fungus or Parasite or Both: A Diagnostic Challenge 7:1, p. 40 - 42 2015
Critical care medicine Panchabhai Tanmay, Kousagan Amy, Wazni Oussama, Budev Marie, 1221 42, p. A1645 - A1646 2014
Critical care medicine Panchabhai Tanmay, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Kapoor Aanchal, Lane Charles, Akindipe Olufemi, Faress Jihan, Krishnan Sudhir, 1258 42, p. A1654 2014
Annals of the American Thoracic Society Panchabhai Tanmay S., Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Farver Carol, Mehta Atul C., Fatal Post-Bronchoscopy Bleeding in a Patient with Essential Thrombocytosis 11:10, p. 1668 - 1670 2014
The American journal of medicine Schenone Aldo, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Mireles-Cabodevilla Eduardo, Duggal Abhijit, Krishnan Sudhir, Febrile conundrum: a case of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 127:12, p. 1164 - 1166 2014
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay, Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Yadav Ruchi, Arrossi Valeria, Farver Carol, Faress Jihane, Traversing the Milky Ascitic Path to Get to a Diagnosis 146:4, p. 384 - 384A 2014
Chest Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Arrossi Valeria, Cotta Claudiu, Panchabhai Tanmay, Farha Samar, The Deception of a Hot Nodule 146:4, p. 420 - 420A 2014
Chest Cicenia Joseph, Machuzak Michael, Mazzone Peter, Sethi Sonali, Mehta Atul, Panchabhai Tanmay, Vijhani Praveen, Almeida Francisco, Gildea Thomas, Transvascular EBUS-TBNA: Another Tool in the Diagnostic Assessment of Hilar Lymph Nodes and Lung Lesions 146:4, p. 735A - 735A 2014
Lung India Bandyopadhyay Debabrata, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Mehta Atul C, Mycobacterium and sarcoidosis: Old wine in a new bottle 31:3, p. 205 - 207 2014
Chest Tunsupon Pichapong, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Khemasuwan Danai, Mehta Atul C, Black bronchoscopy 144:5, p. 1696 - 1706 2013
The European respiratory journal Moffett B. K., Panchabhai T. S., Anaya E., Nakamatsu R., Arnold F. W., Peyrani P., Wiemken T., Guardiola J., Ramirez J. A., Computed tomography measurements of parapneumonic effusion indicative of thoracentesis 38:6, p. 1406 - 1411 2011
Journal of global infectious diseases Panchabhai Tanmay S., Arnold Forest W., Bais Rajeev K., Pyle Regan C., Mitchell Charlene K., An Apple-core Lesion in the Colon: An Infectious Etiology 3:2, p. 195 - 198 2011
Southern medical journal (Birmingham, Ala.) Panchabhai Tanmay S., Aronoff George R., Massive Cystic Liver in a Patient with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease 103:7, p. 718 - 720 2010
Infection control and hospital epidemiology Panchabhai Tanmay S., Dangayach Neha S., Oral Cleansing with Chlorhexidine to Decrease the Incidence of Nosocomial Pneumonia: Using the Right Concentration in the Right Place 31:4, p. 429 - 429 2010
Chest Panchabhai Tanmay S., Dangayach Neha S., Krishnan Anand, Kothari Vatsal M., Karnad Dilip R., Oral Hygiene and Nosocomial Pneumonia in Critically III Patients Response 137:1, p. 238 - 238 2010
Journal of emergencies, trauma and shock Patil Pradnya D, Galwankar Sagar C, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Managing human bites 2:3, p. 186 - 190 2009
Journal of postgraduate medicine (Bombay) Dangayach N. S., Kulkarni U. P., Panchabhai T. S., Mentoring medical student research through studentships and fellowships: Reflections from India 55:2, p. 152 - 153 2009
Critical care (London, England) Panchabhai Tanmay S, Dangayach Neha S, Role of chlorhexidine gluconate in ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention strategies in ICU patients: where are we headed? 13:6, p. 427 - 427 2009
Indian journal of medical sciences Panchabhai Tanmay, Gogtay Nithya, Bavdekar Sandeep, Paracetamol induced angioedema 62:10, p. 420 - 422 2008
Adverse drug reaction bulletin Gogtay Nithya J, Kulkarni Uday P, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Adverse reactions to antifungal agents, p. 963 - 966 2008
Journal of postgraduate medicine Panchabhai T S, My experiments with research as a medical student 54:2, p. 166 - 167 2008