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JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery Panwar Aru, Holcomb Andrew J, Nolan Nicole, Duckert Randall, Barney Christian, Chiu Max, Osmolak Angela, Coughlin Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Sayles Harlan, Ganti Apar Kishor, Lindau Robert, Nguyen Cam, Shah Swapnil, Reid Abigail E, Lydiatt William, Su Yungpo B, Mirmiran Alireza, Huang Tien-Shew, Quality of Life and Depression Symptoms After Therapy De-Escalation in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R, Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, 99m Tc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 15:1, p. 82 - 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R., Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, 99mTc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 2023
The Journal of craniofacial surgery Meyer Charles, Holcomb Andrew J., McLean James, Higley Thomas, Militsakh Oleg, Osmolak Angela, Pedicled Forearm Fasciocutaneous Flap for Tracheal Reconstruction: Anomalous Radial Vasculature Preventing Free-Flap 34:5, p. e493 - e495 2023
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Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology Osmolak Angela M., Klatt-Cromwell Cristine N., Price Amber M., Sanclement Jose A., Krempl Greg A., Does perioperative oxandrolone improve nutritional status in patients with cachexia related to head and neck carcinoma? 4:3, p. 314 - 318 2019
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Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Torgersen Zachary H., Bikhchandani Jai, Forse R. Armour, Osmolak Angela M., Ectopic Bone in the Abdominal Cavity: A Surgical Nightmare 17:9, p. 1708 - 1711 2013