John Patrick Murray, BA, PhD


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College of Arts and Sciences
DHHC - Dowling Hall/Humanities Center - 117

John Patrick Murray, BA, PhD


Patrick Murray is professor of philosophy and the John C. Kenefick Faculty Chair in the Humanities at Creighton University.  He is author of Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge (1988) and editor of Reflections on Commercial Life (1997).  A collection of his essays on Marx, The Mismeasure of Wealth: Essays on Marx and Social Form, is in press from Brill in the book series of the journal Historical Materialism
Patrick Murray was born in Evanston, Illinois, and raised in Chicago, Illinois.  He is married to Dr. Jeanne Schuler, a member of the Department of Philosophy at Creighton University.  They have three adult children.

Teaching Interests

  • Marx and Marxian theory, critical theory

Research Focus

His research interests center on the relation between capitalism and modern philosophy and include the British empiricists, Hegel, Marx, and the Frankfurt School.






  • Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge, Humanities Press International. 1988
  • The Mismeasure of Wealth: Essays on Marx and Social Form, in press with Brill Academic Publishers


  • Brill
    “The Secret of Capital’s Self-valorization ‘Laid Bare’: How Hegel Helped Marx Overturn Ricardo’s Theory of Profit,” in Marx’s “Capital” and Hegel’s “Logic,” edited by Fred Moseley and Tony Smith. , p. 189-213 2014
  • Brill
    “The Development of Marx’s Value-Form Theory in the Grundrisse: Reflections on Backhaus,” in Marx’s Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the “Grundrisse,” edited by Riccardo Bellofiore, Peter Thomas, and Guido Starosta, in the Historical Materialism Book Series. 2013
  • Fordham University Press
    “‘A Kind of Piety toward Experience’: Hope in Nuclear Times” (with Jeanne Schuler), in Faith, Resistance, and the Future: Daniel Berrigan’s Challenge to Catholic Social Thought, edited by Anna Brown and James Marsh. 2012
  • Blackwell Publishing
    “Disappearing Act: The Trick Philosophy of Woody Allen” (with Jeanne Schuler) in The Blackwell Companion to Woody Allen, ed. by Peter Bailey and Sam Girgus. 2012

Editing and Reviews

  • Reflections on Commercial Life: An Anthology of Classic Texts from Plato to the Present, Routledge.  1997


  • "Capitals Reach: How Capital Shapes and Subsumes," presented at the Radical Philosophy Association Biennial Meeting, November 6-9, 2014, Stony Brook University, New York; introduced keynote speaker Saskia Sassen (Columbia University). 2014
  • Presented "Capitals Reach: How Capital Subsumes and Shapes," in the "Papers in Progress" Series to the Creighton Philosophy Department. 2014
  • "Revolutionary Capital and Revolution against Capital," presented at the European Studies Conference held at University of Nebraska at Omaha. 2014
  • "Capitals Reach: How Capital Subsumes and Shapes," presented at the 3rd Biennial Iowa State University Symposium on New Directions in Critical Theory, Theme: Capitalisms Future, June 24-26, 2014. 2014
  • "Five Common Conceptual Mistakes about Value and Capital," co-authored by Jeanne Schuler, at the Historical Materialism Conference, University of London, London, UK, November 7-11, 2013. 2013
  • I presented my paper "Capital at the Margins: Does Marx Have the Concept of Hybrid Subsumption? An Exchange between Patrick Murray and Gil Skillman" as part of the panel "Theorising Subsumption," organized by Andres Saenz De Sicilia, at the Historical Materialism Conference, University of London, London, UK, November 7-11, 2013. Since he was unable to attend, I presented Gil Skillmans paper "On Marxs Use of the Term Subsumption" as well. 2013
  • With co-author Jeanne Schuler, I presented and discussed our paper "Reclaiming the Concepts of Value and Capital" in the Philosophy Departments Papers in Progress series 2013
  • "Martin Heidegger on Modern Technology: A Historical Materialist Critique," as a part of the panel Culture and Technology at the European Studies Conference held at University of Nebraska at Omaha. 2013
  • "A Marxian Critique of Neoclassical Economics Reliance on Shadows of Capitals Constitutive Social Forms," co-authored by Dennis Badeen, at the 8th International Conference: Rethinking Marxism, held at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, September 19 - 22, 2013. 2013
  • "Reclaiming the Concepts of Value and Capital," co-authored by Jeanne Schuler, presented to faculty and graduate students of the School of Marxism at Hohai University, Nanjing, China 2013
  • "Reclaiming the Concepts of Value and Capital," co-authored by Jeanne Schuler, presented to faculty and graduate students of the Center for Studies of Marxist Social Theory at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 2013
  • "Marxism and Crisis" (co-authored by Jeanne Schuler), at a session chaired by Peter Amato (Drexel University) and organized by the Marxism and Philosophy Association at the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, in New Orleans, LA, Thursday. 2013
  • "Reclaiming the Concepts of Value and Capital" (with Jeanne Schuler), 10th Biennial Radical Philosophy Association Conference, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, October 11-14, 2012. 2012
  • "The Call of Conscience: Authenticity in Heideggers Being and Time," for the panel "The Individual" organized by Richard White, 37th Annual European Studies Conference, University of Nebraska at Omaha. 2012
  • "Toward a Marxian Discourse on Crisis" (with Patrick Jeanne Schuler), 22nd Annual Working Conference of the International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Creighton University, August 6-10, 2012. 2012
  • Comments on "Capital as the Scientific Revelation of Reason as the rose in the cross of the present," by Ted Winslow; "Internal Relations and Historical materialism," by Kevin Brien; and "Processes of alienation and the structure of bourgeois society," by Mehmet Tabak, at the Marxism and the Philosophy of Internal Relations Symposium, York University, Ontario, Canada. 2012
  • "Instrumental Reason as a Shadow Form of Capital," at the Toronto Historical Materialism Conference, York University, Ontario, Canada, May 10-13, 2012. The session was chaired by Bertell Ollman, New York University. 2012
  • "Capital, the Truth of Utility: Hegel and Marx on the Enlightenment," The Inaugural Conference for Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of German Idealism, University of Nebraska at Omaha, April 13-14, 2012. 2012
  • "Kierkegaard, Capitalism, and the Living Dead," for the panel "Philosophy: On Death," organized by Richard White, 36th Annual European Studies Conference, University of Nebraska at Omaha. 2011
  • "Capital Laid Bare": How Hegel Helped Marx Surpass Ricardos Theory of Profit," presented at the 21st annual working conference of the International Symposium on Marxian Theory (ISMT), Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, August 6-9, 2011. 2011
  • "Its Secret Betrayed: The Contradictory Character of Capitalist Wealth," presented as part of the panel "Marx, Hegel, and Modern Philosophy," with Chris Cutrone and Richard Westerman, organized by Spencer Leonard, The University of Chicago Society of Fellows Weissbourd Conference 2011: Contradiction, The University of Chicago, May 6-7, 2011. 2011
  • Discussant (with Jeanne Schuler) on the panel "Hegel and the future of social theory," organized by Sara Farris (University of Konstanz, Germany) at the 2011 Historical Materialism New York City Conference, at the New School for Social Research, New York City, May 6-8, 2011. 2011
  • "Healing Violent Abstraction with Just Enough Phenomenology" (with Jeanne Schuler), at a plenary session of the 2011 Historical Materialism New York City Conference), at the New School for Social Research, New York City, May 6-8, 2011. 2011
  • "Capital or the Truth of Utility" (with Jeanne Schuler), 37th Conference on Value Inquiry, Creighton University, April 14-16, 2011. 2011
  • Panelist, along with Dr. David Barnett (University of Colorado, Boulder), Chris Pliatska, and Anthony Schlimgen for the opening roundtable of the thirteenth annual Midwest Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, April 8-9, 2011. 2011
  • "Reflections on Backhaus and Marxs Value-Form Theory," Round Table on Marxs Capital, Society for Social and Political Philosophy, Texas A & M University, February 24-7, 2011. 2011


  • Summer Grant from the Dean of the Graduate School, Creighton University, for work on Capital’s Reach: How Capital Shapes and Subsumes.