Edward A . Morse, JD
McGrath North Mullin and Kratz Endowed Chair in Business Law
Prior to joining the Creighton faculty, Professor Morse was a law clerk for the Honorable Deanell R. Tacha of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and he was associated with the law firm of Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan. He is admitted to the bars of Nebraska and Georgia (now inactive), and he is a CPA in Iowa.
Professor Morse’s scholarship focuses on taxation, technology, and regulation, often involving interdisciplinary collaboration. He also speaks and consults regularly on topics related to his research and teaching interests, including annual presentations for the
Great Plains Tax Institute. He has served in various leadership roles for the ABA Cyberspace Law Committee, including past service as vice-chair.
Professor Morse’s teaching has included courses in Antitrust, Business Associations, Federal Income Taxation, International Aspects of U.S. Income Tax, Law & Economics, State & Local Taxation, Taxation of Business Enterprises, and Trusts & Estates. Undergraduate students regularly enroll in his Law & Economics course, and he also lectures in the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions to equip students in matters relating to business organizations.
Professor Morse currently serves as president of the Father Flanagan League Society of Devotion, the actor in the cause for sainthood of Father Edward J. Flanagan, the founder of Boys Town. He also serves on the board of the Thomas More Society, a national public interest law firm. During 2016-2018, he served as president of the university faculty.
A more complete listing of his scholarship, teaching, and research interests can be found on his
Curriculum Vitae and/or
SSRN page.
Curriculum VitaeResearch Focus
Taxation, Electronic Payments and Data Security, Regulation of Internet-based Activity, Health Care DeliveryDepartment
- Morse Edward A., Electronic payment systems 2018
- Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce Law
Morse Edward A., Regulation of online gambling [Book Chapter] 2016 - Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Right sourcing in Nebraska 2015
- RFIDs, Near-Field Communications, and Mobile Payments: A Guide for Lawyers
Morse Edward A., RFID applications in animal agriculture [Book Chapter] 2013 - Something Bigger Than Yourself: Essays in Honour of Richard De Mulder
Morse Edward A., Regulation, markets, and integrity [Book Chapter] 2011 - Uluslararasi Hukuk Kuraltayi
Morse Edward A., Projecting jurisdiction [Book Chapter] 2008 - LexisNexis Tax Advisor -- Federal Topical
Morse Edward A., Tax accounting periods and accounting methods for farmers [Book Chapter] 2007 - Morse Edward A., Goss Ernest P., Governing fortune 2007
- Morse Edward A., Unmasking liberalism 2016
- Morse Edward A., Kierkegaard Sylvia Mercado, , Sound science and trade barriers 2007
- Morse Edward A., Kierkegaard Sylvia Mercado, , The Internet gambling conundrum 2007
- Morse Edward, Kierkegaard Sylvia Mercado, Extraterritorial Internet gambling 2006
- Morse Edward A., Kierkegaard Sylvia Mercado, , Technological entanglements 2006
- Edward A. Morse, Important Developments in Federal Income Taxation, in Great Plains Federal Tax Institute, LaVista, NE, Dec. 5th & 6th 2019
- Religious Liberty Panel Discussion, Nebraska Catholic Conference and Thomas More Society, Omaha, Nebraska (Moderator), June 26 2019
- Video file: Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century (June 12, 2019) (FTC Hearing #14: Roundtable with State Attorneys General, an FTC-Creighton University School of Law event moderated by Ed Morse, Creighton University School of Law & Andrew Smith, Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection), https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events-calendar/ftc-hearing-14-roundtable-state-attorneys-general. 2019
- China-US Culture Panel, Asian World Center, Omaha, Nebraska, April 26 2019
- Immigration Panel, Institute for Economic Inquiry, Omaha, Nebraska, February 28 2019
- Projecting Orthodoxy: Contending with Progressive Designs in the Grievance Culture, Legatus, Lafayette, Louisiana, January 14 2019
- Important Developments in Federal Income Tax, 55TH ANNUAL GREAT PLAINS TAX INSTITUTE, Omaha, Nebraska, November 30 2018
- Reclaiming Social Capital: Contending with Progressive Hegemony, LEGATUS, Dallas, Texas, November 14 2018
- Government Regulation of International Electronic Payments, Webinar for Graduate Students, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 7 2018
- Reclaiming Social Capital: Projecting Orthodoxy into a Progressive Culture, Legatus, Lake Charles, Louisiana, September 27 2018
- Reclaiming Social Capital: Private Ordering Together, Legatus, Houston, Texas, August 21 2018
- Electronic Payments: Regulating Innovation, Conference of State Bank Supervisors Legal Seminar, Denver Colorado, July 19 2018
- Reclaiming Social Capital, Legatus, Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 12 2018
- Private Ordering Together, Legatus, Wichita, Kansas, May 8 2018
- Japan Kaidenren Mission to the United States of America, Omaha, Nebraska (moderator), May 4 2018
- Highlights of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Morgan Stanley Wealth Advisors, Omaha, Nebraska, April 5 2018
- Assessing Abenomics: Prospects for Growth in a Global Economy: A Dialogue with Prof. Kiochi Hamada, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska (moderator and panelist), March 9 2018
- Private Ordering Together, Legatus, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 1 2018
- You Can Only Manage What You Can Measure: Measuring and Operationalizing Cyber Risk, ABA Cyberspace Law Institute/Winter Working Meeting, Atlanta, GA (panelist), Jan.26 2018
- Private Ordering Together, Legatus, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 23 2018
- Important Developments in Federal Income Taxation, State Bar of South Dakota, Tax Update XXXIX, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, December 8 2017
- Important Developments in Federal Income Tax, 54th Annual Great Plains Tax Institute, Omaha, Nebraska, November 30 2017
- Redeeming Society: The Thomas More Society in Context, Legatus, Omaha, Nebraska, June 14 2017
- The Nebraska Lawyer
Morse Edward, Adapting to innovation, p. 23 - 27 2022 - Legatus Magazine
Morse Edward A., Individual liberty during a crisis – a salute to federalism, p. - 2020 - The Nebraska Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Technology insights
23:3, p. 31 - 35 2020 - Business Law Today
Coder Jeremiah, Fuller Pamela A., Morse Edward A., The changing transnational tax environment, p. - 2019 - Legatus Magazine
Morse Edward A., Pro-life legal effort banishing false abortion mantra, p. - 2019 - Morse Edward A., Books for your edification and enjoyment 2007
- Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Gambling interests crap out in 2006 elections 2007
- Morse Edward A., The conundrum of un-free trade 2007
- Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Limiting casinos in Nebraska 2006
- Creighton Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Semper reformanda, p. 10 - 17 2006 - Morse Edward A., Dealing with 'globalization' 2006
- Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Esclusive Indian casino could keep money here 2004
- Nebraska Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Tax planning for closely held businesses in light of the rate reductions in the JGTRRA of 2003, p. 5 - 10 2004 - Creighton Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Learning on the electronic frontier, p. 12 - 15 2001
- Morse Edward, What Father Flanagan meant by ‘No Bad Boys’ 2024
- ISACA Journal
Raval Vasant, Morse Edward A., Working from home
5, p. 11 - 15 2020 - Computer Law & Security Review
Morse Edward A., From Rai stones to Blockchains
34:4, p. 946 - 953 2018 - Business Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Raval Vasant, Wingender John R., SEC cybersecurity guidelines
73:1, p. 1 - 34 2017 - Business Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Ramsey Ian, Navigating the perils of ransomware
72:1, p. 287 - 294 2017 - The John Marshall Law Review
Morse Edward A., Health accounts/arrangements
47:3, p. 990 - 1046 2014 - Business Lawyer
Rubens Jonathan T., Morse Edward A., Survey of the law of cyberspace
69:1, p. 183 - 187 2013 - Morse Edward A., Laws can shrink our sacred space 2013
- Creighton Law Review
Morse Edward A., Lifting the fog
46:2, p. 207 - 257 2013 - Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics
Mirkes Renée, Morse Edward A., Conscience and competing liberty claims
29:1, p. 23 - 39 2013 - Morse Edward A., Get serious about deficit spending 2012
- DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
Morse Edward A., Raval Vasant, Private ordering in light of the law
10:2, p. 213 - 265 2012 - Morse Edward A., Circus of payroll tax cut business as usual in D.C. 2011
- Morse Edward A., From private to public ordering 2011
- Morse Edward A., Wealth disparities price of progress 2011
- Lydian Journal
Morse Edward A., The FACTA the matter, p. 15 - 19 2011 - Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective
Morse Edward A., Raval Vasant, Wingender John R., Jr., Market price effects of data security breaches
20:6, p. 263 - 273 2011 - Morse Edward A., Tax hikes during recession deserve careful scrutiny 2010
- European Journal of Consumer Law
Morse Edward A., Free trade and consumer protection
2010:2, p. 289 - 304 2010 - Lydian Payments Journal
Morse Edward A., Raval Vasant, PCI DSS and the legal framework for security
1, p. 31 - 45 2010 - Business Lawyer
Morse Edward A., Survey of significant developments in Internet gambling
65:1, p. 309 - 316 2009 - International Advances in Economic Research
Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Deskins John A., Have casinos contributed to rising bankruptcy rates?
15:4, p. 456 - 469 2009 - Morse Edward A., Sefranek John P., Judicial fiat should not be last word 2009
- Morse Edward A., Shrinking of health care makes Obama plan flawed 2009
- Akron Tax Journal
Morse Edward A., Whistleblowers and tax enforcement
24, p. 1 - 36 2009 - Oeconomica
Morse Edward A., Not letting a good crisis go to waste, p. 41 - 61 2009 - Goss Ernest P., Morse Edward A., Despite pain, an auto bailout is ill-advised 2008
- Computer Law & Security Report
Morse Edward A., Raval Vasant, PCI DSS
24:6, p. 540 - 554 2008 - Morse Edward A., Speculation and commodity prices 2008
- International Journal of Intercultural Information Management
Morse Edward A., Extraterritorial Internet gambling
1, p. 33 - 48 2007 - Journal of International Computer Law andTechnology
Morse Edward A., Technological entanglements
2:2, p. 94 - 104 2007 - Computer Law & Security Report
Morse Edward A., The Internet gambling conundrum
23:6, p. 529 - 536 2007 - Journal of International Trade Law & Policy
Morse Edward A., Sound science and trade barriers
6:1, p. 1 - 12 2007 - Morse Edward A., Farming programs full of entanglements 2006
- Journal of Taxation of Investments
Morse Edward A., Income averaging
22, p. 303 - 322 2005 - DePaul Law Review
Morse Edward A., Travails of the entrepreneurial ant
50:1, p. 49 - 110 2000 - Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
Morse Edward A., Reflections on the Rule of Law and clear reflection of income
8:3, p. 445 - 539 1999 - Morse Edward A., Several possible surprises in 413 1998
- Creighton Law Review
Morse Edward A., State taxation of Internet commerce
30:4, p. 1113 - 1167 1997 - Florida Tax Review
Morse Edward A., Demystifying LIFO
2:10, p. 559 - 629 1995 - University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform
Morse Edward A., Mediation in debtor/creditor relationship
20:2, p. 587 - 615 1987
Fellow, Nebraska State Bar Foundation
Fellow, Nebraska State Bar Foundation- Veritas Award
Recognition for Pro Bono work on behalf of the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm based in Chicago
Thomas More Society