Clinical Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Wong Siu-Fun, Wenzel Lari B., Monk Bradley J., 20 - Palliative Care and Quality of Life [Book Chapter] 2018
Clinical Gynecologic Oncology: Eighth Edition Chase D. M., Wong S. -F, Wenzel L., Monk Bradley J., Palliative Care and Quality of Life [Book Chapter] 2012
Gynecologic oncology Carter Jeanne, Huang Helen Q, Monk Bradley J, Kim Yong-Beom, Kim Moon-Hong, Stuckey Ashley, Vicus Danielle L, Thawani Nitika, Holman Laura L, Fleury Aimee C, Pearson J Matthew, Feltmate Colleen, Shahin Mark, Lea Jayanthi, Robertson Sharon E, Warshal David, Backes Floor J, Wilkinson-Ryan Ivy, Covens Allan, Evaluation of physical function and quality of life before and after nonradical surgical therapy for stage IA1 and IA2-IB1 cervical cancer (GOG-0278) 195, p. 50 2025
Gynecologic oncology Covens Allan, DiSilvestro Paul, Monk Bradley J, Kim Yong-Beom, Kim Moon-Hong, Huang Helen Q, Robertson Sharon E, Fleury Almee, Pearson J Matthew, Thawani Nitika, Vicus Danielle, Holman Laura L, Shahin Mark S, Lea Jayanthi S, Wilkinson-Ryan Ivy, Feltmate Colleen, Dewdney Summer, Leitao Mario M, Elsayed Ahmed G, Carter Jeanne, Backes Floor, Warshal David, Evaluation of efficacy and fertility after nonradical surgical therapy (extra fascial hysterectomy or cone biopsy, with pelvic lymphadenectomy) for stage IA1, IA2, and IB1 cervical cancer (GOG-0278) 195, p. 59 2025
International journal of gynecological cancer Leitao Mario M., Bixel Kristin L., Chase Dana Meredith, Quick Allison, McCormick Colleen, Black Destin, Lim Peter C., Eskander Ramez N., Walker Joan L., Gotlieb Walter H., LoCoco Salvatore, Martino Martin A., Copeland Larry J., Monk Bradley J., Randall Leslie M., ROCC/GOG-3043: A randomized controlled trial of robotic versus open surgery for early-stage cervical cancer, p. 101760 2025
European journal of cancer (1990) Vergote Ignace, Van Gorp Toon, Laenen Annouschka, Scambia Giovanni, Thaker Premal H., Cibula David, Colombo Nicoletta, Lea Jayanthi, Gonzalez-Martin Antonio, Korach Jacob, Sehouli Jalid, Monk Bradley J., Heinzelmann-Schwarz Viola, Berger Regina, Buscema Joseph, Lau Susie, Mądry Radoslaw, Denys Hannelore, Pepin Jessica Thomes, Salutari Vanda, Bagaméri Andrea, Ardizzoia Antonio, Copeland Larry J., Henry Stéphanie, Cecere Sabrina Chiara, Hruda Martin, Iglesias David A., Manso Luis, Shai Ayelet, O’Malley David M., Tumor Treating Fields therapy in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: Results of the ENGOT-ov50/GOG-3029/INNOVATE-3 pivotal phase 3 randomized study, p. 115306 2025
International journal of gynecological cancer Lokich Elizabeth, Cibula David, Savarese Antonella, Powell Matthew A., Herbertson Rebecca, Gilbert Lucy, Jørgensen Trine Lembrecht, Black Destin, Podzielinski Iwona, Myers Tashanna, Dabrowski Christine, Gill Sarah E., Monk Bradley J., Nevadunsky Nicole, Ring Kari L., Cloven Noelle, Stevens Shadi, Willmott Lyndsay, Mirza Mansoor Raza, Time Course Of Adverse Events In Primary Advanced Or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer Treated With Dostarlimab Plus Chemotherapy In The ENGOT-EN-6-NSGO/GOG-3031/RUBY Trial 35:2, p. 101722 2025
International journal of gynecological cancer Lorusso Domenica, Monk Bradley J., Barretina-Ginesta Maria-Pilar, Pothuri Bhavana, Vergote Ignace, O’malley David M., Haslund Charlotte A., O’cearbhaill Roisin E., Abadie-Lacourtoisie Sophie, Backes Floor J., Heitz Florian, Chase Dana M., Amit Amnon, Moore Kathleen N., Malinowska Izabela A., Graybill Whitney S., Herzog Thomas J., Golembesky Amanda K., Rubio Pérez Maria-Jesús, González-Martín Antonio, Updated Patient-Reported Outcomes In The PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 Trial Of Niraparib First-Line Maintenance Therapy In Patients With Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer 35:2, p. 100093 2025
International journal of gynecological cancer Salani Ritu, Lindemann Kristina, Lin Zhongqiu, Nishio Shin, Oaknin Ana, Kurtz Jean-Emmanuel, Valabrega Giorgio, Cáceres M. Valeria, Harter Philipp, Gilbert Lucy, Sadozye Azmat H., Do Rêgo Barros Lilian Arruda, Van Gorp Toon, Boere Ingrid, Li Xin Tong, Marth Christian, Duska Linda, Monk Bradley J., Tekin Cumhur, Mirza Mansoor Raza, TroFuse-020/GOG-3101/ENGOT-Cx20: A Phase 3, Randomised, Active-Controlled, Open-Label, Multicentre Study Comparing Sacituzumab Tirumotecan Monotherapy Vs Treatment Of Physician’s Choice As Second-Line Treatment For Recurrent Or Metastatic Cervical Cancer 35:2, p. 100497 2025
International journal of gynecological cancer Ghamande Sharad, Prendergast Emily, Del Mar Gordon Santiago Maria, Kim Yong-Man, Littell Ramey, Ruiz Nuria, Bessette Paul, Van Le Linda, Turna Hande, Westin Shannon N., Zvaríková Mária, Eskander Ramez N., Anttila Maarit, Kristeleit Rebecca S., Craib Marcia, Fujiwara Keiichi, Monk Bradley J., Connor Christy, Solovyeva Ekaterina, Miller Rowan E., ATHENA-MONO Post-Progression Survival Data Update In Patients With Newly Diagnosed Advanced Ovarian Cancer 35:2, p. 100319 2025
Gynecologic oncology Bogani Giorgio, Moore Kathleen N., Ray-Coquard Isabelle, Lorusso Domenica, Matulonis Ursula A., Ledermann Jonathan A., González-Martín Antonio, Kurtz Jean-Emmanuel, Raspagliesi Francesco, Pujade-Lauraine Eric, Scambia Giovanni, Caruso Giuseppe, Colombo Nicoletta, Monk Bradley J., Incorporating immune checkpoint inhibitors in epithelial ovarian cancer 193, p. 30 - 40 2025
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Levin Gabriel, Monk Bradley J, Pothuri Bhavana, Coleman Robert, Herzog Thomas, Gilbert Lucy, Bernard Laurance, Zeng Xing, Scalia Peter, Slomovitz Brian, Racial and ethnic enrollment disparities in clinical trials leading to FDA approvals for gynecologic malignancies, p. - 2025
European journal of cancer (1990) Oaknin Ana, Monk Bradley J, Lorusso Domenica, Damian Fernanda, Chang Chih-Long, Gotovkin Evgeniy, Pikiel Joanna, Goh Jeffrey C, Hasegawa Kosei, Mora Paulo, Srivastav Ratnesh, Colombo Nicoletta, Fury Matthew G, Tewari Krishnansu S, Polastro Laura, Alia Eva Maria Guerra, Makarova Yulia, Jamil Shaheda, Rischin Danny, Rubio Maria Jesús, Perez Javier, Yoo Suk Young, Gao Bo, Seebach Frank, Lowy Israel, Takahashi Shunji, Ramone Daniella, Maćkowiak-Matejczyk Beata, Mathias Melissa, Samouëlian Vanessa, de Melo Andreia Cristina, Kim Hee Seung, Kim Yong Man, Lisyanskaya Alla S, Cemiplimab in recurrent cervical cancer: Final analysis of overall survival in the phase III EMPOWER-Cervical 1/GOG-3016/ENGOT-cx9 trial 216, p. 115146 2025
Nature reviews. Clinical oncology Francoeur Alex A, Monk Bradley J, Tewari Krishnansu S, Treatment advances across the cervical cancer spectrum 2025
Mirza Mansoor R, Coleman Robert L, Powell Matthew A, Chase Dana M, Slomovitz Brian M, Christensen René de Pont, Novák Zoltán, Black Destin, Gilbert Lucy, Sharma Sudarshan, Valabrega Giorgio, Landrum Lisa M, Gold Michael A, Hanker Lars C, Stuckey Ashley, Boere Ingrid, Auranen Annika, Raspagliesi Francesco, Pothuri Bhavana, Cibula David, McCourt Carolyn, Shahin Mark S, Gill Sarah E, Monk Bradley J, Stevens Shadi, Copeland Larry J, Tian Min, He Zangdong, Buscema Joseph, Herzog Thomas J, Zografos Eleftherios, A Plain Language Summary of “Dostarlimab for primary advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer” 2025
Annals of oncology González-Martín A, Malinowska I A, Monk B J, Reply to Letter to the Editor 'Long-term outcomes in the PRIMA trial: a closer look at PFS and OS' by Wu et al 2024
Cancer research communications Zhang Hailei, Rutkowska Anna, González-Martín Antonio, Mirza Mansoor R, Monk Bradley J, Vergote Ignace, Graybill Whitney A Spannuth, Goessel Carsten, Barbash Olena, Bergamini Giovanna, Pothuri Bhavana, Feng Bin, Potential synergistic effect between niraparib and statins in ovarian cancer clinical trials 2024
Cancer Res Commun Zhang Hailei, Rutkowska Anna, González-Martín Antonio, Mirza Mansoor R, Monk Bradley J, Vergote Ignace, Pothuri Bhavana, Graybill Whitney A. Spannuth, Goessel Carsten, Barbash Olena, Bergamini Giovanna, Feng Bin, Potential synergistic effect between niraparib and statins in ovarian cancer clinical trials 2024
Oncology and therapy Monk Bradley J., Tekin Cumhur, Keefe Steve, Monberg Matthew, Muston Dominic, van Mens Sophie, Hale Oliver, Boer Jennifer, van Hees Frank, Swami Shilpi, Cost-Effectiveness of Pembrolizumab as First-Line Treatment in Patients with Persistent, Recurrent, or Metastatic Cervical Cancer in the United States 2024
Gynecologic oncology Hunsberger Kyra, Randall Leslie, Tewari Krishnansu, Monk Bradley, Chase Dana, Standard of care treatment for stage IVB cervical cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis 190, p. S421 - S421 2024
Annals of oncology Lorusso D, Colombo N, Dubot C, Cáceres M V, Hasegawa K, Shapira-Frommer R, Salman P, Yañez E, Gümüş M, Olivera M, Toker S, Castonguay V, Arkhipov A, Li K, Samouëlian V, Tekin C, Tewari K S, Monk B J, Pembrolizumab Plus Chemotherapy for Advanced and Recurrent Cervical Cancer: Final Analysis According to Bevacizumab Use in the Randomized KEYNOTE-826 Study 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Lorusso Domenica, Collins Dearbhaile, Van Gorp Toon, Zagouri Flora, Bodnar Lubomir, Chase Dana, Shahin Mark, Orlowski Robert, Woodhouse Kristina, Korach Jacob, Marth Christian, Kroep Judith, Zhu Jianqing, Hasegawa Kosei, Samouëlian Vanessa, Lee Jung-Yun, Casarotto Fernanda, Antill Yoland, Cui Yi, Willmott Lyndsay, Monk Bradley, TP003/#1538 Phase 3 ENGOT-en23/GOG-3095/MK-2870–005 study: sacituzumab tirumotecan (Sac-TMT) monotherapy vs treatment of physician’s choice chemotherapy in patients with endometrial cancer who received prior chemotherapy and immunotherapy 34, p. A348 - A348 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Banerjee Susana, Van Nieuwenhuysen Els, Santin Alessandro, Ring Kari, Colombo Nicoletta, Chon Hye Sook, Clamp Andrew, O’malley David, Monk Bradley, Cortés-Salgado Alfonso, Lustgarten Stephanie, Fabbro Michel, Kalbacher Elsa, Van Gorp Toon, Aghajanian Carol, Youssoufian Hagop, Grisham Rachel, Thaker Premal, Prendergast Emily, Moore Kathleen, LB007/#1548 Efficacy and safety of avutometinib ± defactinib in recurrent low grade serous ovarian cancer: primary analysis of ENGOT-OV60/GOG-3052/RAMP 201 34, p. A13 - A13 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Oaknin Ana, Lorusso Domenica, Pietzner Klaus, Lee Jung-Yun, Auranen Annika, Cibula David, Lee Yeh Chen, Schilder Russell, Gao Bo, Salutari Vanda, Tan David, Oza Amit, Miller Rowan, Pothuri Bhavana, Tasca Giulia, O’Malley David, Monk Bradley, Wendel Naumann R., Lu Lin, Berman Craig, Borgman Anne, TP010/#1537 Efficacy and safety of luveltamab tazevibulin in patients with recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: the reframe-01 (GOG-3086, ENGOT-79ov, and APGOT-OV9) phase 2/3 study 34, p. A351 - A351 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Grisham Rachel, Thaker Premal, Oza Amit, Colombo Nicoletta, Lustgarten Stephanie, Youssoufian Hagop, Banerjee Susana, Monk Bradley, Van Nieuwenhuysen Els, Oaknin Ana, Moore Kathleen, Fabbro Michel, O’Malley David, PR029/#943 A phase 3, randomized trial evaluating avutometinib plus defactinib compared with investigator’s choice of therapy in patients with recurrent low-grade serous ovarian cancer: GOG-3097/ENGOT-ov81/NCRI/RAMP 301 34, p. A53 - A54 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Barlin Joyce, Lim Peter, Pepin Jessica Thomes, Hopp Elizabeth, Cloven Noelle, Eshed Helen, Black Destin, Chuang Linus, Cottrill Hope, Hand Lauren, O’Malley David, Chisamore Michael, Durbin Joan, Zheng Pan, Liu Yang, Shpyro Svetlana, Monk Bradley, LB010/#1590 A phase 2 randomized dose optimization trial of gotistobart, a PH-sensitive anti-CTLA-4, in combination with pembrolizumab in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC, preserve-004/GOG-3081; NCT05446298) 34, p. A6 - A8 2024
International journal of gynecological cancer Bixel Kristin, Eskander Ramez, Gotlieb Walter, Lee Sun Joo, Lococo Salvatore, Martino Martin, Mccormick Colleen, Monk Bradley, Quick Allison, Walker Joan, Randall Leslie, Chase Dana, Leitao Mario, Baiocchi Glauco, Black Destin, TP001/#1584 GOG-3043 (nct04831580): a randomized non-inferiority trial of robotic versus open surgery for early stage cervical cancer (ROCC) 34, p. A347 - A347 2024
European journal of cancer (1990) Nakamura Y., Bekaii-Saab T., Hayashi H., Mizuno N., Monk B.J., Nguyen D., Hamilton E., Okines A., O’Malley D.M., Pohlmann P.R., Yu E.Y., Reck M., Pothuri B., Sudo K., Sunakawa Y., Takahashi S., Drees A., Tan S., Stinchcombe T.E., 3 Oral: Tucatinib and Trastuzumab for Patients With Previously Treated, HER2- Altered Solid Tumors (SGNTUC-019): A Phase 2 Basket Study 211, p. 114532 2024
Annals of oncology Monk B.J., González-Martín A., Vergote I., Graybill W., O’Cearbhaill R.E., Mirza M.R., McCormick C.C., Lorusso D., Heitz F., Moore R.G., Freyer G., Vulsteke C., O’Malley D.M., Redondo A., Shahin M.S., Pisano C., Barretina-Ginesta M.P., Pothuri B., Bradley W.H., Haslund C.A., Chase D.M., DiSilvestro P., Gaba L., Holman L.L., Pérez M. J. Rubio, Shtessel L., Herzog T.J., Bruchim I., Compton N., Malinowska I.A., Niraparib first-line maintenance therapy in patients with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer: final overall survival results from the PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial 2024
Journal of clinical oncology Lee Yeh Chen, Castellano Tara, Myers Tashanna K. N., Barnes Elizabeth H, Chase Dana Meredith, McCormick Colleen, Diamante Katrina, Shannon Catherine M., Small William, Huh Warner King, Lea Jayanthi Sivasothy, Walker Joan L., Miller Katherine, Moore Kathleen N., Govindarajulu Geetha, Monk Bradley J., Stockler Martin R, Mileshkin Linda R., Bae-Jump Victoria Lin, Racial disparities and survival outcome of patients with locally advanced cervix cancer in the international randomised phase 3 OUTBACK trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274) 42:16_suppl, p. 1594 - 1594 2024
Gynecologic oncology Pothuri Bhavana, Burger Robert A., Gaba Lydia, Van Le Linda, Guerra Eva, Bender David, Baurain Jean-François, Korach Jacob, Cloven Noelle, Churruca Cristina, Follana Philippe, DiSilvestro Paul, Bacqué Emeline, Jardon Kris, Pisano Carmela, Peen Ulla, Mäenpää Johanna, Gupta Divya, Li Yong, Compton Natalie, Antonova Jenya, Monk Bradley J., González-Martín Antonio, Heitz Florian, Han Sileny, Chase Dana M., Health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer treated with niraparib vs placebo: Results from the phase 3 randomized PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial 184, p. 168 - 177 2024
Chan John, Tian Chunqiao, Monk Bradley, McNally Leah, Richardson Michael, Kesterson Joshua, Lin Ken, Darcy Kathleen, Kapp Daniel, Landrum Lisa, Copeland Larry, Berry Laurel, Bell Jeffery, Spirtos Nick, Walker Joan, Wenham Robert, Phippen Neil, Tewari Krishnansu, Shahin Mark, Preoperative and pre-chemotherapy CA-125 levels in high-risk early-stage ovarian cancer - An NRG/GOG study 2024
Gynecologic oncology reports Rimel Bobbie J., Chase Dana M., Perhanidis Jessica, Ghazarian Armen A., Du Ella Xiaoyan, Wang Travis, Song Jinlin, Golembesky Amanda K., Hurteau Jean A., Kalilani Linda, Salani Ritu, Monk Bradley J., Cytochrome P450 inhibitor/inducer treatment patterns among patients in the United States with advanced ovarian cancer who were prescribed or were eligible for poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase inhibitors in the first-line maintenance set, p. 101332 2024
Journal of minimally invasive gynecology Stewart Chelsea, Moreno Andrea, Vo Elise, Bhattarai Bikash, Farley John, Willmott Lyndsay, Monk Bradley, Chase Dana, Factors associated with inpatient narcotic medication usage after robotic assisted laparoscopy 2023
The New England journal of medicine Mirza Mansoor R, Chase Dana M, Slomovitz Brian M, dePont Christensen René, Novák Zoltán, Black Destin, Gilbert Lucy, Sharma Sudarshan, Valabrega Giorgio, Landrum Lisa M, Hanker Lars C, Stuckey Ashley, Pothuri Bhavana, Boere Ingrid, Gold Michael A, Auranen Annika, Cibula David, McCourt Carolyn, Raspagliesi Francesco, Buscema Joseph, Shahin Mark S, Gill Sarah E, Monk Bradley J, Herzog Thomas J, Copeland Larry J, Tian Min, Coleman Robert L, He Zangdong, Stevens Shadi, Zografos Eleftherios, Powell Matthew A, , Dostarlimab for Primary Advanced or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer, p. - 2023
Journal of clinical oncology Bixel Kristin Leigh, Leitao Mario M., Chase Dana Meredith, Quick Allison, Lim Peter C, Eskander Ramez Nassef, Gotlieb Walter H., LoCoco Salvatore, Walker Joan L., Martino Martin A, McCormick Colleen, Myers Tashanna K. N., Tewari Krishnansu Sujata, Slomovitz Brian M., Copeland Larry J., Monk Bradley J., Randall Leslie M., ROCC/GOG-3043: A randomized non-inferiority trial of robotic versus open radical hysterectomy for early-stage cervical cancer 40:16_suppl, p. TPS5605 - TPS5605 2022
International journal of gynecological cancer Chase D M, Backes F, Han S, Graybill W, Romeo Marin M, Lund B, Pothuri B, Mangili G, O’malley D, Berton D, Willmott L, Baumann K, Coleman R, Safra T, Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, Lorusso D, Karl F, Woodward T, Monk B J, Gonzalez-Martin A, 961 Impact of disease progression on health-related quality of life of advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) patients – pooled analysis from the PRIMA trial 31:Suppl 3, p. A284 - A284 2021
Gynecologic oncology Chase Dana M, Neighbors Jordan, Perhanidis Jessica, Monk Bradley J, Gastrointestinal symptoms and diagnosis preceding ovarian cancer diagnosis: Effects on treatment allocation and potential diagnostic delay 161:3, p. 832 - 837 2021
International journal of gynecological cancer Mäenpää Johanna, Pothuri Bhavana, Han Sileny, Chase Dana, Bender David, Follana Philippe, Bacque Emeline, Yong L I, González-Martin Antonio, Monk Bradley J, 294 Patient-reported outcomes (PROS) in patients (PTS) receiving niraparib in the prima/engot-ov26/gog-3012 trial 30:Suppl 4, p. A63 - A64 2020
International journal of gynecological cancer Freyer G, Pothuri B, Han S, Chase D, Monk B, Heitz F, Burger R, Gaba L, Van Le L, Guerra E, Bender D, Korach J, Peen U, Baurain J F, Jardon K, Pisano C, Maenpaa J, González-Martín A, Bacque E, Li Y, Eliason L, DiSilvestro P, Cloven N, Churruca C, Follana P, Hoskins P, 17 Safety and patient-reported outcomes in patients receiving niraparib in the PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial 30:Suppl 3, p. A12 - A13 2020
Gynecologic oncology Eakin Cortney M., Norton Taylor J., Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana M., Management of nausea and vomiting frompoly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor therapy for advanced ovarian cancer 159:2, p. 581 - 587 2020
Heitz F, Monk B J, Gaba L, Korach J, Van Le L, Guerra E, Bender D, Cloven N, Follana P, Maenpaa J, Baurain J F, Pisano C, Peen U, Bacque E, Li Y, Burger R, González-Martin A, Pothuri B, Han S, Chase D, Patient-reported outcomes (PRO) in patients receiving niraparib in the PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial 2020
Gynecologic oncology Eakin C., Ewongwo A., Pendleton L., Chase D.M., Monk B.J., Real-world experience of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor use in a community oncology practice: The clinical and financial burden 159, p. 139 - 139 2020
Gynecologic oncology Eakin Cortney M., Ewongwo Agnes, Pendleton Lee, Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana M., Real world experience of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor use in a community oncology practice 159:1, p. 112 - 117 2020
Annals of oncology Pothuri B., Han S., Chase D., Heitz F., Burger R., Gaba L., Van Le L., Cloven N.G., Guerra E., Bender D., Korach J., Follana P., Maenpaa J., Baurain J-F., Pisano C., Peen U., Bacqué E., Li Y., Martín A. González, Monk B.J., 810MO Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) receiving niraparib in the PRIMA/ENGOT-OV26/GOG-3012 trial 31, p. S612 - S613 2020
International journal of gynecological cancer Chase Dana, Leitao Mario, Oaknin Ana, Huh Warner K, Pulaski Heather L, Robison Katina, Guntupalli Saketh R, Richardson Debra, Salani Ritu, Sill Michael W, Wenzel Lari B, Gil Karen, Tewari Krishnansu Sujata, Huang Helen Q, Monk Bradley J, Ramondetta Lois Michelle, Penson Richard T, Landrum Lisa M, Patient-reported outcomes at discontinuation of anti-angiogenesis therapy in the randomized trial of chemotherapy with bevacizumab for advanced cervical cancer: an NRG Oncology Group study 30:5, p. 596 - 601 2020
Gynecologic oncology Eakin C., Ewongwo A., Chase D., Monk B., A Qualitative Evaluation of Clinical Burden of Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitor Usage in a Community Oncology Practice 156:3, p. e23 - e24 2020
Scientific reports Łaniewski Paweł, Cui Haiyan, Roe Denise J., Barnes Dominique, Goulder Alison, Monk Bradley J., Greenspan David L., Chase Dana M., Herbst-Kralovetz Melissa M., Features of the cervicovaginal microenvironment drive cancer biomarker signatures in patients across cervical carcinogenesis 9:1, p. 7333 - 7333 2019
Gynecologic oncology Liang J., Monk B.J., Wolsiefer K., Stone J., Chase D.M., Evidence of provider implicit bias toward women with cervical cancer: A study of physicians and nurses caring for gynecologic oncology patients 149, p. 137 - 137 2018
Journal of Oncology Medicine & Practice Barnes Dominique, Rivera O Richard, Monk J Bradley, Chase Dana, Clinic-based Depression Screening in Gynaecologic Oncology Patients Using the Patient Health Questionnaires-2 (PHQ-2): Are we Identifying the Highest Risk Patients at their Initial Visit? 3:2 2018
Gynecologic oncology Moreno A., Vo Elise, Bhattarai B., Patel S., Farley J., Willmott L., Monk B., Chase D., Factors Associated with Increased Narcotic Usage after Undergoing Robotic Assisted Laparoscopy 147:1, p. 203 - 203 2017
Gynecologic oncology Barnes Dominique, Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana, Shields Kristin M., Willmott Lyndsay J., Farley John, Patient characteristics associated with obesity in an endometrial cancer patient: first steps towards the design of a weight loss intervention 147:1, p. 215 - 215 2017
Gynecologic oncology Barnes Dominique, Willmott Lyndsay J., Farley John, Monk Bradley J., Chase Dana, Clinic-based Depression Screening in Gynecologic Oncology Patients using the Patient Health Questionnaires-2 (PHQ-2): are we identifying the highest risk patients? 147:1, p. 215 - 215 2017
Gynecologic oncology Vo E.H., Moreno A.E., Bhattarai B., Patel S., Farley J.H., Monk B.J., Willmott L.J., Chase D.M., Robotic-assisted Gynecologic Surgery in an Elderly Population: A Comparison Study 147:1, p. 204 - 205 2017
Gynecologic Oncology Graybill W. S., Pothuri B., Chase Dana M., Monk Bradley J., Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors as Treatment Versus Maintenance in Ovarian Carcinoma 146:1, p. 11 - 15 2017
Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Monk Bradley J., Chaplin D. J., The Development and use of Vascular Targeted Therapy in Ovarian Cancer 145:2, p. 393 - 406 2017
Gynecologic oncology Haverland Rachael, Chase Dana, Gardner Austin B., Monk Bradley, Chan John K., Does Lymphadenectomy Affect Treatment Allocation in the Elderly Endometrial Cancer Population? 143:1, p. 217 - 217 2016
Gynecologic oncology research and practice Minion Lindsey E., Chase Dana M., Farley John H., Willmott Lyndsay J., Monk Bradley J., Safety and efficacy of salvage nano-particle albumin bound paclitaxel in recurrent cervical cancer: a feasibility study 3:1, p. 4 - 4 2016
Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) Chase Dana M, Craig Christine D, Fedewa Stacey A, Virgo Katherine S, Farley John H, Halpern Michael, Monk Bradley J, Lin Chun Chieh, Disparities in Vulvar Cancer Reported by the National Cancer Database: Influence of Sociodemographic Factors 126:4, p. 792 - 802 2015
Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Goulder A., Zenhausern F., Monk Bradley J., Herbst-Kralovetz M., The vaginal and gastrointestinal microbiomes in gynecologic cancers: A review of applications in etiology, symptoms and treatment 138:1, p. 190 - 200 2015
Gynecologic oncology Shields K., Craig C., Baxter L., Renda L., Pipe J., Monk B., Chase D., Abstract 15: Cancer-related fatigue in gynecologic oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy 137:3, p. 596 - 596 2015
Gynecologic oncology Shields K.M., Willmott L., Farley J.H., Monk B.J., Chase D., Factors associated with low educational background in uterine cancer patients 137, p. 123 - 123 2015
Gynecologic oncology Minion Lindsey E., Dolinsky Jill S., Dunlop Charles L., Chao Elizabeth C., Chase Dana M., Monk Bradley J., Hereditary predisposition to ovarian cancer, looking beyond BRCA1/BRCA2 137:1, p. 86 - 92 2015
Gynecologic oncology Chase Dana M., Huang Helen, Foss Cassandra D., Wenzel Lari B., Monk Bradley J., Burger Robert A., Neurotoxicity in ovarian cancer patients on Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) protocol 218: Characteristics associated with toxicity and the effect of substitution with docetaxel: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study 136:2, p. 323 - 327 2015
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Chase Dana M., Long Harry J.,,III, Monk Bradley J., Wenzel Lari, Ramondetta Lois, Cella David, Kauderer James, Factors Associated With Grade 3 or 4 Treatment-Related Toxicity in Women With Advanced or Recurrent Cervical Cancer An Exploratory Analysis of NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group Trials 179 and 204 25:2, p. 303 - 308 2015
Gynecologic Oncology Osann K., Hsieh S., Monk Bradley J., Chase D., Cella D., Wenzel L., Nelson E. L., Factors associated with poor quality of life among cervical cancer survivors: implications for clinical care and clinical trials 135:2, p. 266 - 272 2014
Gynecologic oncology research and practice Foss Cassandra D, Farley John H, Dalton Heather J, Monk Bradley J, Chase Dana M, Protein profiling of ovarian cancers by immunohistochemistry to identify potential target pathways 1:1, p. 4 - 4 2014
Gynecologic oncology research and practice Gibson Steven J, Tewari Krishnansu S, Monk Bradley J, Chase Dana M, Updates on drug discovery in ovarian cancer 1:1, p. 3 - 3 2014
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Liang Winnie S., Nasser Sara, Aldrich Jessica, Kurdoglu Ahmet, McDonald Jacquelyn, Izatt Tyler, Christoforides Alexis, Baker Angela, Craig Christine, Egan Jan B., Chase Dana M., . . . Monk, Bradley J., Monk Bradley J., Phillips Lori, Reiman Rebecca, Simultaneous characterization of somatic events and HPV-18 integration in a metastatic cervical carcinoma patient using DNA and RNA sequencing 24:2, p. 329 - 338 2014
Supportive care in cancer Craig Christine D, Chase Dana M, Monk Bradley J, Farley John H, Cognitive impairment in gynecologic cancers: a systematic review of current approaches to diagnosis and treatment 22:1, p. 279 - 287 2014
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Gibson S.J., Osann K.E., Farley J., Willmott L., Monk B.J., Chase D.M., The characteristics and associations of pelvic pain in gynecologic cancer patients: A single institution study 131:1, p. 264 - 264 2013
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Gibson S., Osann K., Farley J., Monk B., Chase D., Pelvic pain, quality of life (QOL), and exercise in gynecologic cancer patients: A single institution study 130:1, p. e31 - e32 2013
Gynecologic oncology Craig C., Lin C., Fedewa S., Virgo K., Farley J., Monk B., Chase D., Therapeutic choices and outcomes in vulvar cancer cases reported by the National Cancer Database Registry 130:1, p. e163 - e163 2013
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology Monk Bradley J., Dalton Heather, Farley John H., Chase Dana M., Benjamin Ivor, Antiangiogenic agents as a maintenance strategy for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer 86:2, p. 161 - 175 2013
European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology Jordan S. M., Chase D. M., Watanabe T., Osann K., Monk Bradley J., Rutgers J. K., High pathologic misdiagnosis of cervical adenocarcinoma in situ 34:5, p. 446 - 449 2013
Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Sill Michael W., Monk Bradley J., Chambers Mark D., Darcy Kathleen M., Han Ernest S., Buening Barbara J., Sorosky Joel I., Fruehauf John P., Burger Robert A., Changes in Tumor Blood Flow as Measured by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) May Predict Activity of Single Agent Bevacizumab in Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian (EOC) and Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC) Patients: An exploratory a 126:3, p. 375 - 380 2012
Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research Chase Dana M., Wenzel L. B., Monk Bradley J., Quality-of-life results used to endorse changes in standard of care for recurrent platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer 12:3, p. 279 - 281 2012
Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Huang Helen Q., Wenzel Lari, Cella David, McQuellon Richard, Long Harry J., Moore David H., Monk Bradley J., Quality of life and survival in advanced cervical cancer: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study 125:2, p. 315 - 319 2012
Gynecologic Oncology Chase Dana M., Kauderer J., Wenzel L., Long H., Cella D., Monk Bradley J., Factors associated with grade 3–4 treatment-related toxicity in women with advanced or recurrent cervical cancer: an exploratory analysis of Gynecologic Oncology Group trials (GOG) 179 and 204 125, Supplement 1:0, p. S115 - S116 2012
Gynecologic oncology Osann Kathryn, Wenzel Lari, Dogan Aysun, Hsieh Susie, Chase Dana M., Sappington Sandra, Monk Bradley J., Nelson Edward L., Recruitment and retention results for a population-based cervical cancer biobehavioral clinical trial 121:3, p. 558 - 564 2011
Gynecologic oncology Chase D., Sill M., Chambers M., Darcy K., Han E., Fruehauf J., Monk B., Buening B., Sorosky J., Burger R., Changes in tumor blood flow as estimated by dynamic-contrast MRI may predict activity of single-agent bevacizumab in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer and primary peritoneal cancer: An exploratory analysis of a Gynecologic Oncology Group phase II trial 120, p. S65 - S66 2011
Gynecologic oncology Han Ernest S., DeGeest Koen, Fruehauf John P., Burger Robert A., Darcy Kathleen M., Sill Michael W., Randall Leslie M., Greer Benjamin E., Chase Dana, Parmakhtiar Basmina, Monk Bradley J., Connelly Patrick, Predictive and prognostic angiogenic markers in a gynecologic oncology group phase II trial of bevacizumab in recurrent and persistent ovarian or peritoneal cancer 119:3, p. 484 - 490 2010
Future oncology (London, England) Chase Dana M., Watanabe Tawny, Monk Bradley J., Assessment and significance of quality of life in women with gynecologic cancer 6:8, p. 1279 - 1287 2010
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology Chase Dana M., Monk Bradley J., Pugmire Gordon A., Lopez Sarah, Nguyen Christina, A clinical pathway for postoperative management and early patient discharge: does it work in gynecologic oncology? 199:5, p. 541.e1 - 541.e7 2008
Expert review of anticancer therapy Chase Dana M., Monk Bradley J., Wenzel Lari B., Tewari Krishnansu S., Supportive care for women with gynecologic cancers 8:2, p. 227 - 241 2008