Michael S . Monaghan, PharmD, BCPS

Director, Pharmacy Program, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions


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School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Pharmacy Faculty
Pharmacy Practice
Dean's Office - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 154

Michael S . Monaghan, PharmD, BCPS

Director, Pharmacy Program, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions


Teaching Interests

  • Clinical Pharmacy Residency Certificate, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, June 1990


Pharmacy Practice




  • Pharmacotherapeutics: A primary care clinical guide
    Monaghan, M. S., Kissinger, J. F., Archer, J. Endocrine disorders: Thyroid and adrenal conditions, p. 683-704 2005
  • Patient Assessment for for Pharmacists (2nd ed.)
    Goeser AL, Monaghan MS The gastrointestinal system. In: Patient Assessment for Pharmacists (2nd ed). Jones RM, Rospond RM, eds. Second edition. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2009: chap 14, pages 256-275., p. 256-275 -0001
  • Managing the Patient with Type II Diabetes
    Monaghan MJ, Monaghan MS Are pharmacists and pharmaceutical care having an impact on diabetes? In: Managing the Patient with Type II Diabetes. Wilson AJ, ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers; 1997: Chapter 14, pages 129-136., p. 129-136 -0001


  • Am J Pharmaceutical Education
    Tolman JA, Knezevich E, White ND, Chauhan HV, Monaghan MS, Dash A. Case study in mission-centric curricular revision in light of standards 2016. 2017 AACP Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN;81(5) Article S5:102-103. 2017
  • Am J Pharmaceutical Education
    Packard K, Ryan-Haddad A, Monaghan MS, Doll J, Yongyue Q. Application of validated instruments to assess university-wide interprofessional education experiences. 2016 AACP Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 25, 2016.;80(5) Article S2:51. 2016
  • Innovations in Pharmacy
    Begley KJ, Monaghan MS, Clavier CW, Lugo RA, Crouch MA. Technology in the learning environment: surveys of use and misuse. Article 2. http://www.pharmacy.umn.edu/innovations/issue2015vol.6no.1/home.html
    6(1), p. 1-11 2015
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Begley, Kimberley, Monaghan, Michael S., Qi, Yongyue Repeated Testing to Improve Skills in a Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Course
    77, p. 6-Jan 2013
  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
    Pick AM, Henriksen BS, Hamilton WR, Monaghan MS. Essential information for mentoring students interested in residency training.
    5(6), p. 546-554 2013
  • American Journal of Pharmacy Education
    Begley K, Monaghan MS, Qi Y. Repeated testing to improve skills in a pharmacy practice laboratory course. Article 130.
    77(6), p. 1-6 2013
  • Journal of Allied Health
    Lenz TL, Gillespie ND, Monaghan MS. Finding employees with undiagnosed diabetes. http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/Vol11Num2/pdf/Lenz.pdf
    11(2), p. 1-4 2013
  • ISRN Preventive Medicine
    Lenz TL, Gillespie ND, Skradski JJ, Viereck LK, Packard KA, Monaghan MS. Development of a composite lifestyle index (CLI) and its relationship to quality of life improvement: the CLI pilot study. Article ID 481030. http://dx.doi.org/10.5402/2013/481030
    2013, p. 1-7 2013
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Gillespie, Nicole D., Lenz, Thomas L., Monaghan, Michael S. Identifying employees with undiagnosed diabetes for participation in a pharmacist-run worksite wellness program.
    32, p. E260-E261 2012
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan, Michael S., Cain, Jeff J., Malone, Patrick M., Chapman, Tracy A., Walters, Ryan W., Thompson, David C., Riedl, Steven T. Educational Technology Use Among US Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
    75, p. 87-87 2011
  • International Journal of Cardiology
    Thambidorai, S. K., Deshmukh, A. R., Walters, R. W., Turner, P. D., Monaghan, M. S., Mooss, A. N., Hunter, C. B., Esterbrooks, D. J., Mohiuddin, S. M. Impact of statin use on heart failure mortality
    147, p. 438-443 2011
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Wilson, Amy F., Lenz, Thomas L., Monaghan, Michael S. Making Your Pharmacy Practice Department 'In-dispense-able'
    75, p. 123-123 2011
  • Journal of Obesity
    Hamilton, William R., Egras, Amy M., Lenz, Thomas L., Monaghan, Michael S. An Evidence-Based Review of Fat Modifying Supplemental Weight Loss Products
    2011, p. 1-7 2011
  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
    Lenz, T. L., Monaghan, M. S. Implementing lifestyle medicine with medication therapy management services to improve patient-centered health care
    51, p. 184-188 2011
  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
    Lenz, T. L., Monaghan, M. S. Pay-for-performance model of medication therapy management in pharmacy practice
    51, p. 425-431 2011
  • International Journal of Cardiology
    Thambidorai SK, Deshmukh AR, Walters RW, Turner PD, Monaghan MS, Mooss AN, Hunter CB, Esterbrooks DJ, Mohiuddin SM. Impact of statin use on heart failure mortality.
    147(3), p. 438-443 2011
  • Journal of American Pharmacists Association
    Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. Implementing lifestyle medicine with medication therapy services to improve patient-centered health care.
    51(2), p. 184-188 2011
  • Journal of American Pharmacists Association
    Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. A pay-for-performance model of medication therapy management in pharmacy practice.
    51(3), p. 425-431 2011
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan MS, Cain JJ, Malone PM, Chapman TA, Walters RW, Thompson DC, Riedl ST. Educational technology use among US colleges and schools of pharmacy. Article 87.
    75(5) 2011
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Wilson AF, Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. Making your pharmacy practice department “In-dispense-able.”
    75(6), p. Article 123. 2011
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Foral, Pamela A., Turner, Paul D., Monaghan, Michael S., Walters, Ryan W., Merkel, Jennifer J., Lipschultz, Jeremy H., Lenz, Thomas L. Faculty and Student Expectations and Perceptions of E-mail Communication in a Campus and Distance Doctor of Pharmacy Program
    74, p. 191-191 2010
  • International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning
    Elsasser, G. N., Hoie, E. B., Destache, C., Monaghan, M. S. Availability of internet download lecture audio files on class attendance and examination performance
    6, p. Article 3 2009
  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
    Lenz, T. L., Monaghan, M. S. Lifestyle modifications for patients with hypertension
    48, p. e92-9; quiz e100-2 2008
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Limpach, A. L., Bazrafshan, P., Turner, P. D., Monaghan, M. S. Effectiveness of Human Anatomy Education for Pharmacy Students via the Internet
    72, p. 145 2008
  • Journal of Pharmacy Teaching
    Lenz, T. L., Faulkner, M. A., Monaghan, M. S. Assessing the use of two-way interactive video (TWIV) conferencing to offer heart failure continuing education to rural pharmacists
    13, p. 29-36 2006
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Lenz, T. L., Monaghan, M. S., Ekeler, J. L., Hayes, M. M. An interprofessional medication risk assessment program
    20, p. 1-3 2006
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Lenz, T. L., Monaghan, M. S., Wilson, A. F., Tilleman, J. A., Jones, R. M., Hayes, M. M. Using performance-based assessments to evaluate parity between a campus and distance education pathway
    70, p. 90 2006
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan, M. S., Jones, R. M., Fac Case Writing Teams Designing an assessment for an abilities-based curriculum
    69, p. 118-125 2005
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Lenz, T. L., Jones, R. M., Monaghan, M. S. Faculty workload comparison between a campus-based and Internet-based patient assessment course
    69, p. 67-68 2005
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Hilleman, D. E., Faulkner, M. A., Monaghan, M. S. Cost of a pharmacist-directed intervention to increase treatment of hypercholesterolemia
    24, p. 1077-1083 2004
  • Southern Medical Journal
    Skrabal, M. Z., Stading, J. A., Monaghan, M. S. Rhabdomyolysis associated with simvastatin-nefazodone therapy
    96, p. 1034-1035 2003
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Hamilton, W. R., Monaghan, M. S., Turner, P. D. Comparison of pharmacy practitioner and pharmacy student attitudes toward complementary and alternative therapies in a rural state
    66, p. 55-58 2002
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Hilleman, D. E., Monaghan, M. S., Ashby, C. L., Mashni, J. E., Woolley, K., Amato, C. M. Physician-prompting statin therapy intervention improves outcomes in patients with coronary heart disease
    21, p. 1415-1421 2001
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring
    Monaghan, M. S., Marx, M. A., Olsen, K. M., Turner, P. D., Bergman, K. L. Correlation and prediction of phenytoin protein binding using standard laboratory parameters in patients after renal transplantation
    23, p. 263-267 2001
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan, M. S., Turner, P. D., Skrabal, M. Z., Jones, R. M. Evaluating the format and effectiveness of a disease state management training program for diabetes
    64, p. 181-184 2000
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan, M. S., Turner, P. D., Vanderbush, R. E., Grady, A. R. Traditional student, nontraditional student, and pharmacy practitioner attitudes toward the use of standardized patients in the assessment of clinical skills
    64, p. 27-32 2000
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Vanderbush RE, Gardner SF, Schneider EF, Grady AR, McKay AB Standardized patients: an ability-based outcomes assessment for the evaluation of clinical skills in traditional and nontraditional education, p. 337-344 -0001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Jones RM, Schneider EF, Richardson RF, Grady AR, McCormack JR, Randall J Using standardized patients to teach physical assessment skills to pharmacists, p. 266-271 -0001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Gardner SF, Hastings JK, Reinhardt GL, Knoll KR, Vanderbush RE, Cantrell M Student attitudes toward the use of standardized patients in a communication course, p. 131-136 -0001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Montagne M, Chewning BA, Curry CE, Dolinsky DE, Monaghan MS, Rutledge DR Chair report for the professional affairs committee, p. 18s-21s -0001


  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan MS, Malesker M, Ryan Haddad A, Packard K, Elsasser G, Iverson LM, Hawkins KS, Bredenkamp ND, Carrio C, Connelly SC. Development and assessment of an interprofessional education simulation for pharmacy and nurse practitioner students. AACP Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
    79(5), p. S4(46) 2015
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Smith A, Foral P, Knezevich J, Monaghan MS. Development of criteria for clinical activities for pharmacy practice faculty at annual evaluations. ACCP Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
    33(1), p. 194-195 2013
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Skrabal MZ, Jones RM, Coover KL, Monaghan MS. An evaluation of student-initiated APPE change requests for AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.  Article 109.
    77(5), p. 18 2013
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Christensen KJ, Monaghan MS, Walters RW, Chapman TA. Delivery preference and student perception of lecture capture impact in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum. AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Article 109.
    77(5), p. 61 2013
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Begley KJ, Monaghan MS. Developing a pharmacy practice skills lab based on repeated testing: a five year analysis. AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Article 109.
    77(5), p. 62 2013
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Gillespie ND, Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. Identifying employees with undiagnosed diabetes for participation in a pharmacist-run worksite wellness program. 2012 ACCP Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL.
    32(10), p. 260 2012
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Monaghan MS, Cain JJ, Malone PM, Chapman TA, Walters RW, Thompson DC. Technology issues in the learning environment: emerging solutions. AACP Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.  Article 105.
    75(5), p. 63 2011
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Skrabal MZ, Monaghan MS Impact of an experiential quality assurance process. 2010 AACP Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA
    4, p. 73 2010
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Merkel JJ, Foral PA, Turner PD, Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Walters RW Email vs. face-to-face: Faculty and students' perceptions of approachability and comfort level. 2009 AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
    4, p. 73 2009
  • J Pharm Pract
    Price PL, Chau J, Kathol E, Wosick DM, Monaghan MS, Augustine S, Anderson C, Tilleman J. Psychiatric pharmacy practice in a homeless shelter's mental health clinic. CPNP 2009 Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL
    22, p. 260-261 2009
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Foral PA, Merkel JJ, Turner PD, Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Walters RW Email vs face-to-face: Faculty and students' perceptions of tone and content. 2008 AACP Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY
    28, p. 1309 2008
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Turner PD, Jones R, Chapman T, Lenz TL, Walters R Are personal digital assistants (PDAs) being used on advanced pharmacy practice experiences? An exploratory study in a dual pathway program, 2008 AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,
    3, p. 72 2008
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Turner PD, Walters RW, Monaghan MS Evaluating graduate performance:outcomes assessment facilitated through an integrated data warehouse. 2008 AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.
    3, p. 72 2008
  • Lenz LT, Monaghan MS, Chapman T Documenting comparability of student learning between a campus and distance pathway in pharmacy education. EISTA 2008: The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, Florida, June 29th to July 2nd, 2008 2008
  • JGIM
    Houghton BL, Monaghan MS, Warrier R, Sakowski H, Wilson AF, Jefferies W Educating third-year medical students about pharmaceutical company interactions:experiences from a 'sham' drug company sponsored event. SGIM 31st annual meeting, Pittsburg PA, April 10, 2008.
    2, p. 199-200 2008
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Jones RM, Hoie EB, Pick AM Using Pharmacy Objective Structured Clinical Examinations to assess comparability between a campus and distance pathway. 2006 AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 10, 2006. Am J Pharm Educ. 2006;70(3) Article 65:33,34.
    3, p. 33-34 2006
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Elsasser GN, Hoie EB, Destache CJ, Monaghan MS Effect of lecture audio files on class attendance and examination performance. 2006 AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 10, 2006. Am J Pharm Educ. 2006;70(3) Article 65:24.
    3, p. 24 2006
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Hetterman EA . Health promotion and wellness topics in pharmacy education. 2006 AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2006. Am J Pharm Educ. 2006;70(3) Article 65:26.
    3 2006
  • Lenz TL, Monaghan MS Hetterman EA Lifestyle modification courses taught to pharmacy students in the United States. 24th Annual Directors of Health Promotion and Education/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Conference on Health Education and Health Promotion, Crystal City, VA, May 24, 2006 2006
  • JGIM
    Monaghan MS, Rich E, Warrier R, Morrow L, Hayes M . Does insurance status or chronicity of illness influence sample use among private physicians? Society of General Internal Medicine 29th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 29, 2006. JGIM 2006;21(s4):41.
    s4 2006
  • Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Jones RM Instructor workload of a web-based vs. campus-based elective pharmacy course. 2005 AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11, 2005. Am J Pharm Educ. 2005;69(3) Article 60:430.
    3 2005
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Monaghan MS Developing pharmacy Objective Structured Clinical Examinations to evaluate an abilities-based curriculum. 2005 AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11, 2005. Am J Pharm Educ. 2005;69(3) Article 60:430,431.
    3 2005
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Jones RM, Constantino AM, Malone PM, Skrabal MZ . Myers-Briggs Type Indicator comparison of pharmacy students in a web-based vs. campus-based program. 2005 AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11, 2005. Am J Pharm Educ. 2005;69(3) Article 60:432.
    3 2005
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Jones RM Assessing an abilities-based curriculum. 2004 AACP Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 12, 2004. Am J Pharm Educ. 2004;68(2) Article 54:34.
    2 2004
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Lenz TL, Skrabal MZ, Monaghan MS Pharmacy and health professions faculty research survey. 2004 AACP Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 11, 2004. Am J Pharm Educ. 2004;68(2) Article 54:1.
    2 2004
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Lenz TL, Destache CJ, Faulkner MA, Packard KA, Hilleman DE, Arouni AJ, Monaghan MS Pharmacokinetic interaction between warfarin and ginseng. ACCP 2003 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 4, 2003. Pharmacotherapy 2003;23:1373.
    23 2003
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Elsasser GN, Monaghan MS Implementation and usefulness of an Internet web site to support provision of a large on-campus therapeutics course. 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 21, 2003. Am J Pharm Educ. 2003;67(3) Article 100:20.
    3 2003
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Young WW, Chapman TA, Price PL The effectiveness of formal training prior to introducing PDAs on clerkships. 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 21, 2003. Am J Pharm Educ. 2003;67(3) Article 100:39,40.
    3 2003
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Haddad AM, Monaghan MS, Talluto B . Preceptor assessment of student preparation for clerkships. 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 21, 2003. Am J Pharm Educ. 2003;67(3) Article 100:78,79.
    3 2003
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Haddad AM, Monaghan MS, Ineck J Leveling the expectations of student performance: patient assessment skills. 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 21, 2003. Am J Pharm Educ. 2003;67(3) Article 100:79.
    3 2003
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Christensen KJ, Monaghan MS Evidence of potential deficiency in longitudinal learning: pharmacy calculations. 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 21, 2003. Am J Pharm Educ. 2003;67(3) Article 100:80.
    3 2003
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Lenz TL, Monaghan MS, Ekeler JL, Jorgensen AM, Bramble JD Medication safety program for minority, refugee, and low-income older adults. ACCP 2002 Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 21, 2002. Pharmacotherapy 2002;22:1375.
    22 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Elsasser GN Student achievement versus reactions to incorporating performance-based assessments in a therapeutics course. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):93,94S.
    66 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Turner PD, Houghton BL, Galt GA, Bergman-Evans B, Rich EC A Cost-effective pharmacotherapy comparison among medical, Pharm.D, and nurse practitioner students. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):107S. 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Theer T, Jones RM Student and faculty assessment of the use of computer laptops in the classroom. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):87S. 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Malesker MA, Haney E, Roach D, Monaghan MS Consumer attitudes toward pharmacists, pharmacy practice, and pharmaceutical care. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):93S. 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Monaghan MS, Faulkner M, Ryan-Haddad A Are students achieving the desired outcomes? A performance assessment of the school's ability-based outcomes. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):109S. 2002
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Lust E, Vuchetich P, Monaghan MS Effectiveness of pharmacy calculation education via the Internet: a comparison between campus-based and web-based student performance. 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. Am J Pharm Educ. 2002;66(suppl):106S. 2002
  • Meece JD, Malone R, Bennett J, Fields E, Monaghan MS, Whitcomb Henry H, Shapiro K, Lubowski T, Walden SC, Livengood KB A retrospective analysis of diabetes control in type 2 patients, comparing clinic vs. community based programs. American Diabetes Association 62nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 14-18, 2002 2002
  • JGIM
    Turner PD, Monaghan MS, Houghton BL, Galt KA, Bergman-Evans B, Rich EC A comparison of health professional students' knowledge and attitudes toward cost-effective pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical sales representatives: data for curricular review? The Society of General Internal Medicine 25th Annual Meeting, May 4, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia. 2002
  • Monaghan MS, Royeen CB Formative assessment of the initiation of a web-based entry-level pathway for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Missouri, April 20, 2002. 2002
  • Monaghan MS, Turner PD, Houghton BL, Markert RJ, Galt KA, Bergman-Evans B, Rich EC A comparison of health professional students’ knowledge regarding drug marketing. Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Missouri, April 19, 2002. 2002
  • Skrabal MZ, Stading JA, Monaghan MS Review of two case reports of rhabdomyolysis in patients taking high-dose simvastatin with concurrent interacting medications that occurred at a veterans administration medical center. ASHP 2001 Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 4, 2001. 2001
  • The Consultant Pharmacist
    Ryan Haddad AM, Faulkner MA, Coover K, White L, Jones RM, Monaghan MS Student assessment of drug therapy for standardized geriatric patients. The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists 32nd Annual Meeting, November 8, 2001. The Consultant Pharmacist 2001;16(10):957.
    10 2001
  • J Invest Med
    Monaghan MS, Turner PD, Houghton BL, Galt KA, Bergman-Evans B, Rich EC A comparison of health professional students' knowledge and attitudes toward cost-effective pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical sales representatives: data for curricular review? The 18th Annual Midwest Regional SGIM Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, September 8, 2001. J Invest Med. 2001;49(5):292A.
    5 2001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Monaghan MS Student and preceptor perceptions of a clerkship assessment instrument. 2001 AACP Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 10, 2001. Am J Pharm Educ. 2001;65(suppl):85S. 2001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Jones RM, Monaghan MS Assessment of student performance prior to clerkships. 2001 AACP Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 10, 2001. Am J Pharm Educ. 2001;65(suppl):82S. 2001
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Anderson KJ, Jones RM, Monaghan MS Student performance in a stacked vs. non-stacked curriculum. 2001 AACP Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 10, 2001. Am J Pharm Educ. 2001;65(suppl):84S. 2001
  • Houghton B, Galt K, Rich E, Turner P, Monaghan MS Medical residents' confidence in treatment decisions and impact on patient satisfaction in response to consumer demands in the clinical encounter. The 17th Annual Midwest Regional SGIM Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, September 23, 2000. J Invest Med. 2000;48(5):269A.
    5 2000
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Edmonds CL, Turner PD, DeSimone EM, Schneider FC, Haddad AM Measuring empathy skills in pharmacy students. 200 AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2000
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Haddad AM, Monaghan MS, Turner PD Can we predict a student's capacity to deceive? 2000 AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 2000
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Lenz TL, Hilleman DE, Monaghan MS Crossover comparison of gemfibrozil and fenofibrate in patients with type IIA or IIB dyslipidemia. AACP 2000 Spring Practice and Research Forum, Monterey, California
    30 2000
  • Skrabal MZ, Stading JA, Monaghan MS Assessing and improving the outpatient management of diabetes mellitus at a Veterans Administration medical center (P-314D). ASHP 1999 Annual Clinical Midyear Meeting, Orlando, Fl 1999
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Turner PD, Galt KA, DeSimone EM, Keefner KR, Bell JG Using Standardized patients in the assessment of prior learning. AACP 1999 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 1999
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Monaghan MS, Marx MA, Olsen Km, Tejani AM, Bergman KL Correlation with and prediction of phenytoin protein binding using standard laboratory parameters in patients following renal transplantation. ACCP 1998 Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio
    5 1998
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Vanderbush RE, Gardner SF, Schneider EF, Grady AR, McKay AB Standardized patients: an ability-based outcomes assessment for the evaluation of clinical skills in traditional and nontraditional education. AACP 1997 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana 1997
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Jones RM, Schneider EF, Richardson RF, Grady AR, McCormack JR, Randall J Using standardized patients to teach physical assessment skills to pharmacists. AACP 1997 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana 1997
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Monaghan MJ, Jones RM Do schools of pharmacy adequately emphasize documentation of clinical services? AACP 1997 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana 1997
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Olsen KM, San Pedro GS, Peddicord TE, Monaghan MS, Jagannath S, Grayson CR Infections in bone marrow transplant recipients admitted to the intensive care unit. ACCP Annual Meeting, Nashville Tennessee 1996
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Monaghan MS, Hastings JK, Reinhardt GL, Knoll KR, Gardner SF Student attitudes toward the use of standardized patients in a communication course. AACP Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada 1996
  • Cantrell M, Monaghan MS, Vanderbush RE, Allen R, Randall J, Heard J A unique application for standardized patients: the pharmaceutical care encounters program. Seventh Ottawa International Conference on Medical Education and Assessment, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 1996. 1996
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Gardner SF, Monaghan MS Determination of student learning styles: applications to pharmaceutical education. ACCP Winter Practice and Research Forum, Monterey, California 1996
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Olsen KM, Monaghan MS, Harrell LR, Marx MA, San Pedro GS, Ackerman BH Histamine release following vancomycin infusion in critically ill patients. ACCP Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 1995
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Gardner SF, Monaghan MS Assessment of learning styles of nontraditional pharmacy students. AACP Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1995
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Vanderbush RE, Skelton D, Monaghan MS, Hastings J Measurement of nontraditional clerkship outcomes. AACP Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1995
  • Chest
    San Pedro GS, Grayson CR, Jagannath S, Monaghan MS, Olsen KM Outcome of intensive care treatment of bone marrow transplant recipients: The University of Arkansas experience. American College of Chest Physicians 60th Annual International Scientific Assembly, New Orleans, Louisiana 1994
  • J Am Soc Nephrol
    Marx MA, Monaghan MS, Olsen KM, Bunke CM, Evanoff GV Correlation of phenytoin binding with clinical parameters after renal transplantation. American Society of Nephrology 27th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida 1994
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Monaghan MS, Ackerman BH, Olsen KM, Fuller GL, Porter WH, Pappas AA Pharmacokinetic analysis of isopropanol and acetone using proton nuclear magnetic resonance: comparison with gas chromatography. ACCP Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri 1994
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Gardner SF, Monaghan MS Using knowledge maps to improve comprehension in therapeutics. AACP Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1994
  • Am J Pharm Educ
    Gardner SF, Monaghan MS, McIntyre WJ, Hudson TJ, Marx MA, Vanderbush RE Development of an adult medicine clerkship for a nontraditional Pharm.D. program. AACP Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico 1994
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Marx MA, Olsen KO, Monaghan MS, Evanoff GV The effect of renal transplantation on phenytoin protein binding. ACCP Winter Research Forum, San Diego, California 1994
  • International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
    Davis GA, Gurley BJ, Monaghan MS, Olsen KM Stability of flumazenil in the presence of agents given by continuous infusion. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Orlando, Florida 1992


  • Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Clinical Reasoning: A Multidisciplinary View. An Expert Panel Discussion.Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. Jensen, GM, Budesheim TL, Ozar AC, Dineen KK, Black LL, Monaghan MS 2018
  • Pharmacy Practice Residency: A Workshop. Second Abu Dhabi Pharmacy Conference (ADPHaC) 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 22, 2017 2017
  • Developing a Project Research Plan: An Overview. Second Abu Dhabi Pharmacy Conference (ADPHaC) 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 22, 2017. 2017
  • Current Trends in the Medication Management of Type 2 Diabetes. Second Abu Dhabi Pharmacy Conference (ADPHaC) 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 20, 2017. 2017
  • Hawkins K, Iverson L, Bredenkamp N, Carrico C, Pottoff M, Connelly S, Malesker M, Monaghan MS. Innovative Approaches to Interprofessional Simulation. 41st Annual Meeting, the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Baltimore, MD, April 25, 2015. 2015
  • Dash AK, Monaghan MS. Importance of Interprofessional Education, Practice and Research in the Pharmacy Curriculum in the Era of Globalization. 2nd Global Academic Meeting, GAM 2015, New Delhi, India, April 2, 2015. 2015
  • Monaghan MS, Malone PM, Chapman TA, Cain J. Instructional Technology: Who is Using What Where? A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2010 AACP Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, July 13, 2010. 2010
  • Monaghan MS, Augustine S, Begley K, Christensen K, Faulkner M. Technology Use to Facilitate Student Learning in the Clinical Years: Examples of Success and Failure. A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2009 AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, July 20, 2009. 2009
  • Beck DE, Monaghan MS, Bracegirdle L, Lok B, Austin ZH. OSCEs and Virtual Patient Simulations in Pharmacy Education: International Experiences and Research Findings. A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2008 AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 22, 2008. 2008
  • Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. Implementing Lifestyle Interventions: Where the Rubber Meets the Road. A three-hour Continuing Education Workshop at the Eleventh Annual Prairie Health Ventures Membership Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 22, 2008. 2008
  • Lenz TL, Monaghan MS. Implementing Lifestyle Interventions: The Two E's - Eating and Exercise. A two-hour Continuing Education Workshop at the Eleventh Annual Prairie Health Ventures Membership Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 21, 2008. 2008
  • Insulin Pumps and the Perioperative Management of the Diabetes Patient. New Medications Update. A two-hour Continuing Education Workshop at the Ninth Annual Alegent NPG Health-Link Membership Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 18, 2006. 2006
  • Jarrett J, Maio A, Monaghan MS, O'Brien R, Rich EC. How uninsurance contributes to bad outcomes for patients. An individual and panel presentation, Center for Health Policy and Ethics Clinical Series with the Department of Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, May 1, 2006. 2006
  • The Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes, the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, and the Use of Diet and Exercise. A three-hour Continuing Education Workshop at the Eighth Annual Alegent NPG Health-Link Membership Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, August 25, 2005. 2005
  • Monaghan MS, Buring SM, Anderson HM. Curricular Improvement Initiatives: Assuring an Effective, Dynamic Curriculum. A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2005 AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11, 2005. 2005
  • Monaghan MS, Howard PA, Wilkin N, Anderson HM, Koehler J, Altiere R. Academic Leaders Perceptions of Faculty Rewards Structure and Faculty Engagement. A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2005 AACP Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11, 2005. 2005
  • Current Trends in the Treatment of Diabetes. A four-hour Continuing Education Workshop, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 1, 2004. 2004
  • Monaghan MS, Jensen G, Vlasses P, Haddad A, McGaghie W. Implementing Performance-based Assessment in Pharmacy Education: A Model for Health Professions Education (Individual Paper and Panel Discussion). American Educational Research Association 2004 Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, April 14, 2004. 2004
  • Performance-based Assessments Utilizing Standardized Patients. A Faculty Workshop, School of Pharmacy, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico, February 18, 2004. 2004
  • Monaghan MS, Paschal K, Cochran T, Gandy J. Defining and Assessing Professional Competence. An Educational Session podium and panel presentation, American Physical Therapy Association 2004 Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville Tennessee, February 5, 2004. 2004
  • Monaghan MS, Hilleman DE, Faulkner M. Risk Factor Modification in Diabetes. A Continuing Education Program, Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, August 28, 2003. 2003
  • Standardized Patient Examinations: Hip or Hype? A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2003 AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 22, 2003. 2003
  • Outcomes Assessment: Moving from Innovation to Integration. A Special Session podium and panel presentation, 2002 AACP Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002. 2002
  • Decreasing Cardiovascular Morbidity in the Native American Diabetes Population. Ponca Wellness Center, Omaha, Nebraska, May 10, 2002. 2002
  • Decreasing Cardiovascular Morbidity in Type 2 Diabetes. Veterans Administration Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska, October 12, 2001. 2001
  • Type 2 Diabetes and the Elderly. Florence Nursing Home Staff Presentation, Omaha, Nebraska, September 25, 2001. 2001
  • An Evidence-based Approach to Type 2 Diabetes. Creighton Family Practice Core Content Lecture Series, Creighton University and St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska, June 15, 2001 2001
  • Using Performance-based Assessments to Evaluate Curricular Effectiveness. 2001 AACP Institute, Xerox Document University, Leesburg, Virginia, June 2, 2001. 2001
  • Diabetes Care and Education. Department of Medicine Ambulatory Core Curriculum Conference, School of Medicine, Medicine Clinical Center, Creighton University and St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska, April 30, 2001. 2001
  • An Evidence-based Approach to Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Health Symposium, St. Luke's Institute for Health Education Auditorium, Sioux City, Iowa, March 24, 2001. 2001
  • Performance-based Assessments Utilizing Standardized Patients, A Workshop. College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma Faculty Retreat, May 24, 2000, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2000
  • Preparing Internists for New Challenges to Cost-Effective Pharmacotherapy, A workshop. Society of General Internal Medicine 23rd Annual Meeting, May 5, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts. 2000
  • Hot Topics: Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Nebraska Pharmacists Association's Annual Convention, June 5, 1999, Kearney, Nebraska. 1999
  • Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: an Evidence-based Approach. Internal Medicine Educational Conference, VA Medical Center, March 19, 1999, Omaha, Nebraska. 1999
  • Assessment of Student Performance, A Faculty Development Workshop, School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, Creighton University, February 12, 1999, Omaha, Nebraska. 1999
  • A Certificate Program in Diabetes Care for Pharmacists. An extensive training and continuing education program, Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, September 18-19, 1998, Omaha, Nebraska. 1998
  • A Pharmacologic Approach to Type 2 Diabetes. Family Medicine Educational Conference, Offutt Air Force Base, April 28, 1998, Bellevue, Nebraska. 1998
  • Performance-based Assessments Utilizing Standardized Patients. A Faculty Workshop, School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, April 20, 1998, Auburn, Alabama. 1998
  • A Diabetes Update: Focus on the Type 2 Patient. Family Practice Educational Conference, St. Joseph Hospital, April 15, 1998, Omaha, Nebraska. 1998
  • Using Standardized Patients to Teach and Evaluate Clinical Skills: Applications Outside of Academic Medicine. Center for Practice Improvement and Outcomes Research Conference Series, St. Joseph Hospital, February 25, 1998, Omaha, Nebraska. 1998
  • A Diabetes Mellitus Update. A four-hour nursing staff development program, St. Joseph Hospital, November 19, 1997, Omaha, Nebraska. 1997
  • A Pharmaceutical Care Approach to Diabetes Mellitus. Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, September 13,1997, Omaha, Nebraska 1997
  • Can Standardized Patients be used to Certify Life Experiences? Assessing Prior Learning for Nontraditional Pharm.D. Programs. NABP/AACP District V 60th Annual Meeting, August 15, 1997, Omaha, Nebraska. 1997
  • NSAID Gastropathy: Controversies and Suggestions. Department of Medicine Clinical Pharmacology Conference, St. Joseph Hospital, January 9, 1997, Omaha, Nebraska. 1997
  • Pharmaceutical Care Encounters Program: Program Development and Potential Applications. University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, November 6, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1996
  • The Evaluation of Clinical Skills in Pharmaceutical Education: Present and Future. A presentation for preceptors, November 6, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1996
  • Physical Assessment for the Patient. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy, September 29, 1996, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1996
  • The Use of Standardized Patients in Pharmaceutical Education. Special Sessions Presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting, July 17, 1996, Reno, Nevada. 1996
  • Diabetes Mellitus. UAMS Health Education for the Public Program, April 11, 1996, a compressed, interactive video program broadcast from Little Rock to 9 distant cities in Arkansas. 1996
  • The Pharmaceutical Care of Diabetes Mellitus. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy, October 29, 1995, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1995
  • The Pharmaceutical Care of Asthma. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy, December 10, 1995 and June 25, 1995, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1995
  • Diabetes and You: The Pharmacist as a Source of Information. Arkansas Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association, January 12, 1995, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1995
  • Gastrointestinal Complications of NSAIDs. UAMS Department of Family and Community Medicine 16th Annual Family Practice Intensive Review, June 3, 1994, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1994
  • Contemporary Issues of Antimicrobial Therapy (Moderator). University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy, August 27, 1993, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1993
  • HIV Infection: An Overview of Disease and Information for the Pharmacist. The 25th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, February 21, 1993, El Dorado, Arkansas, March 7, 1993, Hot Springs, Arkansas, March 28, 1993, Fort Smith, Arkansas, April 18, 1993, Jonesboro, Arkansas, and May 2, 1993, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1993
  • The Pharmacist and the Elderly Patient: Focus on Diabetes. Garland County Pharmacy Association, April 29, 1993, Hot Springs, Arkansas. 1993
  • Diseases of the Elderly: Diabetes. Norman Pharmacists Association, March 9, 1993, Norman, Oklahoma. 1993
  • Diabetes in the Geriatric Patient. Rio Grand Valley Pharmacists Association, November 19, 1992, McAllen, Texas. 1992
  • Diabetes and the Pharmacist. Prudential HMO Pharmacy Group, September 17, 1992, Tulsa, Oklahoma 1992
  • Insulin Update. Garland County Pharmacy Association, July 21, 1992, Hot Springs, Arkansas. 1992
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: The Pharmacist's Role. The 24th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, March 29, 1992, Hot Springs, Arkansas. 1992
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: The Pharmacist's Role. The 24th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, March 22, 1992, Fort Smith, Arkansas 1992
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: The Pharmacist's Role. The 24th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, March 15, 1992, Little Rock, Arkansas 1992
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: The Pharmacist's Role. The 24th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, March 1, 1992, Jonesboro, Arkansas 1992
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: The Pharmacist's Role. The 24th Annual Pharmacy Extension Seminar, February 23, 1992, El Dorado, Arkansas. 1992
  • Topical and Oral Antifungal Agents. General Practice Seminar for the Arkansas Continuing Education Program, December 8, 1991, Little Rock, Arkansas 1991


  • Students' Readiness to Change in Response to Academic Performance

  • Mixed Methods Evaluation of University-Wide Interprofessional Education (IPE) Student Assessment Data

  • Community Pharmacy Residency Expansion Project (Community PREP), NACDS Foundation

  • Evaluating the Effect of Simulated Electronic Medical Records on Student Learning in Pharmacotherapeutics

  • Using Performance-based Assessments to Evaluate Curricular Effectiveness in a Web-based Entry-level Pharmacy Pathway

  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Disease State Management Continuing Education Program for Heart Failure to Rural Nebraska Pharmacists via Two-way Interactive Video. 2003 District V National Boards of Pharmacy/American Association of Colleges Pharmacy Study Grant for "Innovations in Continuing Pharmaceutical Education"

  • Toward Healthy People 2010: Impacting Vaccine Underutilization in Patients with Diabetes Through Collaborative Practice and Pharmacist Intervention

  • Measuring Adherence to NCQA/JCAHO Core Performance Measures and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes-Testing Diabetes Goals Web site.

  • Using Performance-based Assessments to Evaluate Curricular Effectiveness in Pharmacy Education. Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)


  • Outstanding Educator of the Year Award
    presented by the distance class of 2018
    Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Outstanding Educator of the Year Award
    presented by the campus class of 2017
    Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Outstanding Educator of the Year Award
    Creighton University, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Recipient of the 2002 Rho Chi Excellence in Teaching Award
    Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Most Outstanding Clinical Faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice
    The Graduating Class of 1996, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Pharmacy Student Body
  • Teacher of the Year 1995-1996
    University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Pharmacy Student Body