Richard W . Miller, BA, PhD


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College of Arts and Sciences

Richard W . Miller, BA, PhD







  • Orbis Press
    Suffering and the Christian Life, ed. Richard W. Miller 2013
  • God, Creation, and Climate Change: A Catholic Response to the Environmental Crisis
    Miller, Richard W. Global climate disruption and social justice: The state of the problem, p. 49-68 2010
  • Women and the Shaping of Catholicism: Women Through the Ages
    Miller, R. W. Hearing women's voices, p. 11-Jan 2009
  • We Hold These Truths: Catholicism and American Political Life
    Miller, R. W. Catholicism and American political life: A response to the current tendency to narrow catholic social teaching, p. 15-Jan 2008


  • Commonweal
    Miller, Richard W. 1. 'Global Suicide Pact.'
    139, p. 12-15 2012
  • New Blackfriars
    Miller, Richard W. The heart of light: God as mystery
    1039, p. 358-376 2011
  • Heythrop Journal
    Miller, Richard W. The Mystery of God and the Suffering of Human Beings
    50, p. 846-863 2009
  • Journal for Peace and Justice Studies
    Miller, R. W. Pro-life moral principles and pro-life strategies: expanding the catholic imagination and response to abortion
    19, p. 2-26 2009


  • Oxford University Press
    “Chance and Providence in Early Christianity,” in Abraham’s Dice: Chance and Providence in the Monotheistic Traditions, edit. Karl Giberson 2015
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    “Coming to Terms with our Moral Responsibility: Climate Change and the Future of Civilization,” lead author of National Religious Coalition on Creation Care Press Release 800 words, other author was Charles Redfern, who writes for the Huffington Post. 2014

Editing and Reviews

  • Theological Studies
    Book review of Waiting and Being: Creation, Freedom, and Grace in Western Theology by Joshua B. Davis 2015
  • Horizons
    Book review of Blessed are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint by Sallie McFague, Horizons: Journal of the College Theology Society 2015
  • Theological Studies
    Miller, Richard W. Waiting and Being: Creation, Freedom, and Grace in Western Theology [Book Review]
    75, p. 951-952 2014


  • "Chance in the Early Christian Tradition," presented at a conference sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. The conference was entitled "Abrahams Dice: Chance and Providence in the Monotheistic Traditions," This was a conference that brought ten speakers from around the world, including scientists, philosophers of science, and theologians; Stonehill College, Easton Massachusetts. 2014
  • "The Climate Change Crisis and the Mission of Catholic Universities", Presented at the Just Sustainability: Hope for the Commons Conference, Seattle University, Seattle Washington, August 7 9, 2014 2014
  • "The Ethical Implications of Coal and Oil as Sources of Energy: Updating the US Bishops 1981 Reflections on the Energy Crisis," Paper presented for the Catholic Theological Society of America Interest Group on Discipleship and Sustainability, San Diego, California. 2014
  • "The Unfolding Climate Change Tragedy and the Future of Young People," Plenary speaker at the National Religious Coalition for Creation Care Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 2014
  • "Catholic Universities and Fossil Fuel Divestment" one of three featured speakers for Green Faiths International Webinar, the Webinar was covered by the National Catholic Report 2014
  • "Divine Providence and Climate Change," Interviewed by John OKeefe and Wendy Wright for Catholic Comments Podcast. 2014
  • "The Suffering of Christ," presentation for the Creighton Campus Ministry Lenten Lecture Series. 2014
  • "The Catholic University and the Unfolding Climate Change Tragedy," Center for Health Policy & Ethics, Creighton University. 2014
  • "Climate Change and the Future of Civilization," Servite Center. 2013
  • 4. Delivered a presentation ("The Unfolding Climate Change Tragedy and the Moral Responsibility of Government Officials") to officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including Brian Bonds, who is a senior adviser to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. 2013
  • Participated in a conference call meeting, along with four other people including religious leaders and academics, between leaders from the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care and the White House Council on Environmental Quality on the Presidents Climate Policy. 2013
  • "Fulfilling the Promise of Catholic Universities as Promoters of Justice" The 59th College Theology Society Convention. 2013
  • Made presentation on the moral responsibility of elected officials to transition to a fossil fuel free economy on behalf of the National Religious Coalition Creation Care to the Nebraska Congressional delegation. 2013
  • "Nebraska and the Keystone XL Pipeline", Invited to present to the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. 2013
  • "Care for Gods Creation and Climate Change," Talk at St. Pius Church 2013
  • "Creightons Jesuit Identity and the Climate Crisis," Presentation to the Creighton Jesuit Community. 2013
  • Panelist for "Creighton University Interdisciplinary Conversations: Sustainability at Creighton." 2013
  • Response to paper by Susan Wood, SCL, Ph.D. entitled "Sacramental Character of the Church," for the Vatican II: 50th Anniversary Lecture Series. 2013
  • "Theology, Climate Change, and the Demands of Justice: A Proper Catholic Response to the Climate Crisis" Creighton University Physics Department. 2013
  • "Putting Chasing Ice into Context,", Panel Commenting on James Balogs movie Chasing Ice in relation to the Climate Change Problem. 2013
  • Climate Change: Where are we now? Interview with OmahaBikes.Org. 2012
  • "Change or Be Changed: Our Future in a Warming World," Invited presentation for local Group of International Transitions Group. 2012
  • "Planetary Boundaries and the Greening of Catholic Universities," The Greening of the Papacy Symposium. 2012
  • "Climate Refugees" Faculty Panelist following a documentary on climate refugees sponsored by the Creighton Student Union. 2011
  • "The Climate Diagnosis" Creighton University Environmental Science Department. 2011
  • "The Climate Diagnosis" Environmental Science Department & Students. 2011
  • "Sollicitudo rei socialis" Catholic Social Teaching Course for Faculty & Staff. 2011
  • "The Keystone XL Pipeline and Climate Change" Creighton Center for Service and Justice. 2011
  • "The Climate Change Problem: An Update of the Science," The student group GreenJays. 2011
  • "The Divine Purpose and Human Suffering" The Catholic Church in the 21st Century Lecture Series. 2011
  • "Global Warming leads to Global Warfare: The Theologian and the Planetary Emergency" The 57th College Theology Society Convention. 2011
  • "The Climate Crisis and the Responsibility of Catholic Universities" Presentation to the Ministry staff at Creighton University. 2011
  • Faculty participant in forum on Creightons Climate Action Plan for the signers of the American Colleges and Universities Presidential Climate Commitment. 2011


  • Blessed Peter Faber Award for Integrity
    Creighton University
  • Book Award in Faith and Science Category
    Includes all of the university presses.
    Catholic Press Association of the U.S. and Canada