Oleg Militsakh, MD


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School of Medicine
Head and Neck Surgical Oncology
Methodist-Creighton Head and Neck Oncologic and Reconstructive Fellowship

Oleg Militsakh, MD







  • Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery
    Holcomb Andrew J., White Andrew, Rossman Emily, Wagoner Luke, Akhter Sidra, Gillespie Megan, Meyer Charles D., Lindau Robert, Panwar Aru, Osmolak Angela, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Coughlin Andrew M., Tracheostomy Avoidance in Flap Reconstruction of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract is Safe in Selected Patients 2024
  • JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery
    Panwar Aru, Holcomb Andrew J, Nolan Nicole, Duckert Randall, Barney Christian, Chiu Max, Osmolak Angela, Coughlin Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Sayles Harlan, Ganti Apar Kishor, Lindau Robert, Nguyen Cam, Shah Swapnil, Reid Abigail E, Lydiatt William, Su Yungpo B, Mirmiran Alireza, Huang Tien-Shew, Quality of Life and Depression Symptoms After Therapy De-Escalation in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial 2024
  • Indian journal of surgical oncology
    Sayal Navdeep R, Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, 99m Tc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck
    15:1, p. 82 - 2024
  • Indian journal of surgical oncology
    Sayal Navdeep R., Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, 99mTc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 2023
  • The Journal of craniofacial surgery
    Meyer Charles, Holcomb Andrew J., McLean James, Higley Thomas, Militsakh Oleg, Osmolak Angela, Pedicled Forearm Fasciocutaneous Flap for Tracheal Reconstruction: Anomalous Radial Vasculature Preventing Free-Flap
    34:5, p. e493 - e495 2023
  • The Laryngoscope
    Panwar Aru, McGill Trevon, Lydiatt Daniel, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Sayles Harlan, Smith Russell, Lydiatt William, De-Novo Depression, Prophylactic Antidepressant, and Survival in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer
    133:4, p. 856 - 862 2023
  • Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery
    Pandey Yash, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Coughlin Andrew, Lindau Robert, Osmolak Angela, Pandey Brianna, Aurit Sarah J, Evaluation of Agreement Among Frailty Assessment Tools in Head and Neck Surgery
    168:1, p. 32 - 38 2023
  • Head & Neck
    Sayal Navdeep R., Aurit Sarah, Hufnagle John, Hubble Lester, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Association of multimodal analgesia with perioperative safety and opioid use following head and neck microvascular reconstruction
    42:10, p. 2887 - 2895 2020
  • European Journal of Oncology Nursing
    Bond Stewart M., Schumacher Karen, Dietrich Mary S., Wells Nancy, Militsakh Oleg, Murphy Barbara A., Initial Psychometric Testing of the Head and Neck Cancer Patient Self-Management Inventory (HNC-PSMI)
    47, p. 101751 - 101751 2020
  • OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery
    Jorgensen Jeffery B., Smith Russell B., Coughlin Andrew, Spanos William C., Lohr Michele M., Sperry Steven M., Militsakh Oleg, Zitsch Robert P., Yueh Bevan, Dooley Laura M., Panwar Aru, Galloway Tabitha L. I., Pagedar Nitin A., Impact of PET/CT on Staging and Treatment of Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    160:2, p. 261 - 266 2019
  • OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery
    Panwar Aru, Wang Fangfang, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Smith Russell, Sayles Harlan, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William, Prediction of Discharge Destination following Laryngectomy
    159:6, p. 1006 - 1011 2018
  • JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery
    Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Interval Erik, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Panwar Aru, Development of Multimodal Analgesia Pathways in Outpatient Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery and Association With Postoperative Opioid Prescription Patterns
    144:11, p. 1023 - 1023 2018
  • OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery
    Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Sayles Harlan, Rieke Katherine R., Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Smith Russell, Impact of Primary Tracheoesophageal Puncture on Outcomes after Total Laryngectomy
    158:1, p. 103 - 109 2018
  • JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery
    Oltman Justin, Militsakh Oleg, D’Agostino Mark, Kauffman Brittany, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Smith Russell, Panwar Aru, Multimodal Analgesia in Outpatient Head and Neck Surgery: A Feasibility and Safety Study
    143:12, p. 1207 - 1207 2017
  • Microsurgery
    Assam Jed H., Quinn Thomas H., Militsakh Oleg N., The maxillary artery as a recipient vessel option for complex midface and anterior skull base microsurgical repair: A cadaveric study
    37:6, p. 611 - 617 2017
  • Head & Neck
    de la Garza Gabriel, Ledgerwood Levi G., Kaiser Katelyn, Kitzerow Collin, Shnayder Yelizaveta, Neumann Colin A., Khariwala Samir S., Chad Spanos W., Pagedar Nitin A., Militsakh Oleg, Panwar Aru, Galloway Tabitha L., Jorgensen Jeffrey B., Obesity and perioperative complications in head and neck free tissue reconstruction
    38:S1, p. E1188 - E1191 2016
  • The Laryngoscope
    Panwar Aru, Smith Russell, Lydiatt Daniel, Lindau Robert, Wieland Aaron, Richards Alan, Shostrom Valerie, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Vascularized tissue transfer in head and neck surgery: Is intensive care unit-based management necessary?
    126:1, p. 73 - 79 2016
  • Cancer Treatment and Research Communications
    Shrestha Runa, Militsakh Oleg, Bhatt Vijaya Raj, Zhen Weining Ken, Tomich Paul G., Ganti Apar Kishor, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in pregnancy: A case series and literature review
    9, p. 126 - 130 2016
  • Journal of clinical oncology
    Sherrod Amanda M., Murphy Barbara A., Wells Nancy L., Bond Stewart M., Hertzog Melody, Gilbert Jill, Adair Melissa, Parks Lindsey, Lydiatt William M., Smith Russel B., Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert H., Schumacher Karen, Caregiving burden in head and neck cancer
    32:15_suppl, p. e20678 - e20678 2014
  • Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery
    Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg N., Lydiatt Daniel D., Wieland Aaron M., Lydiatt William M., Improved Resource Use following Vascularized Tissue Transfer: Mandatory Intensive Care Unit Stay Is Unnecessary
    149:2_suppl, p. P38 - P38 2013


  • 2023
  • Update in Head and Neck Surgery - HPV-associated Cancer Epidemic 2023
  • Instructor for Diving First Aid course. 2022
  • Presented at the 3rd Annual Dan Lydiatt Symposium: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. 2022
  • Militsakh, Oleg. Thyroid Malignancy, Work-up and treatment of thyroid nodules. Metro Omaha Chapter of Oncology Nursing Society. 2021
  • Presentation on "TeleHealth in Head and Neck Surgery" to Methodist Hospital Board of Directors. 2020
  • Militsakh, Oleg. "Future Focused Speaker". Brownell-Talbot School. 2020
  • Militsakh, Oleg. Mulitmodal Analgesia in Head and Neck Surgery. Estabrook Cancer Center Grand Rounds. Methodist College. 2019
  • Militsakh, Oleg. Opioid Use and Guardianship in Head and Neck Surgery. 2019
  • Militsakh, Oleg. "Nasal Reconstruction". Plastics Surgery Grand Rounds. University of Nebraska Medical Center. 2019
  • McGill T, Lydiatt W, Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Sayles H, Lindau R, Lydiatt D, Panwar A. Association of Depression with Risk for Unplanned Hospitalization for Patients under Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer: Findings from PROTECT Trial. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2018
  • Panwar A, Lydiatt W, Lydiatt D, Interval E, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Militsakh O. Development of Multimodal Analgesia Pathway in Outpatient Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery is Associated with Dramatic Reduction in Opioid Use. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Head and Neck Society at the 2018 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), National Harbor, MD, USA. 2018
  • Militsakh, Oleg. "Pediatric Thyroid Surgery". Surgical Services Conference. Omaha Children's Hospital and Medical Center. 2018
  • Militsakh, Oleg. "Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocol. Plastic Surgery Grand rounds. Nebraska Medical Center. 2017
  • Wang F, Lindau R, Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Smith R, Sayles H, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Panwar A. Prediction of Discharge Destination Following Laryngectomy. Oral presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), San Diego, California. 2017
  • Oltman J, Militsakh O, D'Agostino M, Kauffman B, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Lydiatt W, Lydiatt D, Smith R, Panwar A. Multimodal Analgesia in Outpatient Head and Neck Surgery: A Feasibility and Safety Study. Oral presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), San Diego, California. 2017
  • Panwar A, Lindau R, Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Sayles H, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Smith R. Impact of Discharge Destination on Perioperative Outcomes Following Total Laryngectomy. Poster presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), San Diego, California. 2017
  • Serbousek K, Hamersley E, Militsakh O, Sayles H, Rieke K, Lydiatt D, Panwar A. Outpatient Parotidectomy in the United States: National Trends and Safety Profile. Resident Research Symposium 2017, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Hamersley E, Serbousek K, Militsakh O, Sayles H, Rieke K, Lydiatt D, Panwar A. Outpatient Parotidectomy in the United States: National Trends and Safety Profile. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of the Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology (FHNO), New Delhi, India. 2016
  • Panwar A, Militsakh O, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Sayles H, Rieke K, Smith R. Primary Tracheo- Esophageal Puncture: Outcomes & Insights from NSQIP. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, San Diego, CA, USA. 2016
  • Militsakh, Oleg. " Medical Decision Making. General Surgery Grand Rounds. Creighton Medical Center. 2016
  • Militsakh Oleg, "Mandibular Reconstruction - Current Update", Plastics Surgery Grand Rounds, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Militsakh Oleg, "Laryngopharyngeal Reconstruction - Contemporary Update", Plastics Surgery Grand Rounds, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • Sherrod AM, Murphy BA, Wells NL, Bond SM, Hertzog M, Gilbert J, Adair M, Parks L, Lydiatt WM, Smith RB, Militsakh O, Lindau RH, Schumacher K. "Caregiving burden in head and neck cancer". Online meeting library, 2014 Annual ASCO Meeting. http://meetinglibrary.asco.org/content/127626-144. 2014
  • Panwar A, Smith R, Militsakh O, Lindau R, Wieland A, Richards A, Lydiatt, D, Lydiatt W. High Body Mass Index Does Not Adversely Impact Safety of Microvascular Reconstruction for Head and Neck Surgery Defects. Oral presentation at the 6th World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Surgeons & American Head and Neck Society meeting. New York, NY. 2014
  • Sundaram Abhishek, Coughlin Andrew, Baker Sarah, Smith Russell B, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William M, Forse Armour, Bhuller Amardeep, Militsakh O, Lindau Robert. Resource Utilization After Free Tissue Transfer Reconstruction for Head and Neck Cancer. AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
  • Militsakh, Reviewer, IFHNOS 2014 Abstract Review, 01/01/1970, - Oral Papers: Oral Cavity I, AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
  • Militsakh, AHNS Moderator, AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
  • Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Lindau III R. The Chicken Thigh Model for Teaching Coupling Techniques, AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014
  • Militsakh ON, Facial Reanimation, Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, UNMC, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • Militsakh ON, Facial Nerve Disorders. COCLIA Plastics Grand Rounds,UNMC, Dept. of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Panwar A, Militsakh O, Lydiatt D, Lindau R, Shostrom V, Richards A, Wieland A, Smith R, Lydiatt W. Improved Resource Use following Vascularized Tissue Transfer: Mandatory Intensive Care Unit Stay Is Unnecessary. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2013
  • Judge PD, Cooper JS, Militsakh, ON, Poster presentation, Diving Head First: HBO Therapy Before Surgical Debridment in Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Head and Neck. COSM, Orlando, FL. 2013
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Nursing Grand Rounds, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Militsakh, O., Local Reconstructive Flaps in Head and Neck, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Militsakh, O, Head and Neck Reconstruction in the Setting of Salvage Surgery. Eighth Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh, O, Invited Lecturer, Nursing Grand Rounds, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh O, Invited Lecturer, Greater Omaha Radiation Oncology Conference, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Microvascular Free Tissue Transfer-Free Flaps, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Nursing Care of the Radical Neck Flap Patient with Internal Dopplers, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Nursing Care of the Radical Neck Flap Patient with Internal Dopplers, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Makin' It Real, Surgery Lecture Series, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Head and Neck Microsurgical Reconstruction-current opinions and challenges, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Militsakh, O., Invited Lecturer, Overview of Head and Neck Cancer, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Militsakh O., Invited Lecturer, 22nd Annual Fall Foliage Cancer Conference, Asheville, NC. 2010
  • Militsakh O, Oral Cavity Reconstruction. Omaha Dental Hygienists' Association, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Schmidt J, Haynatzki G, Militsakh O, Bilobed Flap Reconstruction of Radial Forearm Free Flap Defects. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Boca Raton, FL. 2010
  • Militsakh O, The Role of Preoperative Vascular Testing and Free Tissue Transfer. Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center, Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh O, Oromandibular Reconstruction. Fourth Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. University of Nebraska Medical Center. Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh O, Head and Neck Surgical Oncology for Dental Hygienists. Nebraska Dental Hygienist Association Annual Meeting. Grand Island, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh O, Head and Neck Cancer Presentations. Third Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center, Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh O, Facial Nerve Paralysis. Otology Conference. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh ON, Role of Free Tissue Transfer in Head and Neck Reconstruction. Plastic Surgery Department Grand Rounds. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Pate S, Sewell R, Craig C, Moore G, Militsakh O, Utilization of an Acrylic 3-D Model for Surgical Planning of a Skull Base Chondroblastoma. Poster presentation. 2009
  • Militsakh ON, Use of Vascularized Bone Flaps in Reconstruction of the Maxilla and Mandible. Lecture at Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Grand Rounds. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2009
  • Militsakh, O. Triological Society Southern and Middle Combined Sections Meeting. Bonita Springs, FL. 2009
  • Militsakh ON, Microvascular Tissue Transfer. Nursing In-Service. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Head and Neck Post-operative Care. Lecture at Common Complaints as Manifestations of Head and Neck Cancer. Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Advanced Reconstruction of the Head and Neck after Cancer Surgery. Lecture at Common Complaints as Manifestations of Head and Neck Cancer. Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Craig C, Militsakh ON, Miller JJ, Lydiatt W, Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma of the Orbit. Poster presentation. 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, San Francisco, CA. 2008
  • Militsakh, ON, Head and Neck Reconstruction in the Modern Era. Lecture at Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center, Honorary Physician's Breakfast. Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Role of Preoperative Vascular Assessment of Extremities Free Flap Donor Sites. Lecture to Clarkson Vascular Lab technicians. Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Surgical Therapy for Head and Neck Cancers. Lecture at Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center. Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Free Flap Reconstructive Surgery for Head/Neck Cancer. Lecture at Methodist Hospital Critical Care Conference. Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Free Flap Reconstructive Surgery for Head/Neck Cancer. Lecture at Methodist Hospital Critical Care Conference. Omaha, NE. 2008
  • Militsakh ON, Reconstruction after Resection of Oral Cavity Cancer. Lecture at Des Moines OTO Club. Des Moines, IA. 2007
  • Militsakh ON, Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery. Lecture at Nebraska Methodist Hospital Tumor Conference. Omaha, NE. 2007
  • Kulbersh J, Militsakh ON, Day TA et al. One-stage free flap reconstruction of near circumferential tracheal defect. Poster presentation at COSM. San Diego, CA. 2007
  • Ursick JA, Militsakh ON, Girod DA et al. Isolated Temporal Frey's Syndrome after Alloderm use. Poster presentation at American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON. 2006
  • Militsakh ON. Role of Alloderm in prevention of Frey's Syndrome. University of Kansas Alumni Day Presentation. 2006
  • Militsakh ON, Staecker H. Facial Nerve. University of Kansas Departmental Grand Rounds. 2006
  • Militsakh ON, Kriet JD. Use of lasers in facial plastic surgery. University of Kansas Departmental Grand Rounds. 2004
  • Militsakh ON. Laryngectomy and tracheostomy - anatomy and patient care. Instructor for a nursing education course, University of Kansas Medical Center. 2004
  • Militsakh ON. Microvascular reconstruction. Instructor for a nursing education course, University of Kansas Medical Center. 2004
  • Militsakh ON, Tsue TT, Girod DA. The role of osteocutaneous radial forearm free flap in the treatment of mandibular osteoradionecrosis. Podium presentation at American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, New York City, NY. 2004
  • Militsakh ON, Tsue TT, Girod DA. Comparison of radial forearm to fibula and scapula osteocutaneous free flaps for oromandibular reconstruction. Podium presentation at 6th Annual International Head and Neck Surgery Meeting, Washington D.C. 2004
  • Militsakh ON, Leutje CM. Combined electric and acoustic stimulation of the cochlea. Kansas City Regional Round Table, Shawnee Mission, KS. 2004
  • Militsakh ON. Oromandibular Reconstruction. University of Kansas Departmental Grand Rounds. 2004
  • Militsakh ON. Submasseteric space abscess - case presentation. Kansas City Regional Round Table, Leewood, KS. 2003
  • Militsakh ON, Tsue TT, Girod DA. Use of 2.0 mm Locking Reconstruction Plate System in oromandibular reconstruction. Podium presentation. American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2003
  • Militsakh ON. Recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis. University of Kansas Departmental Grand Rounds. 2003