Dr. McIsaac has over three decades of clinical experience treating adults with neurological conditions, focused on the neurodegenerative disorders of Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Dr. McIsaac’s research focuses on the interaction of attention and movement (multi-tasking) in older adults and people with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson disease.
When not working, she and her wife, Marcia, and their dog, Jesse, can usually be found roaming the country in their camper, hiking, biking, and horseback riding, or relaxing with a good book or films.
Research Focus
Cognitive Motor Interaction; Neurorehabilitation, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Motor Learning and Control
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Kuettel J., McIsaac T. L., Bay R. C., Configuration variability of the six-minute walk test among licensed physical therapists working with neurologic conditions: a pilot survey 2022
Sensors Mostafa T. A., Cheng I., Soltaninejad S., McIsaac T. L., A comparative study of time frequency representation techniques for freeze of gait detection and prediction 21:19 2021
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) Becker J. J., McIsaac T. L., Copeland S. L., Cohen R. G., Alexander technique vs. Targeted exercise for neck pain—a preliminary comparison 11:10 2021
Frontiers in Psychology McIsaac T. L., Fritz N. E., Quinn L., Muratori L. M., Cognitive-motor interference in neurodegenerative disease: A narrative review and implications for clinical management 9 2018
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research Porciuncula F. S., Rao A. K., McIsaac T. L., Aging-related decrements during specific phases of the dual-task Timed Up-and-Go test 28:1, p. 121 - 130 2016
Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science Coker E., McIsaac T. L., Nilsen D., Motor imagery modality in expert dancers: an investigation of hip and pelvis kinematics in demi-plié and sauté 19:2, p. 63 - 69 2015
BioMed Research International McIsaac T. L., Lamberg E. M., Muratori L. M., Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy 2015 2015
Experimental Brain Research McIsaac T. L., Benjapalakorn B., Allocation of attention and dual-task effects on upper and lower limb task performance in healthy young adults 233:9, p. 2607 - 2617 2015
Muscle and Nerve Montes J., De Vivo D. C., Rao A. K., McIsaac T. L., Dunaway S., Kamil-Rosenberg S., Sproule D., Garber C. E., Falls and spinal muscular atrophy: Exploring cause and prevention 47:1, p. 118 - 123 2013
Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science Girón E. C., McIsaac T., Nilsen D., Effects of kinesthetic versus visual imagery practice on two technical dance movements: a pilot study. 16:1, p. 36 - 38 2012
Gerontology Diermayr G., Gordon A. M., McIsaac T. L., Finger force coordination underlying object manipulation in the elderly - A mini-review 57:3, p. 217 - 227 2011
Experimental Brain Research Zhang W., Gordon A. M., McIsaac T. L., Santello M., Within-trial modulation of multi-digit forces to friction 211:1, p. 17 - 26 2011
Gait and Posture Diermayr G., McIsaac T. L., Kaminski T. R., Gordon A. M., Aging effects on object transport during gait 34:3, p. 334 - 339 2011
Experimental Brain Research McIsaac T. L., Santello M., Johnston J. A., Zhang W., Gordon A. M., Task-specific modulation of multi-digit forces to object texture 194:1, p. 79 - 90 2009
Experimental Brain Research McIsaac T. L., Fuglevand A. J., Common synaptic input across motor nuclei supplying intrinsic muscles involved in the precision grip 188:1, p. 159 - 164 2008
Journal of neurophysiology McIsaac T. L., Fuglevand A. J., Motor-unit synchrony within and across compartments of the human flexor digitorum superficialis 97:1, p. 550 - 556 2007
Experimental Brain Research McIsaac T. L., Fuglevand A. J., Influence of tactile afferents on the coordination of muscles during a simulated precision grip 174:4, p. 769 - 774 2006
NeuroImage De Weerd P., Reinke K., Ryan L., McIsaac T., Perschler P., Schnyer D., Trouard T., Gmitro A., Cortical mechanisms for acquisition and performance of bimanual motor sequences 19:4, p. 1405 - 1416 2003