James L . Leighter, PhD

Associate Professor

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College of Arts and Sciences
Communication Studies
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 311

James L . Leighter, PhD

Associate Professor


Communication Studies


Associate Professor


  • Journal
    Leighter, J., Rudnick, L., & Edmonds, T. (2013). How the ethnography of communication provides resources for design. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42(2), 209-215. , p. 209-215 2013
  • Journal
    Leighter, J., & Torpy, K. (May, 2011). The role of conversation in forging a path toward sustainability in Nebraska. Prairie Fire: The Progressive Voice of the Great Plains. Lincoln, NE. 2011
  • Participatory partnerships for social action and research
    Leighter, J. Participatory partnerships in rural Nebraska: Finding mutual benefit for communities and scholarship 2010
  • The Meaning of Citizenship
    Leighter, Jay 'What is an average citizen'?: Citizen speech codes and political people making 2010
  • Journal
    Leighter, J. L., & Black, L. W. (2010). “I’m just raising the question”: Terms for talk and practical metadiscursive argument in public meetings. Western Journal of Communication, 74, 547- 568., p. 547-568 2010
  • Journal
    Leighter, J. (2010). Participatory partnerships in rural Nebraska: Finding mutual benefit for communities and scholarship. In L. Harter, J. Hamel-Lambert & J. Millesen (Eds.), Participatory Partnerships for Social Action and Research (pp. 415-425). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. , p. 415-425 2010
  • Communicating for social impact : engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy
    Kirby, E. L., Bonewits Feldner, S., Leighter, J., McBride, M. C., Tye-Williams, S., Ortega Murphy, B., Turner, L. H. Exploring the basement of social justice issues- A graduate upon graduation, p. 63-77 2009
  • Interacting and organizing: Analyses of a management meeting
    Leighter, Jay Sam Steinberg's use of Tell in After Mr. Sam 2007


  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
    Leighter, James L.; Rudnick, Lisa; Edmonds, Theresa J. How the ethnography of communication provides resources for design.
    41, p. 209-215 2013
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
    Leighter, James L., Rudnick, Lisa, Edmonds, Theresa J. How the ethnography of communication provides resources for design
    41, p. 209-215 2013
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
    How the ethnography of commmunication provides resources for design.
    42-2, p. 209-215 2013
  • Journal
    Leighter, J. (January, 2011). What does sustainability look like in Nebraska? Prairie Fire: The Progressive Voice of the Great Plains. Lincoln, NE. 2011
  • Western Journal of Communication
    Leighter, James L. and Black, Laura. 'I'm Just Raising the Question': Terms for Talk and Practical Metadiscursive Argument in Public Meetings.
    74, p. 547-569 2010
  • Western Journal of Communication
    Leighter, James L., Black, Laura 'I'm Just Raising the Question': Terms for Talk and Practical Metadiscursive Argument in Public Meetings
    74, p. 547-569 2010
  • Leighter, J. Participatory partnerships in rural Nebraska: Finding mutual benefit for communities and scholarship. In Harter, L. M.; Hamel-Lambert, J.; Millesen, J. (Eds.)., Participatory partnerships for social action and research. Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA. 2010
  • Leighter, J. What is an average citizen?: Citizen speech codes and political people making. The Meaning of Citizenship produced by the Center for Citizenship Studies. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University 2010
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Leighter, J. L.; Black, L. W.; Cockett, L. S.; Jarmon, L. The practice of public meetings: Introduction to the special issue.
    3, p. 1-13 2009
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Leighter, J. L. and Castor, T. What are we going to 'talk about'in this public 'meeting”?: An examination of talk about communication in the North Omaha Development Project.
    3, p. 57-75 2009
  • Kirby, E. L.; Bonewits Feldner, S.; Leighter, J.; McBride, M. C.; Tye-Williams, S.; Ortega Murphy, B.; Turner, L. H. Exploring the basement of social justice issues- A graduate upon graduation. In Harter, Lynn M.; Dutta, Mohan J.; Cole, Courtney (Eds.)., Communicating for social impact : engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy. Hampton Press, Cresskill, N.J., p. 63-77 2009
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Black, L. W.; Leighter, J. L.; Gastil, J. Communicating trust, community, and process in public meetings: A reflection on how close attention to communication can contribute to the future of public participation.
    3, p. 143-159 2009
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Leighter, J. L., Castor, T. What are we going to 'talk about'in this public 'meeting?.??: An examination of talk about communication in the North Omaha Development Project
    3, p. 57-75 2009
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Black, L. W., Leighter, J. L., Gastil, J. Communicating trust, community, and process in public meetings: A reflection on how close attention to communication can contribute to the future of public participation
    3, p. 143-159 2009
  • International Journal of Public Participation
    Leighter, J. L., Black, L. W., Cockett, L. S., Jarmon, L. The practice of public meetings: Introduction to the special issue
    3, p. 1-13 2009
  • Human Communication Research
    Gastil, John; Black, Laura W.; Deess, E. Pierre; Leighter, Jay. From Group Member to Democratic Citizen: How Deliberating with Fellow Jurors Reshapes Civic Attitudes.
    34, p. 137-169 2008
  • Human Communication Research
    Gastil, John, Black, Laura W., Deess, E. P., Leighter, Jay From Group Member to Democratic Citizen: How Deliberating with Fellow Jurors Reshapes Civic Attitudes
    34, p. 137-169 2008
  • Leighter, J. Sam Steinberg's use of Tell in After Mr. Sam. Interacting and organizing: Analyses of a management meeting. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2007


  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Thesis Title: “Cultivating Resilience from Within: Ancient Wisdom to Heal the Present Environmental Crisis. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Creighton University. Theresa J. Edmonds. 2014. 2014


  • Local Strategies Research in Community Zero-Waste Planning. WasteCap Nebraska Sustainability Summit, 2014. Omaha, NE. 2014
  • "You Will Think Back on these Words and They Will Help You: Developing (Deliberative) Communicative Competence on the Winnebago Reservation." Presented with Research Working Group on Deliberation in Everyday Speech. Group Communication Division. Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, 2014. 2014
  • "Intellectual Genealogy: Documenting Invisible Colleges in the Age of Digital Communication." Competitively selected panel in the NCA Centennial! Celebration Series. Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, 2014. 2014
  • "The Meaning of Citizen: Citizen Speech Codes as Rhetorical Resources in Public Meetings." Presented at the Annual Conference of the Center for Citizenship Studies, Wayne State University (Detroit, MI), 2013. 2013
  • Creating a Process that Fosters Innovation and Change in Your Organization. WasteCap Nebraska Sustainability Summit, 2013. Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Greening for whom? The difficult commitments of inclusion, equity, and social justice. Being prepared for The Greening of the Papacy, an academic symposium hosted by the Kripke Center and the Center for Catholic Thought, 2012, Creighton University. 2012
  • "Thinking with Designers: Ethnography of Communication in Sustainable Design." Presented as part of a competitively selected panel co-sponsored by the Language and Social Interaction and Applied Communication Divisions entitled "Applied Moves in the Ethnography of Communication Research: Fostering a Conversation between Scholarship and Practice." Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA) 2011. 2011
  • "Local Education, Local Issues." Presented as part of a competitively selected panel in the Language and Social Interaction Division entitled "University of Washington Center for Local Strategies Research: Building Bridges Between Scholarship and Communities." Annual Convention of the NCA, 2010. 2010


  • Deliberation in Everyday Talk Working Group, Kettering Foundation (Dayton, OH). $25,000 individual award to explore everyday talk about obesity, diet and health in Ho-Chunk Tribe/Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. (November 2012-February 2014)

  • Strategic Communication Design for Sustainable Development, Nebraska Environmental Trust in partnership with the Joslyn Institute for Sustainable Communities and the UNL Rural Futures Institute. $300,000 joint award to design, implement and evaluate strategic communication in community decision-making on sustainability problem-opportunities. (April 2013-March 2015).

  • Deliberation in Everyday Talk Working Group, Kettering Foundation (Dayton, OH). $25,000 individual award to explore everyday talk about obesity, diet and health in Ho-Chunk Tribe/Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. (November 2012-February 2014).

  • Conference design, local committee organization and Creighton conference facilitation. Conversations Conferences for Nebraska Environment and Sustainability. Primary funding provided by The Nebraska Environmental Trust. Project funded from July 2010-August 2011.


  • Associate Scholar. University of Washington Center for Local Strategies Research.
    Associate Scholar. University of Washington Center for Local Strategies Research. The purpose of the Center is to support research that informs and assists efforts to develop and implement practices and policies for meeting human needs in local communities. Project begins Summer 2010.
    University of Washington Center for Local Strategies Research
    2010 - 2010
  • Workshop design, workshop facilitation and workshop outcomes research
    Workshop design, workshop facilitation and workshop outcomes research for The Nebraska Sustainability Leadership Workshops. Primary funding provided by The Nebraska Environmental Trust. Project funded from July 2008-July 2010.
    The Nebraska Sustainability Leadership Workshops
    2008 - 2008