Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
Maternal Child Nursing Norris, J., Wydeven, M., Howell, E. & Kunes Connell, M. Partnering with a vulnerable population 2009
Maternal Child Nursing Norris, J., Wydeven, M., Howell, E. & Kunes Connell, M. Partnering with a vulnerable population 2009
Advances in Nursing Science Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M., & Spelic, S. A grounded theory of reimaging Vol. 20; Issue #3, p. 1-12 1998
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. A multi-modal approach to validation and refinement of an existing nursing diagnosis 2(2), p. 103-109 1988
Maternal Child Nursing Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. Self-esteem disturbance 20(4), p. 745-761 1985
Registry of Nursing Research (http://www.stti.iupui.edu/library) Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M., & Spelic, S. A grounded theory of reimaging. Advances in Nursing Science 20(3), p. 1-12 1998
Nahrstedt, D. and Kunes-Connell, M. (2016). Provider Adherence to ADA Guidelines for Screening and Treatment in a Rural Health Clinic. National Rural Health Association Quality and Clinical Conference. Oakland, CA ( National Conference). DNP Scholarly Project. 2016
Presented "Conceptualizing Nursing Education Through the Care Management Model" Caring in a Complex World: Reducing Readmissions Through Collaboration and Communication". Creighton University School of Nursing Alumni Continuing Education 2012
Invited keynote speaker: "Culture of Collegiality: One way to Stop Horizontal Violence" Nebraska Nurses Association: Celebrating the Past; Creating the Present; Challenging the Future100th Anniversary 2006
Hercinger, M and Kunes-Connell, M. (2005). "Enhancing Senior Students Use of Evidence Based Practice in a Care Management Model." 16th Annual International Participative Conference: Education in Health Care. NET 2005, Durham, United Kingdom (International Education Conference) 2005
Hercinger, M and Kunes-Connell, M. (2004). "Facilitating Senior Students Use of Evidence Based Practice in a Care Management Model." Villanova University, University of Pennsylvania and State University of New Jersey: Competence and Innovation: Intersections in Professional Nursing Education. Atlanta, GA, October 28-31, 2004. (National Nursing Education Conference) 2004
Hercinger, M. and Kunes-Connell, M. (2003): "Development of a Clinical Nurse Leader through a Care Management Synthesis Project". AACN Baccalaureate Conference; San Antonio, Texas, November 16-18, 2003. (National Education Conference) 2003
Kunes-Connell, M. (2000): "Content Analysis Software as a Tool for Classroom Presentation". 11th Annual International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care. Durham, United Kingdom (International Education Conference) 2000
Howell, E. and Kunes-Connell, M. (2000): Outcomes Care Management Model. 11th Annual Nurse Educators Conference, Breckenridge, CO (Regional Education Conference) 2000
Kunes-Connell, M. & Howell, E. (1999): Outcomes Care Management Model: A Strategy for the New Millennium, 10th Annual International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care. Durham, United Kingdom (International Education Conference) 1999
Kunes-Connell, M. & Foyt, M. (1998). "Outcomes Care Management Model: An Educational Strategy." On the Edge of a New Millennium. Weaving the Tapestry of Nursing Education: A National Conference on Professional Nursing Education, Seattle, WA (National Education Project) 1998
Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. & Spelic, S. (1997). "A Grounded Theory of Reimaging following Body Image Disruption". Ninth International Nursing Research Conference, Vancouver, BC. (International Research Conference) 1997
Spelic, S., Norris, J. & Kunes-Connell, M. (1997) "Reimaging Self: A Grounded Theory". Iota Tau Eight Annual Research Day, Omaha, NE. (Local Research Conference) 1997
Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. & Spelic, S. (1997). "Reimaging Self: A Grounded Theory". Twenty-first Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Minneapolis, MN. (Regional Research Conference) 1997
Kangas-Packett, S., Graves, J. & Kunes-Connell, M. (1997). "Promoting a critical thinking with Nursing Students using a WWW-Based Conferencing System". Nurses in the Information Age. University of Minnesota. (National Educational Conference) 1997
Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. & Spelic, S. (1995) "Descriptive Themes and Categories reported by persons in their Initial Adaptation to Body Image Alterations. Seventh Annual Iota Tau Research Day, Omaha, NE. (Local Research Conference) 1995
Norris, J., Kunes-Connell, M. & Spelic, S. (1995). "Descriptive Themes and Categories reported by persons in their Initial Adaptation to Body Image Alterations. Nineteenth Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing research Society, Kansas City, MO. (Regional Research Conference) 1995
Kunes-Connell, M. (1994) "An Occupational Self-Esteem Model for Psychiatric Nursing" - NNA Convention: "Visions for Nursing." South Sioux City, NE. (State Nursing Conference) 1994
Kunes-Connell, M., Spelic, S., Jones, D. (1994) "Personalized Client Education Project: Psychopharmacological Education" - NNA Convention: "Visions for Nursing" - South Sioux City, NE. (State Nursing Conference) 1994
Kunes-Connell, M. (1994) "An Occupational Self-Esteem Model for Psychiatric Nurses" Psychiatric Nursing Conference: State of the Art 1974-1994, Columbus, OH. (National Research Conference) 1994
Kunes-Connell, M., Spelic, S., Jones, D. (1994) "Personalized Client Education Project: Psychopharmacological Education" - Psychiatric Nursing Conference: State of the Art 1974-1994, Columbus, OH. (National Education Conference) 1994
Kunes-Connell, M. (1991) "Role Identity and Leadership Paradigm: Antecedent Conditions of Occupational Self-Esteem for Psychiatric Nurses" at "Decade of the Brain for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing" at Hilton Head, SC. (National Psychiatric Nursing Conference) 1994
Kunes-Connell, M. (1993) "An Occupational Self-Esteem Model for Psychiatric Nurses" at Iota Tau/St. Joseph Hospital Research Day titled "Promoting Research in Practice", Omaha, NE. (Local Research Conference) 1993
Kunes-Connell, M. (1991) "Role Identity and Leadership Paradigm: Antecedent Conditions of Occupational Self-Esteem for Psychiatric Nurses" at "Decade of the Brain for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing" at Hilton Head, SC. (National Psychiatric Nursing Conference) 1991
Kunes-Connell, M. (1991) "Redesigning Report Forms: An ECT Nursing Checklist" at "Decade of the Brain for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing" at Hilton Head, SC. (National Psychiatric Nursing Conference) 1991
Kunes-Connell, M. (1991) "Redesigning Report Forms: An ECT Nursing Checklist" at "Decade of the Brain for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing" at Hilton Head, SC. (National Psychiatric Nursing Conference) 1991
Kunes-Connell, M. (1990) "Self-Esteem Disturbance" at the 2nd Annual UNMC - "Creating A Research Based Nursing Practice" Conference, Omaha, NE. (Local Research Conference) 1990
Kunes-Connell, M. (1988) "Productivity: Measuring Nursing Workload in a Psychiatric Setting", American Psychiatric Nurses Association, New Orleans, LA. (National Psychiatric Nursing Conference) 1988
Kunes-Connell, M. (1986) "Self-Esteem Disturbance: A Nurse-Validation Study", at nursing Excellence through Research Conference, VA Medical District, Chicago, IL. (Regional Research Conference) 1986
Norris, J. & Kunes-Connell M. (1986) "Clinical Validation of Nursing Diagnosis of Self-Esteem Disturbance" at NANDA National Conference, St. Louis, MO. (National Research Conference) 1986
Norris, J. & Kunes-Connell, M. (1985) "Clinical Validation Study of Nursing Diagnosis: Self-Esteem Disturbance". Northeast Regional Nursing Diagnosis Conference, Mystic, CT. (Regional Research Conference) 1985
Norris, J. & Kunes-Connell, M. (1985) "Clinical Validation of Nursing Diagnosis: Self-Esteem Disturbance", Midwest Regional Nursing Diagnosis Conference, Davenport, IA. (Regional Research Conference) 1985
Kunes-Connell, M. & Norris, J. (1985) "Clinical Validation of Nursing Diagnosis: Self-Esteem Disturbance", Creighton University Honor Society Research Conference, Omaha, NE. (Local Research Conference) 1985
Dean's "Faculty Excellence" Award Creighton University College of Nursing
Outstanding Achievement in Nursing Nebraska Nurses Association District 2
Honorary Professor Hebei Medical University-Shijiazhuang, China
Network for Education in HealthCare 2000-2006 Invited Convener Invited Convener to the NET 2008 -19th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 2-4, 2006). Cambridge University, United Kingdom (Unable to attend)
Invited Convener to the NET 2007 -18th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 4-6, 2006). Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Invited Convener to the NET 2006 -17th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 7-9, 2006). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom (Unable to attend)
Invited Convener to the NET 2005 -16th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 7-9, 2005). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom
Invited Convener to the NET 2004-15th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 7-9, 2004). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Invited Convener to the NET 2003-14th International Participative Conference for Education in Health Care (September 2-4, 2003). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Invited Convener to the NET 2002-13th International participative conference for Education in Health Care (September 3-5, 2002). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Invited Convener to the NET 2001-12th International participative conference for Education in Health Care (September 4-6, 2001). Grey College, University of Durham, United Kingdom.
Consultation: Armenian National Institute of Health to review nursing management structure. Conducted in partnership with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the AIHA (2000; 2001). Jill Rogers and Associates
Dean's "Faculty Excellence" Award Creighton University College of Nursing
Pinning Ceremony Mistress of Ceremonies Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
Pinning Faculty Address Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
Pinning Ceremony Mistress of Ceremonies Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
Nursing Faculty of the Year Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
Dean's "Faculty Excellence" Award Creighton University College of Nursing
Faculty Address" Pinning Ceremony Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
ANA National Psychopharmacology Conference. Invited conference participant to the ANA National Psychopharmacology Conference. Participated in the development of ANA paper on Psychopharmacology and nursing. Nebraska Nurses' Association
Pinning Faculty Address Creighton University College of Nursing Senior Graduating Nursing Students
Nursing Faculty of the Year C
Higher Learning Commission-Institutional Action Council Institutional Action Council Appontend Member Four Year term to review instiutuoinal cases following accreditation site visits. Higher Learnign Commission 2017 - 2017
Federal Compliance Panel Panel member Serves as a panel member for federal compliance portion of reaffirmation visits for the Higher Learning Commission. Higher Learning Commission 2014
Self-study Consultant Pre-accreditation consultant Reviewed Bellin College's HLC Self-Study documents and held several telephone conferences with Bellin College's president to review documents and the overall HLC accreditation process. Bellin College 2013 - 2013
Self-study Consultant Reviewed Rockhurst College's HLC Self-Study documents and held several telephone conferences with Rockhurst College's HLC Steering Committee Chairs to review the documents and the overall HLC accreditation process. Rockhurst College 2012 - 2012
Self-study Consultant Reviewed Research College's CCNE Self-Study documents and held several telephone conferences with Research College's President to review the CCNE Self-study documents. Research College of Nursing 2012 - 2012
Consultant Consultant for nursing education, practice and management in US Served as part of an interprofessional team to China to consult on nursing education. Third Medical Hospital, Hebei Medical University 2008
Accreditation Review Committee Member Serves on both the reader panel and Institutional Action Council member to review HLC site team reports Higher Learning Commission 2008
International Nurse Education Tomorrow Conference Scientific panel member Scientific panel for abstract review for International Nurse Education Tomorrow Conference.(2007-2010) Networking for education in Healthcare 2007
Psychiatric Nurse-Legal Consultation Medico-legal consultant Serves as a medical consultant on psychiatric malpractice cases Pansing, Hogan, Ernst & Bachman, LLP 2005
Consultant-Evaluator Serves as both a regional accreditation site visitor and team chair for accreditation site visits to institutions of higher learning for the Higher Learning Commission Higher Learning Commission 2004
Accreditation Evaluator Accreditation Site visitor and Team Chair Serves as both a member of site team visits to schools of nursing for specialized accreditation purposes. Has served as a team chair for site visits since 2009. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education 2004 - 2004
Consultant Serves as both a clinical Psychiatric and administrative consultant --conducted in-services for all levels of staff in addition to consulting on individual psychiatric and administrative issues. Norfolk Regional Center- 1996
Consultant JCAHO/Nursing Consultant JCAHO/Nursing Consultation on policy formulation to Mental Health Unit St. Judes Hospital 1994
Psychiatric Nurse Consultant Reviewed JCAHO Nursing Standards and their relationship to psychiatric nursing Mary Lanning Hospital Psychiatric 1990
Clinical implementation and evaluation of an artificial intelligence-based expert system in Nursing Mental health content expert/peer reviewer Served as content expert/peer reviewer for Dysfunctions in Mental Health: Schizophrenia, Affective Disorders, Suicide, Assaultive Behavior, Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Disorders of Children and Adolescence, Theoretical Models, and Communication Theory/Skills Creighton University 1987
Joint appointment from 1986-1991 Psychiatric Nurse Consutlant Developed, implemented and coordinated the Nursing Quality Assurance Monitoring and Evaluation Program for the hospital from 1989-1991.
Member of the Medical Records Committee.
Coordinated all nursing policy and program policy revisions for the JCAHO accreditation visit. Nurse consultant for Nursing Services for JCAHO accreditation visit.
Task Force member for Saint Joseph Center for Mental Health re: Patient Care Accountability Program for Psychiatry.
Task Force member for Saint Joseph Center for Mental Health re: Productivity Tool Development. Consultant to AMI re: Psychiatric Productivity Tool Revisions. Member of Nursing Update Committee (Continuing Education Committee)
Nurse consultant for Medical Director on Special Systems analysis of hospital environment.
Coordinator and Lecturer: ANCC Psychiatric Nursing Course to prepare psychiatric Nurses for ANCC certification.
Representative to Patient Care Accountability Program - AMI Psychiatry Advisory Group. Nurse Consultant for child/adolescent services. Saint Joseph Center for Mental Health 1986