Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Kenneth Louis Kramer, PhD

Chair, Department of Medical Education

Associate Professor

K Kramer


School of Medicine
Graduate School
Neuroscience (Master of Science)
Medical Sciences (Master of Science)
Medical Education
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 236

Kenneth Louis Kramer, PhD

Chair, Department of Medical Education

Associate Professor

Kenneth L Kramer is an Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Medical Education as well as the M1 Component Director. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in Anatomy and Cell Biology, he did postdoctoral work at the University of Utah and was an investigator at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. His main area of research is in developmental glycobiology, and he works with numerous undergraduates and several labs at Creighton in focusing on ear and brain development in zebrafish. Ken has a passion for medical education, seeking innovative approaches to teaching anatomy and histology. In addition to being active in the American Association of Anatomists for many years, he enjoys outreach programs to area budding scientists through BioEYES Omaha and the Nebraska Science Festival.

Research Focus

The vertebrate inner ear relies on specialized bundles of cilia on the apical surface of sensory hair cells to transduce sound and movement into electrical signals. The Kramer Lab uses the transparency of the early zebrafish embryo to visualize how ciliary linkages to extracellular structures regulate inner ear function. Using modern genetic and imaging tools, we collaborate with several labs across campus to determine how zebrafish mutants and drug treatments affect hearing and balance behaviors.


Medical Education


Associate Professor


  • Frontiers in neurology
    Giffen Kimberlee P., Chen Lei, Kramer Kenneth L., Li Yi, Zallocchi Marisa, Liu Huizhan, Yamane Kacey L., He David Z., Molecular specializations underlying phenotypic differences in inner ear hair cells of zebrafish and mice
    15 2024
  • Biomolecules (Basel, Switzerland)
    Baker Carly E., Mathy Nicholas W., Wilton Delaney, Simeone Timothy, Marta Aaron G., Zimmerman Nathan D., Korade Zeljka, Kochvar Andrew, Kramer Kenneth L., Stessman Holly A. F., Shibata Annemarie, CPT2 Deficiency Modeled in Zebrafish: Abnormal Neural Development, Electrical Activity, Behavior, and Schizophrenia-Related Gene Expression
    14:8, p. 914 2024
  • Frontiers in Neuroscience
    Giffen Kimberlee P., Liu Huizhan, Kramer Kenneth L., He David Z., Expression of Protein-Coding Gene Orthologs in Zebrafish and Mouse Inner Ear Non-sensory Supporting Cells
    13 2019
  • Mechanisms of Development
    Thiessen Kevin D., Grzegorski Steven J., Chin Yvonne, Higuchi Lisa N., Wilkinson Christopher J., Shavit Jordan A., Kramer Kenneth L., Zebrafish otolith biomineralization requires polyketide synthase
    157, p. 1 - 9 2019
  • The FASEB Journal
    Giffen Kimberlee, Liu Huizhan, Kramer Kenneth, He David, Characterizing the Role of Kcnq5a in Zebrafish Inner Ear Hair Cells
    33:S1 2019
  • The FASEB Journal
    Thiessen Kevin, Supe Emily, Kramer Kenneth, Zebrafish as a Model for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
    32:S1, p. 510.3 - 510.3 2018
  • Scientific Data
    Barta Cody L., Liu Huizhan, Chen Lei, Giffen Kimberlee P., Li Yi, Kramer Kenneth L., Beisel Kirk W., He David Z., RNA-seq transcriptomic analysis of adult zebrafish inner ear hair cells
    5 2018
  • Developmental Dynamics
    Lundberg Yunxia Wang, Thiessen Kevin D., Kramer Kenneth L., Xu Yinfang, Mechanisms of otoconia and otolith development
    244:3, p. 239 - 253 2015
  • Cell Reports
    Venero Galanternik M., Kramer Kenneth L., Piotrowski T., Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans Regulate Fgf Signaling and Cell Polarity during Collective Cell Migration
    10:3, p. 414 - 428 2015
  • Angiogenesis
    Gorsi Bushra, Liu Feng, Ma Xing, Chico Timothy J.A., Shrinivasan Ashok, Harris Adrian L., Kramer Kenneth L., Bridges Esther, Monteiro Rui, Patient Roger, Stringer Sally E., The heparan sulfate editing enzyme Sulf1 plays a novel role in zebrafish VegfA mediated arterial venous identity
    17:1, p. 77 - 91 2014
  • PloS one
    Gee Stephen T., Milgram Sharon L., Kramer Kenneth L., Conlon Frank L., Moody Sally A., Yes-associated protein 65 (YAP) expands neural progenitors and regulates pax3 expression in the neural plate border zone
    6:6 2011
  • Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
    Kramer Kenneth L., Specific sides to multifaceted glycosaminoglycans are observed in embryonic development
    21:6, p. 631 - 637 2010
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    Zhang Zhen, Alpert Deanne, Francis Richard, Chatterjee Bishwanath, Yu Qing, Bai Yongli, Tansey Terry, Sabol Steven L., Cui Cheng, Koriabine Maxim, Yoshinaga Yuko, Cheng Jan Fang, Gunn Teresa M., Chen Feng, Martin Joel, Schackwitz Wendy, Kramer Kenneth L., De Jong Pieter J., Pennacchio Len A., Lo Cecilia W., Massively parallel sequencing identifies the gene Megf8 with ENU-induced mutation causing heterotaxy
    106:9, p. 3219 - 3224 2009
  • Annual Review of Genetics
    Kramer Kenneth L., Yost H. Joseph, Heparan Sulfate Core Proteins in Cell-Cell Signaling
    37, p. 461 - 484 2003
  • Cell
    Kramer Kenneth L., Barnette Janet E., Yost H. Joseph, PKCγ regulates syndecan-2 inside-out signaling during xenopus left-right development
    111:7, p. 981 - 990 2002
  • Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
    Kramer K. L., Yost H. J., Cardiac left-right development
    67, p. 37 - 43 2002
  • Developmental Cell
    Kramer Kenneth L., Yost H. Joseph, Ectodermal syndecan-2 mediates left-right axis formation in migrating mesoderm as a cell-nonautonomous Vg1 cofactor
    2:1, p. 115 - 124 2002
  • Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
    Kramer Kenneth L., Giffin Bruce F., Fox James W., Drake Richard L., Insulin replacement therapy in diabetic rats using an osmotic pump normalizes expression of enzymes key to hepatic carbohydrate metabolism
    368:2, p. 291 - 297 1999
  • FASEB Journal
    Kramer K. L., Giffin B. F., Fox J. W., Drake R. L., Insulin replacement therapy in diabetic rats using an osmotic pump normalizes protein and mrna levels of enzymes key to hepatic carbohydrate metabolism
    10:3, p. A461 1996


  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. (2019). Otol1a as a Biomarker for Vestibular Dysfunction in Zebrafish. Poster Presentation at Bellucci Symposium. 2019
  • KD Thiessen and KL Kramer. (2019). Balance and Biomarkers for Vestibular Disorders. Oral Presentation at the Omaha Veterans Administration Research Seminar Series. 2019
  • CJ Altfillisch and KL Kramer. (2019). The Role of Stereocilin-B in Otolith Attachment. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2019
  • KP Giffen, H Liu, KL Kramer, and DZ He. (2019). Characterizing the Role of Kcnq5a in Zebrafish Inner Ear Hair Cells. Poster Presentation at Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. 2019
  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. (2019). Otol1a as a Biomarker for Vestibular Dysfunction in Zebrafish. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2019
  • AJ Blanck and KL Kramer. (2019). Characterizing the Role of Kinociliin in the Zebrafish Inner Ear. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2019
  • LL Bruce, E Dorchuck, BN Hassman, A Mezher, O Olucha, and KL Kramer. (2018). The role of grp and grpr in the extinction of cued fear memory in zebrafish. Poster Presentation at Society for Neuroscience. 2018
  • N Choi, KL Kramer, and Bruce LL. (2018). Role of gastrin-releasing peptide and its receptor in zebrafish behavior. Oral Presentation at Annual Biomedical Research Conference for HS-MACA students. 2018
  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. Zebrafish Otolith Biomineralization Requires Polyketide Synthase. (2018). Poster presentation at International Zebrafish Society Conference. 2018
  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. (2018). Otolin-1a as a Biomarker for Vestibular Dysfunction Following Microgravity Exposure in Zebrafish. Poster presentation at COBRE External Advisory Committee Meeting. 2018
  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. Zebrafish as a Model for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. (2018). Poster Presentation at Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. 2018
  • KD Thiessen, EM Supe, and KL Kramer. (2018). Otolin-1a as a Biomarker for Vestibular Dysfunction Following Microgravity Exposure in Zebrafish. Oral presentation at Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. 2018
  • E Supe, KD Thiessen, and KL Kramer. (2018). Zebrafish as a Model for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2018
  • B Hassman, E Dorchuck, C Prince, K Reidelberger, KL Kramer, and LL Bruce. (2018). Comparison of behavioral tests to assess fear and anxiety in a teleost, Danio rerio, and an amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2018
  • Zebrafish as a Model for Characterizing Biomarkers of Vestibular Dysfunction. Seminar at Boys Town National Research Hospital. 2018
  • A Mezher, LL Bruce, KL Kramer. (2018). Evolution of Genetic Networks Regulating Fear Behaviors. Poster at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2018
  • ST Stringham, KP Giffen, H Liu, KL Kramer, and DZ He. (2018). Enrichment of Glutamate Transporter slc1A3 Orthologs in Zebrafish and Mouse Hair Cells of the Inner Ear. Poster at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2018
  • KP Giffen, H Liu, L Chen, ST Stringham, KL Kramer, KW Beisel, and DZ He. (2018). Unique Expression of Gene Orthologs in Zebrafish and Mouse Non-sensory Supporting Cell Populations of the Inner Ear. Poster at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2018
  • KP Giffen, H Liu, L Chen, ST Stringham, KL Kramer, KW Beisel, and DZ He. (2018). Unique Expression of Gene Orthologs in Zebrafish and Mouse Non-sensory Supporting Cell Populations of the Inner Ear. Poster Presentation at the Association of Research Otolaryngology Annual Meeting. 2018
  • H Liu, L Chen, KP Giffen, Y Li, KL Kramer, KW Beisel, and DZ He. (2018). Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Differences Between Zebrafish and Mouse Hair Cell Specializations. Poster Presentation at the Association of Research Otolaryngology Annual Meeting. 2018
  • B Hassman, E Dorchuck, C Prince, K Reidelberger, KL Kramer, and LL Bruce. (2017). Comparison of behavioral tests to assess fear and anxiety in a teleost, Danio rerio, and an amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. Poster Presentation at Society for Neuroscience. 2017
  • CJ Altfillisch, DB Nerland, CJ Inserra, MF Chlopek, and KL Kramer. (2017). Stereocilin-b Tethers the Zebrafish Otolith to Sensory Hair Cell in the Inner Ear. Poster at Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. 2017
  • KD Thiessen, LN Higuchi, and KL Kramer. Polyketide Synthase is Required for Zebrafish Otolith Biomineralization. (2017). Poster Presentation at Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. 2017
  • B Hassman, E Dorchuck, KL Kramer, and LL Bruce. (2017). Behavioral Tests for Assessing Learning in Xenopus Tropicalis. Oral Presentation at The Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. 2017
  • CL Harrison and KL Kramer. Characterization of Specific Glycans in the Zebrafish Inner Ear. (2017). Poster Presentation at Creighton Honors Day. 2017
  • SH Byer, LL Bruce, and KL Kramer. Understanding the Role of Amygdalar Proteoglycan Glypican-3 in Zebrafish Aversive Behavior Response. (2017). Poster Presentation at Creighton Honors Day. 2017
  • CJ Altfillisch, DB Nerland, CJ Inserra, MF Chlopek, and KL Kramer. (2017). Stereocilin-b Tethers the Zebrafish Otolith to Sensory Hair Cell in the Inner Ear. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2017
  • E Supe, KD Thiessen, and KL Kramer. (2017). Zebrafish as a Model for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2017
  • HJ Lang, and KL Kramer. (2017). Investigation of Enhancers that Drive Specific Expression in the Amygdala. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2017
  • CL Harrison and KL Kramer. (2017). Characterization of Specific Glycans in the Zebrafish Inner Ear. Poster Presentation at Creighton's St Albert's Day. 2017
  • KD Thiessen, LN Higuchi, and KL Kramer. (2017). Polyketide Synthase is Required for Zebrafish Otolith Biomineralization. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2017
  • JE Marvin and KL Kramer. (2017). The glycosyltransferase Loki uses a high-energy donor to indirectly transglycosylate methylumbelliferone. Poster at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2017
  • JH Werner, KL Kramer, and LL Bruce. (2017). Localizing Homologs of Gene-Specific Amygdalar Neurons in the Chicken Brain, Gallus Gallus Domesticus. Poster at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2017
  • CJ Inserra and KL Kramer. Stereocilin Paralogs Have Distinct Roles in Zebrafish Inner Ear Development. Poster Presentation at the Association of Research Otolaryngology Annual Meeting. 2017
  • B Timm, KL Kramer, and LL Bruce. (2016). Localizing homologs of gene specific amygdalar areas in embryonic chick brain Gallus gallus domesticus. Poster Presentation at Annual Biomedical Research Conference for HS-MACA students. 2016
  • "Sugar Balance: How Glycans Control Inner Ear Development" 2016
  • Catharine N Kral, Benjamin F Kopecky, and Kenneth L Kramer. TECTA, Otog, and Otogl Influence Zebrafish Otolith Organization. Poster Presentation at Creighton Honor's Day. 2016
  • Catharine N Kral, Benjamin F Kopecky, and Kenneth L Kramer. TECTA, Otog, and Otogl Influence Zebrafish Otolith Organization. Poster Presentation at St. Albert's Day. 2016
  • Kevin D Thiessen and Kenneth L Kramer. Role of Otolin-1b During Otolith Nucleation in Zebrafish. Oral Presentation at St. Albert's Day. 2016
  • KD Thiessen and KL Kramer. The Otolithic Membrane Mediates Otolith Organization. Poster Presentation at Experimental Biology Annual Meeting 2016
  • C Barta, H Liu, KL Kramer, KW Beisel, DZ He. (2016). Transcriptome Characterization of Adult Zebrafish Inner-Ear Hair Cells. Poster Presentation at the Association of Research Otolaryngology Annual Meeting. 2016
  • EW Villanueva and KL Kramer. Age-Related Changes in the Inner Ear of the Adult Zebrafish. Poster Presentation at Creighton Honor's Day. 2015
  • C Altfillisch, K Arnold, L Higuchi, KL Kramer, MG Nichols, HC Jensen Smith. Differences in Aminoglycoside Entry and Mitochondrial Metabolism in Regenerative and Non-Regenerative Sensory. Poster Presentation at St. Albert's Day. 2015
  • K Arnold, C Altfillisch, L Higuchi, KL Kramer, MG Nichols, HC Jensen Smith. Differences in Mitochondrial Metabolism in Regenerative and Non-Regenerative Sensory. Poster Presentation at St. Albert's Day. 2015
  • KD Thiessen and KL Kramer. Endolymph facilitates otolith nucleation in early zebrafish ear development. Poster Presentation at St. Albert's Day. 2015
  • CJ Inserra and KL Kramer. Visualization of Stereocilin in the developing zebrafish ear. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2015
  • KD Thiessen and KL Kramer. Endolymph facilitates otolith nucleation in early zebrafish ear development. Poster Presentation at Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. 2015
  • Otolith organization is mediated by otogelin-like. Oral Presentation at the Association of Research Otolaryngology Annual Meeting. 2015
  • "Otogelin in Zebrafish Otolith Attachment and Organization" 2014
  • Seeding zebrafish otoliths: sweet & salty mediators of zebrafish ear development 2014
  • "From Sweet to salty: mediators of zebrafish ear development" 2013
  • Development of hearing in zebrafish. 2013
  • Keratan sulfate mediates zebrafish ear development. 2013


  • Role of Glycosaminoglycans in Zebrafish Development

  • Direct analysis of glycans during zebrafish development


  • Role of Keratan Sulfate in Zebrafish Ear Development


  • Role of Kinocilia-Specific Proteins in Zebrafish Vestibular Function.

  • Role of gpc3 in fear behavior. CURAS Faculty Research Fund.

  • ZOIC-Zebrafish in Omaha Inner City Classrooms


  • Golden Apples
    CUSOM Class of 2025 and the Class of 2024
  • Teaching for Tomorrow Faculty Award
    Creighton University Student Union
  • Golden Apple Award
    Class of 2022, Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Dedicated Teaching Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Course/Clerkship Director Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Basic Science Teaching Scholar Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine