Psychosomatics Soe Katherine, La Rosa Alvaro J., Caplan Jason P., Kowalik Joanna, Beta-Thalassemia Trait Association with Anti-N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: Literature Review and Case Report 57:3, p. 315 - 318 2016
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry Kowalik Joanna, Weller Jennifer, Venter Jacob, Drachman David, Cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder: A review and meta-analysis 42:3, p. 405 - 413 2011
Elevate Autism, Flagstaff, Arizona- May 5th, 2017; Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities in Arizona 2017
5th Conference on Behavioral Emergencies, Scottsdale, Arizona- December 2014; Pediatric Emergencies in Urgent Care Settings 2014
New Research Poster Session at the ADMSEP Annual Meeting, June 2014, Perception of Psychiatry and Individual Learning Experience 2014
New Research Poster Session at the Institute on Psychiatric Services, Philadelphia, PA: November 2013 Perception of Psychiatry and Individual Learning Experience: A Survey of Medical Students Opinions. 2013
Banner Good Samaritan Psychiatry Grand Rounds-April 20th, 2012: Teaching Psychiatry to Medical Students 2012
Psychiatry Grand Rounds May 2008: PTSD in children and adolescents: A review of current treatment modalities. 2008
New Research Poster Session at the 2008 Annual AACAP meeting: Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Meta-analysis. 2008