Brian J . Kokensparger, MFA, PhD

Associate Professor

photo placeholder for Kokensparger, Brian J


College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science, Design, Journalism
Computer Science & Informatics
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 304a

Brian J . Kokensparger, MFA, PhD

Associate Professor

Research Focus

Digital Humanities
High Throughput Computing
Digital Storytelling
Computer Science Education


Computer Science, Design and Journalism


Associate Professor


  • Springer Publishing
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. (2018). Guide to Programming for the Digital Humanities – Lessons for Introductory Python. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99115-3
    A book, p. All pages 2018


  • Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    Graham, K., Kokensparger, B. Graham, K., & Kokensparger, B. (2021). Blended Instruction in Symbolic Logic. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(2).
    21(2) 2021
  • Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. (2018). Navigating the forest through the trees: Visualizing character paths through Shakespeare’s As You Like It. JODADH: Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities. 1(2), pp. 15-48 (November, 2018) DOI:10.6853/DADH.201810_2.0002.
    1(2), p. 15-48 2018
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. (2018). What ought to be taught?: Topical analysis for teaching future digital humanities researchers in a CS1 course. J. Comput. Sci. Coll. 33(5),165-171.
    33(5), p. 165-171 2018
  • Folgerpedia
    Kokensparger, B., List of reasons why the Shakespeare corpus provides a great learning context for beginning programming students.
    Online, p. Online 2017
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Do students lie on placement surveys? An action research study.
    32(5), p. 156-162 2017
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. Transformational Programming: Using the Shakespeare Corpus to Help Students Learn Decision Structures (Nifty Assignment).
    31(5), p. 160-162 2016
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. Seven Reasons Why the Shakespeare Corpus is an Excellent Training Context for Digital Humanities Programming.
    31(5), p. 125-132 2016
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. Meaningful Geometrics: Bridging Scratch to Python (Nifty Assignment).
    30(5), p. 107-109 2015
  • Creighton University Magazine
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. A Question of How We Learn. Omaha, Nebraska.
    30(2), p. 22-25 2014
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. Using Test Questions as a Sole Method for Assessing Student Critical Thinking Skills in a Computer Organization Course.
    29(5), p. 145-151 2014
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., Brooks, D. W. Kokensparger, B., Brooks, D. W. Using Audio Introductions to Improve Programming and Oral Skills in CS0 Students.
    29(1), p. 68-73 2013


  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
    Kokensparger, B., When the play is “the thing” and not the software: Student experiences engineering software for a theatre production. J. Comput. Sci. Coll. 52.
    52(2) 2019
  • Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. (2019). A Yorkshire Tragedy: Using Agent-Based Modeling to Suggest Authorship. 數位典藏與數位人文 (JODADH), (3), 21-42.
    3, p. 21-42 2019
  • Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium of Computer Science Education;SIGCSE Bulletin
    Kokensparger, B., Peyou, W. Kokensparger, B. & Peyou, W. (2018). Programming for the Humanities: A Whirlwind Tour of Assignments (Abstract). SIGCSE '18: Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. p. 1050.
    49, p. 1050 2018
  • America
    Kokensparger, B., Kokensparger, B. (2018). Finding the Jesuit spirit of theater in Chekhov’s ‘Three Sisters’. America Magazine: The Jesuit Review. Retrieved from chekhovs-three-sisters, published January 11, 2018. 2018
  • Kokensparger, B., Taylor, A. Kokensparger, B., & Taylor, A. The Effectiveness of Violence Prevention Training at Creighton University: Results of the Year 3 Survey. White paper of analyzed survey results published to external audience (Women's Center for Advancement). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B., Taylor, A. Kokensparger, B., & Taylor, A. Personal Violence Experiences Reported by Students Before and After Matriculation to Creighton University. White paper published to external audience (Women's Center for Advancement). 2014


  • Kokensparger, B. "The play IS the thing: Using agent-based modeling to suggest authorship for A Yorkshire Tragedy" (Paper Presentation) Digitorium, 2018, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (October 5, 2018) 2018
  • Kokensparger, B. "Brainstorming Communication Research: The Jesuit University as Regional Conscience." AJCU-CC 2018, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri. (July 20, 2018). 2018
  • Kokensparger, B. "What ought to be taught?: Topical analysis for teaching future digital humanities researchers in a CS1 course." (Paper Presentation), CCSC-CP Regional Conference, The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Maryville, Missouri. (April 7, 2018) 2018
  • Kokensparger, B. (Panel, Facilitator). "Tune up Your Syllabus, Then Supercharge it!" (2- part workshop series). TLC Faculty Development Series, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. (Mar 24th and April 4th, 2018). 2018
  • Kokensparger, B. & Peyou, W. (2018). "Programming for the Humanities: A Whirlwind Tour of Assignments (Workshop Presentation). SIGCSE '18: Baltimore, Maryland. (February 21, 2018). *With student co-presenter. 2018
  • "Walking into a Brave New World: Visualizing Character Paths through Shakespeare's Plays" (Paper Presentation). Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2017, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. 2017
  • Kokensparger, B. & Longo, M. "Developing a Summer Bridge Course in Canvas for First Generation and Low SES Students - A Cautionary Tale", Nebraska Canvas User's Meeting, ESU2 Nebraska Public Schools, Norfolk, Nebraska. 2017
  • "Do students lie on placement surveys? An action research study" (Paper Presentation), CCSC-CP Regional Conference, The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Lincoln, Nebraska. 2017
  • "Using the Ubiqu+Ity Tool to Do Theme Analysis on a Literary Corpus" (Workshop Presentation). Digitorium, 2017, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 2017
  • Kokensparger, Brian (Author and Presenter), AJCU-CC 2016 (Jul 13-16, 2016 in New Orleans) "Let Them Take Pictures: Linguistic Landscape as a Service Learning Pedagogy." (July 14, 2016). 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. "Re-Visiting Linguistic Complexity in Shakespearean Drama," EMDA 2015 Reunion Meeting, Folger Institute, Washington, DC. (May 17, 2016) 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. "John Creighton: Blazing the First Internet," (Chatauqua-style presentation funded by the Nebraska Humanities Council), Lincoln County Museum, North Platte, Nebraska. (May 12, 2016) 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. (Author & Presenter), Linguistic Landscape 8, Liverpool, U.K., "Institutionalized Hostility: The Lack of Bilingual Signage at Nebraska Rural Hospitals," Liverpool, UK. (April 29, 2016). 2016
  • Kokensparger, B., AEA Faculty Development Presentation, " "Place-Based Learning: Thinking Beyond Creightons Borders", Creighton Academic Excellence and Assessment, Omaha, Nebraska. (April 5, 2016). 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. (Author & Presenter), CCSC-CP Regional Conference, "Transformational Programming: Using the Shakespeare Corpus to Help Students Learn Decision Structures," (Nifty Assignment) The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, St. Joseph, Missouri. (April 1, 2016) 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. (Author & Presenter), CCSC-CP Regional Conference, "Seven Reasons Why the Shakespeare Corpus is an Excellent Training Context for Digital Humanities Programming," (Paper) The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, St. Joseph, Missouri. (April 1, 2016) 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. "How Linguistic Complexity in the Shakespeare Corpus Relates to the Production History of a Commercial Shakespearean Theatre." Digitorium, 2016, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (March 4, 2016). 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. "Helping Them Find the Line: Teaching Hactivism in the Modern University" (Paper Presentation). Dalton National Institute on College Student Values, Tallahassee, FL (February 5, 2016). 2016
  • Kokensparger, B. & Graham, K. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Magis Course-Level Assessment and Renewal," Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, Nebraska. (November 12, 2015). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B., AJCU-CC Communications Annual Meeting, "Digital Humanities: A New Way to Do Ignatian Research?," AJCU, Boston, Massachusetts. (July 24, 2015). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B. (Author & Presenter), CCSC-CP Regional Conference, "Meaningful Geometrics: Bridging Scratch to Python," (Nifty Assignment), The Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri (April 10, 2014). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B. AEA Faculty Development Series, "Ten Ways to Measure Student Learning with What You Already Have," (2 part workshop seriew) Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. (March 25 and April 1, 2015). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B. & Duda, G. "Getting Started in Assessment: Nuts and Bolts," Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. (February, 2015). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B. (panelist and table moderator) "The Assessment Mentoring Program," Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. (January, 2015). 2015
  • Kokensparger, B. National Assessment Institute, "A Size to Fit All: Creating a Capstone Project Rubric to Assess Three Vastly Different Programs," Indiana University -- Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Indianapolis, Indiana (October 20, 2014) 2014


  • Kokensparger, B., "General Harney and the Blue Water Massacre," Sponsored by Non-Western Studies Program Committee, Creighton University, $800.00. (October 15, 2013 - June 30, 2014). (Internal Grant)

  • Kokensparger, B. (Principal), "AEA Teaching Project Seed Grant," Sponsored by Creighton University AEA Office, Creighton University, $1,000.00. (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010). (Internal grant based on Midwest Consortium Funds, which was a Federally-Funded Granting Agency through Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln.


  • Dean’s Award for Service
    Awarded by Creighton University’s College of Arts & Sciences
  • Distinguished Educator Award
    Awarded by the Creighton University Teaching and Learning Center
  • Dean's Special Award
    Creighton University’s College of Arts & Sciences
  • "Iggy" Award
    "Iggy" Award, Creighton Edge Program. (May 2014).
    Creighton Edge Program
  • Faculty Partner of the Year
    Faculty Partner of the Year, Creighton Student Support and Services Office. (April 3, 2014).
    Creighton Student Support and Services Office
  • Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Pre-Major Advising
    Dean's Award for Professional Excellence in Pre-Major Advising, Creighton College of Arts & Sciences. (February 7, 2012).
    Creighton College of Arts & Sciences
  • Teacher of the Year
    Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education; Received an award bestowed upon only one faculty member per year by this multi-state organization.
    Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education


  • Technology and Data Consultant
    Assisted with Digitization of Burial Records
    Assist with technical details of digitizing 13,500 burial permits and making them available for public viewing through the Internet and research data for Creighton students.
    Prospect Hill Cemetery Board of Trustees
    2015 - 2015
  • ILAC Assessment Reporting Design Project
    Assessment Mentor
    Assisted assessment coordinators in ILAC program with instrument design, implementation, data collection, analysis, and reporting of results.
    ILAC, Creighton University
    2015 - 2015
  • Green Dot Surveys, Years 2 and 3
    Quantitative Research Consultant
    Designed survey instruments, oversaw data collection, analyzed and reported on two surveys regarding the Sexual Violence climate at Creighton University.
    Women's Center for Advancement
    2014 - 2015