Emily L . Knezevich, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES, FCCP


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School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Pharmacy Faculty
Pharmacy Practice
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Community Practice Residency - Pharmacy
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 117

Emily L . Knezevich, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES, FCCP


Dr. Knezevich graduated with her Pharm.D. from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy in 2005.  She then completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency specializing in Primary Care at the William S. Middleton VA Hospital in Madison, WI.  Upon completion, she returned to Omaha and took a split position working in ambulatory care pharmacy practice at the Omaha VA while precepting fourth year pharmacy students and teaching in an number of courses at Creighton.  In 2008, she moved practice sites to the Creighton Diabetes Program located in the Dundee neighborhood of Omaha.  Here, she gained extensive experience working with Diabetes and Endocrinology patients and providers and remains in this practice today.  At her practice, she provides medication therapy management to patients being seen at the clinic in collaboration with the medical team there.  Additionally, as the sole Certified Diabetes Educator at this ADA accredited DM education site, she is able to provide diabetes education in individual training sessions to patients there.  She also assists with day to day education services, insulin pump training and continuous glucose monitoring of patients seen by providers with the clinic.  She continues to have both APPE and IPPE students from Creighton University practicing and learning along side her and is the Co-IOR of the required Patient Assessment course within the pharmacy curriculum.  In addition to this teaching role, she is a guest instructor in many team taught courses throughout the curriculum.  

Teaching Interests

  • Diabetes management

Research Focus

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Pharmacy Practice




  • Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice 6 th Edition.
    Hawkins K, Isaacs J, Knezevich E, Knezevich J. (2021) Prescription Writing Principles. In MA Chisholm-Burns et al. (Eds) Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, Sixth ed. McGraw Hill. 2021.
    6th ed 2021
  • Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice
    Hawkins K, Isaacs J, Knezevich E, Knezevich J. (2018) Prescription Writing Principles. In MA Chisholm-Burns et al. (Eds) Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, Fifth ed. McGraw Hill. 2019
    5th ed 2021
  • McGraw-Hill
    Hawkins K, Isaacs J, Knezevich E, Knezevich J. (2012) Prescription Writing Principles. In MA Chisholm-Burns et al. (Eds) Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice.
    4th Ed. 2015
  • wolters
    Skrabal M, Knezevich E. Endocrine System. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice, 
    3rd Ed. 2015
  • wolters
    Spangler M, Knezevich E. Health and Medication History. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice. 
    3rd Ed. 2015
  • wolters
    Knezevich E, Spangler M. Nutritional Assessment. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice.
    3rd Ed. 2015
  • wolters
    Knezevich J, Knezevich E. The Male Patient. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice.
    3rd Ed. 2015
  • wolters
    Dull R, Knezevich E. The Respiratory System. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice. 2015
  • wolters
    Spangler, M. Knezevich E. General Assessment and Vital Signs. In Jones (Ed). Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice.
    3rd Ed. 2015
  • McGraw-Hill
    Haase J, Hawkins K, Isaacs J, Knezevich E, Knezevich J. (2012) Prescription Writing Principles. In MA Chisholm-Burns et al. (Eds) Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice,
    3rd Ed. 2013
  • Springer Science+Business Media LLC
    Knezevich E, Campbell J, Hilleman D. Cost Effectiveness of Glycemic Control: Economic Considerations with Lifestyle Modification Versus Pharmacologic Therapy in Achieving Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. In RR Watson et al. (Eds) Nutrients, Dietary Supplements, and Nutraceuticals. 2010


  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
    Awadh, A.A., Hilleman, D.E., Knezevich, E., Malesker, M.A., Gallagher, J.C. Vitamin D Supplements: The pharmacists’ perspective. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021 Feb 10;S1544-3191(21)00070-4.
    61 2021
  • CE Impact Pharmacy Education
    Trueman, C. Knezevich, E. Continuous Glucose Monitors: Basics for Community Pharmacists. CEImpact Pharmacy Education Continuing Education Module. April, 2021. https://ceimpactfilestorage.blob.core.windows.net/$web/Pharmacist/continuous-glucose-monitors-basics-for-community-pharmacists/index.htm 2021
  • American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
    White N, Knezevich E. Flash Glucose Monitoring Technology Impact on Diabetes Self-Care Behavior. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. December 2019. Published online: https://doi.org/10.1177/1559827619890955.
    14 2019
  • US Pharmacist
    Moritz M, Spangler M, Knezevich E. Updates in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. US Pharm. 2019;44(9):32-35.
    44, p. 32-35 2019
  • The Diabetes Educator
    Hadenfeldt C, Knezevich E, Black S. Diabetes Risk Assessment, A1c Measurement, and Goal Achievement of Standards of Care in Adults Experiencing Homelessness. The Diabetes Educator. April 2019, published online https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0145721719843680. 2019
  • Journal of Pharmacy Practice
    Dull R, Spangler M, Knezevich E, Lau B. Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis associated with sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 receiving oral therapy. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Volume 32(2), 2019
    32, p. 240-243 2019
  • CE Impact Pharmacy Education
    Spangler M, Knezevich E. Hypertension: A Review of What’s Important for your Patients in Practice. CE Impact. May 2018, published online. www.ceimpact.org 2018
  • Dull R, Spangler M, Knezevich E, Lau B. Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis associated with sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 receiving oral therapy. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Pre-published 12/4/2017., p. DOI: 10.1177/0897190017748049. 2017
  • US Pharmacist
    Kessinger H, Knezevich E, Desimone E, Davidian M. Pumping It Up: New Advancements in Insulin Pump Delivery., p. 2017;42(11)Epub. 2017
  • American Pharmacist Association
    Kerner D, Knezevich E. Use of communication tool within electronic medical record to improve primary nonadherence. , p. S270 - S273.e2. 2017
  • US Pharmacist
    Schleisman A, Spangler M, Knezevich E. Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis. , p. 41(11):HS20-HS26. 2016
  • On the Cutting Edge Diabetes
    Knezevich E, Kueser A. Utility of Antidiabetic Agents in Chronic Kidney Disease., p. Vol. 36(4). 2016
  • Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
    Winter A, Knezevich E, Lintner M. V-Go Insulin Delivery System vs. Multiple Daily Insulin Injections for Patients with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 
    10 2015
  • US Pharmacist
    Knezevich E, Wu Y. Marijuana for the Treatment of Seizure Disorders. 
    40(1), p. 24-28 2015
  • On the Cutting Edge Diabetes
    Knezevich E, Kueser A. Use of Diabetes Medications in the Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease.
    36(4) 2015
  • Journal of Symptoms and Signs
    Knezevich E, Knezevich J, Dinkins C, Jeon M. Glimepiride: efficacy and safety in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Symptoms and Signs. 
    4(1), p. 25-31 2015
  • American College of Clinical Pharmacy
    Spangler M, Knezevich E. Allergic Rhinitis. In: Murphy J, Lee M, eds. Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program Book 2. Special Populations. Lenexa, KS.  2013
  • On the Cutting Edge Diabetes
    Knezevich E, Spangler M. Impact of Psychotropic Medications on Glycemic Control. 
    35(4) 2013
  • American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
    Knezevich, Emily, Crnic, Theresa, Kershaw, Scott, Drincic, Andjela Liraglutide-associated acute pancreatitis
    69, p. 386-389 2012
  • Pharmacotherapy
    Knezevich, E. L., Viereck, L. K., Drincic, A. T. Medical management of adult transsexual persons
    32, p. 54-66 2012
  • Innovations in Pharmacy
    Pol, A, Gillespie, N, Knezevich, E, Haddad, Ann Ryan The effect of pharmacist intervention on diabetes screening promotion and education in a geriatric population.
    3, p. Article 90 (1-7). 2012
  • US Pharmacist
    Knezevich E, Knezevich J, Spangler M. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and the Medical Management of Associated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. 
    36(6), p. 20-24 2011


  • Knezevich, E., Fuji, K., Larson, K., Muniz, G., Evaluating continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) education in U.S. Doctor of Pharmacy programs. ACCP Annual Meeting. Submitted. Phoenix, AZ, October, 2021. 2021
  • Fuji KT, Knezevich, E, Larson K, Muniz G. Evaluating continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) education U.S. Doctor of Pharmacy programs. AACP Annual Meeting. Online, July 19-22, 2021 (accepted). 2021
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Knezevich, E., Fuji, K., Larson, K., Muniz, G. Assessment of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Education in U.S. Doctor of Pharmacy Programs. Am J Pharm Educ. Submitted June 29, 2021 2021
  • Journal of Rural Health
    Abbott, A.A., Jewell, V., Boyle, E., Knezevich, E., & Nagykaldi, Z. Patient-centered research: A model for stakeholder engagement. Submission to the Journal of Rural Health 3/11/2021 2021


  • Knezevich, E. Practical Aspects of Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Creighton University Endocrine Grand Rounds, May 2021. 2021
  • Jewell, V., Feiten, B., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E., Schultes, S. (2021, April 16). Utilizing participatory action research strategies to increase stakeholder engagement in type 1 diabetes research [Poster presentation]. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo,[Virtual]. 2021
  • Jewell, V., Feiten, B., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E., Schultes, S. (2021), Podium Presentation. Utilizing Participatory Action Research Strategies to Increase Stakeholder Engagement in Type 1 Diabetes Research at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, [Virtual] April 8-11, 2021 (accepted) 2021
  • Feiten, B., Boyle, E. Schultes S., Jewell, V. D., Hoffman, S., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. (2021), Poster Presentation. Healthcare Students Use of Community-Engaged Researchto Effectively Learn Core Interprofessional Education Competencies, at American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference and Expo, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021 2021
  • Knezevich, E., White, N., Stading, J. The Pharmacist & Patient-Centered Diabetes Care. Virtual CE program for Nebraska Pharmacist Association members. April 2021. (8 hours of live programming provided). 2021
  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Invited Podium Presentation Building Trajectory: One Thing Leads to Another, Creighton University College of Nursing Research Scholarly Forum, Omaha, NE 2021
  • Knezevich, E. Update on Medications to treat Type 2 Diabetes. 25th Annual Pharmacological conference for Advanced Practice Providers. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. July 2020. 2020
  • Jewell, V. D., Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E., Feiten, B., Hoffmann, S., Ulferts, K., & Schultes, S. Poster Presentation. Effectiveness of a Family-Centered REAL Diabetes Intervention for Families with a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes, at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO, June 19, 2020 (accepted, but cancelled-Covid-19) 2020
  • Jewell, V., Shin, J., Russell, Knezevich, E., Abbott, A. A., Knezevich, E., George, A., & Qi, Y. Feiten, B., Hoffmann, S., Ulferts, K., & Schultes, S. Poster Presentation. Stakeholders Lived Experience After a Childs Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis in Rural Communities at the Occupational Therapy Research Summit, University of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO (accepted, but cancelled-Covid-19) 2020
  • Jewell, V. Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Podium Presentation Utilizing A Diverse Stakeholder Group To Build A Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research Agenda at the American Diabetes Association 80th Scientific Session, Chicago, IL June 12, 2020. Published abstract: 2228-PUB in category 13-B Health Care DeliveryQuality Improvement. 2020
  • Knezevich, E., Hoffmann, S., Jewell, V., Abbott A.A. Use of Focus Groups to Identify Barriers to Type 1 Diabetes Care in Rural Communities, Poster Presentation at American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium, May 26, 2020. Abstract published in JACCP. 2020
  • Trueman C., Knezevich E., Fuji K. Improving Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Knowledge within a Community Practice Setting, Poster Presentation at American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium, May 26, 2020. Abstract published in JACCP. 2020
  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Type 1 Diabetes: Rural Concerns of Patients and Families, Podium Presentation at the 31st Annual Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Iota Tau/Creighton University Medical Center/Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE, April 30, 2020. 2020
  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., Boyle, E., & Knezevich, E.. Podium Presentation Barrier Identification for Type 1 Diabetes Management: A Rural Challenge, Midwest Nursing Research Society 44th Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL, April 3, 2020 2020
  • Boyle, E., Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation: Utilizing A Four-Step Approach to Develop and Maintain Partnerships with Type 1 Diabetes Community Stakeholders, at Creighton University St. Alberts Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, March 31, 2020 2020
  • Schultes, S., Jewell, V., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Podium Presentation Identifications of Barriers for Type 1 Diabetes in a Rural Setting at Creighton University St. Alberts Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE, March 31, 2020 2020
  • Hoffman, S., Knezevich, E., Jewell, V., & Abbott, A., Poster Presentation Developing a Patient Centered Stakeholder Team in Type 1 Diabetes Research Creighton University St. Alberts Day/University Research Day: A Celebration of Scholarship, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Abbott, A. A., Jewell, V., & Knezevich, E. Invited Podium Presentation Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement Via a PCORI Award, Creighton University College of Nursing Research Scholarly Forum, Omaha, NE (cancelled) 2020
  • Knezevich E. Chronic Care Management: Focus on Diabetes. Midwest Pharmacy Expo, Des Moines, IA. February 2020. 2020
  • Jewell, V., Schultes, S., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation Exploring Stakeholder Perceptions Regarding Barriers of Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Communities, at Creighton University Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) presentation, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Jewell, V., Schultes, S., Abbott, A., & Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Center ed Type 1 Diabetes Research, at Creighton University Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) presentation, Omaha, NE 2020
  • Knezevich E. Glycemic Management of Type 1 diabetes. Training for Creighton University Occupational Therapy and Nursing faculty. January 2020. 2020
  • Knezevich E. Guidelines for the Treatment of Type 1 diabetes. Training for Creighton University Occupational Therapy and Nursing faculty. January 2020. 2020
  • Mack M, Hanuman S, Knezevich, E. Poster Presentation Utilization of Nebraskas prescription drug monitoring program to analyze the effect of continuous glucose monitors on medication adherence at ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 2019. 2019
  • Trueman, C, Knezevich, E., Skradski, J. Poster Presentation Improving CGM Knowledge within a Community Pharmacy Practice Setting at ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 2019. 2019
  • Knezevich E. Tips and Tricks for Ordering Diabetes Supplies. Nebraska Medicine Diabetes Update, October 2019. 2019
  • Knezevich E. Practical Aspects of Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Creighton University Endocrine Grand Rounds, October, 2019. 2019
  • Rubin K., Taylor C., Wilcox A., Knezevich E. Implementation of CGM Workflow in an Ambulatory Care Clinic. Student Poster Presentation at ASHP Midyear Meeting, December, 2018. 2018
  • Trueman C., Schmidt K., Knezevich E. Utilization of the Nebraska PDMP to Identify and Prevent Prescription drug errors in an outpatient clinic. Student Poster Presentation at ASHP Midyear Meeting, December, 2018. 2018
  • Knezevich E. Practical Aspects of Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Management. Creighton University Endocrine Grand Rounds, November, 2018. 2018
  • Knezevich E., Rubin K, Leong C. Implementation of an interprofessional diabetes assessment for homeless individuals. Poster Presentation at ACCP Global Conference, October 2018 2018
  • Leong K, Knezevich E. Implementation of A1c Testing in Low Income Populations. Student Poster Presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting, December 2017. 2017
  • Kessinger H, Knezevich E. Comparison of GLP-1 Agonists and SGLT-2 Inhibitors on Patient Outcomes: A Retrospective Study. Poster Presentation at the ACCP Annual Meeting, December 2017. 2017
  • Knezevich E. Overcoming Financial Burden, Financial Considerations for Medications at Discharge. Nebraska Medicine Diabetes Symposium. 2017
  • Knezevich E. Overcoming Financial Burden, Financial Considerations for Medications at Discharge. Nebraska Medicine Diabetes Symposium, September 2017. 2017
  • Knezevich E. New products for diabetes. Nebraska Pharmacist's Association Annual Meeting. 2017
  • Tolman J, Knezevich E, White N, Chauhan H, Dash A, Monaghan M. Case Study in Mission-centric Curricular Revision in Light of Standards 2016. Poster Presentation at AACP Annual Meeting, July 2017. 2017
  • Knezevich E. Overcoming Financial Burden, Financial Considerations for Medications at Discharge. Nebraska Medicine Diabetes Symposium, September 2017. 2017
  • Neighbors K, Worth B, Knezevich E, Spangler M. For the greater good: pharmacy student interventions to optimize therapy and cost savings at Healing Gift Free Clinic. Student Poster Presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. 2016
  • Kessinger H, Knezevich E. Comparison of GLP-1 Agonists and SGLT-2 Inhibitors on Patient Outcomes: A Retrospective Study. Poster Presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. 2016
  • Knezevich E. Diabetes management tools: hands on session. Nebraska Pharmacist's Association Annual Meeting 2016
  • Knezevich, E. Case Closed! Difficult Cases in Endocrinology. Midwest Pharmacy Expo Annual Meeting, 2016
  • Knezevich E, White N, Skrabal M. APhAs The Pharmacist and Patients Centered Diabetes Care Certificate Course. Provided Continuing Education Program as part of Creightons Alumni reunion series. September 2015. 2015
  • Knezevich, E. NAPLEX Review: Diabetes. April 2015. 2015
  • Knezevich, E. Insulin Pump Management and Continuous Glucose Monitors. Invited to provide Ground Rounds Continuing Education for Endocrinology department at Creighton University Medical Center. April 2015. 2015
  • Kerner D, Knezevich E. Implementing interventions to improve patient primary non-adherence. Poster Presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. 2015
  • Wu E, Knezevich E, Skradski J, McKenzie M. Implementing a medication synchronization program in community pharmacies. Poster Presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. 2015
  • Knezevich, E. Antidiabetic Medication Review. Invited to provide Continuing Medical Education for Family Medicine Residents. February 2015. 2015
  • Knezevich, E. Novel Therapeutic Options for treating Diabetes. Midwest College of Clinical Pharmacy quarterly meeting. September 2014. 2014
  • Knezevich, E. Insulin Pump Management and Continuous Glucose Monitor. Invited to provide Ground Rounds Continuing Education for Endocrinology department at Creighton University Medical Center. August 2014. 2014
  • Knezevich, E. The Pharmacology of Bisphosphonates. Invited to provide Grand Rounds Continuing Education for Internal Medicine Department at Creighton University Medical Center. May 2014 2014
  • Knezevich, E. NAPLEX Review: Diabetes. April 2014. 2014
  • Knezevich, E. New Antidiabetic Agents. Omaha Cosmopolitan Club. March 2014 2014
  • Knezevich E, Paschal K, Blanchard S. Interprofessional Seminar Series: Diabetes, a Case Study. February 2014. 2014
  • Knezevich, E . iDiabetes Panel Member at Taking Control of your Diabetes conference, Omaha, NE. October, 2013. 2013
  • Knezevich, E. Late Breakers presentation of SAVOR-TIMI 53 trial at ACCP Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. October, 2013. 2013
  • Knezevich, E. Insulin Pump Management and Continuous Glucose Monitor. Invited to provide Ground Rounds Continuing Education for Endocrinology department at Creighton University Medical Center. August 2013. 2013
  • Knezevich E. Diabetes Medications: Practical Tips and Counseling Pearls. Invited to present to Ambulatory Care Nurse Coordinators for Alegent Creighton Health. June 2013. 2013
  • Knezevich, E. Diabetes Management Update. Invited to provide continuing education program to Alegent Creighton Employees, June 2013. 2013
  • Liu R, Jung E, Knezevich E. Interprofessional Community Based Diabetes Screenings as a Recruitment Medium for Patient Enrollment in Student Pharmacist Facilitated Diabetes Education. Student Poster Presentation at the American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, March, 2013. 2013
  • Liu R, Jung E, Knezevich E. Interprofessional Community Based Diabetes Screenings as a Recruitment Medium for Patient Enrollment in Student Pharmacist Facilitated Diabetes Education. Student Poster Presentation at the American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. 2013
  • Knezevich, E. New Pharmacotherapeutic Options for the Management of Diabetes. Invited to provide continuing education program to Nebraska chapter of American College of Physicians. October 5, 2012. 2012
  • Knezevich, E. The Highs and Lows of Glucose Management in Type 2 Diabetes: A Focus on New Therapies. Invited to provide continuing education program to Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Alumni, Faculty and Students. September 20, 2012. 2012
  • Kothapally J, Drincic A, Knezevich E. The Efficacy of Oral Versus Injectable Estradiol in Male to Female Transgender Patients. Poster Presentation at the AACE Meeting and Clinical Congress, April 14, 2011. 2011
  • Kothapally J, Drincic A, Knezevich E. The Efficacy of Oral Versus Injectable Estradiol in Male to Female Transgender Patients. Poster Presentation at the AACE Meeting and Clinical Congress. 2011
  • Wosick D, Knezevich E, Holsopple M. Benefits of student pharmacist services in an interprofessional, student-run free diabetes clinic. Poster accepted for presentation at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2010. 2010
  • Chalker C, Smith R, Goulet C, Cochran T, Begley K, Christopher P, Doll J, Flecky K, Reed-Boulay K, Ryan Haddad A, Sexson E, Shada E. An innovative model of campus-community partnership promoting professional formation, interdisciplinary education and social responsibilities: Project Homeless Connect Omaha. Combined Section Meeting. American Physical Therapy Association. San Diego, CA. 2010
  • Packard K, Sexson E, Spangler M. Impact of a Cardiovascular Risk Screening Course and Health Promotion Service Learning Course. Poster Presented at AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. 2009
  • Cook K, Sexson E, Walters R. Pharmacy Residents Perspective of a Teaching Certificate Program. Poster Presented at AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. 2009
  • Goulet C, Sexson E, et al. Bridging the Gap to eHealth Information. Poster Presented at NIH SBIR/STTR Conference. 2009
  • Sexson E, Burns T, Drincic A, et al. Routine Monitoring of Liver Function Tests with Use of Methimazole: The time has come. Poster Presented at ASHP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2008
  • Sexson E, Burns T, Drincic A, et al. Routine Monitoring of Liver Function Tests with Use of Methimazole: The time has come. Poster Presented at ASHP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 2008
  • Ryan Haddad A, Doll J, Sexson E, et al. Enhancing the Health Fair Experience for Older Adults with the Health Report Card and Student Health Fair Guides. Presented at AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. 2008
  • Cook K, Sexson E. Learning to Teach: Objectives, Portfolios and Assessments, Oh My! APhA Transitions New Practitioners Newsletter. Spring 2008.
  • Cochran TM, Doll JD, Ryan Haddad A, Wilken M, Flecky K, Champ-Blackwell S, Begley K, Knezevich E, Rusch L, Martens Stricklett K. Forming Moral Agents in Health: Linking Health Care with Social Responsibility. Poster presented at All Things Ignatian session, Creighton University, 2010.
  • Cochran TM, Doll JD, Ryan Haddad A, Wilken M, Flecky K, Champ-Blackwell S, Begley K, Knezevich E, Rusch L, Martens Stricklett K. Forming Moral Agents in Health: Linking Health Care with Social Responsibility. Poster presented at All Things Ignatian session, Creighton University, 2010.


  • Jewell V., Abbott A, Knezevich E. Building Rural
    Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes
    Research. PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement Award.
    ** First PCORI Award Creighton University has ever received**


  • Knezevich, E., Jewell, V., & Abbott, A. A. Title: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research”, Sponsor: SPAHP Student Research Fellowship at Creighton University. Level of

  • Knezevich, E., Fuji, K., Larson, K., Muniz G. Evaluating Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Education in U.S. Pharm.D. Programs. [No funding sought]

  • Jewell, V. Russell, M., Shin, J. Knezevich, E., Abbott, A. A., George, A., & Yongyue, Qi “Effectiveness of Telehealth Occupation-Based Coaching for Families with a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes.”
    Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURAS) Faculty Research Fund Creighton University.

  • Jewell, V., Russell, M., Knezevich, E., & Abbott, A (2019-2021).
    A randomized, control Pilot Study to Examine the Effectiveness of
    Telehealth Occupation-based coaching for Families with a child
    with Type 1 Diabetes. Creighton University Health Sciences

  • Jewell, V., Abbott, A., Knezevich, E. “Title: Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research.” Sponsor: The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship

  • Knezevich E, Jewell V, Abbott A. Student Research Fellowship to support PCORI funded project: “Building Rural Stakeholder Engagement in Patient Centered Type 1 Diabetes Research.” Sponsor: Creighton University School of Pharmacy & Health Professions

  • Trueman, C., Knezevich, E., Skradski, J. Improving Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Utilization in a Community Pharmacy Setting. [no funding sought]

  • Mack M, Hanuman S, Knezevich E. Utilization of Nebraska’s prescription drug monitoring program to analyze the effect of continuous glucose monitors on medication adherence. [No funding sought]

  • White ND, Tolman J, Fuji K, Knezevich E, Risoldi-Cochrane Z. Evaluation of teaching strategies within a dual-pathway doctor of pharmacy program. [no funding sought]


  • Dr Pete Ellerbeck Memorial Outstanding Teaching Award
    Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
  • Educator of the Year
    Rho Chi
  • Fr. Schlegel Diversity Award
    OISSE Core Faculty
  • Excellence in Teaching Award
    Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Faculty Development Committee