Alicia Klanecky Earl, PhD


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College of Arts and Sciences
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 314

Alicia Klanecky Earl, PhD


Teaching Interests

  • Clinical Psychology

Research Focus

My primary research interests include the examination of mechanisms that increase one’s vulnerability to alcohol use disorders following trauma exposure with emphasis on developmental trajectories, mental health symptoms, and regulatory abilities. I also have research interests in college student alcohol use and the prevention of alcohol-related consequences including sexual violence.


Psychological Science




  • Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience
    Badura-Brack, A. S., Mills, M. S., *Embury, C. M., Khanna, M. M., Klanecky, A. K., Stephen, J. M., Wang, Y. P., Calhoun, V. C., & Wilson, T. W. (accepted). Hippocampal and parahippocampal volumes vary by sex and traumatic life events in children 2019
  • The Addictions Newsletter, Society of Addiction Psychology (Division 50), American Psychology Association
    Klanecky, A. K., & *Ruhnke, E. (July 2019). Addressing the negatively reinforcing effects of alcohol in brief alcohol interventions for college students. 2019
  • Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
    Klanecky, A. K., *Ruhnke, E., *Meyer, R. The impact of induced mood on mechanisms that influence problem drinking in college.
    33(3), p. 274-284 2019
  • Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma
    Mills, M. S., *Embury, C. M., Klanecky, A. K., Khanna, M. K., Calhoun, V. C., Stephen, J. M., Wang, Y. P., Wilson, T. W., & Badura-Brack, A. S. (in press). Traumatic events are associated with diverse psychological symptoms in typically-developing children 2019
  • American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    Klanecky, A. K., Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B. V., & McChargue, D. E. (2019). Factor analysis of the Desire to Dissociate Scale including cross-cultural findings and links to chemical dissociation 2019
  • Addictive Behaviors
    Tuliao, A., Landoy, B. V., Mullet, N. D., Canoy, N., Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. E. (2019). A cross-cultural comparison of the role of sexual objectification as a mediating mechanism in the relations between alcohol use and sexual assault perpetration 2019
  • Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma
    Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B. V., Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. E. A comparison of sexual aggression risk factors between the United States and the Philippines.
    28(9), p. 1091-1109 2019
  • Journal of American College Health
    Martinez (Pethick), H. S., Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. E. Problem drinking among at-risk college students: The examination of Greek involvement, freshman status, and history of mental health problems.
    66(7), p. 579-587 2018
  • Assessment
    Tuliao, A., Klanecky, A. K., Landoy, B. V., & McChargue, D. E. Toronto Alexithymia Scale – 20:  Examining 18 competing factor structure solutions in a U.S. and the Philippines sample. 2018
  • Addictive Behaviors
    Cadigan, J. M., Klanecky, A. K., & Martens, M. P.  An examination of alcohol risk profiles and co-occurring mental health symptoms among OEF/OIF veterans
    70, p. 54-60 2017
  • Psychology of Violence
    Tuliao, A. P., McChargue, D. E., & Klanecky, A. K. Information acquisition in sexual aggression
    8(5), p. 605-614 2017
  • Journal of Addictive Diseases
    Klanecky, A. K., McChargue, D. E., & Tuliao, A. P. (in press). Proposed pathways to problematic drinking via PTSD symptoms, emotion dysregulation, and dissociative tendencies following child/adolescent sexual abuse. 2016
  • American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    *Aurora, P., & Klanecky, A. K. Drinking motives mediate emotion regulation difficulties and problem drinking in college students.
    42(3), p. 341-350 2016
  • American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    Klanecky, Alicia K., Woolman, Erin O., Becker, Madelyn M. Child abuse exposure, emotion regulation, and drinking refusal self-efficacy: an analysis of problem drinking in college students
    41, p. 188-196 2015
  • Journal of Drug Education
    Woolman, E. O., Becker, M. M., & Klanecky, A. K. PTSD symptoms mediate academic stress and drinking to cope.
    45(2), p. 96-112 2015
  • Military Psychology
    Klanecky, A. K., Cadigan, J. M., Martens, M. P., & Rogers, R. Mental health symptoms and alcohol use frequency: The moderating effect of spouse/partner presence in OEF/OIF veterans. 
    26 (5-6), p. 366-375 2014
  • American Journal on Addictions
    Highland, K. B., Herschl, L. C., Klanecky, A. K., McChargue, D. E Biopsychosocial pathways to alcohol-related problems.
    22, p. 366-372 2013
  • Journal of Interpersonal Violence
    Walsh, K., DiLillo, D., McChargue, D., Klanecky, A. K. Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: A mechanism in the relationship between early sexual victimization and incapacitated/drug-or-alcohol-facilitated and forcible rape.
    28, p. 558-576 2013
  • Addiction Research and Theory
    Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. Vulnerability to alcohol use disorders following early sexual abuse: The role of effortful control.
    21(2), p. 160-180 2013
  • American Journal on Addictions
    Klanecky, A. K., McChargue, D. E., & *Bruggeman, L. Desire to dissociate: Implications for problematic drinking in college students with childhood/adolescent sexual abuse exposure. 
    21, p. 250-256 2012
  • Journal of College Student Development
    McChargue, D. E., Klanecky, A. K., & *Anderson, J. Alcohol use problems mediate the relation between cannabis use frequency and college functioning among students mandated to an alcohol diversion program. 
    53(4), p. 611-615 2012
  • Substance Use and Mental Health: Dual Diagnosis
    McChargue, D. E., *Drevo, S., Herrera, M. J., Doran, N., Salvi, S., & Klanecky, A. K. Trait-impulsivity moderates the relationship between rumination and number of major depressive episodes. 
    4(2), p. 96-104 2011
  • Addictive Behaviors
    *Bujarski, S., Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. E. The relationship between alexithymia and alcohol-related risk perceptions: The moderating effect of general trauma in a college population. 
    35, p. 363-366 2010
  • Substance Use and Mental Health: Dual Diagnosis
    Klanecky, A. K., & McChargue, D. E. Emotional reactivity across individuals with varying trauma and substance dependence histories.
    2(3), p. 191-202 2009
  • American Journal on Addictions
    Klanecky, A. K., Salvi, S., & McChargue, D. E. Childhood sexual trauma severity exposure moderates the association between cigarette smoking initiation and college drug use.
    18(5), p. 363-366 2009
  • American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    Klanecky, A. K., *Harrington, J., & McChargue, D. E. Child sexual abuse, dissociation, and alcohol: Implications of chemical dissociation via blackouts among college women.
    34, p. 277-284 2008
  • Addictive Behaviors
    McChargue, D. E., Klanecky, A. K., Walsh, K., & DiLillo, D. Trauma exposure influences cue elicited affective responses among smokers with and without a history of depression.
    33, p. 1454-1462. 2008


  • Richner, K. A., Tibbs, J. J., McChargue, D. E., Tuliao, A. P., Klanecky, A. K., & Landoy, B. (August 2019). Mediating role of trauma symptoms on sexual aggression severity and alcohol at time of victimization. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2019
  • *Robinson, A., Mills, M., Klanecky, A., Khanna, M., & Badura-Brack, A. (May 2019). Attention bias variability, emotion dysregulation, and PTSD in women who experienced adult domestic/sexual violence. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, D. C. 2019
  • Khanna, M. M., Budesheim, T. L., Guenther, C. L., & Klanecky, A. K. (January 2019). Internships boost retrospective ratings of education satisfaction and relevance, especially for those entering the workforce. Poster accepted to the Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida. 2019
  • *Barash, J. N., *Budesheim E. F., Klanecky, A. K., Budesheim, T. L., & Dickel, C. T. (August 2018). Mental health stigma following treatment as a risk for problem drinking in college. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, California 2018
  • Klanecky, A. K., & *Ruhnke, E. (August 2018). Experimental examination of the diathesis-stress model and risk for problem drinking. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, California. 2018
  • Tuliao, A. P., Klanecky, A. K., Landoy, B. V., & McChargue, D. E. (June 2018). A bifactor solution to the Rutger's Alcohol Problem Index. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, San Diego, California. 2018
  • Mills, M., *Embury, C., Warren, D., *Robinson, A., Carson, M., Manker, B., Khanna, M., Klanecky, A., Calhoun, V., Stephen, J., Wang, Y., Wilson, T., & Badura-Brack, A. (May 2018). Amygdala, Hippocampal, and Parahippocampal Volume Vary by Sex and Traumatic Life Events in Healthy Children. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, San Francisco, California. 2018
  • Mills, M., *Embury, C., *Robinson, A., Carson, M., Manker, B., Khanna, M., Klanecky, A., Brown, J., Calhoun, V., Stephen, J., Wang, Y., Wilson, T., & Badura-Brack, A. (May 2018). Number of Traumatic Life Events Are Associated with Psychological Symptoms in a Community Sample of Healthy Children. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, San Francisco, California. 2018
  • Klanecky, A. K., *McAndrews, S. A., *Meyer, R. M., *Barash, J. N., & *Budesheim, E. F. (August 2017). Sexual abuse moderates induced negative affect and tension reduction expectancies of alcohol. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D. C. 2017
  • Klanecky, A., *Aurora, P., *Rainforth, P., *Pethick, H., & *McAndrews, S. (June 2016). Preliminary evidence for an integration of the self-medication and dynamic diathesis stress models via a mood induction paradigm. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2016
  • Klanecky, A., *Aurora, P., *Rainforth, P., *Pethick, H., & *McAndrews, S. (May 2016). Emotion regulation difficulties moderate induced negative affect and drinking urges. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2016
  • *Pethick, H., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. (May 2016). Problem drinking among at-risk college students with past emotional/mental problems. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2016
  • The impact of trauma symptoms, treatment modality, and gender on the effectiveness of a brief alcohol treatment in college students. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, Bellevue, Washington. 2015
  • Edwards, S., Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. E. (August 2015). Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale Perpetrator Version: Confirmatory factor analysis, multiple group analysis, and validation in a U.S. and Philippines college sample. 2015
  • Edwards, S., Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. E. (August 2015). Sexual objectification mediates the relationships between alcohol use severity and sexual aggression: Comparing the Philippines and the U.S. In. D. E. McChargue (Chair), Social psychological mechanisms to sexual aggression: Comparisons between the U.S. and the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the Asian Association of Social Psychology Annual Convention, Cebu City, Philippines. 2015
  • Canoy, N., Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. E. (August 2015). Masculine ideologies between U.S. and Philippines: Examining factor structures and relationships with sexual aggression, hostility towards women, and alcohol use. In. D. E. McChargue (Chair), Social psychological mechanisms to sexual aggression: Comparisons between the U.S. and the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the Asian Association of Social Psychology Annual Convention, Cebu City, Philippines. 2015
  • Landoy, B., Tuliao, A. P., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. E. (August 2015). Revisiting the confluence model of sexual aggression: Comparisons between U.S. and Philippines college males In. D. E. McChargue (Chair), Social psychological mechanisms to sexual aggression: Comparisons between the U.S. and the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the Asian Association of Social Psychology Annual Convention, Cebu City, Philippines. 2015
  • Tuliao, A. P., Landoy, B., Klanecky, A., & McChargue, D. E. (August 2015). Decision making in sexual aggression. In. D. E. McChargue (Chair), Social psychological mechanisms to sexual aggression: Comparisons between the U.S. and the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the Asian Association of Social Psychology Annual Convention, Cebu City, Philippines. 2015
  • Klanecky, A. K., Tuliao, A. P., & McChargue, D. E. (June 2015). The Desire to Dissociate Scale: Confirmatory factor analysis and comparison to the Dissociative Experiences Scale in measuring chemical dissociation. 2015
  • *Aurora, P., *Rainforth, P., *Trombly, M., *Becker, M., & Klanecky, A. (May 2015). Desire to dissociate and college drinking: Implications for chemical dissociation. 2015
  • *Trombly, M., *Becker, M., *Aurora, P., *Rainforth, P., & Klanecky, A. (May 2015). Coping motives mediate emotion regulation difficulties and problem drinking. 2015
  • Trauma exposure, emotion regulation, and drinking refusal self-efficacy: An analysis of problematic drinking in college students. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, Bellevue, Washington. 2014
  • PTSD symptoms mediate academic stress and drinking to cope. Poster presented at the Midwest Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2014
  • Mental health symptoms and alcohol use frequency: The moderating effect of spouse/partner presence in OEF/OIF veterans. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, National Harbor, Maryland. 2012
  • Desire to dissociate, substance use coping, and alcohol-related blackouts among college students: A path analysis approach. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, National Harbor, Maryland. 2012
  • Factor structure of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) among men in a transitional residential substance abuse program using item factor analysis. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2011
  • Psychotherapy clients' online behavior and opinions regarding internet searches conducted by therapists. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2011
  • Description of a pilot project using motivational incentives to improve outcomes of the Compensated Work Therapy Program. Poster presented at the 5th VHA Mental Health Conference: Improving Veterans' Mental Health Care for the 21st Century, Baltimore, MD. 2011
  • The influence of child/adolescent sexual abuse on women's reductions in problematic drinking following a brief college alcohol intervention. In. D. E. McChargue (Chair), Child/adolescent sexual abuse, alcohol and revictimization: Understanding associations, mechanisms and treatment outcomes. Symposium conducted at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, San Francisco, CA. 2010
  • Desire to dissociate: Implications for problematic drinking in college students with childhood/adolescent sexual abuse exposure. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, San Francisco, CA. 2010


  • Golden Apple Award
    Creighton University, Kappa Kappa Gamma Recognition of Teaching Award