Hack Jae Kim, MD

Assistant Professor

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School of Medicine

Hack Jae Kim, MD

Assistant Professor


Medicine (Phoenix)


Assistant Professor


  • Gastrointestinal endoscopy
    Ngamruengphong Saowanee, Kim Hack J., Das Ananya, Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., S1495: Stepwise Circumferential and Focal RF Ablation Using the HALO System in Barrett Esophagus (BE) With or Without Dysplasia: A Single Center Experience
    71:5, p. AB177 - AB177 2010
  • Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943)
    Nguyen Vien X., Sharma Virender K., Das Ananya, Crowell Michael D., Nguyen Cuong C., Kim Hack J., DiBaise John K., T1084 High Resolution Esophageal Manometry (HRM): Evaluation of the New Diagnostic Criteria for Patients with Achalasia
    134:4, p. A-479 - A-480 2008
  • Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943)
    Kim H. Jae, Roarke Michael, Camilleri Michael, Crowell Michael D., Tollefson Chris D., Lee Michael S., Burton Duane D., Zinsmeister Alan R., Sharma Virender K., Das Ananya, W1066 Reduced Gastric Accommodation in Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia (NUD) Lasts At Least 2 Hours: Studies By Simultaneous Gastric Volume and Emptying Measurements
    134:4, p. A-626 - A-626 2008
  • The American journal of gastroenterology
    Sharma Virender K., Wells Christopher, Kim Hack J., Das Ananya, DePetris Giovanni, McLaughlin Roxane, Fleischer David E., Successful Ablation of Barrett Esophagus with Dysplasia Using the HALO Ablation System in a Prospective Cohort
    102, p. S547 2007
  • Gastrointestinal endoscopy
    Das Ananya, Wells Christopher D., Fleischer David E., Kim Hack J., Sharma Virender K., Endoscopic Ablative Therapy Is a Cost-Effective Management for Non-Dysplastic Barrett Esophagus
    65:5, p. AB151 - AB151 2007
  • Gastrointestinal endoscopy
    Das Ananya, Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., De Petris Giovanni, Wells Christopher D., Nguyen Cuong C., Kim Hack J., Endoscopic Resection of Early Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and High Grade Dysplasia in Elderly Patients with Barrett Esophagus Using a Multi-Band Endoscopic Resection Device
    65:5, p. AB135 - AB135 2007
  • The American journal of gastroenterology
    Wells Christopher D., Kim H. Jae, Das Ananya, Moirano Michele M., Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., Circumfrential Ablation of Barrett Esophagus with Persistent High-Grade Dysplasia Following Photodynamic Therapy with Halo 360
    101, p. S74 - S75 2006
  • The American journal of gastroenterology
    Das Ananya, Wells Christopher D., Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., Kim Hack J., Determinants of Cost-Effectiveness of Endoscopic Ablative Therapy for Non-Dysplastic Barrettʼs Esophagus
    101, p. S68 2006
  • Archives of Internal Medicine
    Kostis J. B., Kim H. J., Rusnak J., Casale Thomas B., Kaplan A., Corren J., Levy E., Incidence and characteristics of angioedema associated with enalapril
    165:14, p. 1637 - 1642 2005