Essential Family Medicine : Fundamentals and Cases With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access Kavan Michael G., Multiple somatic complaints (generalized anxiety disorder) [Book Chapter] 2006
Schroth W. Scott, Barrier Patricia A., Garrity Maureen, Kavan Michael G., Student affairs officers should oversee preparation of the medical student performance evaluation 2011
American Family Physician Kavan Michael G., Saxena Shailendra K., Rafiq Naureen, General parenting strategies 97:10, p. 642 - 648 2018
American family physician Kavan Michael G, Barone Eugene J, Grief and Major Depression Controversy Over Changes in DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria 90:10, p. 690, 694 - 690, 694 2014
Medical Science Educator Kavan Michael G., Westerman Gary H., Elsasser Gary N., Turner Paul D., A Survey of Medical Student Gambling and Implications for Medical School Educators and Program Development 22:3, p. 121 - 128 2012
Academic Medicine Schroth W. S., Barrier P. A., Garrity M., Kavan Michael G., In Reply 87:6, p. 682 2012
Journal of Child Neurology Kavan Michael G., The White Coat Ceremony: A Tribute to the Humanism of Arnold P. Gold 24:8, p. 1051 - 1052 2009
Journal of dental education Westerman Gary H., Elsasser Gary N., Kavan Michael G., Dental student experiences with gambling 73:8, p. 934 - 941 2009
American Family Physician Kavan Michael G., Elsasser Gary N., Barone Eugene J., Generalized anxiety disorder 79:9, p. 785 - 791 2009
Academic Psychiatry Kavan Michael G., Malin Paula Jo, Wilson Daniel R., The dual role of academic psychiatry faculty in evaluation and treatment of medical students: An ethical conundrum 32:1, p. 3 - 7 2009
Academic Psychiatry Kavan Michael G., Malin Paula Jo, Wilson Daniel R., The role of academic psychiatry faculty in the treatment and subsequent evaluation and promotion of medical students: An ethical conundrum 32:1, p. 3 - 7 2008
American Family Physician Kavan Michael G., Guck Thomas P., Barone Eugene J., A practical guide to crisis management 74:7, p. 1159 - 1166 2006
The journal of pain Guck T., Hurley J., Kenik J., Kavan M., Smythe C., (876): Acceptance and readiness to change related to functional outcomes in fibromyalgia patients 7:4, p. S70 - S70 2006
Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators Kavan Michael G., Pisarri Thomas E., Lofgreen A. D., Huggett Kathryn N., Nutrition and wellness: A personalized educational exercise for medical students 16, p. 79 - 85 2006
Congestive Heart Failure Guck Thomas P., Elsasser Gary N., Kavan Michael G., Barone Eugene J., Depression and congestive heart failure 9:3, p. 163 - 169 2003
American family physician Guck Thomas, Kavan Michael, Elsasser Gary, Barone Eugene, Information from your family doctor: Depression after heart attack--what should I know? 64:4, p. 651 - 652 2001
American family physician Guck T P, Kavan M G, Elsasser G N, Barone E J, Assessment and treatment of depression following myocardial infarction 64:4, p. 641 - 648 2001
Journal of Psychosomatic Research Kavan Michael G., Engdahl Brian E., Kay Stephanie, Colon cancer 39:8, p. 1031 - 1039 1995
Kavan Michael G, Depression in Late Life, 2d ed 1994
Postgraduate medicine Kavan M. G., Elsasser G. N., Hurd R. H., Depression after acute myocardial infarction 89:3, p. 83 - 89 1991
American Family Physician Kavan M. G., Pace T. M., Ponterotto J. G., Barone E. J., Screening for depression 41:3, p. 897 - 904 1990
Kavan Michael G, Dowd E. Thomas, Attributional Counseling for Depression 1984
Wilburn-Flores, T., Burch-Windrem, L., Mechaber, H., Knight, N., Kavan, M.G., Kashima, K. (2025, February). GSA Professional Develop Initiative (PDI): Community Conversation about Promoting Well-Being for GSA Members. Association of American Medical Colleges, Group on Student Affairs national webinar. 2025
Kashima, K., Kavan, M.G., Knight, N., & Mechaber, H. (2024, April). GSA Well Caf: A Community Conversation about Promoting Well-being for GSA Members. Presented at the AAMC GSA/CIM/OSR National Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2024
Curtin, L., Kavan, M.G., & Wadhwani, A. (2023, November). Prohibited questioning during main residency match recruitment: Legal and psychosocial implications. Presented at the 2023 AAMC Learn, Serve, Lead Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 2023
Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C.A. , Kashima, K.J., & Goyal, N. (2022, October). Enhancing the resilience and mental wellbeing of medical students during the transition to residency. Presented at the NRMP Transition to Residency Conference, San Diego, CA. 2022
Kashima, K.J., Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C.A., & Stearns, D. (2022, April). Blue sky from mile high, above and beyond lessons learned: A redesigned residency application and selection process. Presented at the 2022 AAMC Group on Student Affairs, Careers in Medicine, and Organization of Student Representatives National Meeting, Denver, CO. 2022
Pohl, C., Jones, L., Kavan, M.G., Matin, A., Nobleza, D. & Skorton, D. (2021, April). Closing plenary: It takes a village supporting mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 2021 AAMC Group on Student Affairs & Organization of Student Representatives Spring Meeting, Virtual 2021
Pohl, C., Young, G., Cook, T., Dent, G., Guralnick, S., Kashima, K., Kavan, M.G., & Lindquest, A. (2021, April). Preparing, applying, & interviewing for residency matching: Lessons learned from the COVID pandemic. Presented at the 2021 AAMC Group on Student Affairs & Organization of Student Representatives Spring Meeting, Virtual. 2021
Kashima, K.J., Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C., & Witt, T.A. (2019, April). Per policy [student] is referred for dismissal: An interactive case-based workshop to discuss challenging issues. Presented at the AAMC CGSA/SGSA/OSR Regional Meeting, Louisville, KY. 2019
Kavan., M.G., (2019, April). Guiding struggling students toward success. AAMC Professional Development Initiative Workshop (four-hour workshop) presented at the AAMC CGSA/SGSA/OSR Regional Meeting, Louisville, KY 2019
Kashima, K.J., Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C., & Estriplet, M. (2019, April). Per policy [student] is referred for dismissal: An interactive case-based workshop to discuss challenging issues. Presented at the AAMC NEGSA/NEGOSR Regional Meeting, Boston, MA 2019
Kavan., M.G., & Salazar, T. (2019, April). Guiding struggling students toward success. AAMC Professional Development Initiative Workshop (four-hour workshop) presented at the AAMC NEGSA/NEOSR Regional Meeting, Boston, MA 2019
Kavan., M.G., & Salazar, T. (2019, March). Guiding struggling students toward success. AAMC Professional Development Initiative Workshop (four-hour workshop) presented at the AAMC WGEA/WGSA/WOSR Regional Meeting, Reno, NV. 2019
Signer, M., Kavan, M.G., Liang, M., & Puscas, L. (2018, May). New data tools to assist applicants in the match (presented in collaboration with the NRMP). Presented at the AAMC Continuing Connections: A Joint Meeting of the Group on Student Affairs, Group on Resident Affairs, Organization of Student Representatives, and Organization of Resident Representatives in Orlando, FL. 2018
Clyne, B., Andre, C., Buery-Joyner, B., Costa, G., Kavan, M.G., Lynn, J., & Stazyk, K. (2018, April). Comparing apples to apples: Analyzing wildly different yet effective career advising programs. Presented at the AAMC Continuing Connections: A Joint Meeting of the Group on Student Affairs, Group on Resident Affairs, Organization of Student Representatives, and Organization of Resident Representatives in Orlando, FL. 2018
Kavan., M.G., & Salazar, T. (2018, April). Guiding struggling students toward success. AAMC Professional Development Initiative Workshop (four-hour workshop) presented at the AAMC Continuing Connections: A Joint Meeting of the Group on Student Affairs, Group on Resident Affairs, Organization of Student Representatives, and Organization of Resident Representatives in Orlando, FL. 2018
Kavan, M.G., Kahn, M.J., Mathis, A., Simons, K, & Memari, M. (2017, May). Rational approaches to addressing residency application inflation. Presented at the National Resident Matching Program Transition to Residency: Conversations Across the Medical Education Continuum meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2017
Kavan, M.G., Mechaber, H., & Nuzzarello, A. (2016, June). Student mental health: A primer to assist student affairs staff in recognizing issues and supporting students. Presented at the AAMC GSA-CiM-OSR Professional Development Conference, St. Louis, MO 2016
Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C.A., Kahn, M.J., Kashima, K., & Richard, G.V. (2016, June). The road to a successful match: A case-based discussion of resource-based counseling for at-risk students in the match. Presented at the AAMC GSA-CiM-OSR Professional Development Conference, St. Louis, MO 2016
Millard, M.L., Kavan, M.G., & Pappas, L.M. (2015, November). Physician Lifestyle Management Course: A curricular approach to personal and professional development. Presented at the 2015 AAMC Medical Education Meeting, Baltimore, MD 2015
Dyrbye, L., Kavan, M., Slavin, S., Konopasek, L., & Von Hofe, J. (2015, November). Learner wellness and resilience. Presented at the 2015 AAMC Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD 2015
Kavan, M.G., Pohl, C.A., Kahn, M.J., & Kashima, K. (2015, October). Assisting students at risk in the match: A case-based discussion of resource-based counseling. Presented at the National Resident Matching Program Transition to Residency: Conversations Across the Medical Education Continuum, New Orleans, LA 2015
Kavan, M.G. (2015, June). Educating medical students on the assessment and management of suicide: A multi-instructional method. Presented at Aeschi 8: Bearing the Struggle: Exploring the Challenges Facing Clinicians Working with Suicidal Patients, Vail, CO. 2015
Johnson, C., Kavan, M., Krane, K.K., Papadakis, M., & Wallach, P., & Melnick, D. (2014, November). High stakes external assessment: How do we keep the baby while throwing out the bath water? Presented at the 2014 AAMC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. 2014
3. Osborne, M.L., Kavan, M., Prislin, M., & Spear, K. (2014, April). Navigating the changing currents from medical school to leadership and beyond. How to navigate transitions using the nautical theme of Moby the Dick. Presented at the 2014 Annual Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Diversity and Inclusion, Group on Student Affairs, and Organization of Student Representatives Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 2014
4. Manyon, A., Trayes, K., Laumbach, S.G., Freedy, J., Knudson, M., Holloway, R., Horn, K., Henderson, D., & Kavan, M. (2014, January). The deans letter: Inspiring faculty and students to contribute in a meaningful fashion. Presented at the 40th Anniversary Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education, Nashville, TN. 2014
5. Moscoso, L.M., Kavan, M.G., Shahmohammadi, N., Slavin, S., & Spencer, D. (2013, November). Medical student wellness and balance. Presented at the 2013 AAMC Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 2013
Dent, G.G., Kavan, M.G., Richard, G.V., & Schroth, W.S. (2013, June). Town hall discussion on unmatched students. Presented at the AAMC Careers in Medicine Professional Development Conference, San Diego, CA. 2013
Schroth, W.S., & Kavan, M.G. (2013, June). Beyond specialty advising: Three different models for holistic advising programs that incorporate careers in medicine, academic advising, financial advising, and medical student wellness. Presented at the 2013 AAMC Careers in Medicine Professional Development Conference, San Diego, CA. 2013
Moscoso, L.M., Kavan, M.G., Shahmohammadi, N., Slavin, S., & Spencer, D. (2013, March). Medical student wellness and balance. Presented at the 2013 AAMC Central Group on Student Affairs Meeting, St Louis, MO. 2013
"The GSA Mental Health Survey: Innovative approaches to enhancing student well-being"Presentation at AAMC Centrla Group on Student Affairs, Spring Mtg, Chicago, IL 2009
"Work Group Update" Presented at AAMC Central Group on Student Affairs, Spring Mtg, CHicago, IL 2009
"GAmbling and its impact in medical student academic and personal well-being: Implications for medical educators" Presented at the Int'l Association for Medical Education, Prague, Czech Republic 2008
"Student attitudes about podcasting in the medical curriculum" Presented at the Int'l Association of Medical Education, Prague, Czech Republic 2008
"The summer initiative for teaching excellence (SITE) in the health sciences" Presented at the Int'l Association for Medical Education, Prague, Czech Republic 2008
"Better applicants and physicians for tomorrow: An exam of medical schools and residency applicant pools" Presentation at the Association of American Medical Colleges 2008 annual mtg, San Antonio, TX 2008
"Current challenges in the match-post-match continuum: A dialogue among major players" AAMC Professional Dev Conf for Med School Stud Affairs Officers, Tucson, AZ 2008
"Match madness: Dispelling urban legends of the match" Presented at the AAMC Professional Dev. Conf for Med School Stud Affairs Officers, Tucson, AZ 2008
"Adjusting to changes in studying during the 1st year of med school" 2008 Combined AAMC Central/Southern REgional Mtg for the GSA/MAS/OSR, Destin, FL 2008
"Stepping up to Step 1: A program to assist students with USMLE step 1 prep" 2008 Combined AAMC Central/Southern Regional Mtg for the GSA/MAS/OSR, Destin, FL 2008
Presentation: "Dental student experiences w/gambling: a survey of attitudes, exposure, and impact" to 85th Annual Session & Exhibition of the Am. Dental Education Association 2008
"Physician Stress" to Siouxland Med Ed Foundations 7th Annual CME Event 2008
Presentation: "What curricula are needed to promote student quality of life?" to AAMC 2007 Annual Mtg 2007
Presentation: "Pharmacy student experiences w/gambling: A survey of attitudes, exposure and impact" to the 2007 American Assoc. of Colleges of Pharm. Annual Mtg&Seminars 2007
To Have and Have Not: Policies and Programs to Enhance the Teacher-Learner Relationship. Joint Southern Group on Student Student Affairs and Central Group on Student Affairs Annual Meeting. Key West, Florida. 2004
Careers in Medicine. Presented at the Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 2003
Building Counseling Programs. Presented at the Central Group on Student Affairs Regional Meeting, Iowa City, IA. 2003
Kavan, M.G. (2002, April). Skeletons in the closet: Dismissed students - Advising and prevention. Presented at the GSA/GSA-MAS/OSR National Spring Meeting, Palm Springs, CA. 2002
"Anxiety Disorders: Assessment and Management" to Family Practice Residents 1999
Family Health Care Clerkship (FAP 301) lectures on "Behavioral Medicine in Family Practice: Chemical Dependency, Anxiety, and Depression" given monthly to Family Practice clerkship students 1999
Treatment of Anxiety and Stress" given on 11/18/99; 1999
Psychological Aspects of Low Back Pain. Presented at the Essentials of Spine Care Conference, October 30, 1999. 1999
Stress in the Wrokplace: Making it Work for You, Accounting Resources Quarterly Meeting, October 30th, 1999. 1999
"Assessment and Treatment of Suicide" lecture to Family Practice residents on 8/19/99 1999
Patient and Society (IDC 237) lectures on "Psychological Assessment" given on 8/26/99 1999
Panel on Professionalism for Physical Therapy program course, 6/30/99. 1999
Chemical Dependency lecture to Family Practice residents on 2/2/99 1999