Lou E . Jensen, OTD, OTR/L, LVST, BIG

Associate Vice Provost, Center for Faculty Excellence

Associate Professor

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School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Faculty - Pharmacy, OT, PT
Occupational Therapy Faculty
CFE Leadership
Center for Faculty Excellence
CIPER Administrative Council
RAML - Reinert Alumni Memorial Library - L36

Lou E . Jensen, OTD, OTR/L, LVST, BIG

Associate Vice Provost, Center for Faculty Excellence

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

  • Stroke systems of care
  • Systematic reviews related to Alzheimer’s and other dementias
  • Cross-cultural learning experiences
  • Hybrid education


Occupational Therapy


Associate Professor


  • AOTA Press
    Piersol, C. V., & Jensen, L. (2017). Occupational therapy practice guidelines for adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related neurocognitive disorders. Bethesda, MD. 2017


  • NeuroRehabilitation
    Burgess, G., & Jensen, L. (2019). Occupational therapy for adults with brain tumors in the acute care setting. NeuroRehabilitation, 45(2), 151-161. DOI: 10.3233/NRE-192799
    45(2), p. 151-161 2019
  • Elsevier
    Jensen, L., & Okada, S. H. (2019). Considerations of mobility: Part 3 fall prevention. In H. Lohman, S. Byers-Connon & R. L. Padilla (Eds.) Occupational Therapy with Elders: Strategies for the COTA (4th ed.). St Louis, MO. 2019
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Piersol, C. V., & Jensen, L., Lieberman, D., & Arbesman, M. (2018). Evidence Connection—Occupational therapy interventions for people with Alzheimer’s disease. 72, 7201390010. https:// doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2018.721001
    72, p. 7201390010p1-7201390010p6 2018
  • OT Practice
    Stratton, C.; & Jensen, L. (2018). Hybrid learning: Explaining a new frontier of occupational therapy education. 2018
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Jensen, L., & Padilla, R. (2017). Effectiveness of environment-based interventions that address behavior, perception, and falls in people with Alzheimer’s disease and related major neurocognitive disorders: A systematic review.
    71(5), p. 7105180030p1-7105180030p10 2017
  • Occupational Therapy International
    Mu, K., Peck, K., Jensen, L., Bracciano, A., Carrico, C., & Feldhacker, D. (2016). CHIP: Facilitating interprofessional and culturally-competent patient care through experiential learning in China.
    23(4), p. 328-337 2016
  • Stylus Publishing
    Doll, J.D., Mu, K., Jensen, L., Goulet, C., & Ekstrum, J. (2014). Transforming practice: International service-learning as preparation for entering health care. In Crossing Boundaries: Tension and Transformation in International Service-Learning. Sterling, VA. 2014
  • Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    Jones K. J., Cochran, T. M., Jensen, L. E., Roehrs, T. G., Volkman K. G., & Goldman, A. J. (2012). A cross-sectional assessment of stroke rehabilitation in Nebraska hospitals.
    93, p. 1662-1671 2012
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Jensen, L., & Padilla, R. (2011). Review of the evidence for the effect of interventions to prevent falls in persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
    65, p. 608-615 2011
  • Elsevier
    Jensen, L., & Okada, S. H. (2011). Considerations of mobility: Part 3 fall prevention. In R. Padilla, S. Byers & H. Lohman (Eds.) Occupational Therapy with Elders: Strategies for the COTA (3rd ed.). St Louis, MO. 2011
  • Occupational Therapy in Health Care
    Jensen, L., & Daniel, C. (2010). A descriptive study on level II fieldwork supervision in hospital settings.
    21, p. 335-347 2010
  • American Journal of Occupational Therapy
    Kerr, L., Jewell, V.D., & Jensen, L. (2020).  A systematic review of stretching interventions for post-stroke spasticity, hand function, and functional tasks.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(5).
    74(5), p. TBD


  • American Occupation Thearpy Association Knowledge Transfer Content Development Board - Developed 60 exams questions for the OT/OTA for AOTA’s Benchmark product 2019
  • Newsletter of the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association
    Jensen, L., Volkman, K., & Goldman, A. (2016, April). NSAC provides online resources for rehabilitation professionals. 2017
  • Jensen, L., & Padilla, R. (2017). Effectiveness of environment-based interventions on behavior, perception, and falls for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. American Occupational Therapy Association, Critically Appraised Topics and Paper Series. (this article was selected to be a continuing education offering for the American Journal of Occupational Therapy through the American Occupational Therapy Association) 2017
  • The Portal of Online Geriatrics Education
    Jensen, L., Lohman, H., Thinnes, A., & Lyons, B. (2015). Evaluating the older adult's ability to live independently and drive: An occupational therapist's role in assessment. Invited authors for online geriatrics presentation module for the College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center. 2015
  • The Portal of Online Geriatrics Education
    Coburn, B. W., Jones, K. J., Potter, J. F., Kreski, D., Brown, D. G., Cook, K., Randall, A. D., Ernesti, D., Jensen, L., Miller, C. L., Schumaker, A., M., Sobeski, L, Teten, A. F., Tompkins, J., Venema, D. M., Woscyna, G. R., Nickol, D. (2015). A developmental approach to campus-wide interprofessional education: From exposure to immersion using a geriatric case study. 2015


  • Jensen, L. Student assessments, giving feedback, and mid-course corrections.Presentation, Creighton University Office of Faculty and Staff Development, Omaha, NE, April 2020. 2020
  • Greiner, B., Jensen, L., Thinnes, A., Domina, A., Welch, M., & Fellman, S. (2020, March 26-29). Clinical narratives: Assessment and facilitation of the clinical reasoning process [Conference session]. 2020 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Boston, MA, United States. https://www.aota.org/Conference-Events/annual-conference.aspx (Conference canceled) 2020
  • Thinnes, A., Domina, A., Greiner, B., Jensen, L., Fellman, S., & Welch, M. (2020, March 26-29). Fostering fellow clinical reasoning and interprofessional practice through case presentations [Conference session]. 2020 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Boston, MA, United States. https://www.aota.org/Conference-Events/annual-conference.aspx (Conference canceled) 2020
  • Jensen, L. Refining learning objectives for student succes.Workshop, Creighton UniversityOffice of Faculty and Staff Development, Omaha, NE, January 2020. 2020
  • Jensen, L. Exploring the role of dogs on university campuses. Podium presentation, Creighton University Student Occupational Therapy Association, Omaha, NE, January 2019. 2019
  • Jensen, L., Blanchard, S., Feldhacker, D., & Thinnes, A. Get real! Use of simulation and reality-based learning and assessment. Podium presentation, 2019 Creighton Innovation in Occupational and Physical Therapy Education Summit, Omaha, NE, June 2019. 2019
  • Jensen, L., Peterson, J., & Thinnes, A. Fostering fellow/resident clinical reasoning and interprofessional practice through case presentations (Part 2). Podium presentation, 2019 Creighton Innovation in Occupational and Physical Therapy Education Summit, Omaha, NE, June 2019. 2019
  • Knight, H., & Jensen, L. Collaborating outside the box: Integrating interprofessional education and service. Poster, 2019 Creighton Innovation in Occupational and Physical Therapy Education Summit, Omaha, NE, June 2019. 2019
  • Domina, A., Greiner, B., Thinnes, A., & Jensen, L. Lessons learned: Fellowship development and implementation. Poster, 2019 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA, April 2019. 2019
  • Jensen, L. Exploring the role of dogs on university campuses. Podium presentation, Creighton University Student Occupational Therapy Association, Omaha, NE, January 2019. 2019
  • Jensen, L. Engaging distance students - National distance learning week. Panel presentation, Office of Distance Education, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Jensen, L.; & Piersol, C. V. Environment as intervention: Evidence-based strategies to address behavior, perception, and falls in people With Alzheimers disease. Webinar, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy. 2018
  • Jensen, L. Integrating themes of hope and evidence-based practice in Alzheimer's care. Invited podium presentation, Alaska Occupational Therapy Association conference, Anchorage, AK. 2018
  • Jensen, L., Price, P., & Moore, M. Exploring the role of dogs on university campuses. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office of Faculty and Staff Development, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Cochran, T., Volkman, K., Jensen L., & Jones, K. Rural rehabilitation services, part 2: Stroke rehabilitation. Short course, NEXT Conference and Exposition of the American Physical Therapy Association, Orlando, FL. 2018
  • Mu, K., Jensen, L., Bracciano, A., Peck, K., Carrico, C., & Feldhacker, D. Facilitating interprofessional and culturally-competent patient care through experiential learning in China. Short oral presentation, World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Cape Town, Africa. 2018
  • Jensen, L., Verbrugge, A., Holmes, M., Turner, E., Burke, C., & Koussa, T. The effect of animal-assisted activities on children in a behavioral classroom: A pilot study. Poster, 2018 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. 2018
  • McGill, M., Jensen, L., & Mayer, A. Vertical integration of physical rehabilitation concepts across three semesters in an occupational therapy doctorate program: The student perspective. Poster, 2018 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. 2018
  • Jensen, L, Lally, K., Bracciano, A., Coppard, B., Domina, A., Lampe, A., Mayer, A., & Qi, Y. Distance education in occupational therapy: Comparison of on-campus and hybrid student outcomes. Poster, 2018 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo, Salt Lake City, UT. 2018
  • Jensen, L., Lally, K., Bracciano, A., Coppard, B., Domina, A., Lampe, A., Mayer, A., & Qi, Y. Distance education in occupational therapy: Comparison of on-campus and hybrid student outcomes. Poster, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Jensen, L. Occupational therapy. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Duchesne Day - Creighton Edge, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Jensen, L. Critical thinking: Continuing the conversation. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office for Academic Excellent and Assessment's development session, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Lampe, A., Jensen, L., & Bracciano, A. It takes a village: The teaching team supporting distance hybrid health science professional programs. Podium presentation, Nebraska Distance Learning Association (NDLA) Conference, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Jensen, L. Cultivating critical thinking in the classroom and community. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office for Academic Excellent and Assessment's development session, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Jensen, L, Lally, K., Bracciano, A., Coppard, B., Domina, A., Lampe, A., Mayer, A., & Qi, Y. Distance education in occupational therapy: Comparison of on-campus and hybrid student outcomes. Poster, Creighton University's University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • McGill, M., Jensen, L., & Mayer, A. Vertical integration of physical rehabilitation concepts across three semesters in a doctorate of occupational therapy program: a student perspective. Poster, Creighton University's University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Jensen. L. Exploring the human-animal bond in occupational therapy. Podium presentation, Creighton University Department of Occupational Therapy Creative Occupations Club meeting, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Volkman, K., Jensen, L., & Jones, L. Integrated service, scholarship & community engagement: Lessons learned from a cross-campus collaboration. Invited podium presentation, University of Nebraska Medical Centers Research Seminar Series, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Piersol, C. V., Jensen, L., & Sieck, R. (AOTA) Occupational therapy practice guideline for adults with Alzheimers disease and related disorders. Short course (AOTA sponsored), American Occupational Therapy Association conference, Philadelphia, PA. 2017
  • Coppard, B.M., Bracciano, A., Domina, A., Jensen, L., Mayer, A., Lampe, A., Mu, K., & Qi, Y. Health Science Reasoning Test: Comparison of hybrid and traditional student cohorts. Poster, American Occupational Therapy Association conference, Philadelphia, PA. 2017
  • Jensen, L. Not your grandma's lecture - Ten tips for effectively using the lecture method. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office for Academic Excellent and Assessment's development session, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Lally, K., & Jensen, L. Distance education in occupational therapy: Comparison of on-campus and hybrid student outcomes. Poster, Creighton Universitys St. Alberts Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Verbrugge, A.; Holmes, M.; Turner, E.; Palea, C., Koussa, T; & Jensen, L. The effect of animal-assisted activities on behaviors of children with behavior disorders. Poster, Creighton Universitys St. Alberts Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Volkman, K., Jensen, L., Cochran, T., & Jones, K. Improving stroke rehabilitation across the continuum of care: Triangulating perspectives of interprofessional groups of healthcare providers in Nebraska. Poster, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association conference, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Jensen, L. Integrating themes of hope and evidence-based practice in Alzheimer's care. Invited podium presentation, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association conference, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Jensen, L. Reality based learning - Part II. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment's development session, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Jensen, L. Reality based learning - Part I. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment's development session, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Mu, K., Peck, K. Jensen, L., Carrico, C., & Bracciano, A. CHIP: Facilitating interprofessional culturally-competent care. Poster, Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Mc Gee, A., Denton, J., Rawson, A., & Jensen, L. Outcomes of simulation hospital experience for entry-level occupational therapy students. Poster, American Occupational Therapy Association conference, Chicago, IL. 2016
  • Jensen, L. OTAs working in Alzheimers: OT/OTA collaboration in the development of hopeful outcomes in elder care. Invited podium presentation, Occupational Therapy Association of California Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA. 2015
  • Jensen, L. Task-specific training made easy. Invited podium presentation, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Lieberman, D., Arbesman, M., Jensen, L., Padilla, R., Smallfield, S., & Piersol, C. V. (AOTA) Systematic reviews on occupational therapy and adults with Alzheimers disease and related disorders. Short course (AOTA sponsored), American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN. 2015
  • Dieterle, C., Jacobs, K., Jensen, L., Pfeiffer, E., Richardson, P., & Toth-Cohen, S. Occupational therapy and online education: Where are we and where are we headed? Short course, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Nashville, TN. 2015
  • Eriksen, R., Trujillo, T., Weimer, M., & Jensen, L. Establishing best practices in fieldwork education: Moving toward evidence-based teaching. Poster presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Baltimore, MD. 2014
  • Murtaugh, B., Jensen, L., & Gates, T. Neurological vision rehabilitation: Exploring interdisciplinary models of care. Podium presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Baltimore, MD. 2014
  • Jensen, L. E., Cochran, T., & Volkman, K. G. Acute care to community re-entry: Enhancing Stroke rehabilitation across Nebraska. Invited podium presentation, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Omaha, NE. 2014
  • Jones, K., McMullen, E., Goldman, A., Jensen, L. E., & Volkman, K. G. Improving stroke Rehabilitation systems of care across Nebraska. Invited podium presentation, 11th Annual Nebraska Stroke Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Bracciano, A., Mu, K., Doll, J.D., Jensen, L., Peck, K. & Carrico, C. A cross cultural journey: Facilitating cultural competency, clinical reasoning and leadership through international outreach. Poster presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, San Diego, CA. 2013
  • Doll, J.D., Jensen, L., Matthews, A., Griffiths, Y. & Domina, A. Technology and teaching: Best practices for distance and campus students. Podium presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, San Diego, CA. 2013
  • Jensen, L., Mu, K., & Bracciano, A. G. Student learning outcomes of an interprofessional experiential learning program in China. Podium presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, San Diego, CA. 2013
  • Peck, K., Carrico, C., Jensen, L., Mu, K., & Bracciano, A. Rehabilitation in Shijiazhuang, China: A cultural immersion experience & impact on student learning in the professions of physical and occupational therapy, and nursing. Poster presentation, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA. 2013
  • Domina, A., Chang, W. P., Flecky, K., Jensen, L., Mu, K., Coppard, B., Bracciano, A., Doll, J. D., & Poutre, B. Assessing critical thinking skills in occupational therapy students using the Health Sciences Reasoning Test. Podium presentation, Creighton University's Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment's Development Grant Series, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Jensen, L. Neurorehabilitation: restoring postural control and function in persons with hemiplegia. Invited podium presentation, Methodist Health System Continuing Education Event, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Jensen, L, & Padilla, R. An evidence-based approach to occupational therapy services for people with Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Invited podium presentation, Creighton University's Alumni Weekend, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Bracciano, A. G., Coppard, B., Lohman, H., & Jensen L. Institutional collaboration in entrylevel education: A model for program development. Poster presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 2012
  • Mu, K., Peck, K., Carrico, C., Bracciano, A., Feldhacker, D., Jensen, L., & Matthews, A. CHIP: Fostering interprofessional and culturally-competent patient care through experiential learning in China. Poster presentation, Creighton Universitys St. Alberts Day/ University Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Jensen, L. From clinician to academician. Invited panelist, Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions' Interprofessional Seminar Series, Omaha, NE. 2012
  • Peck, K., Jensen, L., Mu, K., Matthews, A., Feldhacker, D. Rehabilitation in Shijiazhuang China: A cultural immersion experience & impact on student learning in physical & occupational therapy. Poster presentation, Midwest Global Health Conference, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Feldhacker, D., Mu, K., Jensen, L., Matthews, A., & Peck, K. Outcomes evaluation of CHIP (China Honors Interprofessional Program). Poster presentation, Creighton Universitys St. Alberts Day/ University Research Day, Omaha, NE. 2011
  • Jensen, L. Interventions to promote function in activities of daily living for persons with C6 complete spinal cord injury. Invited podium presentation, Third Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University Rehabilitation Conference, Shijiazhuang, China. 2010
  • Jensen, L., Daniel, C., & Thinnes, A. Achieving excellence in fieldwork education. Invited podium presentation, Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Lincoln, NE. 2010
  • Jensen, L., & Jordheim, J. Tablet tools. Invited podium presentation, Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions' Faculty Development Session, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Daniel, C., & Jensen, L. A phenomenological study on level II fieldwork supervision in hospital settings. Podium presentation, American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Orlando, FL. 2010
  • Jensen, L. Keeping your brain healthy. Invited podium presentation, Treynor Optimists Club, Treynor, IA. 2010
  • Jensen, L. Social networking & professionalism. Invited panelist, Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions' Interprofessional Seminar Series, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Jensen, L. Electronic exams. Invited panelist, Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions' Faculty Development Session, Omaha, NE. 2010
  • Jensen, L. Tablet tools. Invited presenter, Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions' All-School Faculty Retreat, Omaha, NE. 2010


  • Improving stroke rehabilitation across the continuum of care: Triangulating perspectives of interprofessional groups of healthcare providers.


  • Stroke rehabilitation in Nebraska hospitals.


  • Assessment of video discussion as a learning experience to develop students’ verbal communication skills in distance education.

  • Assessing critical thinking skills in occupational therapy students using the Health Sciences Reasoning Test.

  • Transcultural competence and perceptions of interdisciplinary healthcare in students: An outcomes study of a China immersion program.

  • The impact of mentorship on professional formation in a distance occupational therapy program.


  • Invited participant in Occupational Therapy in Research and Practice in Cognition and Dementia, a National Solution-Oriented Working Conference Initiative at Texas Women’s University
    Woodcock Institute for the Advancement of Neurocognitive Research and Applied Practice
  • Educator of the Year (2018)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Distance Class of 2020, Creighton University
  • Teaching for Tomorrow Faculty Award Nominee
    Creighton Student Union
  • Associate
    Teaching and Learning Center (formerly the Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment), Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2016)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Distance Class of 2018, Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2015)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2017, Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2015)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2015, Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2012)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2014, Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2012)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2012, Creighton University
  • eFellowship Program eFellow
    Academic Development and Technology Center at Creighton University
  • School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Faculty Teaching Award
    Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2009)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2011, Creighton University
  • Educator of the Year (2007)
    Educator of the Year from EOTD Class of 2009, Creighton University


  • Consultant
    As an expert on best practices for working with people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers, I was consulted to craft a response to AHRQ on their Alzheimer’s disease systematic review.
    American Occupational Therapy Association
    2020 - 2020