Associate Professor
Palliative Care Simulation for Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students
Preparing Nurse Practitioner Students to Deliver Bad News
Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional Team Development Through Virtual Palliative Care Simulations: Funding for Standardized Patients. Submitted September, 2019 for Dean’s Faculty Research Grant from Creighton University College of Nursing in the amount of $500. (Awarded $500)
Iverson, L., Jizba, T., & Manning, L. A Clinical Escape Room for Nurse Practitioner Students: An Innovative Teaching Strategy (2021-2022). Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) Grant, $1982.95.
Health Science Student Readiness and Perceptions of Inter-professional Education: A Pilot Study
Kirkpatrick, A., Chapple, H., Hercinger, M., Iverson, L., Jorgensen, D., Nystrom, K., Pick, A., Selig, C., Shirley, N., & Thinnes, A. Interprofessional Team Development Through Virtual Palliative Care Simulations: Funding for Standardized Patients. Submitted January, 2019 for Faculty Research Grant from Creighton University Graduate School in the amount of $500. (Awarded $500)