Jasmine L . Huang, MD



School of Medicine
Arizona Health
Surgery Residency

Jasmine L . Huang, MD



Surgery (Phoenix)




  • European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery
    Razia Deepika, Mittal Sumeet K., Fournier Sarah, Walia Rajat, Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Huang Jasmine L., Antireflux surgery versus medical management of gastro-oesophageal reflux after lung transplantation
    63:3 2023
  • Surgical endoscopy
    Razia Deepika, Mittal Sumeet K, Walia Rajat, Tokman Sofya, Huang Jasmine L, Smith Michael A, Bremner Ross M, Morbidity of antireflux surgery in lung transplant and matched nontransplant cohorts is comparable
    37:2, p. 1114 - 1122 2023
  • Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.)
    Razia Deepika, Arjuna Ashwini, Trahan Amy, Hahn Mary F., Abdelrazek Hesham, Omar Ashraf, Tokman Sofya, Hashimi Abdul Samad, Huang Jasmine, Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Walia Rajat, Incidentally Detected Malignancies in Lung Explants
    32:4, p. 332 - 339 2022
  • Annals of Esophagus
    Kovács Balázs, Masuda Takahiro, Bremner Ross M., Smith Michael A., Huang Jasmine L., Hashimi A. Samad, Patel Chirag, Ahmed Shair, Mittal Sumeet K., Esophageal perforation: a retrospective report of outcomes at a single center
    4, p. 2 - 2 2021
  • The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
    Masuda Takahiro, Mittal Sumeet K., Csucska Máté, Kovacs Balazs, Walia Rajat, Huang Jasmine L., Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Esophageal aperistalsis and lung transplant: Recovery of peristalsis after transplant is associated with improved long-term outcomes
    160:6, p. 1613 - 1626 2020
  • Chest
    Roy Sreeja Biswas, Trahan Amy, Huang JASMINE, Edwards REBEKAH, Abdelrazek Hesham, Thawani Nitika, Panchabhai Tanmay, MUCOUS PLUGS OR CANCER: THAT IS THE QUESTION
    156:4, p. A675 - A675 2019
  • The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
    Masuda Takahiro, Mittal Sumeet K., Kovács Balázs, Smith Michael A., Walia Rajat, Huang Jasmine L., Bremner Ross M., Foregut function before and after lung transplant
    158:2, p. 619 - 629 2019
  • Surgical endoscopy
    Olson Michael T., Singhal Saurabh, Panchanathan Roshan, Roy Sreeja Biswas, Kang Paul, Ipsen Taylor, Mittal Sumeet K., Huang Jasmine L., Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Primary paraesophageal hernia repair with Gore (R) Bio-A (R) tissue reinforcement: long-term outcomes and association of BMI and recurrence
    32:11, p. 4506 - 4516 2018
  • Chest
    154:4, p. 1106 - 1107A 2018
  • Diseases of the esophagus
    Masuda T, Bremner R M, Walia R, Mittal S K, Kovacs B, Smith M, Huang J, Thoracoabdominal pressure gradient and gastroesophageal reflux: insights from lung transplant candidates
    31:10 2018
  • Diseases of the esophagus
    Kovacs Balazs, Masuda Takahiro, Bremner Ross, Huang Jasmine, Hashimi Samad, Patel Chirag, Smith Michael, Ahmed Shair, Mittal Sumeet, FA07.02: ESOPHAGEAL PERFORATION: A RETROSPECTIVE, SINGLE CENTER OUTCOMES
    31:Supplement_1, p. 13 - 14 2018
  • Chest
    Omar Ashraf, Patil Pradnya D, Hoshi Sami, Huang Jasmine, Collum Earle, Panchabhai Tanmay S, A 68-Year-Old Lung Transplant Recipient With Shortness of Breath, Weight Loss, and Abnormal Chest CT
    153:6, p. e153 - e157 2018
  • The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
    Biswas Roy Sreeja, Serrone Rosemarie, Elnahas Shaimaa, Haworth Cassandra, Olson Michael T., Kang Paul, Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Huang Jasmine L., Early fundoplication is associated with slower decline in lung function after lung transplantation in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
    155:6, p. 2762 - 2771.e1 2018
  • The Journal of heart and lung transplantation
    Elnahas S., Panchanathan R., Olson M., Kang P., Patel V., Hashimi A., Huang J., Abdelrazek H., Bremner R.M., Smith M.A., Walia R., Omar A., Kalya A., (643) - Outcomes Among Lung Transplant Recipients with Elevated Left Heart Filling Pressures and Primary Graft Dysfunction
    37:4, p. S258 - S259 2018
  • Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals
    Yerasi Charan, Abdelrazek Hesham, Patel Vipul, Smith Michael, Omar Ashraf, Bremner Ross M, Huang Jasmine, Roy Sreeja Biswas, Olson Michael, Elnahas Shaimaa, Kang Paul, Hashimi A Samad, Kalya Anantharam, Bhattacharya Sanjoy, Walia Rajat, Outcomes of lung transplant recipients with preoperative atrial fibrillation
    26:2, p. 127 - 132 2018
  • Case reports in pulmonology
    Ross Mitchell D., Drosten Ralph, Huang Jasmine L., Biswas Roy Sreeja, Patil Pradnya D., Thawani Nitika, Panchabhai Tanmay S., Coexistent Non–Small Cell Carcinoma and Small Cell Carcinoma in a Patient Presenting with Hyponatremia
    2018, p. 1718326 - 4 2018
  • The Annals of thoracic surgery
    Biswas Roy Sreeja, Panchanathan Roshan, Walia Rajat, Varsch Katherine E, Kang Paul, Huang Jasmine, Hashimi A Samad, Mohanakumar Thalachallour, Bremner Ross M, Smith Michael A, Lung Retransplantation for Chronic Rejection: A Single-Center Experience
    105:1, p. 221 - 227 2018
  • The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
    Todd Emily M., Patel Vipul, Walia Rajat, Smith Michael A., Bremner Ross M., Kang Paul, Varsch Katherine E., Steinbock Barry E., Huang Jasmine, Omar Ashraf, Biswas Roy Sreeja, Hashimi A. Samad, Serrone Rosemarie, Panchanathan Roshan, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to lung transplantation: A single-center experience in the present era
    154:5, p. 1798 - 1809 2017
  • Journal of the American College of Surgeons
    Masuda Takahiro, Bremner Ross M., Singhal Saurabh, Roy Sreeja Biswas, Smith Michael, Huang Jasmine L., Mittal Sumeet K., Association of Thoraco-Abdominal Pressure Gradient and Esophageal Acid Exposure in Patients with End-Stage Lung Disease
    225:4, p. e167 - e167 2017
  • Chest
    Ipsen Taylor, Banks Paul, Bremner Ross, Huang Jasmine, Tracheoesophageal Fistula: A Different Surgical Approach
    152:4, p. A33 - A33 2017
  • Journal of the American College of Surgeons
    Masuda Takahiro, Roy Sreeja Biswas, Smith Michael, Huang Jasmine L., Mittal Sumeet K., Bremner Ross M., Singhal Saurabh, Thoraco-Abdominal Pressure Gradient and Gastroesophageal Reflux in Patients with End-Stage Lung Disease
    225:4, p. e172 - e172 2017
  • Chest
    Ballachanda Subbaiah Taaran Cariappa, Khosla Manraj, Huang Jasmine, Mcghan Lee, Panchabhai Tanmay, Sue Richard, The Milky Path to the Diagnosis of an Anterior Mediastinal Mass
    150:4, p. 339 - 339A 2016
  • The Journal of heart and lung transplantation
    Hooft Nicole, Smith Michael, Huang Jasmine, Bremner Ross, Walia Rajat, Gastroparesis is common after lung transplantation and may be ameliorated by botulinum toxin-A injection of the pylorus
    33:12, p. 1314 - 1316 2014
  • The Journal of heart and lung transplantation
    Hooft N., Saggar R., Smith M., Kuo E., Huang J., Walia R., Bremner R., Prevalence of Forgut Dysfunction in Pulmonary Fibrosis and COPD Patients Undergoing LTx Evaluation
    33:4, p. S299 - S300 2014
  • The Journal of heart and lung transplantation
    Walia R., Huang J.L., Bremner R.M., Varsch K.E., Smith M.A., 339 Gastroparesis Is Common Following Lung Transplantation and May Be Ameliorated by Botox Injection of the Pylorus
    30:4, p. S118 - S118 2011