JGIM “The Impact of Internal Medicine Clerkship Characteristics & NBME Subject Exams on USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge Exam Performance”---ACCEPTED JGIM 1 21 22, PUBLICATION PENDING 2021
AcadMed-D Which Internal Medicine Clerkship Characteristics are Associated with Student Performance on the Internal Medicine NBME Subject Exam? A Multi-Institutional Analysis
Manuscript Number - AcadMed-D-18-02084R2 (accepted for publication December 2019). Contributing author 2019
Journal of General Internal Medicine Knight C, Sakowski H, Houghton B, Laya M, DeWitt D. Developing a Peer Review Process for Web-Based Curricula: Minting a new coin of the realm 19 (5 pt 2), p. 594-598 2004
Teach Learn Med Monaghan MS, Galt KA, Turner PD, Houghton BL, Rich EC, Markert RJ, Bergman-Evans B. Student understanding of the relationship between the health professions and the pharmaceutical industry. 15 (1), p. 14-20 2003
Medscape General Medicine Houghton BL, Bowers JB. Valproic Acid Overdose: A Case Report and Review of Therapy 5 (1) 2003
Topics in Heath Information Management Galt KA, Rich EC, Young WW, Markert RJ, Barr C, Houghton, BL, Taylor W, Rule AM, Bramble JD, Impact of Hand-Held Technologies on Medication Erros in Primary Care 23 (2), p. 71-81 2002
Academic Medicine Critical appraisal of alternative therapies: a mini-course Sakowski HA, Houghton BL, Jeffries WB. 77 (5), p. 471 2002
Consultant Cox-2 Inhibitor-Induced Rash case report in Photoclinic. Dr. Bruce Houghton and Dr. Againdra Bewtra Volume 41, Number 9, p. 1338 2001
Consultant Soft Tissue Sarcoma with Gout Tophi case report in Photoclinic Drs. Timothy Goggins (resident in Medicine-Pediatrics) and Bruce Houghton Volume 41, Number 3, p. 480 2001
Guidebook for Clerkship Directors Information Technology in Clinical Clerkship Education. Fredrick McCurdy, M.D., Ph.D., Henry Sakowski, M.D., Bruce Houghton, M.D., Roger L. Berkow, M.D., Andy Spooner, M.D., p. 16 through 43 2000
Postgraduate Medicine The 'sweet killer'. Can you recognize the symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning? de Chazal I, Houghton B, Frock J 106 (4), p. 221-4, 227, 230 1999
BMJ Case Report Field K, Gharzai L, Bardeloza K, Houghton B. Takayasu arteritis presenting as embolic stroke. pii: bcr-2017-220001. BMJ Case Reports 2017; doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-220001, p. 1 through 4 2017
Journal of Investigative Medicine Medical Resident's Confidence in Treatment Decisions and Impact on Patient Satisfaction in Response to Consumer Demands in the Clinical Encounter. Proceedings from the 17th Annual Midwest Regional SGIM Meeting. Houghton, B., Galt, K., Rich, EC, Turner, P., Monaghan, M., Vol 48 Number 5, p. 268A 2000
Journal of Investigative Medicine Resident Attitudes and Characteristics Associated with Pharmacotherapy Cost. Proceedings from the 17th Annual Midwest Regional SGIM Meeting. Houghton, B., Turner, PD, Galt, K., Rich, EC. Vol 48 Number 5, p. 268A 2000
Editing and Reviews
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Houghton BL, Bothmer J, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 289 (19), p. 2582-2583 2003
Annals of Internal Medicine Comment On: The informationist. Houghton B, Rich EC 134 (3), p. 251-2; author reply 252-3 2001
Practical Gastroenterology 2023. Session Moderator. October 28th, 2023, Creighton University Mike and Josie Harper Center 2023
Grand Rounds Internal Medicine, Thrombolytic Therapy for Intermediate Risk Pulmonary Embolism: Navigating Gaps in the Evidence. Presented with Dr Robert Plambeck and Dr Rao Gutta. October 21, 2020 2020
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2019. Session Moderator. August 24th, 2019, CUMC Seminar Room 2019
2019 Esophageal and Bariatric Update for Primary Care May 11th, 2019. Session Moderator Omaha Marriott Regency 2019
Grand Rounds Internal Medicine, "Inpatient Glycemic Control: First Do No Harm" 2018
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2018. Session Moderator. 2018
Rei C, Simon B, Lowry E, Rayes H, Houghton B. Poster presentation Paraesophageal Hernia: A Great Imitator NE ACP Department of Medicine, Creighton University, Omaha, NE Oct. 2017 2017
Sajjad A, Dick M, Rayes H, Houghton B. Poster presentation. Paralysis of Hemidiaphragm Leads to Discovery of Overlooked Condition of Unknown Etiology. NE ACP Department of Medicine, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2017
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2017. Afternoon Session Moderator. Omaha, NE at Marriott Regency 2017
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2017. Session Moderator. 2017
Grand Rounds Internal Medicine, "Procalcitonin: What Is It Good For?" 2016
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2016. Session Moderator. Omaha, NE at Marriott Regency; 2016
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2016. Session Moderator. 2016
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2015. Session Moderator. Omaha, NE at Marriott Regency 2015
Practical Gastroenterology: An Update for Primary Care in 2015. Session Moderator. 2015
Internal Medicine Resident Lecture 'Discharge Planning' July 8th, 2015 2015
Internal Medicine Resident Lecture 'Health Care Costs and Payment Models' 2015
Nebraska American College of Physicians Lecture Medical Myths Persisting Despite EBM, Omaha, CenturyLink Center 2014
Nebraska American College of Physicians Lecture, "Medical Myths: Persisting Despite EBM" 2014
Nebraska American College of Physicians Self Evaluation Process 2011 Update lecture in Nebraska City, NE 2013
Nebraska American College of Physicians Self Evaluation Process 2011 Update lecture Nebraska City, NE 2013
Coordinated Panel Discussion for Grand Rounds Internal Medicine, Metformin: Falsely Accused, April 24th, 2013 2013
Grand Rounds Internal Medicine, Choosing Wisely: Internal Medicine Update 2013
Professionalism in the Digital Age: Social Media delivered to CUMC residents 2013
Houghton, B., Bothmer, J. Huggett, K. Survey of Medical Student and Resident Technology Use. Poster. Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE 2011
Hansen, T., Houghton, B., Huggett, K., Lofgreen, A. Introducing the ACGME Competencies into an Interclerkship Course. Poster. Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE 2011
Sakowski H, Markert R, Rich E, Jeffries W, Coleman R, Houghton B, Kosoko-Lasaki S, Goodman M. Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: An Interclerkship Program. Poster Presentation CGEA Meeting Omaha, NE 2004
Young D, Houghton B, Sakowski H, Dunla R, Rich E. Introduction of Handheld Computers into the 3rd year Medical Student Internal Medicine Clerkship. Poster presentation 2004 CGEA meeting Omaha, NE 2004
Strategies for Lifelong Learning. Noon Conference Presentation to Internal Medicine faculty and residents at St. Mary's Medical Center, San Francisco, CA 2004
Using Interclerkships to Fill Gaps in the Clinical Curriculum Midwest Regional SGIM Meeting 2003
Strategies for Life Long Learning 2003
Cybermedicine: It sounds cool, but does anything really work? 2003
Stange Bedfellows: An evidence based approach to teaching complementary and alternative medicine. Presented with Hank Sakowski in at the Clerkship Directors of Internal Medicine National Meeting in Tucson, AZ 2001
"Strategies for Life Long Learning: Are you keeping up the literature or being buried alive?" presented at the Nebraska Chapter of the ACP-ASIM meeting 2001
Using Evidence-Based Electronic Medical Information Resources in Practice: Does Anything Really Work? Presentation at the Fourth Annual: Practical Gastroenterology for Primary Care Physicians and Their Support Staff 2001
Evidence Based Clinical Practice: We Already Do That, Don't We? Lecture and workshop with Nurse Practitioner Students 2001
Strange Bedfellows: An Evidence-Based Approach to Teaching Complementary/Alternative Medicine. Bruce Houghton and Hank Sakowski. Midwest SGIM Meeting in Chicago 2001
Cholesterol Guidelines Update. Noon conference Grand Rounds co-presentation with Dr. Rendell and Dr. Holmberg and Bruce Houghton 2001
Tutor trainee at the McMaster University Course 'How to Teach Evidence Based Clinical Practice.' I coordinated the activities for my small group workshops throughout the week long course in June of 2001 2001
Web-based Clinical Curriculum Interest Group Co-Coordinator at the 24th Annual SGIM meeting in San Diego 2001
Transforming Medicine Clerkship Case Based Curriculum for Web Based Instruction: Lessons Learned at the 24th Annual SGIM Meeting in San Diego, CA 2001
Guidelines for Responsible Prescribing Practices in the Social Responsibility Interest Group at the 24th Annual SGIM Meeting in San Diego, CA 2001
Prevention in Medicine 2001: A "Space" Odyssey. Bruce Houghton, M.D. Noon conference presented as part of the Ambulatory Core Series 2001
The Information Superhighway: How to Use the Internet for a Medicine Clerkship Without Getting in a Motor Vehicle Accident Workshop delivered at the 2000 Clerkship Directors of Internal Medicine Meeting in Washington, D.C. 2000
Cost-Effective Pharmacotherapy Series. Delivered with the assistance of the Center for Practice Improvement and Outcomes Research and the Department of Internal Medicine from September through October 2000. Series of four one-hour sessions which dealt with issues related to cost-effective pharmacotherapy and the impact of pharmaceutical marketing on physician choice of therapy. 2000
Preparing Internists for New Challenges to Cost-Effective Pharmacotherapy delivered at the 17th Annual Midwest Regional Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting in Chicago, IL 2000
Introduction to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, Information Resource Use, and Critical Appraisal Skills. Delivered to the Nurse Practitioner Student Program 2000
Ear, Nose, Throat and Neck Exam delivered in the Physical Diagnosis Course to First Year Medical Students 2000
Faculty Developmpent Program: "So You've Agreed to be a Clinical Preceptor" 2000
Clinicians and the Internet Course Co-Director with Dr. Walter Scott. Half-Day Saturday Course 2000
Professionalism Role Model Award Professionalism Role Model Award 2022 from Creighton Department of Internal Medicine Creighton University, Department of Internal Medicine
Chapter Laureate Award Chapter Laureate Award from Nebraska American College of Physicians, October 2021 Nebraska American College of Physicians
Walter O'Donohue, Jr. Award Walter O’Donohue, Jr Award from Nebraska ACP 2017 Nebraska ACP
Cardoner Lecture Presentation Creighton University
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2012-2013
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2011-2012
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2010-2011
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2009-2010
James F. Sullivan Award for resident teaching Creighton University Department of Medicine
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2008-2009
Nominated for Golden Apple Teaching Award 4th Year Medical School Class 2008
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2007-2008
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2006-2007
Best Doctors in America Best Doctors in America 2005-2006
Nominated for Golden Apple Teaching Award by 3rd Year Medical Student Class 1995, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2009, 2011