Molly J . Hiatt, MD

Assistant Professor


School of Medicine
Hospital Medicine

Molly J . Hiatt, MD

Assistant Professor




Assistant Professor


  • Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943)
    Dhaliwal Amaninder J., Hewlett Alexander, Hiatt Molly, Braseth Annie, Sayles Harlan, Young Renee, Eichelle Derrick, Su1877 – Impact of Immunosuppressive Therapy on the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity After Solid Organ Transplantation: A Study to Stratify High Risk Population
    156:6, p. S-646 - S-647 2019
  • American Journal of Surgery
    Hiatt Molly J., Casey Murray Joseph, Lynch Henry T., Snyder Carrie L., Stacey Mark, Walters Ryan W., Efficacy of proximal colectomy for surgical management of right-sided first colorectal cancer in Lynch Syndrome mutation carriers
    216:1, p. 99 - 105 2018


  • Hiatt, M. Direct to consumer genetic testing. UNMC Internal Medicine Department. 2019
  • Hiatt, M., Casey, M., Lynch, H., et al. Efficacy of proximal colectomy in management of first right CRC in Lynch syndrome mutation carriers. Poster presented at St. Alberts Day in Omaha, Nebraska 2016
  • Hiatt, M., Killpack, T., Crouch, W., & Fassbinder-Orth, C. Alphavirus infection impairs growth and development of altricial nestling birds. Poster presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting in San Francisco, California. 2013


  • Senior Seminar Award
    UNMC Internal Medicine