Jacquie Hanks joined the College of Nursing in 2015, teaching undergraduate pediatrics. As a nurse practitioner in the division of hospital medicine, pulmonary medicine, and oncology/bone marrow transplant at Children's Hospital Omaha and University of Nebraska Medical Center, she gained the experience that led her to teaching graduate nursing. Jacquie Hanks has research interests in long-term ventilator-dependent children, transitions of care and discharge of children with complex medical conditions, implicit bias and empathy in the health professions and interdisciplinary simulation.
Research Focus
Jacquie Hanks has research interests in long-term ventilator-dependent children, transtitions of care and discharge of children with complex medical conditions, implicit bias and empathy in the health professions and interdisciplinary simulation.
The Family Nurse Practitioner Hanks, J., Pediatrics 2019
Journal of Nursing Education Flott, E, Ball, S., Hanks, J., Minnick, M., Kirkpatrick, A., Rusch, L., Koziol. D., Laughlin, A., Williams, J. Fostering Collaborative Learning and Leadership Through Peer Mentoring Among Undergraduate Nursing Students 2020
Nursing Education Perspectives Hanks, J., Koziol, D, VanDeGraff, W., Hamzhie, C., Williams, J. Implicit Bias in Nursing: student reflections 45 2024
Nursing Education Perspectives Ball, S, Hanks, J., Potthoff, M., Connelly, S. Integration of Telehealth in a Pediatric Simulation between Pre-licensure and Advanced Practice Nursing Students 2020
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Connelly, S., Hercinger, M., Hanks, J., Potthoff, M., Banzhaf, S., & McCafferty, K. Intraprofessional simulation's impact on advanced practice and baccalaureate student self-efficacy 16, p. 33-39 2018
Journal of Pediatric Healthcare Hanks, J., Carrico, C. Stability Guideline for Long Term Ventilator Dependent Children Discharging to Home 2017
Practical Pediatrics 2025
Is It Nothing, or Is It Cancer? Invited Presentation at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 2021
The Flipped Classroom: Teaching Inside Out. The Learning Center Conference, Creighton University 2020
Educating Nurses Virtually: Clinical during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Annual Midwest Regional Nursing Educators Conference, University of Missouri 2020
Crefting Globally Aware Practitioners: The Lost Art of Empathy. Poster Presentation: Global Health Conference Midwest 2019 2020
Is it Cancer or is it Nothing? Case studies in primary and acute care pediatrics. Invited presentation at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. 2019
Dextrocardia? A flipped Heart Classroom. Flipped Learning--Stories from Colleagues. Creighton Teaching and Learning Center. 2019
Hanks, J., Coffman, R. Wallingford, B. (2018). Interprofessional Education is in SITE(S). College of Nursing Faculty Retreat, August 2018. 2018
Hanks, J. (2018). Is it Cancer or is it Nothing? Case studies in primary and acute care pediatrics. Invited Presentation at Children's Hospital Advanced Practice Grand Rounds, June 6, 2018. 2018
Hanks, J. (2018). Is it Cancer or is it Nothing? Case studies in primary and acute care pediatrics. Invited presentation at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. May 1, 2018. 2018
Potthoff, M. & Hanks, J. (2018). Is it Cancer or is it Nothing? Case studies in primary and acute care pediatrics. Podium presentation at National NAPNAP in Chicago, Il. March 20, 2018 2018
Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Connelly, S., Hanks, J., Hercinger, M., McCafferty, K.,& Pothoff, M. (2016). The impact of an interprofessional pediatric simulation on advanced practice and pre-licensure nursing students' self-efficacy (poster presentation). Midwest Nursing Research Symposium (MNRS). Minneapolis, MN, April 6-8, 2017. 2017
Hanks, J., McCafferty, K., Banzhaf, S., Hirsch, K., Beiermann, T., Ball, S. Meeting the Needs of Pre-Licensure Nursing Students -The Intentional Integration of ATI Skills Modules and Real Life Scenarios into the Clinical Skills Lab. Poster presentation at 2017 National Nurse Educator Summit, April 2-5, 2017. 2017
Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Connelly, S., Hanks, J., Hercinger, M., McCafferty, K.,& Pothoff, M. (2016). The impact of an interprofessional pediatric simulation on advanced practice and pre-licensure nursing students' self-efficacy (poster presentation). 2017 National Nurse Educator Summit. Orlando, FL, April 2-5, 2017. 2017
Hercinger, M., Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Connelly, S., Hanks, J., Potthoff, M. & McCafferty, K., Development of a pediatric simulation using peer mentoring between junior and senior undergraduate and advanced practice nursing students (Invited podium presentation). 2017 National Nurse Educator Summit. Orlando, FL, April 2-5, 2017. 2017
Connelly, S., Pothoff, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Hanks, J., Hercinger, Kirkpatrick, M., M., & McCafferty, K. (2016). The young and the restless: Combining advanced practice and prelicensure nursing students for intraprofessional simulation (podium presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners' (NAPNAP) 38th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Denver, CO. March 16-19, 2017. 2017
Hanks, J. (2016). Stability Guidelines for Long Term Ventilator Dependent Children Discharging to Home(podium presentation). National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners' (NAPNAP) 38th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Denver, CO. March 16-19, 2017. 2017
Dextrocardia? The flipped Heart Classroom. College of Nursing Faculty Retreat 2017. 2017
Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Connelly, S., Hanks, J., Hercinger, M., McCafferty, K., & Pothoff, M. (2016). An intraprofessional simulation's impact on advanced practice and pre-licensure nursing students' self-efficacy (poster presentation). Creighton University Assessment Symposium. Omaha, NE. October 6, 2016. 2016
Kirkpatrick, M., Ball, S., Banzhaf, S., Connelly, S., Hanks, J., Hercinger, M., McCafferty, K., & Pothoff, M. (2016). The impact of an interprofessional pediatric simulation on advanced practice and pre-licensure nursing students' self-efficacy (poster presentation). Iota Tau Annual Research Day. Omaha, NE, May 5, 2016. 2016
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) University Assessment Symposium: Meeting the Needs of Pre-Licensure Nursing Students, Integrating Skills into the Clinical Coursework. 2015