Chelsea Hamzhie DNP, APRN-NP, FNP-C is an Assistant Professor at Creighton University's College of Nursing. She earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Creighton University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Dr. Hamzhie's research focuses on chronic disease management in vulnerable populations, food insecurity and impacts on health, implicit bias in nursing education, and interprofessional collaboration to improve health outcomes. Her work includes funded projects on pediatric resuscitation training and cinematic simulation in nursing education. She has received multiple honors, including the Nebraska Nursing Association Positive Image in Nursing Award and Creighton University's College of Nursing Teaching Excellence Award. Dr. Hamzhie is committed to advancing nursing education through active learning stratagies and improving healthcare for underserved populations.
Research Focus
Effects of Food Insecurity on Chronic Disease Management
Nursing 2023 Hadenfeldt, C., Todd, M., Hamzhie, C Health care service gaps post-hospitalization for adults experiencing homelessness. 53(3), p. 47-52 2023
Hamzhie, C., Hadenfeldt, C., & Todd, M. (2023). Health Care Gaps Post-Hospitalization for AEH. American Academy of Nursing 2023 Health Policy Conference. Washington, DC. October 5, 2023-October 7, 2023. 2023
Pelchat, L., Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation. Implementing Universal Screening for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in Rural Young Adults: A quality improvement project. Nebraska Nurse Practitioners Education Conference. Lincoln, NE. February 16, 2023 2023
Hamzhie, C., (PI)., Hanks, J., Woodward, T., Van De Graaff, W. Poster presentation. Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Themes from Nursing Student Reflections. AACNs Transform 2022 Conference. Chicago, Il. November 30, 2022-December 2, 2022. 2022
Hadenfeldt, C., Hamzhie, C., & Todd, M (2022). Health care service gaps post-hospitalization for adults experiencing homelessness. Symposium for Health of Diverse Populations Research Interest Group. Midwest Nursing Research Group. Schaumberg, IL, March 30, 2022- April 2, 2022. 2022
Hadenfeldt, C., Hamzhie, C., & Todd, M (2022). Oral podium presentation. Health care service gaps post-hospitalization for adults experiencing homelessness. Creighton College of Nursing Iota Tau Chapter of Sigma theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society 33rd Annual Nursing Scholars Forum. Omaha, NE. April 28, 2022. 2022
Christen, L., Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation. Oral Health Education: A program Development and Evaluation DNP Project. Nebraska Nurse Practitioners Education Conference. Kearney, NE. February 18, 2022 2022
Hanks, J., Van De Graaff, W., Koziol, D., Williams, J., Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation. Implicit Bias: Recognition, Contemplation, and Reflection in Undergraduate Nursing Students. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Diversity Symposium Virtual November 9-10, 2021 2021
Hanks, J., Van De Graaff, W., Williams, J., Koziol, D., C., Hirsh, K., Young, C., & Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation "Educating nurses virtually: Clinical during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. December 7, 2020- December 9, 2020. 2020
Williams, J., Koziol, D., Hanks, J., Van De Graaff, W., Hirsch, K., Young, C., & Hamzhie, C. Podium presentation "Educating nurses virtually: Clinical during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Annual Midwest Regional Nursing Educators Conference. Virtual conference. November 13, 2020. 2020
Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation "Implementing Food Insecurity Screening Among People with Diabetes in a Safety Net Clinic." Nebraska Nurses Association (NNA) Nebraska Nurse Practitioners (NNP) Annual Conference. Kearney, NE. October 2, 2019- October 4, 2019. 2019
Hamzhie, C. Poster presentation "Implementing Food Insecurity Screening and Self-Care Assessments Among People with Diabetes in a Safety Net Clinic." American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) 2019 Annual Conference. Houston, TX. August 9, 2019- August 11, 2019. 2019