Toufik M . Haddad, MD

Assistant Professor

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School of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Cardiology Division
Interventional Cardiology Fellowship

Toufik M . Haddad, MD

Assistant Professor




Assistant Professor


  • Smer A., Mahfood Haddad T., Alla V., Erratum 2015


  • Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine: Interesting Cases
    Ahmed Hasaan, Ismayl Mahmoud, Heppler Miranda, Petraskova Terezia, Kousa Omar, Narmi Ann E., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, A Rare Case of Cannabis-Induced Left Main Coronary Artery Vasospasm: A Case Report and Review of Literature
    2 2024
  • Cardiovascular revascularization medicine
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, DelCore Michael G., Agarwal Himanshu, Orbital Atherectomy During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Severely Calcified Coronary Lesions in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
    53, p. S12 - 2023
  • Cardiovascular revascularization medicine
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Gokhroo Rahul, Agarwal Himanshu, Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, DelCore Michael G., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Self-Expanding Acurate Neo2 Valve Versus Acurate Neo Valve: A Meta-Analysis
    53, p. S105 2023
  • Cardiovascular revascularization medicine
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Aggarwal Saurabh, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Narmi Ann E., Bansal Sakshi, Pershad Ashish, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, DelCore Michael G., Alla Mahesh Venkata, Narayan Mahesh Anantha, Agarwal Himanshu, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With and Without Concomitant Aortic Aneurysm: A Meta-Analysis
    53, p. S114 2023
  • JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Narmi Ann E., Agarwal Himanshu, Kanmantha Reddy Arun, DelCore Michael G., CRT-100.59 Orbital Atherectomy During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Severely Calcified Coronary Lesions in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis
    16:4, p. S3 - S3 2023
  • JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Pershad Ashish, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, DelCore Michael G., Narmi Ann E., Bansal Sakshi, Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Aggarwal Saurabh, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Agarwal Himanshu, Alla Mahesh Venkata, Narayan Mahesh Anantha, CRT-700.64 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With and Without Concomitant Aortic Aneurysm: A Meta-Analysis
    16:4, p. S96 - S97 2023
  • JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
    Aggarwal Gaurav, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Gokhroo Rahul, Agarwal Himanshu, DelCore Michael G., Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, CRT-700.19 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Self-Expanding Acurate Neo2 Valve Versus Acurate Neo Valve: A Meta-Analysis
    16:4, p. S88 - S89 2023
  • Current problems in cardiology
    Thandra Abhishek, Betts Lucas, Aggarwal Gaurav, Gujjula Nagarjuna, Haddad Toufik M, Intravascular Lithotripsy for Acute Stent Under-Expansion and In-Stent Restenosis: A Case Series
    48:2, p. 101511 - 101511 2023
  • International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature
    Abusnina Waiel, Ismayl Mahmoud, Latif Azka, Reda Mostafa Mostafa, Haddad Toufik M., Goldsweig Andrew M., Ben-Dor Itsik, Mamas Mamas A., Dahal Khagendra, Machanahalli Balakrishna Akshay, Radaideh Qais, Al-abdouh Ahmad, Junaid Ahsan Muhammad, Comparison of Transfemoral versus Transsubclavian/Transaxillary access for transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    43, p. 101156 - 101156 2022
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    77:18, p. 2427 - 2427 2021
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Bansal Raahat, Thandra Abhishek, Torres Rosa Cruz, Haddad Toufik, Alla Venkata, Long-term outcomes after single versus double stenting for unprotected left main coronary artery bifurcation lesions: an updated meta-analysis
    77:18, p. 1072 - 1072 2021
  • American Journal of the Medical Sciences
    Kousa Omar, Essa Amr, Saleh Mohammed, Ahsan Muhammad J., Alali Yaman, Pajjuru Venkata, Anani Abedelrahman, Baskaran Janani, Walters Ryan W., Sharma Arindam, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Smer Aiman, Ahmad Aiza, The Impact of Cardiology Consultation on Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients with Elevated Troponin Levels
    361:3, p. 303 - 309 2021
  • JACC: Case Reports
    Kousa Omar, Mahfood-Haddad Toufik, Patil Shantanu M., Agarwal Himanshu, Abuissa Hussam, Left Atrial Appendage Closure in a Patient With a Patent Foramen Ovale Septal Occluder Device
    3:3, p. 508 - 511 2021
  • Cureus
    Sarsam Luay, Arouni Amy, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Onaiwu Cherry O, Erickson Christopher, An Atypical Cardiac Manifestation of Fabry Disease from a Novel Pathological Variant on the GLA Gene, p. e7262 - e7262 2020
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Kousa Omar, Essa Amr, Ahsan Muhammad, Pajjuru Venkata Siva Kumar, Anani Abedelrahman, Saleh Mohammed, Ahmad Aiza, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Smer Aiman Miloud, Baskaran Janani, Alali Yaman, Walters Ryan, The impact of routine cardiology consultation on critically ill patients with elevated troponin levels
    75:11, p. 196 - 196 2020
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Kousa Omar, Ahsan Muhammad, Qasim Abdallah, Ahmed Arslan, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Kim Michael, Delayed versus Early Cardioversion for Patients with Uncomplicated Atrial Fibrillation Meta-Analysis
    75:11, p. 420 - 420 2020
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Saleh Mohammed, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Kousa Omar, Aboeata Ahmed, In Hospital Outcomes Of Mechanical Atherectomy In Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Intervention, A Systematic Review Of Literature
    75:11, p. 1294 - 1294 2020
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Ahmad Aiza, Baskaran Janani, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Blodgett Mindy, Aboeata Ahmed, Myocardial Infarction After Heavy Lifting In A Healthy Man: Do not Miss Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection!
    75:11, p. 3309 - 3309 2020
  • Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings
    Latif Azka, Patel Apurva D., Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Lokhande Chetan, Del Core Michael, Esterbrooks Dennis, Massive purulent pericarditis presenting as cardiac tamponade, p. 662 - 663 2020
  • Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports
    Essa Amr, Haddad Toufik, Slattery Terrence, Successful Fibrinolytic Therapy in a Challenging Obstructive Prosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis
    8 2020
  • Cureus
    Satish Mohan, Vukka Naveen, Apala Dinesh, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Gupta Jaya, Left Ventricular Thrombus After Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in the Setting of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, p. e4537 - e4537 2019
  • Cureus
    Elgendy Mohamed S, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Akinapelli Abhilash, White Michael D, A Rare Case of Traumatic Coronary Artery Dissection After a Motor Vehicle Collision, p. e4345 - e4345 2019
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Jhand Aravdeep, Ahsan Muhammad, Thandra Abhishek, Apala Dinesh Reddy, Alla Venkata, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Safety and Efficacy of Transradial versus Transfemoral Access for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Unprotected Left Main Disease: A Meta-analysis
    73:9, p. 1367 - 1367 2019
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Essa Amr, Haddad Toufik, Ahmad Aiza, Slattery Terrence, A Challenging Case Of An Obstructive Prosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis Treated Successfully With Fibrinolytic Therapy
    73:9, p. 2571 - 2571 2019
  • Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
    Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Sundaragiri Pranathi R., Ahmed Anas A., Nawaz Muhammad Sarfraz, Rayes Hamza A.A., Devineni Harish C., Kanmanthareddy Arun, McCann Dustin A., Wichman Christopher S., Modrykamien Ariel M., Morrow Lee E., Role of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Predicting In-Hospital Outcomes in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With Preserved Left Ventricular Function
    33:11, p. 635 - 644 2018
  • Clinical Cardiology
    Smer Aiman, Salih Mohsin, Darrat Yousef H., Saadi Abdulghani, Guddeti Raviteja, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Kabach Amjad, Ayan Mohamed, Saurav Alok, Abuissa Hussam, Elayi Claude S., Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
    41:11, p. 1430 - 1438 2018
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Delcore Michael, Alla Venkata M., Jhand Aravdeep, Parekh Jai, Sarsam Luay, Saadi Abdul, Agarwal Himanshu, Smer Aiman, TCT-272 Outcomes of Drug-Eluting versus Bare-Metal Stents in Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
    72:13, p. B112 - B112 2018
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Jhand Aravdeep, Saadi Abdul, Alla Venkata M., White Michael, Thandra Abhishek, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, TCT-718 A Meta-Analysis of Long-term Clinical Outcomes following Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Drug-Eluting Stents for Chronic Total Occlusions
    72:13, p. B287 - B287 2018
  • Cureus
    Kassim Thamer, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Rakhra Amandeep, Kabach Amjad, Qurie Ahmad, Selim Mohammad, Nayfeh Ali S, Aly Ahmed, Holmberg Mark J, A Case of Amitriptyline-induced Myocarditis, p. e2840 - e2840 2018
  • Darmoch Fahed, Haddad Toufik, Al-Khadra Yasser, Alraies M. Chadi, Kabbash Amjad, Yarmohammadi Hirad, Early repolarization found on routine electrocardiograms 2018
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Jhand Aravdeep, Kabach Amjad, Azzouz Muhammad Soubhi, White Michael, Parekh Jai, Alla Venkata, Del Core Michael, OUTCOMES OF POST-OPERATIVE ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AFTER CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT SURGERY: A META-ANALYSIS
    71:11, p. A144 - A144 2018
  • American Journal of Cardiology
    Smer Aiman, Salih Mohsin, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Guddeti Raviteja, Saadi Abdulghani, Saurav Alok, Belbase Ram, Ayan Mohamed, Traina Mahmoud, Alla Venkata, Del Core Michael, Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Versus Medical Therapy for Secondary Prevention of Cryptogenic Stroke 2018
  • Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention
    Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Saurav Alok, Smer Aiman, Azzouz Muhammad S., Akinapelli Abhilash, Williams Mark A., Alla Venkata M., Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Left Ventricular Assist Device 2017
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    69:11, p. 333 - 333 2017
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Azzouz Muhammad Soubhi, Kadri Amer, Koduri Hemantha, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Smer Aiman, Alla Venkata, Wrist Activity Tracking Devices and Support Programs, A Meta-Analysis
    69:11, p. 1734 - 1734 2017
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Soubhi Azzouz Muhammad, White Michael, Alla Venkata, Kadri Amer, Al-Khafaji Nawfal, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Del Core Michael, Therapeutic Hypothermia for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Meta Analysis
    69:11, p. 347 - 347 2017
  • Wisconsin Medical Journal
    Fan Tiffany, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bacon Holly, Le Duc, Mirza Mohsin, Valenta Carrie, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Wichman Tammy, A case report on suspected levamisole-induced pseudovasculitis
    116:1, p. 37 - 39 2017
  • Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
    Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Hamdeh Shadi, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Alla Venkata M., Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the risk of clinical cardiovascular events 2016
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC)
    Azzouz Muhammad S., Ayan Mohamed, Alla Venkata M., White Michael D., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Saurav Alok, Smer Aiman M., Early Versus Conventional Atropine use in Dobutamine Stress Testing: A Meta Analysis
    67:13 Supplement, p. 1720 2016
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Kabach Amjad, Alshebani Yazeid, Bumgarner Benjamin J., Murray Jeffrey, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Azzouz Muhammad S., Houghton Bruce L., Steal Syndrome Pretested as Stroke/transient Ischemic Attack
    67:13, p. 1140 - 1140 2016
  • Heart (British Cardiac Society)
    Anantha Narayanan M., Kalil A. C., Kanmanthareddy Arun, Suri R. M., Mansour George, Destache Christopher J., Baskaran J., Mooss Aryan N., Wichman Tammy O., Morrow Lee E., Vivekanandan Renuga, Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Haddad Toufik, Early versus late surgical intervention or medical management for infective endocarditis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    2016, p. (8 pages) - 2016
  • JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
    Azzouz Muhammad S., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Akinapelli Abhilash, Smer Aiman, Woodruff Mark, Del Core Michael, White Michael, CRT-400.14 Trans-femoral Versus Trans-apical Access in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation; A Meta-analysis
    9:4, p. S45 - S46 2016
  • JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
    Azzouz Muhammad S., Aggarwal Saurabh, Akinapelli Abhilash, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Kaushik Manu, Del Core Michael, CRT-200.42 The Role of Calcium Channel Blockers in Radial Cocktail on Radial Artery Spasm, A Meta Analysis
    9:4, p. S15 - S16 2016
  • Copd
    Vallabhajosyula S., Sundaragiri P. R., Kanmanthareddy Arun, Ahmed A. A., Rayes Hamza, Khan A. N., Buaisha Haitam M., Pershwitz Gene, McCann Dustin, Holmberg Mark J., Morrow Lee E., Haddad Toufik, Influence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on in-Hospital Outcomes in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    13:6, p. 712 - 717 2016
  • The American Journal of Gastroenterology
    Hamdeh Shadi, Kabach Amjad, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, A Rare Case of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome Causing Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
    110:12, p. 1653 2015
  • Circulation (New York, N.Y.)
    Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Alla Venkata M, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Hamdeh Shadi, Anantha Narayanan Mahesh, Abstract 14339: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and the Risk of Clinical Cardiovascular Events: A Meta-Analysis
    132:suppl_3, p. A14339 - A14339 2015
  • Circulation (New York, N.Y.)
    Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Kabach Amjad, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Morrow Lee E, Esterbrooks Dennis J, Abstract 13133: Cardiovascular Abnormalities and Their Adverse Influence on Mortality in Patients With Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Meta-Analysis
    132:suppl_3, p. A13133 - A13133 2015
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Azzouz Muhammad S., Saurav Alok, Salih Mohsin, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Ayan Mohamed, Smer Aiman, Kaushik Manu, Aggarwal Saurabh, Akinapelli Abhilash, TCT-299 Adenosine Versus Regadenoson In Assessing Fractional Flow Reserve, A Meta Analysis
    66:15, p. B118 - B119 2015
  • Chest
    Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Sundaragiri Pranathi, Ahmed Anas, Rayes Hamza, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Buaisha Haitam, Khan Anila, Pershwitz Gene, Nawaz Muhammad Sarfraz, McCann Dustin, Holmberg Mark, Morrow Lee, Wichman Christopher, Influence of Comorbid Risk Factors and Prehospital Medications on Patients With Heart Failure in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    148:4, p. 48 - 48B 2015
  • American Journal of Emergency Medicine
    Anantha Narayanan M., Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Haddad Toufik, Bansal Ojas, Baskaran J., Azzouz Muhammad S., Akinapelli Abhilash, Esterbrooks Dennis J., Acute cardiomyopathy precipitated by lithium: is there a direct toxic effect on cardiac myocytes?
    33:9, p. (5 pages) - 2015
  • BMJ Case Reports
    Vallabhajosyula S., Nawaz Muhammad Sarfraz, Vivekanandan Renuga, Haddad Toufik, Fatal Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in a HIV-negative adult
    2015, p. - 2015
  • Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
    Anantha Narayanan M., Shaw Krista E., Vivekanandan Renuga, Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Haddad Toufik, Fatal Case of Probable Invasive Aspergillosis after Five Years of Heart Transplant: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    2015, p. (4 pages) - 2015
  • Case Reports in Cardiology
    Anantha Narayanan M., DeZorzi Christopher, Akinapelli Abhilash, Smer Aiman M., Baskaran J., Biddle William P., Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Haddad Toufik, Malignant Course of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery Causing Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    2015, p. (4 pages) - 2015
  • American Journal of Emergency Medicine
    Smer Aiman M., Devineni Harish, Alla Venkata M., Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Cocaine-induced isolated right ventricular infarction
    33:7, p. 989.e1 - 989.e3 2015
  • BMJ Case Reports
    Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Sundaragiri Pranathi Rao, Vivekanandan Renuga, Haddad Toufik, Mycotic pseudoaneurysm by vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus: a rare cause of persistent bacteraemia
    2015, p. - 2015
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    65:10, p. A645 - A645 2015
  • Case Reports in Medicine
    Nawaz Muhammad Sarfraz, Haddad Toufik, Upadhyay Smrity, Bellamkonda Pallavi, Mooss Aryan N., Abuzaid Ahmed S., Probable hydrochlorothiazide-induced myopericarditis: first case reported
    2015, p. (3 pages) - 2015
  • Smer Aiman M., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Alla Venkata M., Reply: Further Consideration in Evaluation of Right Ventricular Infarction. 2015
  • Case Reports in Cardiology
    Abuzaid Ahmed S., Smer Aiman M., Arouni Amy J., Kabach Amjad, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Saad M., Ayan Mohamed, Acute Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity after Drug Holiday: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    2015, p. (3 pages) 2015
  • Case Reports in Cardiology
    Abuzaid Ahmed, Smer Aiman, Arouni Amy, Saad Marwan, Ayan Mohamed, Kabach Amjad, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Corrigendum to Acute Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity after Drug Holiday: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    2015, p. 1 - 1 2015
  • American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
    Vallabhajosyula S, Haddad T, Sundaragiri P, Ahmed A, Nawaz M, Devineni H, Rayes H, Wichman C, Modrykamien A, Morrow L, B38 TALKING ABOUT COPD BIOMARKERS: Role Of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide In Predicting In-Hospital Outcomes In Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Five-Year Retrospective Analysis
    191, p. 1 2015
  • BMJ case reports
    Sundaragiri Pranathi, Haddad Toufik M.ahfood, Esterbrooks Dennis J., Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Tricuspid and mitral endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus exhibiting vancomycin-creep phenomenon
    2015 2015
  • Circulation (New York, N.Y.)
    Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Abuzaid Ahmed S, Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Holmberg Mark J, Recurrent spontaneous coronary artery dissection treated medically
    130:22 2014


  • Renal Denervation for the Treatment of Hypertension; Cardiology Grand Rounds 11/14/2022 2022
  • Radaideh Q, Haddad TM. Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy as Sole Alternative Definitive Therapy in Nonagenarian with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Cardiovascular Research Technologies (CRT Virtual Meeting) 2022 2022
  • Radaideh Q, Haddad TM. Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy as Sole Alternative Definitive Therapy in Nonagenarian with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Cardiovascular Research Technologies (CRT Virtual Meeting) 2022. 2022
  • Apala DR, Jhand A, Thandra A, Gorantla R, Mahfood Haddad T, Alla V. A. A Meta-Analysis of Minimalist versus Conventional Standard approach on Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. European Society of Cardiology, 2019; Paris, France. 2019
  • Mahfood Haddad T, Jhand A, Parekh J, Sarsam L, Saadi A, Smer A, Agarwal H, Delcore M, Alla V. Outcomes of Drug-Eluting versus Bare-Metal Stents in Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Oral presentation at American Association Trans-catheter Therapeutic Conference 2018, San Diego, CA, USA. 2018
  • Lai A, Mahfood Haddad T, Vivekenandan R, Townley T. Measured Versus Calculated Long QT in a Patient with Loperamide Overdose. American College of Physicians Nebraska 2017 Chapter, Omaha, NE, USA. 2017
  • Mahfood Haddad T, Kabach A, Azzouz MS, Jhand A, White MD, Del Core M. The Incidence of Contrast Induced Nephropathy In Radial Access Compared to Femoral Access in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography: A Meta-Analysis. American Heart Association 2017; Anaheim, CA, USA. 2017
  • High Risk PCI: Cannot Do It or Should Not Do It? Cardiology Grand Rounds 01/22/2024 -0001


  • Gujjula N, Thandra A, Narmi A, Haddad T, Delcore M. Medication Reconciliation post
    Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Quality Improvement Project at CHI Health Creighton
    University Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA.
    July 2021 – June2022
    Award of best QIP for evidence based medicine


  • Syed M. Mohiuddin Excellence in Cardiovascular Fellowship
    Syed M. Mohiuddin Excellence in Cardiovascular Fellowship
  • Highest Score on the American College of Cardiology
    Highest Score on the American College of Cardiology: In-training Exam
  • Cardiovascular Fellow Scholarity Activity Recognition Award

  • FIT Jeopardy, ACC.19 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo, New Orleans, LA. Member of Nebraska ACC Chapter. Qualified to the second round.
    68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo, New Orleans, LA.