Martha W . Habash, BA, PhD

Program Director, Classical and Near Eastern Studies


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College of Arts and Sciences
Fine & Performing Arts
African Studies
Classical and Near Eastern Studies
DHHC - Dowling Hall/Humanities Center - 208

Martha W . Habash, BA, PhD

Program Director, Classical and Near Eastern Studies


Dr. Habash has been teaching at Creighton since 1994.  She came to Omaha from Virginia via Greece and still misses the mountains and the ocean.  

Her research interests focus on the portrayal of religion in humorous authors, such as Aristophanes, Petronius, and Horace.  Other research projects include Greek Inscriptions in Jordan and the classical tradition in film.  

Dr. Habash teaches a wide array of courses including all levels of Ancient Greek and Latin, "War in Literature" ( A CIHI course), and "Make 'Em Laugh" (a literature course).   

She serves as Creighton's liaison to Jesuit Worldwide Learning: Higher Education at the Margins, where she recruits faculty to teach in the online diploma program, teaches in the online diploma program, assembles teams to rate essays from prospectives students, and participates in interviews of candidates.  

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Interests

  • Petronius

Research Focus

The portrayal of religion in humorous Greek and Roman authors; Petronius; and Greek Inscriptions in Jordan


Fine & Performing Arts




  • Latomus
    "Duo Syri in Petronius' Satyrica" forthcoming 2017
  • "Introducing Characters in Petronius; Satyrica";, in Historiography, Culture and Religion in Classical Antiquity: Papers in Honor of Carin M.C. Green, ed. by S. Bell and L. Holland. 2017
  • "Following the Threads: Showtime's Dexter and Oedipus" 2017
  • “Searching for His Identity: Aristotle, Oedipus the King, and Dexter “ 2015
  • Bryn Mawr Classical Review
    Review of E. Finkelpearl’s An Apuleius Reader: Selections from the Metamorphoses 2013
  • Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
    “A Greek Epitaph from Jordan”, Martha Habash & Nabil Bader
    184 (2013) , p. 235-237 2013
  • Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
    Bader, Nabil; Habash, Martha. A Greek, Funerary Inscription from Jordan.
    23, p. 99-104 2012
  • College of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University Newsletter
    Bader, Nabil, Habash, Martha A New Greek Inscription from Northern Jordan
    31, p. 9-10 2011
  • Ancient Narrative
    “Petronius’ Satyrica 24.7: Quartilla’s asellus,”
    5, p. 24-30 2006
  • 'Greek Funerary Inscriptions from Northern Jordan',
    82, p. 189-197 2005
  • Mnemosyne 65
    'Dionysos' Roles in Aristophanes' Frogs.'
    55, p. 1-17 2002
  • The Classical Journal
    'Priapus: Horace in Disguise?'
    94.3, p. 285-297 1999
  • Greek, Roman, & Byzantine Studies
    'The Odd Thesmophoria in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai.'
    38.1, p. 19-40 1997
  • American Journal of Philology
    'Two Complementary Dionysiac Festivals in the Acharnians.'
    116.4, p. 559-577 1995


  • Syllecta Classica
    “Priapic Punishments in Petronius’ Satyrica 16-26',
    18 (2007, p. 213-224 2007


  • "A World Transformed: Jesuit Higher Education and the Global Migration Crisis," AJCU conference entitled, "Through the Eye of the Needle: Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education," 2017
  • "Identity and Belonging in Sophocles' Oedipus Trannus and Showtime's Dexter," Film and History conference, Milwaukee, 2017 2017
  • "Searching for His Identity: Aristotle, Oedipus the King, and Dexter ", Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 2015 2016
  • "Introducing Characters in Petronius' Satyrica", Classical Association of the Middle West and South annual meeting, 2016 2016
  • "Introducing Characters in Petronius Satyrica", Classical Association of the Middle West and South annual meeting, 2016 2016
  • "Duo Syri in Petronius Satyrica," Classical Association of the Middle West & South-Southern Section, 2014
  • "The Religious Roles of Women in 5th century BC. Athens", The Friends of Archaeology and Heritage, Amman, Jordan 2011
  • Assisted in the "Workshop for the Preservation & Appreciation of Jordans Archaeological Heritage" 2011


  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar (Post-Doctoral) Grant for Research at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. Research was conducted on unpublished Latin and Greek inscriptions found in Northern Jordan. 2003

  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar (Post-Doctoral) Grant for Research at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. Research was conducted on unpublished Latin and Greek inscriptions found in Northern Jordan. 2010-2011

  • Fulbright-Hays Group Study Abroad award for the study of Arabic at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. U.S. Government grant with matching funds provided by the Dean of Arts & Sciences, Creighton University.


  • Magis Core Proposal: Money granted for the online development of a critical issues course, “War in Literature.”

  • Magis Core Proposal: Money granted for the development of a new course for the magis core entitled, “Make ‘Em Laugh: serious topics in ancient humorous literature”.

  • Magis Core Proposal: Money granted for the development of a new course for the magis core entitled, “War in Literature”.

  • Lectures, Films, & Concerts awarded $1,00.00 to sponsor a lecturer for the local AIA chapter meeting

  • President’s Faculty Research Fund: to begin work on a book about Roman Popular Religion

  • Creighton University Global Initiative award for a project that provides degree completion for graduates of the Jesuit Worldwide Learning diploma.


  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar
    Grant for Research at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. Research was conducted on unpublished Latin and Greek inscriptions found in Northern Jordan.
    Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan