Tim Guthrie, MFA


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College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science, Design, Journalism
Graphic Design and Media
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 203C

Tim Guthrie, MFA


TIM GUTHRIE is the Joella Cohen Endowed Chair in Journalism, and an Omaha-based multi-media visual artist and filmmaker. His work has been awarded Independent Artist Fellowships in 2011, 2008, 2007 and 2006 (Distinguished Artist, Filmmaker) from the Nebraska Arts Council for both his traditional and digital art, experimental animation and documentary films. He was also awarded Best Visual Artist, Best Show (3 times), and Best New Media Artist (3 times) by the OEA awards. He has also presented his film and multi-media work all over the country, as well as internationally, including at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. He was a TEDx Omaha speaker in 2018. 

Residencies include the Blue Mountain Center, Vermont Studio Center, Hall Farm, Virginia Center for Creative Arts, International Sculpture Center (who listed him as one of the Top 25 MFA Sculptors in the Nation in 1997), as well as fellowships from the Sierra Arts Foundation, and the Nevada Arts Council, and Nebraska Arts Council, each funded by the NEA.

His films, including “Missing Piece,” have won numerous Best Documentary awards, the 2017 Humanitarian Award (GIFA), as well as multiple Audience Awards, several Special Juror’s Awards, and other top awards. His work has been shown widely, including in Wales, UK (International), Sweden (High Coast),  Bucharest, Sydney (World Film Festival), Hiroshima Animation Festival, 5th Annual Athens International Animation Festival (Greece), Control Arms Conference (Italy), Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, as well as festivals in London, Miami, Copenhagen, Hollywood, and Toronto.

Guthrie is also a PACE artist (Pottawattamie Arts, Culture & Entertainment)

“Guthrie is simultaneously at home with traditional media like drawing and painting, as he is with cutting edge technologies, such as 3D printing and laser cutting. Equally able to create a somber Rembrandt-inspired portrait with oils as a mathematical pattern created with a “drawing robot,” he’s the rare Jack of all trades who is, in actuality, master of many.” – art critic, Kim Carpenter, PhD


Computer Science, Design and Journalism




  • "A Million Little Pictures," Part 2, (Official Selection) Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2015
  • "Mother Kuskokwim," Director and Editor for the film for Backpack Journlism. Omaha Film Festival, Omaha, NE (Official Selection) Princeton Environmental Film Festival, Princeton, NJ (Official Selection) 2015
  • "Resonant Tide," Lied Art Gallery, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2015
  • "Omaha Film Festival," (Official Selection) Esperanza, Omaha, NE [Dir: Marc Longbrake, Jeremy Decker, Jason Levering] 2015
  • Pecha Kucha Omaha 12 (2011) Presenter for the biannual Pecha Kucha event 2015
  • "The Future of Reading? An Exhibition of Digital Literature," Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, (Dir: Dr. Alice Bell, Sheffield Hallam University and Prof. Astrid Ensslin, Bangor University, Wales) 2014
  • "Museum of Alternative History," in conjunction with "Warped: Historical In/Accuracy" Omaha Lit Fest held at the W. Dale Clark Library, Omaha, NE (curated a version of the larger exhibition that was displayed at RNG the year before) 2014
  • "In Drones We Trust," Multi-artist public participatory art project conceived and led by artist Joseph DeLappe 2014
  • "Visiting Artists Group Exhibition," SNC Gallery, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV [Director: Russell Dudley] 2014
  • "Tokimane," Director of Photography. Official Selections at the following film festivals: Re:Image Festival, Lawerenceville, NJ (Official Selection) Imago Film Festival, Elgin, IL (Official Selection) Lifetree Film Festival, Loveland, CO (Official Selection) Omaha Film Festival, Omaha, NE (Official Selection) I was the Director of Photography and assistanced with editing for John O'Keefe's (Producer & Director) film in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2014
  • "OEA Visual Arts Nominees Show," Group exhibition of all nominees for the OEA Awards [Hot Shops Art Center] 2014
  • "Jamie Burmeister and Company," Modern Arts Midtown [Dir: Larry Roots] 2014
  • "Extraordinary Rendition (pt 4)," Wayne State College, Wayne, NE [Dir. Wayne Anderson] 2013
  • "Nebraska Governors Residence Exhibition Program," Nebraska Arts Council, Lincoln, NE 2013
  • "Alternate Histories," Technically, a group exhibition I have conceived, curated and directed [see Solo Exhibitions] 2013
  • "Visiting Artists Group Exhibition," SNC Gallery, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV [Director: Russell Dudley] 2013
  • "[FREE] Big Art Giveaway," Modern Arts Midtown, Omaha, NE [Dir. Larry Roots] (an exhibition of all the work given away up to that point [July] before I started shipping work out to recipients) 2012
  • "&Now," Sorbonne University, Paris, France Presented work with a panel of invited artists and writers 2012
  • "Peace On Earth Film Festival," Chicago, IL (Official Selection) 2012
  • "Omaha Film Festival," Omaha, NE (Official Selection) 2012
  • "Imago Film Festival," Elgin, IL 1st Place (Runner Up to Best of Show) 2012
  • "RE:Image Film Festival," Lawerenceville, NJ Best of Show and Best Cinematography awards 2012
  • "Elkorn Film Festival," Metro Community College, Omaha, NE Best of Show and Best Documentary awards 2012
  • "Omaha Entertainment and Arts Nominees," Group exhibition of OEA nominees at the Hot Shops, Omaha, NE - Won for Best Group Show [Cur. Rob Gilmer] 2012
  • "Local Filmmakers Showcase (Blaze)," [Invitational] Film Streams, Omaha, NE 2012
  • "Pulled from the Matrix," Hot Shops, Omaha, NE 2012
  • "Visiting Artists Group Exhibition," SNC Gallery, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV [Director: Russell Dudley] 2012
  • "Climacteric," (with Jamie Burmeister) Lied Center Art Gallery, Creighton University, Omaha, NE [Dir. Amy Nelson] 2011
  • "I Watch You Paint," online piece created for Prairie Schooner, Linocln, NE [Dir. Timothy Schaffert] 2011
  • "Emerging Terrain [Transportation]," 20' x 80' banner to be installed on grain silos near I-80 and I-75, Omaha, NE [Dir: Anne Trumble] 2011
  • "Indoor/Outdoor," Video exhibition, Drift Station Gallery, Lincoln, NE [Cur. Jeff Thompson and Angeles Cossio] 2011
  • "Fashion in Detritus," Films, (Official Selection) Omaha, NE [Cur. Jason Levering] 2011
  • "Omaha Entertainment and Arts Nominees," Group exhibition of OEA nominees at the Hot Shops, Omaha, NE [Cur. Rob Gilmer] 2011
  • "Science Fair," Group installation at a storage facility near the Bemis Center [Cur. Josh Powell] 2011
  • "Visiting Artists Group Exhibition," SNC Gallery, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV [Director: Russell Dudley] 2011
  • "Local Filmmakers Showcase," [Invitational Official Selection] Film Streams, Omaha, NE 2011
  • Omaha Film Festival 2011 Panelist on NE filmmaking and also did a Q&A for the documentary film block 2011
  • "Extraordinary Rendition (full exhibit)," BemisUNDERGROUND [Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts], Omaha, NE [Dir. Brigitte McQueen] Collaboration with Doug Hayko and invited artists. 2010
  • "FLOW," Metro Community College, Omaha, NE [Dir. Jamie Burmeister] 2010
  • "Climacteric," Collaboration with artist Jamie Burmeister, PUSH Gallery, Omaha, NE [Dir. Joey Lynch] 2010
  • "Elkorn Film Festival (Award)," (Official Selection) Metro Community College, Omaha, NE 2010
  • "2010 VSM Festival," (Official Selection) VSM Cinema, Serge Polakoff, Founder 2010
  • "10 Second Film Festival," (Official Selection) Soap Factory, Minneapolis, MN 2010
  • "Bemis 12th Annual Art Auction," Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE [Director: Mark Masouka] 2010
  • "Block Party," Kaneko, Omaha, NE 2010
  • "A Million Little Pictures," Part 2, Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2010
  • "Sketchbook Project," Part 2 Brooklyn, NY "Sketchbook Project," Part 3 Los Angeles, CA "Sketchbook Project," Part 4 St. Louis, MO "Sketchbook Project," Part 5 Chicago, IL 2010
  • "Visiting Artists Group Exhibition," SNC Gallery, Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV [Director: Russell Dudley] 2010
  • Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV Many presentations about my work and the creation of digital artwork and animations. I have given one presentation every summer since 2000 2000


  • Best Visual Artist, Best New Media Artist and Best Group Exhibit
    Best Visual Artist, Best New Media Artist and Best Group Exhibit (Museum of Alternative History) - All three awards given by the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards, There are only six categories in visual arts and I won for all three of the awards I was nominated for.
    Museum of Alternative History
  • Nebraska Governor’s Residence Exhibition Program
    Selected for "Nebraska Governor’s Residence Exhibition Program," Nebraska Arts Council, Lincoln, NE
    Nebraska Arts Council
  • Presentation at the Sorbonne
    Presentation at the Sorbonne, &Now, Paris, France
  • Best of Show and Best Cinematography
    Best of Show and Best Cinematography
    "Re:Image," Lawerenceville, NJ
  • Blaze
    Official Selection, "Blaze," Film Streams - Local Filmmakers Showcase, Omaha, NE
    Film Streams
  • Runner Up (1st Place) to Best of Show
    Runner Up (1st Place) to Best of Show
    "Imago," Elgin, IL
  • Best of Show and Best Documentary
    Best of Show and Best Documentary," Elkhorn Film Festival, Elkorn, NE
    Elkhorn Film Festival, Elkorn, NE
  • Best Group Exhibit
    Best Group Exhibit - Nominated for four Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards, "New Media Artist" "Best 2D Artist" "Best Visual Artist" and "Best Group Show" (Extraordinary Rendition) Omaha, NE - Won for Best Group Show
    Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards
  • Individual Artist Fellowship
    Individual Artist Fellowship (filmmaking), Nebraska Arts Council, Omaha, NE
    Nebraska Arts Council,
  • Best of Festival and 1st Place in Documentary category
    Best of Festival and 1st Place in Documentary category, Elkorn Film Festival, Metro Community College, Elkorn, NE
    Elkorn Film Festiva
  • Best of Festival and 1st Place in Documentary category
    Best of Festival and 1st Place in Documentary category, Elkorn Film Festival, Metro Community College, Elkorn, NE
    Metro Community College
  • Nominated for two Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards
    Nominated for two Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards, "New Media Artist" for "FLOW" exhibition and for the "Cli•mac•ter•ic" exhibition. Omaha, NE
    Cli•mac•ter•ic" exhibition.
  • 1st Place, Earth Day Omaha video contest
    1st Place, Earth Day Omaha video contest, Omaha, NE
    Omaha video contest
  • Official Selection, "Recalling Trinity," Film Streams - Local Filmmakers Showcase,
    Official Selection, "Recalling Trinity," Film Streams - Local Filmmakers Showcase, Omaha, NE
    Film Streams - Local Filmmakers Showcase,