Brain Sciences Khanna, M., Guenther, C. L., Eckerson, J. Talamante, D., Yeh, M. E., Forby, M., Hopkins, K., Munger, E., Rauh, G., Chelluri, S., Schmidt, C., Walocha, I., & Sacco, M. (2025). Vigorous exercise enhances verbal fluency performance in healthy young adults. 15, p. 96 2025
Journal of Social Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Home alone yet optimistic: Social identity management amidst comparative pessimism. 164, p. 302-318 2024
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Guenther, C. L., Zhang, Y., & Sedikides, C. (2024) The authentic self is the self-enhancing self: A self-enhancement framework of authenticity. 50, p. 1182-1196 2024
Teaching of Psychology Budesheim, T. L., Khanna, M., Earl, A., & Guenther, C. L. (2023). The long-term impact of undergraduate internships and research experiences in psychology: An alumni survey study. 50, p. 381-392 2023
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology Balcetis, E., Guenther, C. L., Pesantes, J., & Cole, S. (2021). Where you look and how far you go: The relationship between attentional styles and running performance. 2, p. 100014 2021
Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Smith, A. M. (2020). Belief perseverance. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.) 2020
Enyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences Guenther, C. L., Wilton, E., & Fernandes, R. (2020). Identity. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) 2020
Enyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences Guenther, C. L., & Laudi, A. (2020). Self-appraisals. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) 2020
Enyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences Weiner, D., & Guenther, C. L. (2020). Self-enhancement bias. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) 2020
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Kokotajlo, C. (2017). Psychological momentum and risky decision-making 1(2), p. 43-51 2017
Journal of Applied Social Psychology Guenther, C. L., Taylor, S. G., & Alicke, M. D. (2015). Differential reliance on performance outliers in athletic self-assessment 45, p. 374-382 2015
Academic Advising: A Handbook for Advisors and Students Guenther, C. L. (2015). Scholarship of teaching and learning. In J.G. Irons & R.L. Miller (Eds.) 2, p. 43-46 2015
Encyclopedia of Deception Guenther, C. L., Meisinger, R., & Vanderzanden, K. (2014). Projection. In T.R. Levine (Ed.), p. 780-783 2014
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Alicke, M. D., Zell, E., & Guenther, C. L. (2013). Social self-analysis: Constructing, protecting, and enhancing the self. 48, p. 173-234 2013
Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Alicke, M. D. (2013). Psychology of the self. In D.S. Dunn (Ed.) 2013
Handbook of Self and Identity Alicke, M. D., Guenther, C. L., & Zell, E. (2012). Social self-analysis: Constructing and maintaining personal identity. In M.R. Leary & J.P. Tangney (Eds.), p. 291-308 2012
Handbook of Self Enhancement and Self Protection Alicke, M. D., & Guenther, C. L. (2011). Self-enhancement and self-protection in social judgment. In M.D. Alicke & C. Sedikides (Eds.), p. 174-191 2011
Promoting Student Engagement Guenther, C. L., & Miller, R. L. (2011). Factors that promote student engagement. In R.L. Miller, E. Amsel, B. Kowalewski, C. Beins, K. D. Keith, & B. F. Peden (Eds.) 1, p. 10-17 2011
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Alicke, M. D. (2010). Deconstructing the better-than-average effect 99, p. 755-770 2010
The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science Guenther, C. L., & Alicke, M. D. (2010). Social self. In I. B. Weiner, & W. E. Craighead
(Eds.) 2010
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Tauer, J. M., Guenther, C. L., & Rozek, C. S. (2009). Is there a home choke in decisive playoff basketball games? 21, p. 148-162 2009
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Guenther, C. L., & Alicke, M. D. (2008). Self-enhancement and belief perseverance 44, p. 706-712 2008
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Markman, K. D., & Guenther, C. L. (2007). Psychological momentum: Intuitive physics and naive beliefs 33, p. 800-812 2007