Spinal Cord Series and Cases Kennamer B. T., DelPino B. J., Lettieri S. C., Gridley D. G., Hollingworth A. K., Feiz-Erfan I., Blunt traumatic posterior cord syndrome 8:1 2022
Surgical Neurology International Foster M. A., Gridley D. G., Lettieri S. C., Feiz-Erfan I., Brown-Sequard syndrome associated with hangman fracture after blunt trauma: A case report 13 2022
World Neurosurgery Charcos I. B., Wong T. W., Larsen B. R., Azurdia A. R., Gridley D. G., Vail S. J., Hollingworth A. K., Lettieri S. C., Feiz-Erfan I., Location of Traumatic Cranial Epidural Hematoma Correlates with the Source of Hemorrhage: A 12-Year Surgical Review 152 2021
Neurographics Larsen B. R., Rosztoczy , Tassel D. C. Van, Larson C. R., Avedikian S. A., Gridley D. G., VanTassel Dane, Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis: A review with emphasis on head and neck manifestations 11:3 2021
World Neurosurgery Kennamer B. T., Gridley D. G., Rhines L. D., Feiz-Erfan I., Nair G. R., Lettieri S. C., Davis K. M., Natural History of a Patient with Sacral Chordoma: Case Report and Literature Review 139 2020
Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology Davis John, Liang Juliana, Petterson Matthew B., Roh Albert T., Chundu Navya, Kang Paul, Matz Samantha L., Connell Mary J., Gridley Daniel G., Risk Factors for Late Screening Mammography 48:1, p. 40 - 44 2019
American Journal of Roentgenology Arleo Elizabeth Kagan, Bender Claire, Bluth Edward, Wolfman Darcy, Parikh Jay R., Gridley Daniel, Comparison of Utilization of the Family and Medical Leave Act in Radiology Practices Between 2015 and 2016 211:2, p. 239 - 243 2018
Journal of pediatric surgery Kopelman T. R., Jamshidi R., Pieri P. G., Davis K., Bogert J., Vail S. J., Pressman M. A. Singer, Gridley D., Computed tomographic imaging in the pediatric patient with a seatbelt sign: still not good enough 53:2 2018
Surgical Neurology International Wong TinaW, Gridley DanielG, Feiz-Erfan Iman, Epidural venous plexus engorgement due to inferior vena cava thrombosis resulting in cauda equina syndrome: Case report and literature review 9:1, p. 129 - 129 2018
Applied Radiology Penny Scott, Gridley Daniel, Young Jason, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia secondary to 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, p. 46 - 47 2017
Journal of Clinical Oncology Scull C., Amar S., Feiz-Erfan I., Dave H., Gridley D., Adult onset primary pineal rhabdomyosarcoma 34:15 2016
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics Ellis M. B., Gridley D., Lal S., Nair G. R., Feiz-Erfan I., Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the brain without tumor-induced osteomalacia in an 8-year-old girl: Case report 17:5 2016
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Kopelman T. R., Bogert J. N., Walters J. W., Gridley D., Guzman O., Davis K. M., Pieri P. G., Vail S. J., Pressman M., Computed tomographic imaging interpretation improves fetal outcomes after maternal trauma 81:6 2016
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care Isfahani F., Amar S., Dave H., Gridley D., Plasmoblastic lymphoma as cause of perianal fistula: A case report and literature review 14:1 2015