Gary L . Gorby, MD



School of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Infectious Diseases Division
Infectious Diseases Fellowships
Med Microbiology & Immunology Secondary

Gary L . Gorby, MD


Chief of Medicine, VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Healthcare System
Board Certifications: Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Areas of Interest: Pathogenesis of gonococcal infections, teaching through technology, natural language engines, biopreparedness
Fellowship: University of Utah School of Medicine
Residency: North Carolina Baptist Hospital
Medical School: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine






  • Open Forum Infectious Diseases
    Abbas Anum, Aurit Sarah, Destache Chris, Horne John, Gorby Gary, Vivekanandan Renuga, Health Disparities in HIV and Pregnancy
    5:suppl_1, p. S21 - S21 2018
  • Cureus
    Rainwater Ellecia, Gupta Vritti, Vivekanandan Renuga, Gorby Gary, Maxillary Teeth Abscesses Result in Atypical Liver Abscesses, p. 2353 - 2353 2018
  • Journal of Spine & Neurosurgery
    M Velagapudi, F Ratnaraj, M Krishnan, NR Gujjula, G Gorby, PA Foral, VS Bendi, R Vivekanandan, Otogenic Temporal Lobe Abscess: A Mini-review
    06:02, p. 2325 - 9701 2017
  • The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
    Foral Pamela A., Syed Javeria J., Mindru Cezarina, Ali Karim F., Neemann Kari A., Bittner Marvin J., Dobronski Leo A., Gorby Gary L., Horne John M., Anthone Jennifer M., Destache Christopher J., Vivekanandan Renuga, Preheim Laurel C., Education and Communication in an Interprofessional Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
    116:9, p. 588 - 593 2016
  • Open forum infectious diseases
    Foral Pamela, Preheim Laurel, Gorby Gary, Bittner Marvin, Dobronski Leo, Anthone Jennifer, Horne John, Syed Javaria, Destache Christopher, Vivekanandan Renuga, 428Incorporating Interprofessional Practice Education and Motivational Interviewing Techniques in Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs at Two Academic Medical Centers
    2:suppl_1, p. S166 - S166 2015
  • Bittner Marvin J., Gorby Gary L., Parks Chase C., Absence of laboratory-confirmed failures of high-dose influenza vaccine in an elderly population 2013
  • Journal of Infectious Diseases
    Gorby Gary L., Elkins Christopher, Ehrhardt Anton F., Apicella Michael A., Invasion of human fallopian tube epithelium by Escherichia coli expressing combinations of a gonococcal porin, opacity-associated protein, and chimeric lipo-oligosaccharide
    184:4, p. 460 - 472 2001
  • Academic Medicine
    Gorby Garyl, Anderson M. Brownell, Use of verbot technology to enhance classroom lecture
    76:5, p. 552 - 553 2001
  • Clinical Infectious Diseases
    Gorby G. L., Gentry M. J., Preheim L. C., Virtual reality microscopy enables visualization of bacteria/most relationships in models of infection
    25:2 1997
  • Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
    Phanucharas Jim P., Gorby Gary L., Differential intracellular efficacies of ciprofloxacin and cefixime against Neisseria gonorrhoeae in human fallopian tube organ culture
    41:7, p. 1547 - 1551 1997
  • Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
    GORBY G., SIMON D., REST R. F., Escherichia coli That Express Neisseria gonorrhoeae Opacity‐Associated Proteins Attach to and Invade Human Fallopian Tube Epithelium
    730:1, p. 286 - 289 1994
  • Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
    Gorby G. L., Digital confocal microscopy allows measurement and three-dimensional multiple spectral reconstruction of Neisseria gonorrhoeae/epithelial cell interactions in the human fallopian tube organ culture model
    42:3, p. 297 - 306 1994
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
    Gorby Gary L., Schaefer G. Bradley, Effect of attachment factors (pili plus Opa) on Neisseria gonorrhoeae invasion of human fallopian tube tissue in vitro
    13:2, p. 93 - 108 1992
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
    McGee Zell A., Clemens Christopher M., Jensen Robert L., Klein John J., Gorby Gary L., Barley Lee R., Local induction of tumor necrosis factor as a molecular mechanism of mucosal damage by gonococci
    12:5, p. 333 - 341 1992
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
    Gorby Gary L., Clemens Christopher M., Barley Lee R., McGee Zell A., Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on Neisseria gonorrhoeae invasion of and IgA secretion by human fallopian tube mucosa
    10:5, p. 373 - 384 1991
  • Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
    Gorby G. L., McGee Z. A., Antimicrobial interference with bacterial mechanisms of pathogenicity
    34:12, p. 2445 - 2448 1990
  • Progress in Drug Research
    McGee Z. A., Updike W. S., Gorby G. L., The use of neutrophils, macrophages and organ cultures to assess the penetration of human cells by antimicrobials
    33, p. 83 - 92 1989
  • Clinical Infectious Diseases
    Gorby Gary L., Peacock James E., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae endocarditis
    10:2, p. 317 - 325 1988
  • Reviews of infectious diseases
    McGee Z. A., Gorby G. L., Wyrick P. B., Hodinka R., Hoffman L. H., Parasite-directed endocytosis.
    10 Suppl 2, p. S311 - 316 1988
  • Canadian Journal of Microbiology
    Gorby G. L., Robinson E. N., Barley L. R., Clemens C. M., McGee Z. A., Microbial invasion
    34:4, p. 507 - 512 1988
  • Hospital Practice
    McGee Z. A., Gorby G. L., The diagnostic value of fever patterns
    22:10 A, p. 103 - 110 1987


  • Evaluation of management of purulent and nonpurulent skin and soft tissue infections at a VA Medical Center: An opportunity for antimicrobial stewardship. Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, New York, NY. 2019
  • An evaluation of a sustained antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) and antimicrobial stewardship education to medical and pharmacy trainees at a VA Medical Center. Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, New York, NY. 2019
  • Foral PA; Horne J; Gorby G; Bittner M. An evaluation of a sustained antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) and antimicrobial stewardship education to medical and pharmacy trainees at a VA Medical Center. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Hilton Midtown, New York, New York, October 27, 2019. 2019
  • Foral PA; Bernier T; Horne J; Gorby G; Bittner M. Evaluation of management of purulent and nonpurulent skin and soft tissue infections at a VA Medical Center: An opportunity for antimicrobial stewardship. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Hilton Midtown, New York, New York, October 27, 2019. 2019
  • Foral PA; Bernier T; Horne J; Gorby G; Bittner M. Evaluation of management of purulent and nonpurulent skin and soft tissue infections at a VA Medical Center: An opportunity for antimicrobial stewardship. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Hilton Midtown, New York, New York, October 27, 2019. 2019
  • Invited Speaker. Modern MacGyver: Creative Problem-Solving in Disasters. 5th Annual Biopreparedness Symposia Series, Lincoln, Nebraska. 2007
  • Invited Speaker. Modern MacGyver: Creative Problem-Solving in Disasters. 5th Annual Biopreparedness Symposia Series, Gering, Nebraska. 2007
  • Invited Speaker. Modern MacGyver: Creative Problem-Solving in Disasters. 5th Annual Biopreparedness Symposia Series, Norfolk, Nebraska. 2007
  • Invited Speaker. Modern MacGyver: Creative Problem-Solving in Disasters, Breakout Session. 5th Annual Biopreparedness Symposia Series, Kearney, Nebraska. 2007
  • Invited Speaker. Public Health Preparedness Summit 2007. "Conversational Virtual Teaching Assistants for Public Health Preparedness and Educational Surge Capacity During Public Health Emergencies." Washington, DC. 2007
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Nebraska Ag Classic, Lincoln, NE 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" 2006 Nebraska Minority Health Conference, Kearney, NE. 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" UniNet Physicians, Bergan Professional Center, Omaha, NE (Clinician version) 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" 2006 Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Physicians Scientific Meeting, Scott Conference Center, Omaha, NE 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Montrose Fall Clinic, Montrose, CO (customized clinician version) 2006
  • "Influenza prevention and treatment." VA VISN 23 Pandemic Influenza Conference, Minneapolis, MN 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Nebraska Medical Association Executive Board, Lied Conference Center, Nebraska City, NE (Clinical version; 2 hour extended version) 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Methodist Hospital Retreat, Lied Conference Center, Nebraska City, NE (healthcare worker version) 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Creighton University (Avian Flu Committee), Omaha, NE 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" LDS Church, Omaha, NE (12 noon) 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" LDS Church, Omaha, NE (1 p.m.) 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Omaha VA Medical Center 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everone is talking about?" Columbus Community Hospital, Columbus, NE 2006
  • "What do I need to know about this bird flu everyone is talking about?" Western Colorado All-Hazards Conference, Montrose, CO 2006
  • Non-HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases I. Second Year Medical Students, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska. 2005
  • Non-HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases II. Second Year Medical Students, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska. 2005
  • 1st National Congress on Public Health Readiness, Washington, DC 2004
  • "Smallpox." Omaha Safety Council. Omaha, Nebraska. 2003
  • "Education and Training Needs for the 21st Century." A Workshop on the Forum of Emerging Infections Ensuring an Infectious Disease Workforce. Institute of Medicine, Board on Global Health, and the National Academies. Washington, DC. June 12-13, 2003 2003
  • "Clinical Guide to Bioterrorism." Bioterrorism Preparedness Symposium. Norfolk, Nebraska. 2003
  • "Clinical Guide to Bioterrorism." Bioterrorism Preparedness Symposium. Grand Island, Nebraska. 2003
  • "Clinical Guide to Bioterrorism." Bioterrorism Preparedness Symposium. Gering/Scottsbluff, Nebraska. 2003
  • Invited Speaker. 2002 Nebraska Chapter Scientifica Meeting of the American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine. "STDs: A New Perspective." Omaha, NE 2002
  • Presenter. Modulation of Gonococcal Invasion by the Immune Response. 22nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology, Chicago, Illinois. 2002
  • Non-HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases I. Second Year Medical Students, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
  • Non-HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases II. Second Year Medical Students, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
  • Invited Speaker. Department of Microbiology Research Conference. Pathogenesis of Gonococcal Salpingitis. Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. 2002
  • Educational Strategies Workshop. "Use of verbot technology to enhance classroom lecture experiences." Association of Medical School Microbiology and Immunology Chairs meeting, May 6-10, 2000. Myrtle Beach, SC. 2001
  • Non-HIV Sexually-Trasmitted Diseases I. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2001
  • Non-HIV Sexually-Trasmitted Diseases II. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2001
  • Medicine Grand Rounds. "is Coronary Artery Disease an Infectious Disease?" St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE. April 23, 2000. 2001
  • Lund SJ, Carlson DJ, and Gorby GL. Relative invasiveness gonococcal opa proteins in the human fallopian tube organ culture model. 12th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference. Galveston, Texas. Abstract #150, November 12-17, 2000. 2000
  • Gorby GL, Ehrhardt AF, Apicella MA, Elkins C. Invasion of human fallopian tube epithelium by Escherichia coli expressing Por and/or Opa is inhibited by the 3F11 LOS epitope. 12th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference. Galveston, Texas. Abstract #151, November 12-17, 2000. 2000
  • Impact of Outsourcing Microbiology Services on Infectious Diseases Training Programs. IDSA Meeting of Midwest Infectious Diseases Program Directors. Chicago, IL. 7/9/99-7/11/99. 1999


  • Distinguished Continuing Medical Education Educator Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Best Doctors in America
    2008-09; 2009-10, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16
  • Best Doctors in Omaha
    Omaha Magazine
  • Intramural Research Award
    Innovative Use of Instructional Technology Award
  • Intramural Research Award
    US West Fellowship Faculty Development Award, 8/98 - 5/99. Total award $5,000.