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Leah Christine Georges, PhD

Associate Professor

Program Director, Interdisciplinary Leadership doctoral program


College of Professional and Continuing Education
Interdisciplinary Leadership EdD (Doctorate)
Interdisciplinary Department
RAML - Reinert Alumni Memorial Library - 212

Leah Christine Georges, PhD

Associate Professor

Program Director, Interdisciplinary Leadership doctoral program

Dr. Leah Georges is an associate professor and program director in Creighton University’s Interdisciplinary Leadership doctoral program.  The classes she teaches are primarily research and design focused courses, which aim to prepare students to design their Dissertation in Practice.  The classes include Scholarly Writing Seminar, Leadership Styles and Reflective Practice, Leadership Seminar II: Mid-Program Reflection, Interdisciplinary Practicum, Research Design and Professional Inquiry, Research Design and Data Analysis and Dissertation Research Seminar.  She is passionate about learning and believes “one of the most compelling characteristics of a brilliant mind is curiosity.”

She says, “I encourage my students (and remind myself!) to be curious, not critical—to move beyond ‘what’ and into ‘why’ and ‘how.’  We rarely find the finite, black-and-white answer to any social science or leadership question, and to remain curious and humble are important attributes of the quest for knowledge.” 

Dr. Georges’ ongoing research interests explore a wide range of topics as they relate to social psychology and leadership. The first, focuses on generations in the workplace and how one might think differently of working with people of a diverse range of generations.  The second line of research revolves around the intersection of social psychology and the law, and how the legal system positively and negatively psychologically impacts the people who come into contact with the legal system. She also has a passion for the application of andragogy, or adult learning theory, and how we can meet students where they are in online classrooms.

Dr. Georges received her BA in psychology from Creighton University,  her Master of Legal Studies from the University of Nebraska College of Law and her Master’s of Science in social psychology from the University of Nebraska.  She went on to pursue her Doctor of Philosophy in social psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.   In addition to academia, Dr. Georges enjoys spending time with her husband and two young children who remind her the importance of coming to every question with curiosity.  In her spare time, she advises a Greek life organization on Creighton’s campus, practices yoga and spends time hiking in the Black Hills of South Dakota. 


Interdisciplinary Studies


Associate Professor


  • Sage
    Huss, M., & Skovran, L. (2008). Forensic clinical psychology. In S. Davis & W. Buskist (Eds.), 21st Century psychology: A reference handbook. New York 2008


  • PS: Political Science and Politics
    Martin, J. R., Georges, L. C., & Moss Breen, J. (under review). Meeting students where they are: Teaching social sciences in an online graduate program. Political Science and Politics. 2018
  • Athletic Training Education Journal
    Paloncy, K., Georges, L. C., & Liggett, A. (under review). A high-fidelity simulation is effective in improving athletic training students’ self-efficacy with emergency cardiovascular care skills. Athletic Training Education Journal. 2018
  • Journal of Leadership Studies
    Bloomquist, C., Georges, L. C., Ford, D., & Moss Breen, J. (in press). Interdisciplinary leadership practices in graduate leadership education programs. Journal of Leadership Studies. 2018
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (n.d.). Acceptance does not necessarily equal success: An evaluation of student involvement and future success at a Research Experience for Undergraduates site. Manuscript in preparation. 2015
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (n.d.). The role of anticipated and experienced emotion in capital sentencing decisions. Manuscript in preparation. 2015
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Keller, S. N., Wiener, R. L., & Skovran Georges, L. (n.d.). The effect of integral emotion in sexual assault cases. Manuscript in preparation. 2015
  • Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
    Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (n.d.). Juror decision making: The anticipatory power and consequences of regret. Manuscript in preparation. 2015
  • Psychology Public Policy and Law
    Wiener, R. L., Georges, L. C., & Cangas, J. (2014). Anticipated affect and sentencing decisions in capital murder. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20, 263-280.
    20, p. 263-280 2014
  • Applied Cognitive Psychology
    Georges, L. C., Wiener, R. L., & Keller, S. (2013). The angry juror: Sentencing decisions in first degree murder. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 156-166.
    27, p. 156-166 2013
  • Problem solving courts: Perspectives in law and psychology
    Wiener, R. L, & Georges, L. C., (2013). Social psychology and problem solving courts: Judicial roles and decision making. In R. L. Wiener & E. Brank (Eds.), Problem solving courts: Perspectives in law and psychology. New York, NY: Springer Press. 2013
  • Your graduate training in psychology: Suggestions for success
    Skovran Georges, L., Gonsalvez, V., & Huss, M. (2012). They have my money!: Applying for research funding. In C. Licht, P. Giordano, & S. Davis (Eds.), Your graduate training in psychology (pp. 227-240). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. 2012
  • Your graduate training in psychology: Suggestions for success
    Gonsalvez, V., Skovran Georges, L., & Huss, M. (2012). Preparing for comprehensive exams. In C. Licht, P. Giordano, & S. Davis (Eds.), Your graduate training in psychology (pp. 203-216). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications., p. 203-216 2012
  • International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
    Wiener, R. L., Winick, B. J., Skovran Georges, L., & Castro, A. (2010). A testable theory of problem solving courts: Avoiding past empirical and legal failures.
    33, p. 417-427 2010
  • International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
    Winick, B. J., Wiener, R. L., Castro, A., Emmert, A., & Skovran Georges, L. (2010). Dealing with mentally ill domestic violence perpetrators: A therapeutic jurisprudence judicial model.
    33, p. 428-439 2010
  • Psychology, Crime & Law
    Skovran, L., Huss, M.T., & Scalora, M. (2010). Sexual Fantasies and Sensation Seeking among Psychopathic Sexual Offenders.
    16, p. 617-629 2010
  • Monitor on Psychology
    Pearce, M. W., & Skovran, L. (2010). Judicial notebook: Can the government civilly commit sex offenders?
    41, p. 32 2010


  • Omaha World Herald
    Georges, L. Cl (2018, April 16). Navigating the multigenerational workplace: 4 tips for achieving harmony. Omaha World Herald. 2018
  • Creighton University
    Georges, L. C. (2016, May). Four ways to engage the multigenerational workforce. Invited article for the Creighton University Leadership Programs website. 2016
  • Introductory Psychology: Scientific American
    Infographic Designer, Introductory Psychology: Scientific American, Worth Publishing 2012


  • Georges, L. C. (2018, July). Strengths based assessment: Predicting student success in an online graduate leadership program. Paper presented at the Association of Leadership Educators Conference, Chicago, IL. 2018
  • Georges, L. C. (2018, May). Navigating the multigenerational workplace. Invited instructor, Re-imagining U Training, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2018
  • Georges, L. C. (2018, May). Generations at Creighton. Invited breakout presenter, Creighton University Student Life Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Martin, J. R, Georges, L. C., & Oltman, G. (2018, April). Meeting milestones: Assessing the effect of an online dissertation proposal development course on the quality and timeliness of dissertation proposals. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association meeting, Chicago, IL. 2018
  • Georges, L. C. (2018, April). Navigating the multigenerational workplace: Shoulder pads not required. Invited presenter, TedXCreightonU, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Fischer, J., Georges, L. C., & Swartzlander, D. (2018, April). Recruitment and retention. Invited panelist, Nebraska Press Association Annual Meeting, Lincoln, NE. 2018
  • Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (2018, March). The disparate impact of procedural due process on feelings of fairness in drug and mental health courts. Paper presented at American Psychology-Law Society meeting, Memphis, TN. 2018
  • Guidero, A., Georges, L., Gonzales, K., Acosta, V., Trimble, K. (2018, March). What it means to belong: Conceptualizing identity and inclusion in spaces and places. Panel presentation at the You Are Here: Interdisciplinary Conference on Place, Space, and Embodiment, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Georges, L. C. (2018, February). Generations at work. Invited presenter, Leadership Omaha Inclusion Seminar, Omaha, NE. 2018
  • Georges, L. C. (2017, October). The power of followership. Invited presenter, Great Plains Leadership Institute Retreat, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Georges, L. C. (2017, August). Leading change across generations. Invited presenter, US Stratcom Strategic Leadership, Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders Conference, Bellevue, NE (livestreamed internationally) to 6,000 active duty military members. 2017
  • Georges, L. C., & Moss Breen, J. (2017, July). Teaching leadership at the graduate level: Drawing upon our complex world to enhance learning. Roundtable session presented at the Association of Leadership Educators Conference, Charleston, SC. 2017
  • Georges, L. C. (2017, May). Leading across generations. Invited speaker, U.S. Strategic Command Leadership Conference, Bellevue, NE. 2017
  • Georges, L. C. (2017, April). Navigating the multigenerational workplace. Invited presentation to the Omaha Chamber of Commerce Landing Crew, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Georges, L. C., & Moss Breen, J. (2017, March). The power of followership. Invited speaker at the 2017 Omaha Young Professionals Summit, Omaha, NE. 2017
  • Martin, J. R., Georges, L. C., & Oltman, G. (2016, October). Meeting milestones: Assessing the effect of a dissertation proposal development course on the timeliness of dissertation proposals. Poster presented at the Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Georges, L. C. (2016, August). The impact of procedural due process on offenders' feelings of fairness in problem-solving courts. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Denver, CO. 2016
  • Georges, L. C. (2016, August). An application of the asymmetric immune knowledge hypothesis in modern drug and mental health courts. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Denver, CO. 2016
  • Georges, L. C., & Moss Breen, J. (2016, July). How can we best teach leadership at the graduate level: An essential dialogue for leadership educators. Workshop presented at the Association of Leadership Educators conference, Sacramento, CA. 2016
  • Georges, L. C. (2016, May). Navigating the multigenerational, academic workplace. Invited presentation to the Creighton University Division of Student Life Annual Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Georges, L. C. (2016, May). What millennials wish they knew: Advice and assurance for millennials. Invited presenter at the 2016 Gallup Millennial Summit, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Georges, L. C., & Reff, S. (2016, March). Eyewitness misidentification: Best practices for Nebraska. Invited speaker at the Nebraska State Bar Association Young Lawyers Section Best Practices Seminar, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Georges, L. C. (2016, March). Generational warfare or failure to communicate? Navigating the multigenerational workplace. Invited speaker at the 2016 Omaha Young Professionals Summit, Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Martin, J. R., Georges, L. C., & Hawkins, P. L. (2015, November). What makes a successful doctoral student? An applied study of applicants to the doctoral program in interdisciplinary leadership. Poster presented at the Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Georges, L. C. (2015, October). From practitioner to scholar: Training scholarly writers in a doctoral program. Paper presented at the Women in Educational Leadership Conference, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Georges, L. C., & Cherney, I. (2015, September). Strengths based leadership: Navigating intergenerational and gendered communication styles. Session presented at the Nebraska Women in Higher Education Leadership Conference, Lincoln, NE. 2015
  • Georges, L. C. (2015, July). Discussing the unique writing needs of scholar practitioners: Tools, strategies, and ideas. Roundtable session presented at the Association of Leadership Educators Conference, Washington, D.C 2015
  • Georges, L. C. (2015, March). Navigating the multigenerational workplace: Communication strategies and tips. Invited presentation to Nebraska Cancer Specialists, Omaha, NE 2015
  • Hawkins, P. L., Martin, J. R., & Georges, L. C. (2015, February). Implementing the Creighton University student performance-quality indicators (CUSP-QI) in an interdisciplinary doctoral program. Poster presented at the Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Multigenerational Communication Strategies for Enrollment and Retention, Presentation to Creighton Universitys Enrollment and Admissions team 2015
  • Georges, L. C. (2015, January). Bridging the communication gap between generations. Invited presentation to the Young Agents of Omaha, Omaha, NE 2015
  • Georges L. C., & Hightower-Henne, T. (2014, October). Eyewitness identification practices and consequences for legal practice in Nebraska. Symposium presented at the Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, La Vista, NE 2014
  • Georges, L. C. (2014, October). How to use your Greek life experiences in the professional world. Invited panelist, Creighton Greek Community, Omaha, NE 2014
  • Georges L. C., & Hightower-Henne, T. (2014, October). Eyewitness identification practices and consequences for legal practice in Nebraska. Symposium presented at the Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, La Vista, NE. 2014
  • Georges, L. C. (2014, February). Due process in modern problem-solving courts: An application of the asymmetric immune knowledge hypothesis. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2014
  • Georges, L. C. (2013, October). Leading causes of wrongful conviction. Invited lecture at Peru State College, Criminal Justice Professional Speaker Series, Peru, NE 2013
  • Georges, L. C., & Hightower-Henne, T. (2013, October). Nebraska Innocence Project: Why eyewitness identification is the leading cause of wrongful convictions and the best practices in eyewitness identification. Symposium presented at the Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, La Vista, NE. 2013
  • Georges, L. C., & Hightower-Henne, T. (2013, October). Nebraska Innocence Project: Why eyewitness identification is the leading cause of wrongful convictions and the best practices in eyewitness identification. Symposium presented at the Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, La Vista, NE. 2013
  • Georges, L. C. (2013, May). The psychology of eyewitness identification and lineup procedures: An emphasis on IACP protocol. Invited address at the Nebraskas Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee and Nebraska County Attorneys Association Criminal Justice Conference, Kearney, NE 2013
  • Georges, L. C. (2013, May). The psychology of eyewitness identification and lineup procedures: An emphasis on IACP protocol. Invited address at the Nebraska's Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee and Nebraska County Attorneys Association Criminal Justice Conference, Kearney, NE. 2013
  • Georges, L. C. (2013, April). The problem with young people today isabsolutely nothing. Now prove it. Invited address at the Delta Zeta Region VIII Convention, Minneapolis, MN 2013
  • Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (2013, March). The predictive power of jurors anticipated regret in a sexual assault case. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, Portland, OR. 2013
  • Georges, L. C. (2012, November). The psychology of misidentification. Invited address at the Metro Area Police Chiefs Association, Omaha, NE 2012
  • Wiener, R. L., Keller, S., & Georges, L. C. (2012, June). Perspective taking in perceptions of male-on-male sexual harassment. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Biennial Convention, Charlotte, NC 2012
  • Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (2012, May). Juror decision making: The anticipatory power and consequences of regret. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Chicago. IL 2012
  • Georges, L. C., & Wiener, R. L. (2012, January). Beyond a reasonable doubt: Emotion as information in variable reasonable doubt definitions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA 2012
  • Clark, L. A., Keller, S. R., & Georges, L. C. (2012, January). What are jurors really afraid of? The role of emotion focus in sexual assault verdicts. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Law and Psychology Preconference, San Diego, CA 2012
  • Keller, S. R., Georges, L. C., & Clark, L. A. (2012, January). When do we lose impartiality? The effect of gender and emotion in verdict decisions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Law and Psychology Preconference, San Diego, CA 2012
  • Skovran Georges, L., & Wiener, R. L. (2011, March). The role of anticipated and experienced emotion in capital sentencing decisions. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, Miami, FL. 2011
  • Keller, S. N., Wiener, R. L., & Skovran Georges, L. (2011, March). The effect of integral emotion in sexual assault cases. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, Miami, FL 2011
  • Skovran Georges, L., & Wiener, R. L. (2011, January). Emotional decision making: The role of emotion in capital sentencing decisions. Poster presented at The Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Emotion Pre-Conference, San Antonio, TX. 2011
  • Skovran, L., & Wiener, R. L. (2010, May). The role of anticipated emotion in capital sentencing decisions. Paper presented at the Law and Society Association Conference, Chicago, IL 2010
  • Cangas, J. Skovran, L., & Wiener, R. (2009, May). Affective forecasting in capital murder cases. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA 2009
  • Wiener, R., Nichols, S. Beringer Jones, M. & Skovran, L. (2009, March). The maintenance of guilt: Emotion integral to a sexual assault case. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, San Antonio, TX 2009
  • Skovran, L., Wiener, R., and Nichols, S. (2009, March). The emotionally labile juror: Anger, fear, and surprise. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society conference, San Antonio, TX 2009
  • Beringer-Jones, M., Wiener, R. L., Cantone, J., Richter, E., & Skovran, L. (2009, March). Male on male sexual harassment: Power, blameworthiness, and assertiveness. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2009
  • Wiener, R. L., & Skovran, L. (2009, February). Resisting an emotional appeal: Faulty interrogation techniques and false confessions. Testimony presented to the Nebraska State Legislature Judiciary Committee, Lincoln, NE 2009
  • Skovran, L., & Wiener, R. (2008, March). The role of anger in juror decision making in capital murder cases. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society annual meeting, Jacksonville, FL 2008
  • Huss, M., Skovran, L., & Scalora, M. (2006, August). Sexual fantasies and sensation seeking in psychopathic offenders. Paper presented at 114th annual conference of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. 2006
  • Cherney, I., Skovran, L. & Polachek, E. (2006, March). Children's and adults' perceptions of children's rights. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, San Francisco, CA 2006
  • Skovran, L., Butler, T., Huss, M., &. Scalora, M. (2005, November). The Relationship between sexual fantasies and sensation seeking behavior in psychopathic offenders. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Nebraska Psychological Society, Lincoln, NE 2005
  • Skovran, L. & Cherney, I. (2005, May). Children's socioeconomic status and the perception of their rights: An international perspective. Poster presented at the Midwest Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL 2005
  • Cherney, I., & Skovran, L. (2005, March). Children's rights: The effects of culture and socioeconomic status on a child's perception: An international perspective. Poster presented at Great Plains Student Psychology Convention, Omaha, NE 2005


  • Carl John Warden Graduate Fellowship in Psychology, $500

  • Warden Research Travel Grant, $450

  • Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL Travel Assistance Award, $250

  • Warden Research Travel Grant, $350

  • Warden Research Travel Grant, $400

  • Warden Research Travel Grant, $450

  • Psi Chi Summer Research Grant, $3,500

  • American Psychological Foundation and the Council on Undergraduate Research Summer Research Fellowship, $3,500

  • Association of Leadership Educators Grant, Strengths-Based Support: Predictors of Student Success in an Online Graduate Leadership Program


  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Psychology Research Grant, $500

  • Co-recipient, Assessment of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant, Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment, Creighton University

  • Research support funds, Creighton University, Graduate School


  • Iggy Award
    Awarded to an outstanding freshman mentor, advocate, or role model
    Creighton University
  • Faculty Member of the Year Nominee
    Creighton University Fraternity and Sorority Life and Order of Omega
  • Iggy Award
    Creighton University
    Awarded to an outstanding freshman mentor, advocate, or role model
    Creighton University
  • Highest Ranked Presenter
    Gallup Millennials Summit
  • Leadership Omaha Program Participant, Class 38
    Omaha Chamber of Commerce
  • Outstanding Greek Chapter Advisor of the Year
    Creighton University
  • Outstanding Greek Chapter Advisor of the Year Award
    Creighton University
  • Greek Community, Professor of the Year Nominee
    Creighton University
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Research Mentor Award
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Psychology
  • Iggy Award
    Awarded to an outstanding freshman mentor, advocate, or role model
    Creighton University
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Research Mentor Award
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Psychology
  • Professor of the Year Nominee
    Creighton University, Greek Community
  • Gail Patrick Velde National Woman of Distinction Award
    Delta Zeta Sorority
  • Leo R. Kennedy Award
    Outstanding Senior Psychology Major
    Creighton University
  • Collegiate Woman of the Year Award
    Omaha Area Panhellenic Association
  • First Place Award
    Great Plains Student Psychology Convention
  • Member
    Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society
  • Greek Leadership Honor Society Member
    Order of Omega
  • Deans List
    Creighton University
  • Academic Scholarship
    Creighton University


  • Manuscript Reviewer
    The Journal of Leadership Education
    2015 - 2015