Janee B . Gelineau-van Waes, DVM, PhD

Associate Professor

Pharmacology & Neuroscience

J Waes


School of Medicine
Pharmacology and Neuroscience
Graduate School
Neuroscience (Master of Science)
CRISS III - Criss 3 - 568

Janee B . Gelineau-van Waes, DVM, PhD

Associate Professor

Pharmacology & Neuroscience


Birth Defects

-use mouse models to understand the complex gene-nutrient-environment interactions that contribute to birth defects, with a specific focus on neural tube defects (NTDs)

-investigate the role of pharmaceutical and environmental exposures during pregnancy that increase risk for birth defects, determine the underlying mechanisms involved, and develop strategies for prevention


-use an intact, immunocompetent, minimally invasive (laparoscopic) mouse model of endometriosis to study the role of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) in endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer


Pharmacology and Neuroscience


Associate Professor


  • Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
    Waes Janee Gelineau van, Fumonisins [Book Chapter] 2022
  • Developmental Toxicology
    Sant K. E., Anderson O. S., Waes J. G., Fumonisin, Folate and other Methyl Donors and Neural Tube Defects [Book Chapter] 2018
  • World Nutrition Forum 2012
    Gelineau-van Waes, Riley R. T., Voss K. A., Showker J. L., Torres O., Matutue J., Maddox J. R., Rainey M. A., Gardner N. M., Sachs A., Gregory S. G., Ashley-Koch A. E., Krupp D., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Development of Biomarkers to Assess Fumonisin Exposure and Birth Defects [Book Chapter] 2012
  • Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
    Voss K. A., Riley R. T., Waes J. G. V., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Fumonisins [Book Chapter] 2011
  • Developmental Toxicology
    Gelineau-van Waes J., Fumonisin, Folate, and Neural Tube Defects [Book Chapter] 2010
  • Advances in Food and Nutrition Research
    Gelineau-van Waes J., Voss K. A., Stevens V. L., Speer M. C., Riley R. T., Chapter 5 Maternal Fumonisin Exposure as a Risk Factor for Neural Tube Defects [Book Chapter] 2009
  • Sphingolipid Biology
    Riley Ronald T., Voss Kenneth A., Speer Marcy, Stevens Victoria L., Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase [Book Chapter] 2006


  • Bhattacharyya Sohinee, Mushtaq Insha, Dutta Samikshan, George Manju, Storck Matthew D., McComb Rodney D., Rainey Mark A., Arya Priyanka, Mohapatra Bhopal C., Muirhead David, Todd Gordon L., Band Vimla, Gould Karen, Datta Kaustubh, Waes Janee Gelineau van, Band Hamid, Corrigendum 2017


  • Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    Voss Kenneth, Ryu Dojin, Jackson Lauren, Riley Ronald, Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Reduction of Fumonisin Toxicity by Extrusion and Nixtamalization (Alkaline Cooking)
    65:33, p. 7088 - 7096 2017
  • Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
    Gardner Nicole M., Maddox Joyce R., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Riley R. T., Sachs Andrew J., Voss K. A., Showker J. L., Elevated Nuclear Sphingoid Base-1-Phosphates and Decreased Histone Deacetylase Activity After Fumonisin B1 Treatment in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts
    298, p. 56 - 65 2016
  • Scientific Reports
    Bhattacharyya S., Waes J. G. -V, Band H., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Rainey M. A., Arya P., Dutta S., Datta K., George M., McComb R. D., Muirhead D., Todd G. L., Gould K., Storck M. D., Endocytic recycling protein EHD1 regulates primary cilia morphogenesis and SHH signaling during neural tube development
    6, p. (23 pages) 2016
  • Toxicological Sciences : An Official Journal of the Society of Toxicology
    Gardner Nicole M., Maddox Joyce R., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Riley R. T., Showker J. L., Voss K. A., Sachs Andrew J., Elevated Nuclear and Cytoplasmic FTY720-Phosphate in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Suggests the Potential for Multiple Mechanisms in FTY720-Induced Neural Tube Defects
    150:1, p. 161 - 168 2016
  • Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
    Riley R. T., Matute J., Gregory S. G., Ashley-Koch A. E., Showker J. L., Mitchell T., Voss K. A., Torres O., Maddox Joyce R., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Evidence for fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase in humans consuming maize-based foods and living in high exposure communities in Guatemala
    59:11, p. 2209 - 2224 2015
  • Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A. Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment
    Riley R. T., Showker J. L., Lee C. M., Zipperer C. E., Gardner Nicole M., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Torres O., Mitchell T. R., Voss K. A., Zitomer N. C., Matute J., Gregory S. G., Ashley-Koch A. E., Maddox Joyce R., A blood spot method for detecting fumonisin-induced changes in putative sphingolipid biomarkers in LM/Bc mice and humans
    32:6, p. 934 - 949 2015
  • World Mycotoxin Journal
    Torres O., Matute J., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Maddox Joyce R., Gregory S. G., Ashley-Koch A. E., Showker J. L., Voss K. A., Riley R. T., Human health implications from co-exposure to aflatoxins and fumonisins in maize-based foods in Latin America: Guatemala as a case study
    8:2, p. 143 - 159 2015
  • Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
    Torres Olga, Matute Jorge, Ashley-Koch Allison, Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Maddox Joyce R., Gregory Simon G., Showker Jency L., Zitomer Nicholas C., Voss Kenneth A., Riley Ronald T., Urinary fumonisin B1 and estimated fumonisin intake in women from high- and low-exposure communities in Guatemala
    58:5, p. 973 - 983 2014
  • Molecular nutrition & food research
    Voss Kenneth A, Riley Ronald T, Waes Janee Gelineau-Van, Fumonisin B, induced neural tube defects were not increased in LM/Bc mice fed folate-deficient diet
    58:6, p. 1190 - 1198 2014
  • Birth Defects Research. Part A. Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Gardner N. M., Riley R. T., Maddox J. R., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Sachs A. J., Increased Nuclear Sphingoid Base-1-Phosphates and HDAC Inhibition after Fumonisin and FTY720-Treatment: The Link between Epigenomic Modifications and Neural Tube Defects?
    97:5, p. 304 - 304 2013
  • International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
    Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Maddox Joyce R., Rainey Mark A., Riley R. T., Voss K., Gardner Nicole M., Sachs Andrew J., Tortillas and toxins: Gene–environment interactions in fumonisin-induced neural tube defects
    30:8, p. 636 2012
  • Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Gelineau-van Waes Janee, Rainey Mark A., Maddox Joyce R., Voss Kenneth A., Sachs Andrew J., Gardner Nicole M., Wilberding Justin D., Riley Ronald T., Increased sphingoid base-1-phosphates and failure of neural tube closure after exposure to fumonisin or FTY720
    94:10, p. 790 - 803 2012
  • Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
    Riley Ronald T., Torres Olga, Showker Jency L., Zitomer Nicholas C., Voss Kenneth A., Gelineau-van Waes Janee, Maddox Joyce R., Gregory Simon G., Ashley-Koch Allison E., Matute Jorge, The kinetics of urinary fumonisin B1 excretion in humans consuming maize-based diets
    56:9, p. 1445 - 1455 2012
  • Birth Defects Research. Part A. Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Gardner Nicole M., Maddox Joyce R., Rainey Mark A., Sachs Andrew J., Riley R. T., Gelineau-van Waes Janee B., Altered Expression of Sphingolipid Metabolites and TGF beta Superfamily Genes in Fumonisin and FTY720-Treated Exencephalic Embryos
    94:5, p. 312 - 312 2012
  • The FASEB journal
    Callihan Phillip, Gelineau-van Waes Janee, Stice Steven L, Riley Ronald T, Hooks Shelley B, Lysophospholipid signaling in human neural progenitors
    24:S1, p. 761.3 - 761.3 2010
  • Toxicological Sciences
    Voss Kenneth A., Riley Ronald T., Snook Maurice E., Gelineau-van Waes Janee, Reproductive and sphingolipid metabolic effects of fumonisin B1 and its alkaline hydrolysis product in LM/Bc mice
    112:2, p. 459 - 467 2009
  • Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Waes Janee Gelineau Van, Heller Steven, Bauer Linda K., Wilberding Justin, Finnell Richard H., Maddox Joyce R., Aleman Francisco, Rosenquist Thomas H., Embryonic development in the reduced folate carrier knockout mouse is modulated by maternal folate supplementation
    82:7, p. 494 - 507 2008
  • BMC Genomics
    Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Wilberding Justin, Eudy James D., Bauer Linda K., Finnell Richard H., Maddox Joyce R., Smith Lynette M., Van Waes Michael, Microarray analysis of E9.5 reduced folate carrier (RFC1; Slc19a1) knockout embryos reveals altered expression of genes in the cubilin-megalin multiligand endocytic receptor complex
    9 2008
  • Experimental Eye Research
    Gelineau-van Waes J., Smith L., van Waes M., Wilberding J., Eudy J. D., Bauer L. K., Maddox J., Altered expression of the iron transporter Nramp1 (Slc11a1) during fetal development of the retinal pigment epithelium in microphthalmia-associated transcription factor Mitfmi and Mitfvitiligo mouse mutants
    86:2, p. 419 - 433 2008
  • Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    Taparia Shveta, Gelineau-Van Waes Janée, Rosenquist Thomas H., Finnell Richard H., Importance of folate-homocysteine homeostasis during early embryonic development
    45:12, p. 1717 - 1727 2007
  • Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Zhu Huiping, Waes Janee Gelineau Van, Schwartz Robert J., Finnell Richard H., Wlodarczyk Bogdan J., Scott Melissa, Yu Wei, Merriweather Michelle, Cardiovascular abnormalities in Folr1 knockout mice and folate rescue
    79:4, p. 257 - 268 2007
  • The FASEB journal
    Finnell Richard H, Zhu Huiping, Wong Leeyean, Waes Janee Gelineau‐Van, Cabrera Robert, Maddox Joyce, Rosenquist Thomas, Embryonic Consequences of Abnormal Folate Transport: Impact on Congenital Heart Defects
    21:6, p. LB40 - LB40 2007
  • Birth Defects Research Part B - Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
    Bennett Gregory D., VanWaes Janee, Rosenquist Thomas H., Moser Kristine, Chaudoin Tammy, Starr Lois, Failure of homocysteine to induce neural tube defects in a mouse model
    77:2, p. 89 - 94 2006
  • Mycotoxin Research
    Voss K. A., Gelineau-Van Waes J. B., Riley R. T., Fumonisins
    22:1, p. 61 - 69 2006
  • JSM Mycotoxins
    Voss K.A., Riley R.T., Waes J.B. Gelineau-van, Fetotoxicity and neural tube defects in CD1 mice exposed to the mycotoxin fumonisin B1
    2006:Suppl4, p. 67 - 72 2006
  • Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology
    Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Starr Lois, Maddox Joyce, Aleman Francisco, Voss Kenneth A., Wilberding Justin, Riley Ronald T., Maternal fumonisin exposure and risk for neural tube defects
    73:7, p. 487 - 497 2005
  • Maikotokishin
    Voss Kenneth, Riley Ronald, Waes Janee, Trends in fumonisin research: Recent studies on the developmental effects of fumonisins and Fusarium verticillioides
    55:2, p. 91 - 100 2005
  • Nestlé Nutrition workshop series. Paediatric programme
    Rosenquist Thomas H., van Waes Janee Gelineau, Shaw Gary M., Finnell Richard, Nutrient effects upon embryogenesis, p. 29 - 40; discussion 40 2005
  • Journal of Nutrition
    Marasas Walter F.O., Riley Ronald T., Hendricks Katherine A., Stevens Victoria L., Sadler Thomas W., Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Missmer Stacey A., Cabrera Julio, Torres Olga, Gelderblom Wentzel C.A., Allegood Jeremy, Martínez Carolina, Sullards M. Cameron, Maddox Joyce, Miller J. David, Starr Lois, Roman Ana Victoria, Voss Kenneth A., Wang Elaine, Merrill Alfred H., Fumonisins Disrupt Sphingolipid Metabolism, Folate Transport, and Neural Tube Development in Embryo Culture and In Vivo
    134:4, p. 711 - 716 2004
  • Epidemiology
    Lammer Edward J., Shaw Gary M., Iovannisci David M., Van Waes Janee, Finnell Richard H., Maternal smoking and the risk of orofacial clefts
    15:2, p. 150 - 156 2004
  • Maikotokishin
    Voss Kenneth A., Riley Ronald T., Waes Janee B. GELINEAU-VAN, Bacon Charles W., Fumonisins: toxicology, emerging issues, and prospects for control and detoxification
    2003:Suppl3, p. 41 - 48 2003
  • Mycopathologia
    Gelineau-Van Waes J., Maddox J., Grabowski L., Heller S., Bennett G., Role of folate in fumonisin B1-induced neural tube defects
    155:1-2 SPEC 2002
  • Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    Finnell Richard H., Gelineau-van Waes Janée, Eudy James D., Rosenquist Thomas H., Molecular basis of environmentally induced birth defects
    42, p. 181 - 208 2002
  • Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
    Wlodarczyk Bogdan, Spiegelstein Ofer, Gelineau-Van Waes Janée, Vorce Roseann L., Lu Xiufen, Le Chris X., Finnell Richard H., Arsenic-induced congenital malformations in genetically susceptible folate binding protein-2 knockout mice
    177:3, p. 238 - 246 2001
  • Waes Janée Gelineau Van, Finnell Richard H., Importance of model organisms in understanding the biology and genetic basis of human nonsyndromic neural tube defects 2001
  • Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
    Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Finnell Richard H., Genetics of neural tube defects
    8:3, p. 160 - 164 2001
  • Toxicology Letters
    Ruan Ying, Peterson Mary H., Wauson Eric M., Waes Janee Gelineau Van, Finnell Richard H., Vorce Roseann L., Folic acid protects SWV/Fnn embryo fibroblasts against arsenic toxicity
    117:3, p. 129 - 137 2000
  • Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
    Finnell Richard H., Piedrahita Jorge A., Eberwine James H., Waes Janee Gelineau Van, Bennett Gregory D., Barber Robert C., Wlodarczyk Bogdan, Shaw Gary M., Lammer Edward J., Genetic basis of susceptibility to environmentally induced neural tube defects
    919, p. 261 - 277 2000
  • Nature genetics
    Piedrahita Jorge A., Finnell Richard H., Oetama Betty, Bennett Gregory D., Van Waes Janée, Kamen Barton A., Richardson James, Lacey Stephen W., Anderson Richard G.W., Mice lacking the folic acid-binding protein Folbp1 are defective in early embryonic development
    23:2, p. 228 - 232 1999
  • Teratology
    Gelineau-Van Waes Janee, Bennett Gregory D., Finnell Richard H., Phenytoin-induced alterations in craniofacial gene expression
    59:1, p. 23 - 34 1999
  • Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
    JOHNSTON C. A., WAES J. GELINEAU‐VAN, TEMPLIN M. V., Physiological Significance and Interactions between Oxytocin and Central Neuropeptide and Monoamine Neurotransmitters in the Regulation of the Preovulatory Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone
    652:1, p. 440 - 442 1992


  • PRIM&R invited speaker, IACUC Chair Networking Session 2022
  • Invited Speaker: Symposium on Nongenetic Factors Causing Neural Tube Defects: "Fumonisin B1 and Fingolimod: Tortilla Toxin and Oral Therapeutic Target Sphingolipid Pathways During Neural Tube Closure. 2018
  • Tortillas and Toxins: Fumonisin Exposure as a Risk Factor for NTDs Hot Topics Session on Washington State NTD Cluster, 54th Annual Meeting of the Teratology Society, Bellevue, WA 2014
  • Tortillas, Toxins, and Neural Tube Defects Molecular Basis of Human Disease, University of Nebraska Medical Center 2014
  • Gene-Environment Interactions in Susceptibility to Fumonisin-Induced Neural Tube Defects 8th International Conference on Neural Tube Defects, Austin, TX 2013
  • Invited Seminar: NWI VA Medical Center Research Seminar Series, Omaha, NE, Dec. 7, 2012 "Tortillas, Toxins, and Neural Tube Defects" 2012
  • Invited Speaker: March of Dimes Prematurity Summit, Omaha, NE, Oct. 15, 2012 "Tortillas, Toxins, and Neural Tube Defects" 2012
  • Teratology Society Annual Meeting 2012
  • Faculty Club at Center Stage 2012
  • Neural Tube Defect Symposium, International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Mumbai, India, "Gene-Environment Interactions in Fumonisin-Induced Neural Tube Defects: Genetic Variants and Metabolic Toxin Converge on a Bicistronic Modulator of CNS Development" 2012
  • Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference 2011
  • 7th International Conference on Neural Tube Defects, Austin, TX, "Gene-Environment Interactions in Fumonisin-Induced Neural Tube Defects: Genetic Variants and Metabolic Toxin Converge on a Bicistronic Modulator of CNS Development" 2011
  • "Embryonic Development and Birth Defects: Gene-Nutrient-Environment Interactions: A Multifactorial Perspective" 2011
  • Invited Seminar: Molecular Cell Biology Seminar Series, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, May 7, 2010 "Of Maize and Men: A Tale of Tortillas, Toxins, and Teratogens" 2011
  • Guest Lecture: Environmental Health Sciences Webinar, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 14, 2011 "Food Safety and Pregnancy: Mycotoxins and Risk for Birth Defects" 2011
  • Invited Seminar: Nebraska Wesleyan University Developmental Biology Class, Lincoln, NE, April 7, 2011 "Gestational Exposure to Fumonisin and Risk for Neural Tube Defects" 2011
  • Invited Seminar: Biomedical Sciences Departmental Seminar, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, Feb. 28, 2011 "Tortillas, Toxins and Pregnancy: Deciphering the Enigma of Fumonisin and Birth Defects" 2011
  • Molecular Cell Biology Seminar 2010
  • Biology Seminar, Wesleyan University 2010
  • Molecular Basis of Human Disease graduate lecture (UNMC) 2010
  • Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences Webinar, University of Georgia 2010
  • Society of Toxicology, Salt Lake City, UT 2010
  • FASEB Conference: Cilia, Signaling, and Human Disease, Monterey, CA 2010
  • Sphingolipid Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA 2010
  • BRTP822 graduate lecture (UNMC) 2009
  • BRTP822 graduate lecture (UNMC) 2009
  • BRTP822 graduate lecture (UNMC) 2009
  • Neural Tube Defect Conference, Burlington, Vermont 2009


  • Neural Tube Defect Risk Factors: Fumonisin, Folate and (Epi)genetic Interactions

  • mir-574-5p Balances the Neural Progenitor Sphingolipid-APP Axis of Good and Evil

  • CerS1-Gdf1: Bicistronic Balance of Neural Stem Cell Fate

  • Mouse Model of Dolutegravir-Induced Neural Tube Defects


  • Mycotoxins and Birth Defects in Maize-Based Cultures: A Global Health Concern (RC4)


  • Developing a mouse model of endometriosis to test novel therapeutic targets


  • Intramural Research Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine Distinguished Research Career Award


  • HESI Dev and Repro Tox Steering Committee
    scientific advisor
    Health & Environmental Sciences Institute
    2014 - 2014
  • State Program Services Committee, Nebraska Chapter
    March of Dimes Foundation
    2014 - 2014