Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Peter Jack Gallo, PhD

Associate Professor

Marketing and Management

P Gallo


Heider College of Business
Marketing & Management - Business
Graduate School
Business Administration MBA (Master's)
HARP - Harper Center for Student Life & Learn

Peter Jack Gallo, PhD

Associate Professor

Marketing and Management

Dr. Peter Gallo is an assistant professor in the department of Marketing and Management at Creighton University Heider College of Business.  The classes he teaches include Strategic Management, Sustainable Enterprise, Renewable Energy Strategy and Strategy Research Seminar.  He is passionate about education and is inspired by the creativity of the human mind.

He believes “with proper management practice, innovation can be focused on improving the world for all, and not just the bank accounts of the few.”

His ongoing research interests include sustainability, business model innovation, social entrepreneurship and organizational change.

Dr. Gallo received his BSE in Environmental Energy Engineering from Stanford University and his MBA and PhD in Management from Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill.  In addition to academia, Dr. Gallo’s biggest interest is in exploring the natural beauty and cultural diversity of our planet.  His ongoing research grants him the privilege to travel to new places and learn from various cultures and traditions. 


Marketing and Management


Associate Professor


  • Journal of Business Ethics
    Montiel, I., Gallo, P., Antonin-Lopez, R., (2020) What on Earth Should Managers Learn about Corporate Sustainability: A Threshold Concept Approach. Journal of Business Ethics 162, 857-880 2019
  • Sage
    Gallo, P., Montiel, I., Antonin-Lopez, R., (2020) Technology in Responsible Management Education; in Moosmayer, D.C., Lasch, O., Parkes, C., and Brown, K.G. (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education. London, Sage, 2020. 2019
  • Journal of Cleaner Production
    Gallo, P., Antonin-Lopez, R., Montiel, I., Associative Sustainable Business Models: Cases in the bean-to-bar chocolate industry
    Vol 174, p. 905-916 2018
  • Academy of Management Learning & Education
    Montiel, I., Antonin-Lopez, R., Gallo, P., Emotions and Sustainability: A Literary Genre Based Framework for Environmental Sustainability Management Education.
    17(2), p. 155-183 2017
  • Journal of Innovative Education Strategies
    Gallo, P., Corritore, C.L., York, A.S., Wichman, C.S., Trusting the Simplicity of the Ultimate Question: A Customer Satisfaction Approach to Student Evaluations of Teaching.
    4(1), p. 51-66 2015
  • Journal of Organizational Design
    Gallo, Peter, Burton, Richard Sequencing Organizational Change for Post-Shock Adaptation: A Simulation Model
    1, p. 37-50 2012
  • Business & Society
    Gallo, Peter J., Christensen, Lisa J. Firm size matters: An empirical investigation of organizational size and ownership on sustainability-related behaviors
    50, p. 315-349 2011


  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Social Entrepreneurship Summit, "Avoiding Altruism Pitfalls in Social Entrepreneurial Ventures," VUB Social Entrepreneurship, Santa Marta, Colombia. (September 12, 2019) 2019
  • Montiel, I. (Author Only), Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Antonin-Lopez, R. (Author Only), AIB-LAT 9thAnnual Conference, Competitive Session, "How to Make Responsible Management Learning for Corporate Sustainability More Effective: An application of the threshold concept framework," Academy of International Business, Cochabamba, Bolivia. (March 15, 2019) 2019
  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Montiel, I. (Author Only), Antonin-Lopez, R. (Author Only), AIB-LAT 7th Annual Conference, Competitive Session, "We Grow it, We Benefit: Cooperative Business Models Creating Shared Value in the Chocolate Industry," Academy of International Business, Lima, Peru. (March 9, 2017) 2017
  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Montiel, I. (Author Only), Antonin-Lopez, R. (Author Only), 2016 AOM Annual Meeting: Making Organizations Meaningful, Paper Session, "A Literary Genre Based Framework for Corporate Sustainability Education," Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA. (August 8, 2016) 2016
  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Facilitator), Morales Raya, M. (Presenter & Participant), 2016 AOM Annual Meeting: Making Organizations Meaningful, PDW Workshop, "The Use of Technology and Mobile Apps to Teach Corporate Sustainability: Dematerialization," Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA. (August 6, 2016) 2016
  • Gallo, P. (Author Only), Montiel, I. (Presenter & Author), Antonin-Lopez, R. (Presenter & Author), 2016 GRONEN Research Conference, "A Literary Genre Based Framework for Sustainability Management Education," GRONEN, Hamburg, Germany. (May 26, 2016) 2016
  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Montiel, I. (Author Only), Antonin-Lopez, R. (Author Only), 11th OS Workshop: Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling "Storytelling in Corporate Sustainability Education," Organization Studies, Mykonos, Greece. (May 19, 2016) 2016
  • Gallo, P. (Presenter & Author), Corritore, C. L. (Author Only), Wichman, C. S. (Author Only), York, A. S. (Author Only), 2015 AOM Vancouver, "Trusting the Simplicity of the Ultimate Question: A Customer Satisfaction Approach to Student Evaluations of Teaching," Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada. (August 10, 2015) 2015