Advanced Surgical Techniques for Rural Surgeons Gagliano Ronald A., Kenny Patrick R., Endomucosal Resection of Colon Polyps and Control of Postpolypectomy Bleeding [Book Chapter] 2015
Current problems in surgery Williams Brian, Koller Sarah D, Starr Tanya Jt, Star Maximillian J H, Shaw Darcy D, Hakim Ali H, Gagliano Ronald A, Elnagar Jaafar, Gupta Abhinav, Torgerson Zachary H, Leinicke Jennifer, Visenio Michael, Perrone Kenneth H, Ternent Charles A, Chen Kevin A, Person Austin D, Kapadia Muneera R, Keller Deborah S, Clark Clarence E, Arcomano Nicolas, Abcarian Ariane M, Beaty Jennifer S, Okonkwo Adatee, Emergency Colon and Rectal Surgery, What Every Surgeon Needs to Know 61:1, p. 101427 - 101427 2024
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Dameworth Jonathan L., Corrigan Devin, Driessen Rebecca, Chapple Kristina, Gagliano Ronald A., Walia Rajat, Row David, Colburn Luc, Colorectal Cancer Prevention in Lung Transplant Recipients: The Need for an Enhanced Surveillance Protocol 232:5, p. 717 - 725 2021
Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.) Olson Michael T., Elnahas Shaimaa, Dameworth Jonathan, Row David, Gagliano Ronald A., Roy Sreeja Biswas, Kang Paul, Walia Rajat, Bremner Ross M., Management and Outcomes of Diverticulitis After Lung Transplantation 30:3, p. 235 - 242 2020
The American surgeon Raffetto Michael L., Chapple Kristina M., Israr Sharjeel, McGeever Kevin P., Gagliano Ronald A., Jacobs Jordan, Weinberg Jordan A., Letting the Numbers Speak for Themselves: A Simple Approach to Cost Reduction for Laparoscopic Appendectomy 85:12, p. 1405 - 1408 2019
Weinberg Jordan A, Chapple Kristina M, Gagliano Ronald A, Israr Sharjeel, Petersen Scott R, Back to the Future: Impact of a Paper-Based Admission H 2019
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Israr Sharjeel, Goslar Pamela W., Chapple Kristina M., Hayden Joel J., Weinberg Jordan A., Gagliano Ronald A., Gillespie Thomas L., Ahmed Aabra, Patient Perception of Medical Student Professionalism: Does Attire Matter? 227:4, p. S225 - S225 2018
Journal of thoracic disease Gemma Vincent, Gagliano Ronald A., Bremner Ross M., Walia Rajat, Row David, Mistrot Daniel, Mehta Atul C., Panchabhai Tanmay S., Pneumatosis intestinalis in solid organ transplant recipients 10:3, p. 1984 - 1997 2018
Chest Mistrot Daniel P, Panchabhai Tanmay S, Gemma Vincent A, Gagliano, Jr Ronald A, Omar Ashraf, A 54-Year-Old Man Presenting With an Abnormal Abdominal CT Scan 8 Months After Double Lung Transplant 149:5, p. e151 - e155 2016
The American journal of gastroenterology Wetstein Paul, Wang James, Thibault Gregory, Gagliano Ronald, Tabak Benjamin, Novel Endoscopic Placement of an Over-The-Scope Clip (OTSC) for Closure of a Recto-neobladder Fistula 110, p. S191 - S192 2015
Case reports in surgery Plackett Timothy P., Kwon Edward, Gagliano Ronald A., Oh Robert C., Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome—Hypermobility Type and Hemorrhoids 2014, p. 171803 - 3 2014
Case reports in medicine Schlussel Andrew T., Donlon Susan S., Eggerding Faye A., Gagliano Ronald A., Identification of an APC Variant in a Patient with Clinical Attenuated Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 2014, p. 432324 - 3 2014
Journal of Surgical Oncology Lin-Hurtubise Kevin M., Yheulon Christopher G., Gagliano Ronald A., Jr., Lynch Henry T., Excess of Extracolonic Non-Endometrial Multiple Primary Cancers in MSH2 Germline Mutation Carriers Over MLH1 108:7, p. 433 - 437 2013
Annals of vascular surgery Carlson Terri, Davis Konrad, Sanders J. Paul, Madar Cristian, Katras Tony, Gagliano Ronald A., Acute Hepatic Failure Associated With Arteriovenous Fistulae for Hemodialysis 26:7, p. 1012.e1 - 1012.e4 2012
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Gagliano Ronald, Borman Karen R., Dayton Merril T., Tuggle David, Weigelt John, Russell John, Duty Hours, Quality of Care, and Patient Safety: General Surgery Resident Perceptions Discussion 215:1, p. 77 - 79 2012
Surgical infections Sarkar Joy, Gagliano Ronald A., Plackett Timothy P., Periappendiceal Submucosal Abscess Presenting as a Cecal Mass 12:4, p. 321 - 323 2011
Military medicine Schlussel Andrew T., Yheulon Christopher G., Gagliano Ronald A., Negative-Pressure Pulmonary Edema Following a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy 176:8, p. 964 - 965 2011
Journal of the American College of Surgeons Gagliano Ronald, Mittal Vijay, A Novel Nonoperative Orthotopic Colorectal Cancer Murine Model Using Electrocoagulation Discussion 213:1, p. 60 - 61 2011
The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association Plackett Timothy P., Myers Jonathan, Gagliano Ronald A., Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Complicating Asymptomatic Nonrotation of the Midgut 110:8, p. 437 - 440 2010
Hawaii medical journal (1962) Washington Ezella N, Placket Timothy P, Gagliano Ronald A, Kavolius Jeffery, Person Donald A, Diffuse plexiform neurofibroma of the back: report of a case 69:8, p. 191 - 193 2010
Hawaii medical journal (1962) Plackett Timothy P, Coviello Lisa C, Belnap Christina M, Phillips Kimberley J, Gagliano Ronald A, Sims Carrie A, Intussusception and colonic ischemia in portal hypertension: a case report 69:2, p. 39 - 41 2010
Cases journal Elyassi Ali R, Lin-Hurtubise Kevin, Gagliano Ronald, Unusual sized cecal mass presenting without obstruction: a case report 2:2, p. 131 - 131 2009
Current surgery Herr Marc W, Gagliano Ronald A, Historical perspective and current management of colonic and intraperitoneal rectal trauma 62:2, p. 187 - 192 2005
Journal of computer assisted tomography Reinschmidt John P, Murray Sean P, Casha Lawrence M, Gagliano Ronald A, Tracy David A, Collins George J, Localization of pulmonary nodules using suture-ligated microcoils 25:2, p. 314 - 318 2001