Ronald David Fussell, EdD

Associate Chair, Education Department

Associate Professor

photo placeholder for Fussell, Ronald D.


College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Catholic School Leadership (Graduate Certificate)
Educational Leadership (Master of Science)
K-12 Educational Leadership through Sports (Graduate Certificate)
EPLY - Eppley Building - 447

Ronald David Fussell, EdD

Associate Chair, Education Department

Associate Professor

A native of New Hampshire, Dr. Fussell has enjoyed a successful career as an educator and leader in both public and Catholic schools. Prior to joining the Education Department faculty at Creighton, Dr. Fussell was the Associate Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Manchester (NH), where he led innovative efforts to improve diocesan curricula, leadership development, teacher and principal evaluation, and Catholic school identity in service to 26 schools and nearly 6000 Catholic school students in the State of New Hampshire.

Dr. Fussell is a core faculty member in Creighton's innovative educational leadership programs.  He teaches courses for aspiring Catholic school leaders, and he directs the Graduate Certificate in Catholic School Leadership.  Outside of the classroom, Dr. Fussell serves as an executive board member of Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools, and he is the Vice President of the advisory council that oversees the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools.  Dr. Fussell is a volunteer review board member for the Nebraska Foster Care Review Office, and he engages in other service work in the greater Omaha community.

A passionate advocate for Catholic education, Dr. Fussell is honored to have a national voice regarding important topics such as lay Catholic educator faith formation, Catholic school identity, and Catholic school leadership development. Dr. Fussell is a frequent presenter at local and national conferences for Catholic education and he is available for professional development for Catholic schools and dioceses seeking to strengthen Catholic school identity across all aspects of school life.

Research Focus

Catholic School Leadership, Catholic School Mission and Identity, Lay Educator Faith Formation, Teacher Professional Development




Associate Professor


  • National Catholic Educational Association
    Simonds, T., Fussell, R. Writing a new story for Catholic schools. 2021
  • National Catholic Educational Association
    Engel, M., Brock, B., Simonds, T., Hearn, J., Fussell, R., & Cook, T. Your school's Catholic identity: Name it, claim it, and build on it. 2020
  • National Catholic Educational Association
    Fussell, R., Engel, M. Faith formation for the Catholic school community: A sourcebook for practicioners. -0001


  • Journal of Catholic Education
    Fussell, R., Feed My Sheep: A Framework for Lay Educator Faith Formation in Catholic Schools. Journal of Catholic Education (24)1.
    Vol. 24, Issue 1, p. 143-164 2021
  • Journal of Catholic Education
    Simonds, T. A., Cook, T. J., Engel, M. T., Fussell, R., & Hearn, J. Preparing pastors to be leaders of parish schools.
    Vol. 24, Issue 1, p. 125-142 2021
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Is your professional learning inspired? Connecting professional learning with the light of faith.
    Vol 50, Issue 4 2021
  • International Studies in Catholic Education
    Cook, T., Fussell, R., Simonds, T. Retention and turnover of Catholic school superintendents. 2021
  • Journal of Catholic Education
    Fussell, R., Gather us in: Building meaningful relationships in Catholic schools amid a COVID-19 context.
    Vol. 23, Issue 2, p. 149-161 2020
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Forming Hearts in Times of Crisis: How Catholic School Leaders Cultivate Community when Times are Tough. Momentum, 50(4).
    Vol. 50, Issue 4 2019
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Heart and Hands: The Importance of Meaningful Service in the Catholic School Community.
    Vol. 50, Issue 3, p. 30 - 33 2019
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Prayerful Reflection and Personal Encounter: Essential Elements for Forming the Hearts of Catholic School Educators.
    Vol. 50, Issue 2, p. 18 - 21 2019
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Tending Your Flock: The Catholic School Leader's Role in Building a Professional Faith Community.
    Vol. 50, Issue 1, p. 22-24 2019
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Sowing seeds of leadership through an aspiring leadership academy.
    Vol. 47, Issue 3 2016
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., It's not about the technology, it's about the relationships. Momentum, 44(4), 36-38.
    Vol. 44, Issue 4, p. 36 - 38 2013
  • Momentum
    Fussell, R., Catholic schools serve students by providing a sanctuary in the open heart of Christ.
    Vol. 43, Issue 2, p. 44 - 46 2012
  • International Studies in Catholic Education
    Simonds, T., Appleget, C., Cook, T., Fussell, R., Phillipe, K. Rodlach, A., & Rosales, R. Study of Latino/a student experiences in urban Catholic high schools [in press] -0001


  • National Catholic Educational Association
    Fussell, R., Steering the battleship: Change is at the Heart of Catholic school improvement [Online Blog] 2017


  • Fussell, R. (2022). Reflections on Parenting a Child with and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services [Online[ 2022
  • Fussell, R. (2022). The best is yet to come: Four things you can do now to joygully enhance Catholic identity in your school. Diocese of Grand Island. Kearney, NE. 2022
  • Fussell, R. (2022). Embedding faith in content areas. Archdiocese of Omaha. Omaha, NE. 2022
  • Fussell, R. (2022). Keepers of charism and culture: An inspired approach to leadership and evangelization. 2022
  • Simonds, T., & Fussell, R. Writing a New Story for Catholic Schools. National Catholic Educational Association [Podcast] 2022
  • Fussell, R., (2022). United in mission, committed to growth: Sustaining mission in the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Columbus. Diocese of Columbus. [Workshop and Retreat] 2021
  • Simonds, T. & Fussell, R. Effective executive leadership in Catholic education. National Catholic Educational Association Catholic Leadership Summit 2021
  • Fussell, R. (2021). The best is yet to come: Revitalizing Catholic Identity at Sacred Heart High School. Los Angeles, CA (Presented online due to COVID-19) 2021
  • Cook, T., & Fussell, R. (2021). Stability in the Catholic School Superintendency. National Catholic Educational Association [Podcast] 2021
  • Fussell, R. (2021). The Power of One: How Heroic Teachers Change Lives. Omaha, NE. 2021
  • Fussell, R. (2021, February 23). Charism as the Face of the Church: Leading Through Relationships. Lasallian Regional Formation Institute. (presented online due to COVID-19) 2021
  • Fussell, R. (2021, February 9). Charism as the Face of the Church: Looking Inward. Lasallian Regional Formation Institute. (presented online due to COVID-19) 2021
  • Cook, T., Fussell, R., Simonds, T., (2020, September). Stories of the Catholic School Superintendency: Things Need To Change. (presented online at the NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit due to COVID -19). 2020
  • Fussell, R. (2020, May). Inspired Design: Teaching Faith in All Content Areas. Omaha, NE (presented online due to COVID-19) 2020
  • Fussell, R. (2020, April). Inspiried Design: Illuminating Catholic School Curriculum with the Light of Faith. NCEA Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD (Accepted) 2020
  • Fussell, R. (2020, February 20). Leading from the Heart: Faith Leadership in Catholic Schools. Intermountain Principals' Consortium. Salt Lake City, UT 2020
  • Fussell, R., Cook, T., & Hearn, J. (2019, October). Supporting Pastors as Leaders of Catholic Schools. NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit. Newport, RI. 2019
  • Fussell, R. (2019, October 11). United in Mission, Intent on One Purpose [Faculty Retreat]. Malden Catholic High School. Malden, MA. 2019
  • Fussell, R., (2019, August 14). The Joy of Catholic Education - Sharing Faith to Transform Hearts and Minds [Half-day Faculty Retreat]. St. James/Seton School. Omaha, NE. 2019
  • Fussell, R. (2019, March 13). Project Based Learning and Differentiated Instruction. Adelbrook School System. Manchester/Cromwell, CT. 2019
  • Fussell, R. (2018, October 19). Animating our Faith in a Collegial Culture: Cultivating Relationships of Respect and Harmony. St. Stephen the Martyr School. Omaha, NE (full day retreat). 2018
  • Fussell R., & Cook, T. (2018, October 9). Animating our Faith: Engaging Core Values to Cultivate Catholic School Identity. Mundelein, IL. (full-day educator workshop) 2018
  • Simonds, T. & Fussell, R. (2018, July). A Total Plan to be Known as Catholic: Resource Allocation. NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders. Los Angeles, CA 2018
  • Fussell, R. (2018, June) Steering the Battleship: Managing the Change Process in a Catholic School. Iowa Catholic Administrators Conference. Des Moines, IA 2018
  • Cook, T. & Fussell, R. (2018, March) Kindling the Flame: Faith Leadership in Catholic Schools. Presentation for Midwest Province Jesuit Principals. Omaha, NE 2018
  • Fussell, R. (2017, July). Steering the Battleship: Managing the Change Process in a Catholic School. NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders. Boston, MA. 2017
  • Fussell, R. (2016, October 24). Feed My Sheep: A Framework for Lay Educator Faith Formation. NCEA Catholic School Leadership Summit. Indianapolis, IA. 2016
  • Fussell, R. (2016, September 14). Feed My Sheep: A Framework for Lay Educator Faith Formation. Diocese of Manchester. Manchester, NH (presentation for Catholic school administrators in northern New England) 2016
  • Fussell, R. (2016, July 20). Bridging the Gap Between Lay Educator Formation and Catholic School Identity. NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders. Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Fussell, R. (2016, July 18). Cultivating Emerging Leadership with an Aspiring Leadership Program. NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders. Omaha, NE. 2016


  • Center for Faculty Excellence Fellow
    Creighton University
  • Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
    Creighton University Graduate School
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award
    Creighton University
  • School Administrator of the Year
    New Hampshire Music Educators Association