American journal of clinical and experimental urology Feloney Michael P, Klock Julie A, Zhang Yuanyuan, Dual balloon adjustable continence therapy for urinary incontinence 11:4, p. 334 - 338 2023
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Khan Anwar, Khan Ansar U, Siref Larry, Feloney Michael, Focal Cryoablation of the Prostate: Primary Treatment in 163 Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer 15:4, p. e37172 - e37172 2023
Andrologia Zhang Zejian, Zhu Xia, Wang Yaomin, Chen Dong, Fan Jiqing, Deng Chunhua, Liu Guihua, Yang Lin, Feloney Michael, Wang Xisheng, Zhang Yuanyuan, Sexual dysfunction associated with chronic retention of foreign bodies in the low urinary tract 54:3 2022
Journal of Robotic Surgery Johar Alexander, Brush Thomas, Collins Braedon, Pomajzl A. J., Feloney Michael, Novel process for three-dimensional anatomy and surgical video production 2022
Annals of Medicine and Surgery Najdawi Faris, Means Matthew, Didde Ryan, Feloney Michael, Testicular cancer presenting as disseminated tuberculosis 72 2021
Frontiers in Medicine Gong Zhi Cheng, Zhao Shan Chao, Wu Zhi Liang, Leng Xiaoyan, Wen Yao An, Zou Jie Peng, Wang Xisheng, Bleyer Anthony J., Deng Chunhua, Feloney Michael P., Zhang Yuanyuan, Sexual Dysfunction in Patients With Urinary Bladder Stones but no Bladder Outlet Obstruction 8 2021
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology Zhang Zejian, Chen Dong, Deng Ling, Li Wei, Wang Xisheng, Zhang Yuanyuan, Zhang Yixiang, Liekui Fang, Feloney Michael P., Iatrogenic ureteral injury during retroperitoneal laparoscopy for large renal cysts 29:1, p. 185 - 196 2021
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Feloney Michael, Wu Jocelyn A., Brush Thomas, Dietz Nick, A Novel Presentation of Bladder Mass 24:5, p. e29 - e31 2018
Urology Droessler Jonathan, Williams Thomas, Haggstrom John, Tubre Teddi, Feloney Michael, A Periurethral Mass in a Female Patient With Sarcoidosis 114, p. 18 - 23 2018
Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology Rei Christina, Williams Thomas, Feloney Michael, Endometriosis in a Man as a Rare Source of Abdominal Pain: A Case Report and Review of the Literature 2018, p. 2083121 - 6 2018
Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants Williams Paige, Siref Larry, Feloney Michael, Pheochromocytoma of the bladder 30:10, p. 23 - 25 2017
Therapeutic Advances in Urology Desai Vikas, Isharwal Sudhir, Pooli Aydin, Lele Subodh, Feloney Michael, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of the bladder 6:5, p. 198 - 200 2014
World Journal of Surgical Oncology Wang Jue, Talmon Geoffrey A., Feloney Michael, Morris Michael C., Twelve-year survival after multiple recurrences and repeated metastasectomies for renal cell Carcinoma 9 2011
Journal of Sexual Medicine Park Eugene S., Villanueva Carlos A., Viers Boyd R., Siref Andy B., Feloney Michael P., Assessment of sexual dysfunction and sexually related personal distress in patients who have undergone orthotopic liver transplantation for end-stage liver disease 8:8, p. 2292 - 2298 2011
Journal of pelvic medicine and surgery Oyama I A., Feloney M, Grody M H.T., Holzberg A S., Steinberg A C., Maccarone J, NON-ORAL POSTER 51: Bilateral Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation Combined With a Graft Augmented Posterior Repair 11:2, p. 89 2005
Journal of pelvic medicine and surgery Steinberg A C., Oyama I A., Feloney M, Grody M H.T., Holzberg A S., Maccarone J, NON-ORAL POSTER 49: Vaginal Paravaginal Repair With the Use of Porcine Dermis 11:2, p. 88 2005
Journal of Pelvic Medicine and Surgery Oyama Ian A., Feloney Michael P., Steinberg Adam C., Advanced procedures for urinary incontinence 10:6, p. 289 - 304 2004
Journal of Urology Slobodov Gennady, Feloney Michael, Gran Christopher, Kyker Kimberly D., Hurst Robert E., Culkin Daniel J., Abnormal expression of molecular markers for bladder impermeability and differentiation in the urothelium of patients with interstitial cystitis 171:4, p. 1554 - 1558 2004
Physiology and Behavior Numan Robert, Feloney Michael P., Pham Kelly H., Tieber Lisa M., Effects of medial septal lesions on an operant go/no-go delayed response alternation task in rats 58:6, p. 1263 - 1271 1995
: Dual Balloon Adjustable Continence Therapy one Centers Experience 2023
Poster Presentation: Pomajzl AJ, Feloney M, Orf, J, Benjamin T. The 8811 BK Medical transducer is superior to the 8870 BK Medical transducer for color duplex Doppler of the penis. 98th Annual meeting of the South Central Section of the AUA. September 25-28, 2019. 2019
What Factors Play A Role for Malleable Vs. Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Implantation? 2017
Moderator Podium Section, South Central Section, Mens Health, Naples Florida November 2017Collins, B., Williams, T., Feloney, M., Siref, L.: "What Factors Play a Role for Malleable VS Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Implantation?" South Central Section AUA Poster Presentation November 2017 2017
Presented a poster at the Global Health Research Forum at Creighton University School of Medicine on health care disparities between men and women in the United States in early February. 2017
Presented abstract at South Central Section of AUA, Gender Disparities in Health Insurance Mandates 2016
Larry Siref, Michael Feloney, Nejuman Hussain, David Thompson, Tom Brush, Devendra Agrawal, Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells and Bladder Cancer October 2015 SCS AUA 2015
Tom Brush, Michael Feloney, Larry Siref Current Infection Prophylaxis in Penile Prosthetic Implantation, Podium Presentation October 2015 SCS AUA 2015
Feloney, Michael & Plamootil, Sheena: Mirabegron Use in Females with Multiple Sclerosis, Poster Presentation September 2015 ACOG District Meeting VI 2015
Grand Rounds: Female Urinary Incontinence, CUSM Department of OBGYN 2015
Grand Rounds: Female Urinary Incontinence, CUSM Department of Surgery 2015
Pomajzal, A., Feloney, M.: Evaluation of Everolimus use in Midwestern Tuberous Sclerosis Patients with renal angiomyolipomas, Poster Presentation at Creighton University School of Medicine St. Albert's Research Symposium April 2015 2015
Grand Rounds: Female Urinary Incontinence, UNMC Department of OBGYN 2012
Grand Rounds: Female Urinary Incontinence, UNMC Department of Surgery 2012
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons American College of Surgeons members are referred to as “Fellows.” Members abbreviate their membership status in the American College of Surgeons by using the letters FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeons). Those letters after a surgeon’s name mean that the surgeon’s education and training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have passed a rigorous evaluation, and have been found to be consistent with the high standards established and demanded by the College. American College of Surgeons