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Professor Fazilatfar joined Creighton Law in Fall 2023. His teaching and research interests lie primarily in the areas of Arbitration, Contracts, and Conflict of Laws. He is also interested in teaching Commercial Law, Mediation, Negotiations, International Business Transactions, International Arbitration, and Comparative Law. His scholarship has appeared in flagship law reviews, and he is the author of Overriding Mandatory Rules in International Commercial Arbitration (Edward Elgar Publishing 2019).
Professor Fazilatfar received his J.D. from the University of Iowa College of Law and an S.J.D. from Emory Law School. He also holds an LL.B. from the University of Isfahan, Iran and an LL.M. from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.
Prior to joining Creighton, he taught in the Business Law program at Western Carolina University. Fazilatfar is a dually educated lawyer and a licensed attorney.
Fazilatfar Hossein, Overriding mandatory rules in international commercial arbitration 2019
Journal of Dispute Resolution Fazilatfar Hossein, Arbitration and the mandatory law problem 2024:2, p. 56 - 81 2024
South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business Fazilatfar Hossein, Public policy norms and choice-of-law methodology adjustments in international arbitration 18:2, p. 88 - 110 2022
Texas Tech Law Review Fazilatfar Hossein, In defense of separability 54:2, p. 183 - 230 2022
South Carolina Law Review Fazilatfar Hossein, Adjudicating 'arbitrability' in the Fourth Circuit 71:4, p. 741 - 758 2020
Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution Fazilatfar Hossein, Following the Supreme Court in liberal construction of arbitration agreements under the fedearl pro-arbitration policy 23, p. 61 - 92 2015
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa Fazilatfar Hossein, The impact of supervening illegality on international contracts in a comparative context 45:2, p. 158 - 188 2012
City University of Hong Kong Law Review Fazilatfar Hossein, Transnational public policy 3:2, p. 289 - 313 2012