Carol A . Fassbinder-Orth, PhD



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College of Arts and Sciences
CURAS Contacts
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 523A

Carol A . Fassbinder-Orth, PhD



Carol Fassbinder-Orth received her BS from Iowa State University in Genetics in 2003 and her PhD in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008. Dr. Fassbinder-Orth has been a faculty member in the Biology Department at Creighton University in Omaha, NE since 2008. Her areas of teaching expertise include microbiology, disease ecology, and physiology. Her general research foci are ecoimmunology and disease ecology, with specific interests in honey bee disease dynamics.

Research Focus

Virology, Ecoimmunology, Zoonotic diseases






  • Journal of Apicultural Research
    Orth, A.J., E. H. Curran, E.J. Haas, A. C. Kraemer, A.M. Anderson, N. J. Mason, C. A. Fassbinder-Orth. 2021. Land use influences the composition and antimicrobial effects of propolis. Submitted to: Journal of Apicultural Research. 2021
  • Integrative Organismal Biology
    Fassbinder-Orth, C.A., L. D. Igl, D. C. Hahn, K. M. Watts, T. E. Wilcoxen, and K. R. Ramos-Álvarez. 2019. Do life history traits influence patterns of maternal immune elements in New World blackbirds (Icteridae)? Integrative Organismal Biology. 1(1):oby011.
    1 2019
  • Integrative Organismal Biology
    Blob, R.W., M.A. Butler, C.G. Farmer, C.A. Fassbinder-Orth, L.P. Hernandez, I.T. Moore, U.K. Muller, R.A. Satterlie, S.H. Williams, and A.P. Summers. 2019. Integrative Organismal BiologyA Journal We Want and Need. Integrative Organismal Biology. https://doi:10.1093/iob/oby005.
    1 2019
  • PLoS One
    Fassbinder-Orth, C., T. Killpack, D. Goto, E. Rainwater, V. Shearn-Bochsler. 2018. High costs of infection: Alphavirus infection reduces digestive function and bone and feather growth in nestling birds. Submitted to PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195467. 
    13(4), p. e0195467 2018
  • Methods in Ecology and Evolution
    Fassbinder-Orth, C., T. Wilcoxen, T. Tran, R. Boughton, J. Fair, E. Hofmeister, J. Grindstaff, and J. Owen. 2016. Immunoglobulin detection in wild birds: effectiveness of three secondary anti-avian IgY antibodies in direct ELISAs in 41 avian species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 7:1174-1181.
    7, p. 1174-1181 2016
  • Journal of Wildlife Diseases
    Hofmeister, E., R. Dusek, C. Fassbinder-Orth, B. Owen, and J.C. Franson. 2016. Susceptibility and antibody response of vesper sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus) to West Nile virus: A potential amplification host in sage-brush grassland habitat. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 52: 345-353.
    52, p. 345-353 2016
  • Integrative and Comparative Biology
    Fassbinder-Orth, C. A. Methods for quantifying gene expression in ecoimmunology: from qPCR to RNA-Seq
    54, p. 396-406 2014
  • Vector Borne & Zoonotic Diseases
    Fassbinder-Orth, Carol, Barak, Virginia A., Rainwater, Ellecia L., Altrichter, Ashley M. Buggy Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) Upregulates Expression of Pattern Recognition Receptors and Interferons in House Sparrows ( Passer domesticus)
    14, p. 439-446 2014
  • Journal of Wildlife Management
    Meier, Samuel A., Fassbinder-Orth, Carol A., Karasov, William H. Ontogenetic changes in innate immune function in captive and wild subspecies of prairie-chickens ( Tympanuchus cupido spp.)
    77, p. 633-638 2013
  • PLoS One
    Fassbinder-Orth, Carol A., Barak, Virginia A., Brown, Charles R. Immune Responses of a Native and an Invasive Bird to Buggy Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) and Its Arthropod Vector, the Swallow Bug (Oeciacus vicarius)
    8, p. e58045 2013
  • Integrative and Comparative Biology
    Fassbinder-Orth, C., Barak, V., Brown, C. Avian Immune Responses to Alphavirus Infections
    52, p. E56-E56 2012
  • Avian Diseases
    Fassbinder-Orth, Carol A., Hofmeister, Erik K., Weeks-Levy, Carolyn, Karasov, William H. Oral and Parenteral Immunization of Chickens (Gallus gallus) Against West Nile Virus with Recombinant Envelope Protein
    53, p. 502-509 2009

Editing and Reviews

  • Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
    Fassbinder-Orth, C. The avian migrant: the biology of bird migration
    51, p. 867-867 2014
  • Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
    Fassbinder-Orth, C. Penguins: natural history and conservation
    51, p. 296-296 2013


  • Fassbinder-Orth, C. Effects of Arbovirus Infections on Digestive Physiology, Growth, and Survival in Young Animals. Invited Symposium at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting, Austin, TX (January 3-7, 2020). 2020
  • C. Fassbinder-Orth. Honey bees in peril: an investigation of colony collapse disorder and honey bee viral infection dynamics. Invited seminar at Kansas State University Division of Biological Sciences. (Oct. 21, 2019). 2019
  • C. Fassbinder-Orth, S. Hughes, R. Sabotin, G. Push, and T. Tran. Honey bees in peril: The effects of a dicistrovirus infection on honey bee physiology, aging, and behavior. Oral presentation at the annual meeting for the American Society for Virology, Minneapolis, MN (July 20-24, 2019). 2019
  • Rollman, T., T. Rowan, B. Ryan, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Seasonal Population Dynamics of Swallow Bugs (Oeciacus vicarius) and their Endemic Alphavirus, Buggy Creek virus. Poster presentation at the annual meeting for the American Society for Virology, Minneapolis, MN (July 20-24, 2019). 2019
  • Rollman, T., T. Rowan, B. Ryan, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Buggy Creek virus Phenotype Dynamics in Swallow Bugs (Oeciacus vicarious). Poster presentation at the annual meeting for Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches of American Society of Microbiology Conference, Omaha, NE (March 15-16, 2019). 2019
  • Fassbinder-Orth, C. S. Hughes, R. Sabotin, T. Tran, G. Push. Honey bees in peril: an investigation of honey bee viral infection dynamics. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Tampa, FL (January 3-7, 2019). 2019
  • Hughes, S., and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Radio frequency identification as a tracking system: a study of honey bee behavior. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Tampa, FL (January 3-7, 2019) 2019
  • Fassbinder-Orth, C., R. Sabotin, and T. Tran. Honey Bees in Peril: The use of cricket paralysis virus as a model honey bee virus system to study colony collapse disorder. Oral presentation at the Society for Invertebrate Pathology Meeting in Gold Coast, Australia (August 6-12, 2018). 2018
  • Sabotin, R., T. Tran, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Vitellogenin Expression in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera): How viral infections influence honey bee physiology. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA (January 3-7, 2018). 2018
  • Fassbinder-Orth, C., and T. Tran. Honey Bee Viral Infections: Establishment of an Infection Model and Determination of the Effects of Varroa Mites on Viral Infection Severity. Poster presentation at the annual meeting for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA (January 3-7, 2017). 2017
  • Fassbinder-Orth, C., T. Rowan . Exploring the dynamics of Buggy Creek virus, a unique alphavirus in an insect-avian enzootic cycle. Oral presentation at the American Society for Virology annual meeting, Blacksburg, VA, (June 18, 2016). 2016
  • Klostermeyer, K, C. Hahn, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Comparison of total immunoglobulins in the albumen of avian brood parasites and non-brood parasites. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR. (January 3, 2016). 2016
  • Fassbinder-Orth, C., J. Katz, N. Chapman, S. Tracy. Defective interfering particles in Buggy Creek virus, a unique alphavirus. Poster presentation at the American Society for Virology meeting, London, Ontario (July 11-15, 2015). 2015
  • Using molecular techniques to measure immune responses and infectious disease dynamics in non-model species. C. Fassbinder-Orth. Invited Symposium at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2014
  • Lipid digestion and absorption are impaired during an alphavirus infection in nestling birds. D. Goto, E. Rainwater, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Oral presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2014
  • Effects of an arbovirus infection on nestling house sparrow digestive enzyme activity. M. Walek, B. Kawamoto, R. Shrestha, T. Tran, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Poster presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2014
  • Expanding our toolbox in avian ecological immunology: effectiveness of a new anti-passerine IgY detecting antibody in wild birds. T. Tran, R. Boughton, J. Fair, T. Wilcoxen, E. Hofmeister, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Poster presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 2014
  • Effects of an arbovirus infection on avian digestive enzyme activity. B. Kawamoto, M. Walek, R. Shrestha, T. Tran, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Poster presentation at the Nebraska Physiological Society meeting in Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Alphavirus infection impairs growth and digestive function in nestling birds. D. Goto, E. Rainwater, T. Killpack, and C. Fassbinder-Orth. Invited oral presentation at the Nebraska Physiological Society meeting in Omaha, NE. 2013
  • Immune responses of a native and an invasive bird to an alphavirus and its arthropod vector. C. Fassbinder-Orth, V. Barak, and C. Brown. Poster presentation at: the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network in Ecoimmunology meeting. Berlin, Germany. 2013
  • Avian Adaptive Immune Responses to Buggy Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) and its Arthropod Vector, the Swallow Bug (Oeciacus vicarius). V. Barak, C. Brown, C. Fassbinder-Orth. Oral presentation at: Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Lincoln, NE. 2013
  • Experimental inoculation of nestling houses sparrows (Passer domesticus) with Buggy Creek virus. E. Rainwater, C. Fassbinder-Orth. Oral presentation at: Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Lincoln, NE. 2013
  • Avian Adaptive Immune Responses to Buggy Creek Virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) and its Arthropod Vector, the Swallow Bug (Oeciacus vicarius). V. Barak, C. Brown, C. Fassbinder-Orth. Oral presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2013
  • Experimental inoculation of nestling houses sparrows (Passer domesticus) with Buggy Creek virus. E. Rainwater, C. Fassbinder-Orth. Oral presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2013
  • Alphavirus infection impairs growth and development of altricial nestling birds. M. Hiatt, Tess Killpack, W. Crouch, C. Fassbinder-Orth. Poster presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2013
  • Avian Alphavirus Infections: Studying the Immune Response with Bead-Based Gene Expression Assays. C.A. Fassbinder-Orth, V. Barak, and C. Brown. Poster presented at the NSF Research Coordination Network in Ecoimmunology Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. 2012
  • C. A. Fassbinder-Orth, V. Barak, and C. Brown. 2012. Avian Immune Responses to Alphavirus Infections. Oral presentation at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. 2012
  • Ashley Altrichter and C. A. Fassbinder-Orth. 2011. Comparative avian immunogenetics: an exploration of antiviral genes in several wild bird species. Poster presented at: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2011


  • Effects of Buggy Creek Virus Infection on Avian Bone Development. C.A. Fassbinder-Orth, Mohammed Akhter, James Platz. Submitted to Creighton’s Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research fund

  • Avian Immune Responses to Ectoparasites and Alphaviruses. Submitted to Creighton College of Arts and Sciences Research Incentive Award


  • Creighton Summer Faculty Research Fellowship
    Creighton Summer Faculty Research Fellowship ($4800 stipend)
    Creighton University