Joy D . Doll, OTD, OTR/L

Program Director, Health Informatics Program

Resident Associate Professor

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Joy D . Doll, OTD, OTR/L

Program Director, Health Informatics Program

Resident Associate Professor

Joy Doll graduated from the University of South Alabama with a Bachelor’s of Science in Occupational Therapy (BSOT) and from Creighton University with her OTD. After receiving her doctorate, Dr. Doll completed a VISTA with AmeriCorp coordinating a volunteer respite program for the Presbyterian Outreach. After her VISTA, Dr. Doll acted as the Coordinator for the Office of Interprofessional Scholarship, Service and Education (OISSE) designing and implementing community engagement activities for students across Creighton University’s School of Pharmacy and Health Professions. Dr. Doll joined the Department of Occupational Therapy at Creighton in 2007 and is past  Vice Chair and Director of the Post-Professional OTD Program. In 2016, Dr. Doll was named as the Executive Director for the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) to help lead interprofessional initiatives at Creighton and in partnership with CHI Health. Dr. Doll has passion for service and grant writing. She has written over 20 grants and is author of the text Grant Writing and Program Development in Occupational Therapy: Making the Connection by Jones and Bartlett. Her research interests include interprofessional education and vulnerable populations. Dr. Doll teaches courses in grant writing, neuro-occupation and interprofessionalism. In her spare time, Dr. Doll likes to play with her daughter, son and husband, read, go to concerts, write, walk, play Boggle, photograph, and relax.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

Interprofessional education




Resident Associate Professor


  • Health and human development
    Doll, Joy, Ryan-Haddad, Ann, Laughlin, Ann, Todd, Martha, Packard, Katie, Yee, Jennifer, Harris, Barbara: Begley, Begley, Kimberly Building inter-professional cultural competence, p. 37-46 2014
  • Public Health Yearbook 2012
    Doll, J., Ohri, L., Cochran, T. M., Ryan-Haddad, A. Against the Current: Strategies for Addressing Public Health Concerns in a Native American Community through Partnership. 2013
  • Leadership in Interprofessional Health Education and Practice
    Ryan Haddad, A., Doll, J. D. Interprofessional Collaboration: A Framework for Engaging Faculty in Geriatric Scholarship 2009
  • Leadership in Interprofessional Health Education and Practice
    Doll, J. D., St. Cyr, W. 'Against the Current': Strategies for Success in HEalthcare-A Case Example of a Rural, Native American Community 2009
  • Leadership in Interprofessional Health Education and Practice
    Cross, P., Doll, J. D. Developing Health Professional Students into Rural Health Care Leaders of the Future Through Best Practices 2009
  • Service-Learning in Occupational Therapy Education: Philosophy & Practice
    Doll, J. D. Cross-Cultural Service Learning: An Introduction and Best Practices, p. 59-86 2009


  • Annals of Family Medicine
    Guck, T., Potthoff, M., Walters, R., Doll, J.D., DeFreece, T. (2019, August).  Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Improves Clinical Outcomes and Reduces Patient Charges in a Family Medicine Residency and Faculty Clinic. Annals of Family Medicine. 2019
  • Tenkku, L., King, D., Doll, J.D., Gonzalez, S., Mitchell, A., & Hartje, J. (2019). Partnering with national health professional societies to promote prevention of alcohol-exposed pregnancies: Lessons learned from an academic-organizational collaborative. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.    2019
  • Medical Science Educator
    Packard, K., Doll, J.D., Beran-Shepler, K., Stewart, N. & Maio, A. (2018). Design and implementation of the interprofessional education passport curriculum in a multi-campus university with distance learners. Medical Science Educator.  2018
  • Academic Medicine
    Uhlig, P., Doll, J.D., Brandon, K., Goodman, C., Medado-Ramirez, J., Barnes, M.A., Dolansky, M.A., Ratcliffe, T.A., Kornsawad, K., Raboin, E., Hitzeman, M., Brown, J. & Hall, L. (2018). Interprofessional practice and education in clinical learning environments: Frontlines perspective. Academic Medicine. 2018
  • Elsevier
    Costanzo, C., Doll, J., & Jensen, G. (2019). Shared decision making in practice. In J. Higgs, G. Jensen, S. Loftus, & N. Christensen (Eds.), Clinical reasoning in the health professions (4th ed., pp. 181-190). Edinburgh: Elsevier.  2018
  • Journal of Occupational Therapy Education
    Grady, S., Brungardt, K., & Doll, J.D. (Accepted December 2017). The impact of classroom instruction on cultural awareness and sensitivity in occupational therapy students. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education. 2017
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Potthoff, M., Doll, J.D., Maio, A., & Ryan Haddad, A. (In Review, April 2017). Measuring the impact of an online IPE course on team perceptions. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Iverson, L., Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Doll, J.D., Hawkins, K., Laughlin, A., & Wickman, C. (Accepted, 2017). Development of an instrument to evaluate interprofessional student team interactions. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017
  • Elsevier
    Costanzo, C., Doll, J.D., & Jensen, G. (to be published October 2018). Shared decision making in practice. Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions (4th Ed.). Elsevier: Amsterdam. 2017
  • Perspectives on Medical Education
    Doll, J.D., Maio, A., & Potthoff, M. (Revised and resubmitted December 2017). Epic failure: Lessons learned from interprofessional faculty development. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2017
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Brandon, K., Guck, T., Doll, J.D., McGaha, A., Potthoff, M., DeFreece, T. & White, M. (Submitted October 2017). Formation of a primary care academic collaborative affiliation: Enabling and interfering factors. Invited article for special issue for Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017
  • Maio, A., Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Jergensen, M., Paschal, K., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., Huggett, K. & Todd, M. (Submitted April 2016). Introducing collaborative care: Teaching basics of Interprofessional Education in an online environment. Advancing Medical Education through Strategic Instructional Design. IGI Global. 2016
  • Health and Interprofessional Practice
    Laughlin, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Doll, J.D., Packard, K., Begley, K., Todd, M., Harris, B., & Yee, J. (Accepted August 2015). Preparing students for team based care for vulnerable populations. 2015
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Monaghan, M. & Doll, J.D. (submitted July 2015). Measuring the effectiveness of university-wide Interprofessional Education experiences: A mixed methods approach. 2015
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Lepper, L.T., Wilton, G., Doll, J.D., Senturias, Y., Mitchell, K. & Weinberg, J. Competency VI: Treatment across the lifespan of persons with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. FASD Competency-Based Curriculum Development Guide for Medical and Allied Health Education and Practice. Atlanta, Georgia. 2015
  • Occupational Therapy in Health Care
    Birch, S., Carpenter, H., Marsh, A., McClung, K. & Doll, J.D. (2015). The Perceptions of Rehabilitation Professionals Concerning Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Occupational Therapy in Healthcare 19, 1-11.
    19, p. 1-11 2015
  • International Journal of Public Health
    Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Laughlin, A., Todd, M., Packard, K., Yee, J., Harris, B. & Begley, K. (2015). Building Interprofessional Cultural Competence: Reflections of Faculty Engaged in Training Students to Care for the Vulnerable.
    7(1), p. 131-138 2015
  • Stylus Publishing
    Doll, J.D., Mu, K., Jensen, L., Goulet, C., & Ekstrum, J. Transforming practice: International service-learning as preparation for entering health care. In M. Johnson, & P.M. Green (Eds.), Crossing Boundaries: Tension and Transformation in International Service-Learning. Sterling, Virginia. Note: Call for book chapters was on an email list serv I belong to so I recruited the authors and applied. Our chapter prospectus was accepted and was submitted. 2014
  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
    Doll, J.D. & Brady, K. (2013). Project HOPE: Implementing sensory experiences for suicide prevention in a Native American community. doi:10.1080/0164212X.2013.788977 Note: Did writing and editing. Student co-author assisted with literature review and editing.
    29(2), p. 149-158 2013
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Doll, J.D., Packard, K., Furze, J., Huggett, K., Jensen, G., Jorgensen, D., Wilken, M., Chehal, H., & Maio, A. (2013). Reflections from an interprofessional education experience: Evidence for the core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(2), 194-196. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2012.729106 Note: Performed qualitative analysis with K Packard. Performed significant writing and editing of this article.
    27(2), p. 194-196 2013
  • F. A. Davis Publishers
    Doll, J.D. (2013). Program design and implementation. In M. Scaffa, M. & M. Reitz (Eds.), Occupational Therapy in Community-Based Settings (2nd ed.) (pp. 80-95). Philadelphia, PA Note: Invited book chapter , p. 80-95 2013
  • Journal of Education for Social Justice
    Domina, A. & Doll, J.D. (2013). Professional formation: Exploration into the impact of an international service-learning experience on occupational therapy students. RIEJS
    2(2) , p. 75-88 2013
  • International Public Health Journal
    Doll, J. D., Ohri, L., Cochran, T. M., Goulet, C., Ryan Haddad, A., Stabler, W. Against the current: Stratgies for addressing public health concerns in a Native American Community through partnership.
    4(3), p. 243-250 2012
  • Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
    Tilleman, J., Coover, K., Blythe, E., Doll, J.D., O'Brien, K. & Ryan Haddad, A. (2012). Service-learning incorporated into early practice experience. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2012.07.001 Note: Assisted with qualitative analysis for this article
    4(4), p. 292-297 2012
  • Kendall Hunt Publishing Compnay
    Doll, J.D., Ohri, L., Cochran, T.M., Goulet, C., Ryan Haddad, A., & Stabler, W. (2012). Against the current: Strategies for addressing public health concerns in a Native American Community through partnership. In. R.M. Caron & J. Merrick (Eds.), Building community capacity: Minority and immigrant populations (pp. 249-261). New York: Nova Science. Note: This book chapter was invited to be included as a book chapter in this text after published as an article in the International Public Health Journal., p. 249-261 2012
  • Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education
    Packard, K., Doll, J.D., Huggett, K., Furze, J., Jorgensen, D., Jensen, G.M., Maio, A., Chephal, H., & Wilken, M. (2012). Interprofessional Team Reasoning Framework: A tool for case study analysis with health professions students. Note: Performed significant writing and editing of article with K Packard
    2(3), p. 1-13 2012
  • Occupational Therapy in Health Care
    Mu, K., Coppard, B.M., Bracciano, A., Doll, J.D. & Matthews, A. (2010). Fostering cultural competency, clinical reasoning and leadership through international outreach. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 24(1), 74-85. doi: 10.3109/07380570903329628 Note: I wrote a portion of this article on the Institute for Latin American Concern and performed qualitative analysis prior to writing the article.
    24(1), p. 74-85 2010
  • AOTA Press
    Goulet, C., Doll, J.D., Cochran, T.M., Jensen, G.M., & Royeen, C.B. (2011). Interprofessional scholarship, service and education - A sustainable model for scholarship of engagement. In L.M. Harter, J. Hamel-Lambert, & Millesen J. (Eds.), Participatory Partnerships: For Social Action and Research (pp. 315-330). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Note: Invited book chapter from colleagues. Performed significant writing and editing on the chapter., p. 315-330 2010
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
    Partnering with the Health Professions to Promote Prevention of an Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy: Lessons Learned from an Academic–Organizational Collaborative.
    16(10), p. 1702


  • Doll, J.D. (October 2019). Keynote Address: Cultivating Collaboration: Wins and Wisdoms. Missouri Occupational Therapy Association. Kansas City, Missouri. 2019
  • Doll, J. D. (October 2019). Removing Healthcare Silos: Lessons Learned in Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare. 2019 J. Rhodes Haverty Lecture. Georgia State University. Atlanta, Georgia. 2019
  • Beran Shepler, K., Doll, J.D., Maio, A., (October 2019) Roundtable Discussion, CAB VII Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana 2019
  • Kendrick, A., Kreikemeier, M., Ngo, R., Onorato, K. & Doll, J.D. Assessing the IPE Passport: Understanding the Impact of IPE on Health Professions Students. Collaborating Across Borders 2019. Indianapolis, IN. October 2019. 2019
  • Doll, J.D., Fowler, T., Hageman, H., Kalb, E., Lockeman, K., Mauldin, M., Pfeifle, A., Ronnebaum, J., Thomas, S., Waynick-Rogers, P., (October 2019) Creating a Path: Mentorship in IPECP CAB VII Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana 2019
  • Casagrande, C, Sullivan-Powers, I., Doll, J.D. & Onorato, K. IPE Passport: Perceptions of Learners. Nexus Summit 2019. Minneapolis, MN, August 2019. 2019
  • Doll, J.D., Brandon, K., Guck, T., McGaha, A (August 2019) Innovating Interprofessional Collaboration in a Primary Care Setting. Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Doll, J.D., Ronnebaum, J. (August 2019) The Magic of Mentoring in IPECP: Lessons Learned and Steps Forward. Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (July 2019). Cultivating Collaboration: Wins and Wisdoms. Veterans Health Administration Education System. Online webinar. 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (May 2019). Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Cultivating Collaboration in Health Care. Strengthening the Health Care Team Conference. Evansville, Indiana. 2019
  • Doll, J.D., Brock, M. (May 2019) Strategies for Embracing Conflict: A Necessary Skill for Teamwork. Strengthening the Health Care Team Conference. Evansville, Indiana. 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (May 2019). Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My: Why Health care workers need you. American Association of Medical Colleges Health Workforce Conference. Alexandria, VA. 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (May 2019). Metrics facilitator. HR 6 Support Act Summit. Nebraska Health Information Exchange. Omaha, NE. 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (April 2018). Cultivating Healthcare Collaboration: An Accidental Expert. TEDx Creighton University. Omaha, NE. 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (March 2019) Golden Rules for Interprofessional Collaboration. 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Congress /78th European Chiropractors' Union Convention. Berlin, Germany 2019
  • Doll, J.D. (October 2018). Designing interprofessional scholarship. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Faculty Development Institute. Phoenix, Arizona. 2018
  • Doll, J.D. (August 2018). Cultivating Collaboration: Best Practices for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. University of South Dakota IPE Workshop. 2018
  • Potthoff, M., Packard, K., Doll, J.D., Jensen, G.M., Maio, A., Costanzo, C. & White, M. Measuring the impact of an online IPE course on team perceptions. Creighton University Assessment Symposium. Omaha, NE. November 2017. 2017
  • Goodsell, Z., Poutre, E.A., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., & Doll, J.D. Using the learning management system to track interprofessional collaborative care activities. Creighton University Assessment Symposium. Omaha, NE. November 2017. 2017
  • Ryan Haddad A, Begley K, Todd M, Packard K, Laughlin A, Yee J, Doll J, Hawkins K, Iverson L, Manz J, Tracy M. The Creighton Interprofessional Collaborative Evaluation (C-ICE): An Instrument to Assess Student Interprofessional Team Interactions. Collaboration Across Boarders, VI. Banff, Alberta, Canada. (International Podium Presentation), October 3, 2017. 2017
  • Doll, J.D., Costanzo, C., Jensen, J., Maio, A., Potthoff, M., White, M.; Guck, T., Greene, M. (2017, October). Bridging the Divide: Designing and Implementing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in an Academic Health System. Collaborating Across Borders. Banff, CA. 2017
  • Potthoff, M. & Doll, J.D. (2017, September). The "seven dirty words" impacting interprofessional education and practice. Creighton University College of Nursing Continuing Education Event. Omaha, Nebraska. 2017
  • Brandon, K., Doll, J.D., White, M., & Potthoff, M. (August 2017). Innovating Interprofessional Collaboration in a Primary Care Setting. 2017 Nexus Summit. Minneapolis, MN. 2017
  • Arenson, C. & Doll, J.D. (August 2017). Conversation Café. 2017 Nexus Summit. Minneapolis, MN. 2017
  • Haddad, A., Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Maio, A., McFarland, K., Miller, M., Packard, K., Paschal, K. & Kasl, M. Collaborating with Health Professions Students to Establish Best Practices in Interdisciplinary Ethics Education. 2017 Nexus Summit. Minneapolis, MN. August 2017. 2017
  • Doll, J.D. (May 2017). FASD and the Role of Occupational Therapy. Webinar for National Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Association. 2017
  • Doll, JD (April 2017). Neuro-Occupation: How Neuroplasticity Impacts Rehabilitation. American Occupational Therapy Association. Philadelphia, PA. 2017
  • Enck, A., Kimball, A., Solverson, K., Valencia, L., Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Maio, A., Potthoff, M., Packard, K., Costanzo, C. & Jensen, G. Introducing IPE: Providing IPE to the Masses. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. March 2017. 2017
  • Castillo, JP, Gahl, T., Torrez, E., Vang, J., Womack, J. & Doll, J.D. Perceptions of Health Sciences Students on an Introductory Interprofessional Education (IPE) Course. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. March 2017. 2017
  • Doll, JD & Potthoff, M. (October 2016). Lessons Learned from the Nexus Innovations Network. Invited presentation. New Models of Care Require New Models of Learning. Minneapolis, MN. 2016
  • Maio, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Packard, K., Doll, J., Jensen, G., Costanzo, C. & Potthoff, M. (accepted for presentation August 2016). Creating IPE Curriculum Using Bolman and Deals Four Framework Approach. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Nexus 2016. Minneapolis, MN. 2016
  • Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Monaghan, M. & Doll, J.D. (accepted for presentation July 2016). Application of Validated Instruments to Assess University-Wide Interprofessional Education Experiences. American Academy of College of Pharmacies. Anaheim, CA. 2016
  • Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Maio, A., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., Costanzo, C. & Jensen, G. (2016, April). Introducing Interprofessionalism: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Innovation through Interprofessional Collaboration: The Ties That Bind. 12th Annual Methodist Research Day. Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Maio, A., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., Costanzo, C. & Jensen, G. (2016, April). Introducing Interprofessionalism: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. 2016
  • Flanagan, E., Wang, M., Avdic, M. & Doll, J.D. Interprofessional Education: Changes in Student Perspectives After an Interprofessional Course. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Chicago, IL. April 2016. 2016
  • Castillo, JP, Gahl, T., Torrez, E., Vang, J., Womack, J. & Doll, J.D. Perceptions of Health Sciences Students on an Introductory Interprofessional Education (IPE) Course. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Spring Conference. Omaha, Nebraska. March 2016. 2016
  • Bracciano, E., Einziger, S., Merkulov, V., Murphy, K., Shumake, P., Bracciano, A., & Doll, J.D. Well-Elderly Performance on the Interactive Metronome. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Spring Conference. Omaha, Nebraska. March 2016. 2016
  • Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Monaghan, M. & Doll, J.D. (2016, March). Mixed Methods Evaluation of University-Wide Interprofessional Education (IPE) Student Assessment Data. Creighton University Office of Academic Excellence and Assessment. Omaha, NE. 2016
  • Paschal, K., Doll, J.D., Huggett, K., Maio, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., Jergensen, M., Bothmer, J. & Burke, J. (2015, September). The IPE Passport: Innovations for Addressing Accreditation. 2015 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. 2015
  • Packard, K., Yee, J., Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Laughlin, A., Harris, B., Begley, K. & Doll, J.D. A Comparison of Two Instruments to Assess Students in an Interprofessional Health Promotion Course for a Vulnerable Population. Collaborating Across Borders. Roanoke, VA. September 2015. 2015
  • Ryan, A., Laughlin, A., Begley, K., Packard, K., Todd, M., Yee, J., Harris, B. & Doll, JD. Student Reflections of an Interprofessional Health Promotion Course for a Vulnerable Population. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Washington DC. July 2015. 2015
  • Doll, J.D., Huggett, K., Maio, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Packard, K., Potthoff, M., Jergensen, M., Paschal, K., Bothmer, J. & Burke, J. (2015, May). IPE 101 The Vision for Creighton and Health Care. CHI Health Quality Symposium. Omaha, NE. 2015
  • Laughlin, A., Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Packard, K., Todd, M., Yee, J., Harris, B. & Doll, JD. IPE 413: Developing Care for a Vulnerable Population: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach for Health Promotion. CHI Health Quality Symposium. Omaha, NE. May 2015. 2015
  • Birch, S., Carpenter, H., Marsh, A., McClung, K. & Doll, J.D. The Perceptions of Rehabilitation Professionals Concerning Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. April 2015. 2015
  • Ryan Haddad A, Coover K, Black L, Gale J, Flecky K, Doll J, Tripp A, Gauthier K. Fall Risk Assessments: Unique Opportunities for Interprofessional Health Science Students. All Together Better Health 7. Pittsburgh, PA. June 7, 2014. 2014
  • Carpenter, H., Doll, J.D., & Flecky, K. (2013, March). Community as classroom: The impact of course-related community engagement on students. St. Alberts Day. Creighton University. Omaha, NE. Note: Research mentor to student in Summer Research Program sponsored by the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP) 2013
  • Bracciano, A., Mu, K., Doll, J.D., Jensen, L., Peck, K. & Carrico, C. (2013, April). A cross cultural journey: Facilitating cultural competency, clinical reasoning and leadership through international outreach. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference. San Diego, CA. Note: Edited poster, co-presenter 2013
  • Doll, J.D., Gilmore, R., & Scott, J. (2012, March). Exploring the perceived impact of pets as a hazard in older adult fall prevention. St. Alberts Day. Creighton University. Omaha, NE. Note: Student research project, I acted as mentor in development and implementation of research project and poster 2012
  • Doll, J.D., Gilmore, R., & Scott, J. (2011, September). Exploring the perceived impact of pets as a hazard in older adult fall prevention. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Lincoln, NE. Note: Student research project, I acted as mentor in development and implementation of research project and poster 2011
  • Coover, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Saito, E., Cochran, T., Doll, J.D., Wilken, M. & Martens Stricklett, K. (2011, June). Interprofessional collaboration to provide fall risk assessments for seniors. AACP Conference. Note: Helped with implementation of program 2011
  • Doll, J.D., Flecky, K. & Ternes, J. (2011, April). The community as classroom: assessing the impact of service-learning in occupational therapy professional education. St. Alberts Day. Omaha, NE. Note: Research mentor to student in Summer Research Program sponsored by the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP) 2011
  • Doll, J.D., Flecky, K. & Ternes, J. (2011, April). The community as classroom: assessing the impact of service-learning in occupational therapy professional education. American Occupational Therapy Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Note: Research mentor to student in Summer Research Program sponsored by the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP) 2011
  • Doll, J.D. & Brady, K. (2011, April). Project HOPE: Sensory integration for suicide prevention in a Native American Community. American Occupational Therapy Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Note: Research funded by grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program 2011
  • Cochran, T.M., Doll, J.D., Ryan Haddad, A., Wilken, M., Champ-Blackwell, S., Begley, K., Knezevich, E., Rusch, L., & Martens Stricklett, K. (2011, January). Forming moral agents in health: Linking health care with social responsibility. All Things Ignatian Event, Creighton University. Omaha, NE. Note: Co-presenter 2011
  • Doll, J.D., Flecky, K. & Goulet, C. (2010, October) The community as classroom - Using service-Learning to teach cultural brokering skills to health professions students. Seventh National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations. Baltimore, MD. Note: Developed poster, presenter 2010
  • Doll, J.D. & Brady, K. (2010, September). Project HOPE: Sensory integration for suicide prevention in a Native American Community. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Lincoln, NE. Note: Research funded by grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program 2010
  • Doll, J.D., Flecky, K. & Ternes, J. (2010, September). The community as classroom: Assessing the impact of service-learning in occupational therapy professional education. Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Lincoln, NE. Note: Research mentor to student in Summer Research Program sponsored by the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP) 2010
  • Sabata, D., Bondoc, S., Butler, M., Casey, K., Doll, J., Taguchi-Meyer, J. & Wolf, T. (2010, April). Movement towards the Centennial Vision: Steps of post-professional and entry-level OTDs. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Orlando, Fl. Note: Edited poster, co-presenter 2010
  • McGlynn, M., Flecky, K., & Doll, J.D. (2010, March). The effectiveness of service-learning for students, faculty, institutional members and community partners. Midwest Deans Conference. St. Louis, MO. Note: Research mentor to student in Summer Research Program sponsored by the Center for Health Services Research and Patient Safety (CHRP) 2010


  • Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Begley, K., Packard, K., Yee, J., Laughlin, A. & Harris, B. (2015). Developing Care for a Vulnerable Population: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach for Health Promotion. 2014-2015 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Student Community Engaged Service Award. $5000.


  • Tenkku, L. (PI), & Doll, J.D. (Principal Investigator of subcontract). (2012-2015). Midwest Regional Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Training Center. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. $267,743 (subcontract $37,364).


  • Haddad A, Doll J, Ryan Haddad A, Maio A, Packard K, Potthoff M. Collaborating with health professions students to establish best practices in interdisciplinary ethics education. Creighton University President’s Faculty Research Fund. Funded. $10,000. Role: Co-Investigator. March 2016 – December 2017.


  • American Occupational Therapy Interprofessional Collaboration Award
  • Honorable Mention, 2017 Nexus Award with CIPER and CHI University Campus Team
    National Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research
  • Fellow, Occupational Therapy Academy, National Academies of Practice
    National Academies of Practice
  • National Board of Medical Examiners Centennial Award Finalist
    National Board of Medical Examiners Centennial Award Finalist
  • Creighton University Certificate of Recognition for Support of the Strategic Plan
    Creighton University Certificate of Recognition for Support of the Strategic Plan
  • 2012 Distinguished Edited Book Award
    Co-author of a book chapter in the text Participatory Partnerships: For Social Action and Research which was a recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Edited Book Award given by Applied Communication Division of the National Communications Association (NCA)
    National Communications Association (NCA)
  • School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Service Award
    School of Pharmacy and Health Professions Service Award
  • F1RST Home Safety Video - Honorable Mention
    F1RST Home Safety Video - Honorable Mention by the International Safety Media Awards at the World Injury Prevention Conference, London
  • Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA) Contributor of the Year
    Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association (NOTA) Contributor of the Year


  • Asbury Communities
    Supporting Aging in Place with Wesley Foundation
    2019 - 2019