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Pooja Doehrman, MD

Assistant Professor


School of Medicine
Secondary Clinical Research
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency

Pooja Doehrman, MD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Doehrman is clinical faculty for Creighton University School of Medicine and the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She is a a board certified OBGYN practicing in Phoenix, AZ for over 10 years in both private practice and academic medicine. Dr. Doehrman has an extensive background in public health and research in maternal and child health. Dr Doehrman developed a passion for health policy and public health prior to her career in medicine, Dr. Doehrman worked in Washington D.C. as a researcher and provided assessments of grant funded projects for Unity Health Care- Eastern High School School Health Center. Currently, Dr. Doehrman participates as clinical faculty for the Phoenix Integrated Residency in OBGYN, as well as CUSOM and UofA clinical faculty in OBGYN at St. Joseph's Hosiptal and Medical center. She offerrs students an opportunity to shadow her in the clinical setting in her Paradise Valley office, as well as providing mentorship in research on a wide variety of topics. Her research interests focus on health disparities in maternal and child health, descrimination and resilience, gender based discrimianation, social determinants of health and the HIV continuum of care. 

Teaching Interests

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

Research Focus

Population health
Maternal and Child Health 
Medical Education 
Simulation Training 
Maternal Fetal Medicine 
Obstetrics and Gynecology 
Pelvic Pain 
Health Disparities
Infectious Disease  
Global Health 
Refugee Health  
Intimate Partner Violence 
Gender based discrimination 
Resilience and discrimination in birth outcomes 


Obstetrics & Gynecology (Phoenix)


Assistant Professor


  • Women's Health
    Mickelson K, Doehrman P, Chambers C, Seely H, Kaneris M, Stancl. R, Stewart C, Sullivan S Role of Discrimination & Resilience on Birth Weight: A Systematic Examination in a Sample of Black, Latina and White Women. Womens Health. Volume 18 (1-13). March 2022
    Volume 18 (1-13) 2022
  • Johnson-Agbakwu C, Cortney E, Bailey C, Sood S, Ali N, Doehrman P, Bhattarai B, Chambliss L, Coonrod D Johnson-Agbakwu C, Cortney E, Bailey C, Sood S, Ali N, Doehrman P, Bhattarai B, Chambliss L, Coonrod D. SARS-COV-2: A Canary in the Coal Mine for Public Safety Net Hospitals. AJOG Global Reports. Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021. 2021
  • Doehrman P, Erickson L, Galfione K, Geier B, Kahol K, Ashby A. Simulation Training in Contemporary Obstetrics Education. World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. May 10, 2014; 3(2): 85-89.
    3, p. 85-89 2014
  • Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey
    Doehrman P, Derksen B, Perlow J, Clewell W, Finberg H. Umbilical Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report, Literature Review and Management Recommendations. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. March 2014: 69(3): 159-163
    69, p. 159-163 2014
  • Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
    Deb P , Jibaly R Endoscopic Portrayal of Lymphocytic Gastritis in a Child Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2010; 51(2).
    51 2010
  • Journal of Community Health
    Guidotti TL, Deb P, Bertera R, Ford L The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: No Demonstrable Effect on Already Falling Injury Rates Following Intensive Community and Workplace Intervention. Journal of Community Health 2009; 34(5): 392-399
    34, p. 392-399 2009


  • Metas E , Dr. Pooja Doehrman , Dr. Chloe Wood 1, Dr. Katerina Zappas , Dr. Enow-orock George Enownchong , Dr. Enow-Orock Ayuketah The effect of increased knowledge of contraception options and the utilization of long term reversible contraceptives on pregnancy rates among HIV-positive women in Cameroon. The Center for International Reproductive Training at the University of Michigan. Addis Ababa, April 3 2019 2019


  • Casper K, Barkley J, Bhattaria B, Doehrman P. Title: Follow-up of Tubo-Ovarian Abscesses Using Pelvic Ultrasound. Creighton Phoenix Regional Campus Academic Excellence Day; Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2022
  • Zappas K, Wood C, Doehrman P, Sutton M, Miller B, Neal C. Contraceptive use in HIV positive women: an exploration of knowledge of contraceptive options and rates of use. Creighton Phoenix Regional Campus Academic Excellence Day; Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2022
  • Sullivan S, Sasaki E, Arnold K, Doehrman P, Chambers C, The impact of baseline health characteristics and comorbidities on the length of hospitalization during induction of labor. Oral Presentation. ASU Maternal and child Health Spring Conference 2022. 2022
  • Glatt J, Doehrman P, Minder M, Nagaki C, Peters D, Bahe B, Hassler A, Hammond N, Baugh M, Chapple K, Bogert J, Weinberg J, Soe-Lin H. Pregnant Patient Trauma Activation and Subsequent Perinatal Outcomes: Cause for Concern? The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Annual National Conference 2021. 2021
  • Somisetty S, Mendez R, Doehrman P. Comorbidities in Pregnancy, Refugee Status, and Their Effects on Birth Outcome. Poster Presentation. SRI Annual Conference 2021 2021
  • Steward C, Doehrman P, Desai N, Castellanos M. Association of obesity and autoimmune disease in chronic pelvic pain patients requiring vaginal mesh removal. Poster Presentation. SGS Annual Conference 2021. 2021
  • Gonzaga M, McHenry A, Casper K, Neal D, Jiwatram-Negron T, Johnson-Agbakwu C, Doehrman P. Contraception Use in HIV+ Women in a Community Health Care Center. Poster presented at: American Medical Association Virtual Research Symposium; Chicago, IL, USA. December 2020 2020
  • Gonzaga M, McHenry A, Neal C, Doehrman D. SAVA Syndemic in HIV+ Women in the Community Care Setting. Poster presented at: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Virtual Medical Student Poster Session; Washington D.C., DC, USA. 2020
  • Sasaki E, Arnold K, Sulivan S, Doehrman P, Chambers C. Inpatient vs Outpatient Induction of Labor at St. Josephs Medical Center. Poster presented at: Creighton Phoenix Regional Campus Academic Excellence Day; Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2020
  • Gonzaga M, McHenry A, Casper K, Jiwatram-Negron T, Johnson-Agbakwu C, Doehrman P. Substance Use in HIV+ Patients: Implications for Care. Poster presented at: Creighton Phoenix Regional Campus Academic Excellence Day; Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2020
  • Doehrman P, Chambers C, Mickelson K, Racial Disparities in Low Birth Weight: Discrimination resilience and biomedical pathways in a sample of Black, Hispanic, and White pregnant women. CommonSpirit Health Annual Conference. Sacramento, CA Aug 8 2019. 2019
  • Doehrman P, Willey A, Casper K. Depression risk is associated with higher viral loads in women infected with HIV. ACOG Annual Clinical Scientific Meeting. Nashville, TN. May 3 2019 2019
  • Doehrman P, Willey A, Casper K. The impact of social and economic factors on immune resilience in HIV infected women with high depression risk assessments. Society for Reproductive Investigation Annual Conference, Paris, March 12, 2019. 2019
  • Herrero T, Driebe A, Fratto V, Doehrman P, LaCoursiere Y, Ramos G. Antenatal Edinburgh Depression Score Is It Predictive of Preterm Delivery? Poster Presentation. SRI Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal. Oct 2015. 2015
  • Doehrman P, Fratto V, Gordon C, Hull A, Resnik J, Lacoursiere Y. Transvaginal ultrasound improves fetal spine imaging in morbidly obese women. Poster Presentation. SRI Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal. Oct 2015. 2015
  • Stone D, Malik S, Doehrman P, Videla F. Doderlein-Kronig vaginal hysterectomy: a alternative to the traditional Heaney hysterectomy. International Urogynecology Journal. Dec 13, 2014. 2014
  • Adams J, Perlow J, Doehrman P, Gerkin R. Does the increasing rate of maternal obesity affect mode of delivery? Poster Presentation: ACOG Clinical Meeting, Napa. Sept 2014 2014
  • Doehrman P, Erickson L, Adams J, Moyneux M. Does Timely Antibiotic Administration Decrease Hospital Length of Stay in Chorioamnionitis? Poster Presentation: ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting, Chicago. Poster to be presented April 28, 2014 2014
  • Stone D, Doehrman P, Malik S, Videla F. Vaginal hysterectomy: A Comparison of the Doderlein-Kronig and Heaney Hysterectomy. Video Presentation: Film Festival ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting, Chicago. April 28, 2014 2014
  • Byrne-Dugan C, Deb P, Reddy H, Mello V. Barriers to smoking cessation among pregnant women in Flint, MI. Oral Presentation: Interdisciplinary Conference on Poverty and Inequality. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. March 25, 2011. 2011
  • Echeazu C, Bailey C, Brady M, Doehrman P, Mekoncho T, Augustin N. The Acceptability of a Patient Centered Care Approach to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality in Bafoussam Region, Cameroon. SRI Annual Conference. 2020 -0001
  • Elsenheimer K, Brady R, Doehrman P. Resident Wellness by Rotation: What Characteristics Matter? APGO CREOG Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. Feb 2020. -0001
  • Doehrman P, Wood C, Zappas K. Contraception use in HIV positive women in Cameroon. ACOG 2019 District V, VIII, & IX Annual Meeti ng. Kapalua, HI. October 3 2019. -0001
  • Doehrman P, Metas E, Wood C, Zappas K. The effect of increased knowledge of contraception options and the utilization of long term reversible contraceptives on pregnancy rates among HIV-positive women in Cameroon. The Center for International Reproductive Training at the University of Michigan. Addis Ababa, April 3 2019 -0001
  • Poster Presentation, Assessing Language Barriers to Pharmacy Utilization Marys Center for Women and Children George Washington University Research Day -0001
  • Presentation, Assessment of Family Planning Initiative Eastern High School Unity Health Care Center George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Sciences 2007 -0001


  • Project Title:: “Racial Disparities in Low Birth Weight: Discrimination, Resilience, and Biomedical Pathways in a Sample of Black, Hispanic, and White Pregnant Women”
    Sponsor/Funding Agency: Dignity Health & ASU Collaborative Strategic Initiatives grant (GR35353 Total award $500,000. PI: Kristen Mickelson, PhD, Claudia Chambers, MD, Pooja Doehrman MD, MPH.


  • Edward Sattenspiel Award
    Edward Sattenspiel Award Banner University Medical Center University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
    University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
  • Outstanding Scholar Award
    GME award for research and teaching Banner University Medical Center University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
    University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
  • Perinatology Award
    Perinatal Award for GME Education Phoenix Perinatal Association Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, AZ
    Phoenix Perinatal Association
    Phoenix Perinatal Association
  • Dear McIlnay-Guthrie Sanborn Scholarship
    Dear McIlnay-Guthrie Sanborn Scholarship Medical student summer scholarship for oncology research Michigan State University College of Human Medicine East Lansing, MI
    Michigan State University College of Human Medicine