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Joan C. Delto, MD

Associate Professor


School of Medicine
Department of Urology Fellowships

Joan C. Delto, MD

Associate Professor




Associate Professor


  • Impact of Oversewing Versus Endoscopically Stapling of the Dorsal Vein Complex on Surgical Margin Rates after Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. American Urologic Association South Central Section Meeting. Austin, TX. September 8, 2023. 2023
  • Differences in Surgical Management and Complications Between Pistol and Rifle Gunshot Wounds to the Genitourinary System. American Urologic Association South Central Section Meeting. Austin, TX. September 7, 2023. 2023
  • Differences in Surgical Management and Complications Between Pistol and Rifle Gunshot Wounds to the Genitourinary System. Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting. May 19, 2023. Omaha, NE 2023
  • Hinman Syndrome: A Review of NonNeurogenic Neurogenic Bladder in the Pediatric Population. Creighton University Research Week. April 5, 2023. Phoenix, AZ. 2023
  • . Concurrent Antibiotics and Their Effect on Reducing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) In the Setting of Catherizations Requiring Urologic Consult. March 24, 2023. Creighton University Graduate Medical Education Research Symposium. Omaha, NE. 2023
  • The Effect of Postoperative Ketamine Lidocaine Infusion After Robotic-Assisted Prostatectomy on Post Operative Complications and In-Hospital Narcotic Use. March 24, 2023. Creighton University Graduate Medical Education Research Symposium. Omaha, NE. 2023
  • Impact of Oversweing Versus Endoscopic Stapling of the Dorsal Veing Complex on Surgical Margin Rates After Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. March 24, 2023. Creighton University Graduate Medical Education Research Symposium. Omaha, NE. 2023
  • Concurrent Antibiotics and Their Effect on Reducing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) In the Setting of Catheterizations Requiring Urologic Consult. Society of Women in Urology Annual Clinical Mentoring Conference, February 4, 2022. New Orleans, LA. 2023
  • Brennan Tesdahl, Larry Siref Joan C. Delto. Transitioning From Private to Academic: Trends in Urologic Consultation Requests. South Central Section AUA, October 2, 2021. Scottsdale, AZ. 2021
  • Dedicated Deep Bladder Biopsies and the Rate of Muscular Propria Detection in Transurethral Resections of Bladder Tumors. South Central Section AUA, September 30, 2021. Scottsdale, AZ. 2021
  • How Common are True Difficult Urethral Catheter Consults? South Central Section AUA, September 29, 2021. Scottsdale, AZ. 2021
  • Dedicated Deep Bladder Biopsies and the Rate of Muscular Propria Detection in Transurethral Resections of Bladder Tumors. South Central Section AUA, 2020. 2020
  • Transitioning from Private to Academic: Trends in Urologic Consultation Requests. South Central Section AUA, 2020. 2020
  • Aspirin Use During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy is Associated with an Increased Likelihood of Bleeding Complications. AUA Meeting 2020. Virtual. 2020
  • Are Urologists Used Differently in Private versus Academic Hospitals? A Comparison of Urologic Consultations in the Transition from a Nonteaching to Teaching Hospital. AUA Meeting 2020. Virtual. 2020
  • . Can We Improve the Utilization of Inpatient Urology Consultations? Creighton Quality Improvement Symposium May 28, 2020. Omaha, NE. 2020
  • Kristian Stensland, Joan C. Delto, Peter Chang, Sara Hyde, Aaron Berkenwald, Kyle McAnally, Catrina Crociani, Brian Holliday, Analisa Baraka, Jodi Mechaber, Mark Maganiello, David Canes, Alirezah Moinzadeh, Andrew A. Wagner. Predicting Low Opiate Pill Use after Robotic Surgery: Towards Targeted Prescribing AUA Annual Meeting 2019. Chicago, IL 2019
  • Kristian Stensland, Mark Broadwin, Lawrence Zhang, Joan Delto, Peter Chang, Andrew Wagner. Does the Number of Lymph Nodes Resected During Radical Cystectomy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma Really Matter? New England American Urologic Association. Hartford, CT 2018
  • Tenny R. Zhang, Joan C. Delto, Chintan Patel, Andrew A. Wagner. Robotic Right Radical Nephrectomy with IVC Thrombectomy. New England American Urologic Association. Hartford, CT 2018
  • Joan C. Delto, Kristian D. Stensland, Aaron Berkenwald, Lauren Dewey, Kyle McAnally, Jodi Mechaber, Analesa Baraka, Brian Holliday, Alireza Moinzadeh, David Canes, Sara Hyde, Peter Chang, Andrew A. Wagner. Narcotic Use after Robotic Urologic Surgery - Are We Overprescribing? New England American Urologic Association. Hartford, CT 2018
  • Kristian Stensland, Joan Delto, Jared Schober, Navneet Ramesh, Brendan Waldoch, Peter Chang, Andrew Wagner. The Effect of Day of Discharge on Hospital Readmissions After Partial Nephrectomy. American Urologic Association. San Francisco, CA 2018
  • Kyle Blum, David Paulucci, Ronney Abaza, Akshay Bhandari, Joan C. Delto, Ketan Badani. Cystic versus Solid Masses: Is There a Difference in Perioperative Outcome During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy? World Congress of Endourology. Vancouver, Canada 2017
  • Christopher Reynolds, Joan C. Delto, David Paulucci, Ketan Badani, Daniel Eun, Ronney Abaza, James Porter, Akshay Bhandari, Ashok Hemal. Comparison of Perioperative and Functional Outcomes of Robotic Partial Nephrectomy for cT1a versus cT1b Renal Masses. World Congress of Endourology. Vancouver, Canada 2017
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, George F. Wayne, Bu J. Kim, Alexander G.S. Anderson, Joan C. Delto, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Gustavo A. Diaz-Mercado, Billy H. Cordon, Jorge R. Caso, Alan S. Polackwich. High-Dose Intracavernosal Phenylephrine for Priapism: Is It Safe? American Urologic Association. Boston, MA 2017
  • Joan C. Delto, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Video Presentation: Salvage Robotic Partial Nephrectomy after Cryoablation. American Urologic Association. Boston, MA 2017
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, George Wayne, Bu J. Kim, Alexander G.S. Anderson, Joan C. Delto, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Gustavo Diaz, Billy H. Cordon, Jorge R. Caso, Alan S. Polackwich. High-Dose Intracavernosal Phenylephrine for Priapism: Is It Safe? Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Joan C. Delto, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Nikita Bodoukhin, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Gustavo Diaz, Alan M. Nieder. Molecular Grading with FGFR3 and Ki67: A Reliable Tool in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer? Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Joan C. Delto, Juan Lopez, Rafael Yanes, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Gustavo Diaz, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Single Digit Warm Ischemia Time - Is There a Benefit? Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Maurilio Garcia-Gil, George Wayne, Joan C. Delto, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Akshay Bhandari, Jorge Caso, Alan M. Nieder. Benefits of Cutaneous Ureterostomy in Elderly Cystectomy Patients: Improve Operative Time and Length of Stay. Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Angela Mittal, Alireza Alam, George Wayne, Joan C. Delto (Presenter), Mariarita Salvitti, Kristin Kozakowski, Andrew Labbie Rafael Gosalbez, Miguel Castellan. Posterior Urethral Valves in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Boys: Is Early Valve Ablation with Holmium Laser Safe and Effective? A Case Series. Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, George Wayne, Bu J. Kim, Alexander G.S. Anderson, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Gustavo A. Diaz, Joan C. Delto (Presenter), Billy H. Cordon, Jorge R. Caso, Alan S. Polackwich. Acute Priapism Management by Emergency Room Providers: Opportunity for Targeted Education? Southeast Section American Urologic Association. Austin, TX 2017
  • Joan C. Delto, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Video Presentation: Salvage Robotic Partial Nephrectomy after Cryoablation World Congress of Endourology. Capetown, South Africa 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Video Presentation: Use of Firefly Technology in Robotic Partial Nephrectomy in a Horseshoe Kidney! Tips and Tricks! World Congress of Endourology. Capetown, South Africa 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Juan Lopez, Rafael Yanes, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Single Digit Warm Ischemia Time - Is There a Benefit? World Congress of Endourology. Capetown, South Africa 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Juan Lopez, Rafael Yanes, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Warm Ischemia Time - Does Size Matter? World Congress of Endourology. Capetown, South Africa 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Juan Lopez, Rafael Yanes, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Alan M. Nieder, Akshay Bhandari. Modified Running V-loc Technique Minimizes Warm Ischemia Time. World Congress of Endourology. Capetown, South Africa 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Nikita Bodoukhin, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Gustavo Diaz, Alan M. Nieder. Molecular Grading with FGFR3 and Ki67: A Reliable Tool in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer? Florida Bladder Cancer Symposium. Fort Meyers, FL 2016
  • Siba El Hussein, Joan C. Delto, Akshay Bhandari, John Alexis. Unilateral Synchronous Clear Cell, Papillary, and Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma. College of Pathologists Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV 2016
  • George Wayne, Angela Gupta Mittal, Alireza Alam, Joan C. Delto, Kristin Kozakowski, Rafael Gosalbez, Andrew Labbie, Miguel Castellan. Ablation of posterior urethral valves in high risk patients. American Urologic Association. San Diego, CA 2016
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Elizabeth T. Nagoda, Rafael E. Yanes, Joan C. Delto, Akshay Bhandari, Jorge R. Caso, Alan M. Nieder. Alexis wound protector/retractor reduces wound infection during radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. American Urologic Association. San Diego, CA 2016
  • Joan C. Delto, Rafael Yanes, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Yvonne Koch, Akshay Bhandari. Video Presentation: Robotic Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair. Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Elizabeth T. Nagoda, Rafael E. Yanes, Joan C. Delto, Akshay Bhandari, Jorge R. Caso, Alan M. Nieder. Alexis wound protector/retractor reduces wound infection during radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Ajaydeep S. Sidhu, Elizabeth T. Nagoda, Rafael E. Yanes, George F. Wayne, Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Joan C. Delto, Akshay Bhandari, Jorge R. Caso, Alan M. Nieder. Almivopan for reduced postoperative ileus and length of stay after cystectomy: The Mount Sinai Experience. Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Maurilio Garcia-Gil, Akshay Bhandari, Jorge Caso, Rafael Yanes, Joan C. Delto, Ajaydeep Sidhu, Alan Nieder. Costs of training urology residents in robotic vs. open cystectomy, duplication of personnel in an academic setting. Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Rafael Yanes, Joan C. Delto, Ajaydeep Sidhu, Jorge Caso, Akshay Bhandari, Alan Nieder. A novel technique for "contained" irrigation and aspiration of priapism (CAIP). Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Alireza Alam, Joan C. Delto (presenter), George Wayne, Mariarita Salvitti, Angela Gupta, Ruben Blachman-Braun, Miguel Castellan, Andrew Labbie, Rafael Gosalbez. Does single stage laparoscopic orchiopexy increase the rate of testicular atrophy? Southeastern Section American Urologic Association. Nashville, TN 2016
  • Alireza Alam, Ruben Blachman-Braun, George Wayne, Mariarita Salvitti, Angela Gupta, Joan Delto, Miguel Castellan, Kristen Kozakowski, Andrew Labbie, Rafael Gosalbez. Is there a difference in outcomes between staged Fowler-Stephens and single staged laparoscopic orchiopexy for intraabdominal testes? European Society of Pediatric Urology Annual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic 2015
  • Yanes, Harold M. Reed, Joan C. Delto, Yumna Omarzai, Kailee Imperatore. Non-grafted Vaginal Depth Augmentation for Transgender Atresia, Our Experience and Survey of Related Procedures. Podium. IV World Congress of Medical Sexology. Miami Beach, FL 2015
  • Diana Morlotte, Joan C. Delto, Akshay Bhandari, Monica A. Recine. A Case of Colon Cancer Metastasis to the Penis. Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Annual Faculty and Student Awards and Student Research Symposium. Miami, FL 2015
  • Joan C. Delto, George F. Wayne, Ajaydeep Sidhu, Rafael Yanes, Akshay Bhandari, Alan M. Nieder. Careful Utilization of Disposables to Minimize Ureteroscopy Costs. South Eastern Section American Urologic Association Annual Meeting. Savannah, GA 2015
  • Sofia Garces, Joan C. Delto, Alan Nieder, Ana M. Medina. An Adult Case of Paratesticular Rhabdomyoscarcoma. College of American Pathologists Meeting. Chicago, IL 2014
  • Harold M. Reed, Rafael E. Yanes, Joan C. Delto, Yumna Omarzai, Kailee Imperatore. Non-grafted Vaginal Depth Augmentation for Transgender Atresia, Our Experience and Survey of Related Procedures. Abstract. Sexual Medicine Society of North America, Annual Meeting. Miami Beach, FL 2014
  • Joan C. Delto, Ravi Kacker, Glenn Bubley, Huihui Ye, William C. DeWolf. Intravesical Mitomycin Therapy for Stage T1 and Tis High Grade Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder. Podium Presentation. New England Section American Urologic Association Annual Meeting. Hartford, CT 2013
  • Joan C. Delto, Takashi Kobayashi, James McKiernan, Mitchell Benson, and Cory Abate-Shen. Investigation of p53-Independent Functions of Arf in the Context of Combined Functional Loss of p53 and pten in a Mouse Model of Invasive Bladder Cancer. Abstract and research presentation at the Society of Urologic Oncology. Bethesda, MD 2011
  • Hazel Abinsay, Joan Delto, Judith Galario, Mark Valdez, Evangaline Alvarez MD, Fernando Ona, MD. Assessing the Severity of Malnutrition in Filipino Children as a Baseline for a Long-Term Study in Batangas, Philippines. Abstract and research presentation at the Philippines Medical Association of Hawaii Quarterly Meeting. Honolulu, HI 2006
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  • Howard Kane Resident of the Year
    Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL
  • Victor Politano Resident Debates, 3rd Place
    Florida Urologic Society
  • Howard Kane Resident of the Year
    Mount Sinai Medical Center
  • Phi Sigma Biological Science Honor Society
    University of Southern California
  • Summa Cum Laude
    Leilehua High School