Cardiovascular revascularization medicine Aggarwal Gaurav, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, DelCore Michael G., Agarwal Himanshu, Orbital Atherectomy During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Severely Calcified Coronary Lesions in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis 53, p. S12 - 2023
Cardiovascular revascularization medicine Aggarwal Gaurav, Gokhroo Rahul, Agarwal Himanshu, Narmi Ann E., Umeh Chikwuemeka, Reddy Arun Kanmantha, DelCore Michael G., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Self-Expanding Acurate Neo2 Valve Versus Acurate Neo Valve: A Meta-Analysis 53, p. S105 2023
Cardiovascular revascularization medicine Aggarwal Gaurav, Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Aggarwal Saurabh, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Narmi Ann E., Bansal Sakshi, Pershad Ashish, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, DelCore Michael G., Agarwal Himanshu, Alla Mahesh Venkata, Narayan Mahesh Anantha, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With and Without Concomitant Aortic Aneurysm: A Meta-Analysis 53, p. S114 2023
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Aggarwal Gaurav, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Narmi Ann E., DelCore Michael G., Agarwal Himanshu, Kanmantha Reddy Arun, CRT-100.59 Orbital Atherectomy During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Severely Calcified Coronary Lesions in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis 16:4, p. S3 - S3 2023
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Aggarwal Gaurav, Pershad Ashish, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, DelCore Michael G., Bansal Sakshi, Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Aggarwal Saurabh, Narayan Mahesh Anantha, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Agarwal Himanshu, Alla Mahesh Venkata, CRT-700.64 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With and Without Concomitant Aortic Aneurysm: A Meta-Analysis 16:4, p. S96 - S97 2023
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Aggarwal Gaurav, Umeh Chikwuemeka, Gokhroo Rahul, Agarwal Himanshu, DelCore Michael G., Narmi Ann E., Reddy Arun Kanmantha, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, CRT-700.19 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Self-Expanding Acurate Neo2 Valve Versus Acurate Neo Valve: A Meta-Analysis 16:4, p. S88 - S89 2023
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Aggarwal Gaurav, Bansal Sakshi, Aggarwal Saurabh, Reddy Arun Kumar Kanmantha, Del Core Michael G., OUTCOMES IN ST-ELEVATION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT USE OF INTRAVASCULAR ULTRASOUND: META-ANALYSIS 79:9, p. 940 2022
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Luizzi Alexander B., Le Austin V., Gill Gauravpal S., Walters Ryan W., Del Core Michael, Medical versus invasive management of non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction in diabetes mellitus 2022
World Journal of Cardiology Ponamgi Shiva P., Haisum Maqsood Muhammad, Sundaragiri Pranathi R., DelCore Michael G., Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Jaber Wissam A., Nicholson William J., Pulmonary artery catheterization in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock 13:12, p. 720 - 732 2021
Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Lentner Jacob, Adams Taylor, Knutson Valene, Zeien Sarah, Abbas Hassan, Moosavi Ryan, Manuel Chris, Wallace Thomas, Harmon Adam, Waters Richard, Ledford Samuel, Vijayakrishnan Rajakrishnan, Jagan Nikhil, Jhamnani Sunny, Falluji Nezar, Delcore Michael, Bay Curt, C-reactive protein levels associated with COVID-19 outcomes in the United States 121:12, p. 869 - 873 2021
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Thandra Abhishek, Jhand Aravdeep, Guddeti Raviteja, Pajjuru Venkata, DelCore Michael, Lavie Carl J., Alla Venkata M., Sex Differences in Clinical Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery 28, p. 25 - 31 2021
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention Smer Aiman, Squires Ray W., Aboeata Ahmed, Bowman Melissa J., Mahlmeister Kasara A., Medina-Inojosa Jose R., Bonikowske Amanda R., Patel Apurva, Del Core Michael, Williams Mark A., Type 2 myocardial infarction current concepts and our experience with cardiac rehabilitation 41:3, p. 147 - 152 2021
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention Smer Aiman, Del Core Michael, Williams Mark A., Mahlmeister Kasara A., Squires Ray W., Aboeata Ahmed, Bowman Melissa J., Medina-Inojosa Jose R., Bonikowske Amanda R., Patel Apurva, Type 2 Myocardial Infarction: CURRENT CONCEPTS AND OUR EXPERIENCE WITH CARDIAC REHABILITATION 41:3, p. 147 - 152 2021
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Ahsan Muhammad J., Malik Saad U., Batool Syeda S., Fazeel Hafiz M., Lateef Noman, Latif Azka, Mirza Mohsin, Ahsan Mohammad Z., Faizi Zaheer, Thandra Abhishek, Kabach Amjad, Core Michael Del, A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact of baseline thrombocytopenia on cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention 97:6, p. E778 - E788 2021
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Latif Azka, Ahsan Muhammad Junaid, Lateef Noman, Kapoor Vikas, Mirza Mohsin Mansoor, Anwer Faiz, Del Core Michael, Kanmantha Reddy Arun, Outcomes of surgical versus transcatheter aortic valve replacement in nonagenarians- a systematic review and meta-analysis 11:1, p. 128 - 134 2021
Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography Shaikh K., Walters R., Guddeti R., Thandra A., Aboeata A., Reddy A., Ahmed A., Angula D., Urja P., Delcore M., Alla V., Utilization Trends Of Cardiovascular Ct Angiography Compared To Standard Of Care In Emergency Department In Patients Presenting With Chest Pain: Results From National Emergency Database 14:3, p. S17 - S17 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Patel Apurva, Walters Ryan, Core Michael Del, Alla Venkata Mahesh, Impact of Treatment on Readmission Rates in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Admitted with Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction 75:11, p. 1367 - 1367 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahsan Muhammad J., Hassan Syeda, Mobeen Sadia, Mirza Mohsin, Core Michael Del, Mansoor Kanaan, Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Batool Syeda Sabeeka, Thandra Abhishek, Ashraf Aqsa, A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Effects of Baseline Thrombocytopenia on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention at the longest follow-up 75:11, p. 1360 - 1360 2020
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Latif Azka, Patel Apurva D., Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Lokhande Chetan, Del Core Michael, Esterbrooks Dennis, Massive purulent pericarditis presenting as cardiac tamponade, p. 662 - 663 2020
Academic Medicine Del Core Michael, Creighton University School of Medicine 95:9, p. S291 - S293 2020
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Delcore Michael, Alla Venkata M., Sarsam Luay, Jhand Aravdeep, Parekh Jai, Saadi Abdul, Smer Aiman, Agarwal Himanshu, TCT-272 Outcomes of Drug-Eluting versus Bare-Metal Stents in Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 72:13, p. B112 - B112 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Belbase Ram, Parekh Jai, Yadav Niraj, White Michael, Del Core Michael, Alla Venkata M., TCT-518 Drug Eluting Stents Versus Bare Metal Stents in Saphenous Vein Graft Interventions: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 72:13, p. B208 - B208 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Saadi Abdulghani, Dang Geetanjali, Murray Jeff, Guddeti Raviteja, Akinapelli Abhilash, Del Core Michael, Alshebani Yazeid, White Michael, Maude Dataset: Predictors and OUtcomes of Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds 71:11, p. A1068 - A1068 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Jhand Aravdeep, Kabach Amjad, Azzouz Muhammad Soubhi, White Michael, Parekh Jai, Del Core Michael, Alla Venkata, OUTCOMES OF POST-OPERATIVE ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AFTER CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT SURGERY: A META-ANALYSIS 71:11, p. A144 - A144 2018
American Journal of Cardiology Smer Aiman, Salih Mohsin, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Guddeti Raviteja, Saadi Abdulghani, Saurav Alok, Belbase Ram, Ayan Mohamed, Traina Mahmoud, Alla Venkata, Del Core Michael, Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Versus Medical Therapy for Secondary Prevention of Cryptogenic Stroke 2018
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Soubhi Azzouz Muhammad, White Michael, Alla Venkata, Del Core Michael, Kadri Amer, Al-Khafaji Nawfal, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Therapeutic Hypothermia for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Meta Analysis 69:11, p. 347 - 347 2017
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Kanmanthareddy Arun, Anugula Dixitha, Gafoor Sameer, Sharma Rahul, Hunter Claire, Lilly Scott, Alla Venkata, White Michael, Del Core Michael, Agarwal Himanshu, Esterbrooks Dennis, Mooss Aryan, CRT-800.25 Second Generation Versus First Generation Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Meta-analysis 10:3, p. S71 - S71 2017
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions Belbase Ram, Kanmanthareddy Arun, White Michael, Del Core Michael, Holmberg Mark Jeff, Alla Venkata, Carstens Jeff, CRT-100.88 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting For Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Disease: Evidence From Meta-Analysis Of Randomized Clinical Trials 10:3, p. S29 - S29 2017
Journal of the American College of Cardiology saurav alok, Smer Aiman, Akinapelli Abhilash, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Mohiuddin Syed, Alla Venkata M., Delcore Michael, Mooss Aryan, Esterbrooks Dennis, Azzouz Muhammad, Kaushik Manu, Agarwal Himanshu, White Michael, Hunter Claire C., TCT-816 Trend of Utilization & Procedural Outcomes of Endomyocardial Biopsy in United States: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample Based Study 68:18, p. B330 - B331 2016
Annals of internal medicine Mark Daniel B., Yow Eric, Delcore Michael, Van De Graaff Eric, Federspiel Jerome J., Daniels Melanie R., Cowper Patricia A., Anstrom Kevin J., Hoffmann Udo, Patel Manesh R., Davidson-Ray Linda, Cooper Lawton S., Knight J. David, Lee Kerry L., Carr J. Jeffrey, Douglas Pamela S., Bonow Robert, Anderson Garnet, Bertoni Alain, Min James K., Proschan Michael, Bonds Denise, Spertus John A., Ulrich Connie M., Al-Khalidi Hussein R., Cook Nakela, Harding Tina, Dolor Rowena J., Go Alan, Fordyce Christopher, Hayden Sarah, Kosinski Andrzej, Krucoff Mitchell W., Leifer Eric, Salvaggio Kristen, Yang Qinghong, Martinez Beth, Mudrick Daniel W., Picard Michael H., Rubin Geoffrey, Schneider Ricky M., Shen Alexandra, Tardif Jean Claude, Velazquez Eric J., Tate Wanda, Udelson James E., Vavalle John, Garg Jyotsna, Huang Megan, Wu Stephanie, Economic outcomes with anatomical versus functional diagnostic testing for coronary artery disease 165:2, p. 94 - 102 2016
PloS One Gupta Gaurav K., Del Core Michael G., Hunter William J., III, Rai Vikrant, Agrawal Devendra K., Vitamin D Supplementation Reduces Intimal Hyperplasia and Restenosis Following Coronary Intervention in Atherosclerotic Swine 11:6, p. (15 pages) 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Koduri Hemantha Kumar, Kanmanthareddy Arun, Akinapelli Abhilash, Bansal Ojas, Pandya Jitendra, Aggarwal Saurabh, Azzouz Muhammad S., Del Core Michael G., Mooss Aryan N., Efficacy of Ezetimibe and Statin Versus Statin: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 67:13 Supplement, p. 1884 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Kanmanthareddy Arun, Esterbrooks Dennis, Del Core Michael, Aggarwal Saurabh, Saurav Alok, Koduri Hemantha, Kaushik Manu, Azzouz Muhammad Soubhi, White Michael, Hunter Claire, Akinapelli Abhilash, Alla Venkata, Mooss Aryan, Pandya Jitendra, Nationwide trends in pulmonary artery endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 67:13, p. 2044 - 2044 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Kanmanthareddy Arun, Lilly Scott, Mooss Aryan, Hunter Claire, Alla Venkata, White Michael, Balmuri Abilash, Kaushik Manu, Esterbrooks Dennis, Del Core Michael, Culprit versus multi-vessel percutaneous intervention in ST elevation myocardial infarction patients with cardiogenic shock: Meta-analysis 67:13, p. 660 - 660 2016
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Kanmanthareddy Arun, Buddam Avanija, Koduri Hemantha, Balmuri Abilash, Narayanan Mahesh Anantha, Hunter Claire, Alla Venkata, Mooss Aryan, Del Core Michael, Lilly Scott, CRT-200.72 Cardiovascular Outcomes and Concomitant Proton Pump Inhibitors and Clopidogrel Users: Evidence From Meta-analysis 9:4, p. S25 - S25 2016
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Azzouz Muhammad S., Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Akinapelli Abhilash, Smer Aiman, Woodruff Mark, Del Core Michael, White Michael, CRT-400.14 Trans-femoral Versus Trans-apical Access in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation; A Meta-analysis 9:4, p. S45 - S46 2016
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Azzouz Muhammad S., Aggarwal Saurabh, Akinapelli Abhilash, Haddad Toufik Mahfood, Kaushik Manu, Del Core Michael, CRT-200.42 The Role of Calcium Channel Blockers in Radial Cocktail on Radial Artery Spasm, A Meta Analysis 9:4, p. S15 - S16 2016
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Akinapelli Abhilash, Azzouz Muhammad S., White Michael D., Del Core Michael, CRT-200.50 Efficacy of Embolic Protection Device During Saphenous Vein Graft Intervention - Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 9:4, p. S18 - S19 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Saurav Alok, Smer Aiman, Alla Venkata M., White Michael D., Satpathy Ruby, Kaushik Manu, Woodruff Mark, DelCore Michael, Mooss Aryan, TCT-303 Diagnostic Performance of Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio for Physiological Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Severity: A Bivariate Meta-analysis 66:15, p. B120 - B120 2015
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Saurav Alok, Kaja Ajay K., Kaushik Manu, Alla Venkata M., Satpathy Ruby, Smer Aiman, White Michael D., Woodruff Mark, Mooss Aryan, DelCore Michael, TCT-478 Comparison of Five-year Outcomes of Percutaneous Versus Surgical Coronary Revascularization: A Meta-analysis 66:15, p. B195 - B195 2015
PLoS One Swier Vicki J., Tang Lin, Krueger Kristopher D., Del Core Michael G., Agrawal Devendra K., Radwan Mohamed M., Coronary Injury Score Correlates with Proliferating Cells and Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin Expression in Stented Porcine Coronary Arteries 10:9, p. (13 pages) 2015
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Saurav Alok, Alla Venkata M., Del Core Michael G., Kaushik M., White Michael D., Satpathy R., Lanspa Thomas J., Mooss Aryan N., Comparison of percutaneous device closure versus surgical closure of peri-membranous ventricular septal defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis 86:6, p. 1048 - 1056 2015
New England Journal of Medicine Cannon Christopher P., Mathur A., Mittal S., Reddy K., White H., Del Core M., Pedersen T., Britto F., Carrageta M., Duris T., Dalby A., Blazing Michael A., Giugliano Robert P., McCagg Amy, White Jennifer A., Lewis Basil S., Ophuis Ton Oude, Theroux Pierre, Darius Harald, Ruzyllo Witold, De Lucca Paul, Jukema J. Wouter, De Ferrari Gaetano M., Im Kyung Ah, Bohula Erin A., Reist Craig, Wiviott Stephen D., Tershakovec Andrew M., Musliner Thomas A., Braunwald Eugene, Gurfinkel E., Califf Robert M., Musliner T., Tershakovec A., Aylward P., Tonkin A., Maurer G., Van de Werf F., Spinar J., Nicolau JC, Genest J., Armstrong P., Corbalan R., Isaza D., Grande P., Voitk J., Keltai M., Kesaniemi A., Bassand JP, Farnier M., Ezetimibe added to statin therapy after acute coronary syndromes 372:25, p. 2387 - 2397 2015
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Matta Abhishek, Akinapelli Abhilash, Nagabandi Arun, Alla Venkata, Delcore Michael, A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF PERCUTANEOUS CLOSURE OF RUPTURED SINUS OF VALSALVA ANEURYSM IN ADULTS 65:10, p. A1913 - A1913 2015
Atherosclerosis Agrawal Devendra K., Swier Vicki J., Tang L., Radwan Mohamed M., Del Core Michael G., Hunter William J., III, Correlation of m1 and m2 macrophages with the severity of atherosclerosis and insulin resistance 235:2, p. e38 - e39 2014
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions Deshmukh Anand, Esterbrooks Dennis, Haroon Sehr, Patel Nachiket, Azzouz Muhammad, Hilleman Daniel K., Mooss Aryan, Kaushik Manu, White Michael, DelCore Michael, Lanspa Thomas, CRT-215 Efficacy and Safety of Transradial Approach to Renal Artery Interventions 7:2, p. S38 - S38 2014
American journal of therapeutics Deshmukh Anand, Hilleman Dan E, Del Core Michael, Nair Chandra K, Antithrombotic regimens in patients with indication for long-term anticoagulation undergoing coronary interventions-systematic analysis, review of literature, and implications on management 20:6, p. 654 - 663 2013
American Journal of Therapeutics Deshmukh Anand R., Hilleman Daniel E., Del Core Michael G., Nair Chandra K., Antithrombotic regimens in patients with indication for long-term anticoagulation undergoing coronary interventions-systematic analysis, review of literature, and implications on management. 20:6, p. 654 - 663 2013
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Deshmukh Anand, White Michael, DelCore Michael, Hunter Claire, Mooss Aryan, Esterbrooks Dennis, Lanspa Thomas, Pandya Jitendra, Hilleman Daniel, IMPACT OF OBESITY ON LONG-TERM OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE STEMI TREATED WITH PCI 61:10, p. E207 - E207 2013
JACC. Cardiovascular Interventions Deshmukh Anand R., Gangi Ratna P., Del Core Michael G., Lanspa Thomas J., Hunter Claire, Hilleman Daniel E., Haroon Sehr, Mooss Aryan N., Esterbrooks Dennis J., Bansal Ojas, Smer Aiman M., Kanuri Swapna, CRT-15 Outcomes In Patients Undergoing Rural Interhospital Transfer Of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction For Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 6:2, Supplement, p. S6 2013
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions Kaushik Manu, Esterbrooks Dennis, Saurav Alok, Chandraprakasam Satish, Deshmukh Anand, Del Core Michael, Mooss Aryan, COMPARISON OF OUTCOMES OF PATIENTS PRESENTING WITH INFERIOR STEMI WITH PROXIMAL AND DISTAL RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY OBSTRUCTION 6:2, p. S10 - S10 2013
New England Journal of Medicine Schwartz G. G., Abt M., Brumm J., Shah P. K., Chaitman B. R., Barter P. J., Holme I. M., Olsson A. G., Kallend D., Leiter L. A., Leitersdorf E., McMurray J. J., Mundl H., Nicholls S. J., Tardif J. C., Ballantyne C. M., Wright R. S., Del Core Michael G., Effects of dalcetrapib in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome. 367:22, p. 2089 - 2099 2012
New England Journal of Medicine Roe M. T., Armstrong P. W., Fox K. A., White H. D., Clemmensen P., Prabhakaran D., Goodman S. G., Merkely B., Tseng C. D., Gasparovic V., Corbalan R., McLendon R. C., Winters K. J., Topacio G. O., Hamm C., Pavlides G., Brown E. B., Lokhnygina Y., Cinteză M., Aylward P. E., Huber K., Hochman J. S., Ohman E. M., Del Core Michael G., Cornel J. H., Bhatt D. L., Boden W. E., Goudev A. R., Oto A., Martinez F., Ardissino D., Nicolau J. C., McGuire D. K., Gurbel P. A., Ruzyllo W., Dalby A. J., Leiva-Pons J. L., Parkhomenko A., Gottlieb S., Prasugrel versus clopidogrel for acute coronary syndromes without revascularization. 367:14, p. 1297 - 1309 2012
Experimental and Molecular Pathology Gupta Gaurav K., Agrawal Devendra K., DelCore Michael G., Mohiuddin Syed M., Vitamin D deficiency induces cardiac hypertrophy and inflammation in epicardial adipose tissue in hypercholesterolemic swine 93:1, p. 82 - 90 2012
Journal of Surgical Research Pankajakshan Divya, Pipinos Iraklis I., Agrawal Devendra K., Makinde Toluwalope O., Gaurav Rohit, Hatzoudis Georgios I., Del Core Michael G., Successful Transfection of Genes Using AAV-2/9 Vector in Swine Coronary and Peripheral Arteries 175:1, p. 169 - 175 2012
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology Gupta Gaurav K, Agrawal Tanupriya, Del Core Michael G, Hunter William J, Agrawal Devendra K, Abstract 469: Vitamin D Deficiency Potentiates Restenosis Following Coronary Angioplasty in Hypercholesterolemic Swine 32:suppl_1 2012
New England Journal of Medicine Morrow David A., Fish Mary Polly, Fox Keith A.A., Lipka Leslie J., Braunwald Eugene, Dalby Anthony J., Liu Xuan, Nicolau José Carlos, Ophuis A. J.Oude, Paolasso Ernesto, Scirica Benjamin M., Bonaca Marc P., Ameriso Sebastian F., Strony John, Spinar Jindrich, Theroux Pierre, Wiviott Stephen D., Murphy Sabina A., McCabe C. H., Morin S., Lamp J., Plat F., Deenadayalu N., Skene A., Gershman E., Hill K., Bennett L., Berman G., Goto S., Dellborg M., Diehm C. H., Dietz R., Grande P., Hankey G., Isaza D., Jensen P., DelCore M., Kilian A., Kiss R., Lewis B., Merlini P., Moliterno D., Betriu A., He W., Aylward P., Bassand J. P., Bounameaux H., Corbalan R., Creager M., De Ferrari G., Vorapaxar in the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events 366:15, p. 1404 - 1413 2012
PLoS One Gupta Gaurav K., Agrawal Tanupriya, Del Core Michael G., Hunter William J., III, Decreased Expression of Vitamin D Receptors in Neointimal Lesions following Coronary Artery Angioplasty in Atherosclerotic Swine 7:8, p. e42789 2012
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Deshmukh Anand, Almeida Nathan, Pasupuleti Suman, Hilleman Daniel E., DelCore Michael, Nair Chandra K., SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF VARIOUS ANTITHROMBOTIC REGIMENS IN PATIENTS WITH INDICATIONS FOR ANTICOAGULATION WHO UNDERGO PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTIONS 57:14, p. E602 - E602 2011
Experimental and Molecular Pathology Gupta Gaurav K., Dhar Kajari, Del Core Michael G., Hunter III William J., Hatzoudis Georgios I., Agrawal Devendra K., Hunter William J., III, Suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 and intimal hyperplasia in porcine coronary arteries following coronary intervention 91:1, p. 346 - 352 2011
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Reddy Madhu, Del Core Michael G., Narmi Ann, Satpathy Ruby, Go Jason, Predictors for choosing trans-femoral approach in a center where trans-radial approach is routinely used for coronary angiography 11:3, p. 204 - 205 2010
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Wang FenWei, Mooss Aryan, Lanspa Thomas, Maciejewski Stephanie, Esterbrooks Dennis, Del Core Michael, ONE-YEAR CLINICAL OUTCOMES AFTER TREATMENT OF CAROTID STENOSIS WITH CAROTID ARTERY STENTING AND CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY IN THE MEDICARE POPULATION 55:10, p. A213 - A213.E2013 2010
Circulation Sontineni Siva P., Harper Lise K., Del Core Michael G., Percutaneous Deep Vein Stenting to Prevent Recurrent Pulmonary Thromboembolism From Axillary Venous Malformation 122:6, p. 642 - 643 2010
New England Journal of Medicine Wallentin L., Becker R. C., Budaj A., Cannon C. P., Emanuelsson H., Held C., Storey R. F., Horrow J., Husted S., Scirica B. M., Skene A., Steg P. G., Mahaffey K. W., James S., Katus H., Harrington R. A., Freij A., Thorsén M., Del Core Michael G., Ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes. 361:11, p. 1045 - 1057 2009
Journal of Clinical Pathology Krueger K. D., Mitra A. K., Hunter William J., III, Agrawal Devendra K., Del Core Michael G., A comparison of stent-induced stenosis in coronary and peripheral arteries 59:6, p. 575 - 579 2006
Journal of Invasive Cardiology Wou Karen, Del Core Michael, Fourchy Dominique, Huynh Thao, Lader Ellis, Rogers Felix J., Chaudhry Rashid, Pilote Louise, Eisenberg Mark J., Duerr Robert, Nguyen Hiep, Impact of functional testing results on prescription patterns of anti-anginal medication after coronary artery bypass graft surgery 18:6, p. 278 - 282 2006
Journal of Invasive Cardiology Eisenberg Mark J., Wou Karen, Nguyen Hiep, Duerr Robert, Fourchy Dominique, Huynh Thao, Lader Ellis, Rogers Felix J., Del Core Michael, Pilote Louise, Chaudhry Rashid, Okrainec Karen, Lack of benefit for routine functional testing early after coronary artery bypass graft surgery 18:4, p. 147 - 152 2006
American Journal of Cardiology Eisenberg Mark J., Wou Karen, Nguyen Hiep, Duerr Robert, Del Core Michael, Fourchy Dominique, Huynh Thao, Lader Ellis, Rogers Felix J., Chaudhry Rashid, Okrainec Karen, Pilote Louise, Use of stress testing early after coronary artery bypass graft surgery 97:6, p. 810 - 816 2006
Canadian Journal of Cardiology Gilman Melissa R., Okrainec Karen, Nguyen Hiep, Duerr Robert, Del Core Michael, Fourchy Dominique, Huynh Thao, Lader Ellis, Rogers Felix J., Chaudry M. Rashid, Pilote Louise, Eisenberg Mark J., Impact of diabetes on 12-month outcomes following coronary artery bypass graft surgery 21:13, p. 1169 - 1174 2005
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Mitra Amit K., Del Core Michael G., Agrawal Devendra K., Cells, cytokines and cellular immunity in the pathogenesis of fibroproliferative vasculopathies 83:8/9, p. 701 - 715 2005
Journal of Invasive Cardiology Eisenberg Mark J., Duerr Robert, Del Core Michael, Schechter David, Mak Koon Hou, Lefkovits Jeffrey, Goudreau Evelyne, Deligonul Ubeydullah, Smilovitch Mark, Brieger David, Pilote Louise, Garzon Philippe, Huynh Thao, Sedlis Steven, Brown David L., Utility of routine functional testing after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Results from the ROSETTA registry 16:6, p. 318 - 322 2004
Canadian Journal of Cardiology Goldman Lorne E., Goudreau Evelyne, Deligonul Ubeydullah, Mak Koon Hou, Del Core Michael, Duerr Robert, Huynh Thao, Smilovitch Mark, Sedlis Steven, Brown David L., Lefkovits Jeffrey, Brieger David, Okrainec Karen, Eisenberg Mark J., Schechter David, Six-month outcomes after single- and multi-lesion percutaneous coronary intervention 20:6, p. 608 - 612 2004
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Gitman Melissa, Okrainec Karen, Nguyen Hiep, Duerr Robert, Del Core Michael, Fourchy Dominique, Huynh Thao, Lader Ellis, Rogers Felix J, Chaudry M.Rashid, Pilote Louise, Eisenberg Mark J, , 809-4 Impact of diabetes on 12-month outcomes following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Results from the routine versus selective exercise treadmill testing after coronary artery bypass grafting (ROSETTA-CABG) registry 43:5, p. A268 - A268 2004
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Eisenberg Mark J, Okrainec Karen, Wou Karen, Nguyen Hiep, Duerr Robert, Fourchy Dominique, Pilote Louise, Del Core Michael, Lader Ellis, Hunyh Thao, Utility of Routine Functional Testing After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: Results from the ROSETTA-CABG Study 43:5, p. A273 - A273 2004
International Immunopharmacology Krueger Kristopher D., Hunter William J., III, DelCore Michael G., Agrawal Devendra K., Calphostin C as a rapid and strong inducer of apoptosis in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells 3:13-14, p. 1751 - 1759 2003
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Del Core Michael G., Price Christopher, LaMadrid Lance, Ryshon Kay, Mohiuddin Syed M., Endothelial dysfunction following radial artery cannulization 39, p. 239 - 239 2002
American Journal of Cardiology Abenhaim Haim A., Eisenberg Mark J., Schechter David, Lefkovits Jeffrey, Goudreau Evelyne, Deligonul Ubeydullah, Mak Koon Hou, Duerr Robert, Del Core Michael, Huynh Thao, Smilovitch Mark, Sedlis Steven, Brown David L., Brieger David, Comparison of six-month outcomes of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients ≥75 with those 87:12, p. 1392 - 1395 2001
American Heart Journal Eisenberg Mark J., Schechter David, Lefkovits Jeffrey, Goudreau Evelyne, Deligonul Ubeydullah, Mak Koon Hou, Del Core Michael, Duerr Robert, Garzon Philippe M., Huynh Thao, Brieger David, Smilovitch Mark, Sedlis Steven, Brown David L., Pilote Louise, Use of routine functional testing after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 141:5, p. 837 - 846 2001
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