Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Rebecca Ann Davis, DNP, APHN-BC

Assistant Professor



Faculty - Nursing
College of Nursing
Nursing Practice (Doctorate)
Nursing Post-Graduate (Post-Graduate Certificate)
Nursing MSN (Master of Science)
Graduate School
CRISS II - Criss 2 - 217B

Rebecca Ann Davis, DNP, APHN-BC

Assistant Professor


Dr Becky Davis joined the College of Nursing faculty in 2014. She practiced for several years as a community/public health nurse before becoming a nurse educator. She completed graduate studies at Creighton University and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her previous practice and current academic roles are consistently linked to care of under-resourced individuals, families and whole populations. Her research focus is community-engaged health disparities, with themes in active aging, refugee health, spiritual dimensions of care, health communication and competency-based nursing education.. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Population Health and holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in Advanced Public Health – Global Health Nursing.

Teaching Interests

  • Advanced Public Health/ Global Health Nursing


Nursing - Bachelors


Assistant Professor


  • Public Health Nursing
    Davis, R. A., Travers Gustafson, D. Academic-Practice Partnership in Public Health Nursing: Working with Families in a Village-Based Collaboration
    32(4), p. 327-338 2015


  • Podium Presentation - Student self-evaluation tool linking practicum experience to PHN guiding principles. 2016
  • Poster presentation: Health Education Toolkit for Refugee Populations through Academic-Practice Partnership. Poster Presentation. Global Health Conference Midwest 2016. 2016
  • Davis, R. & Tachenko-Achord. S. (2014) Academic-Practice Partnership in Public Health Nursing: Working Together with Families in a Village-based Collaboration. Poster Presentation, American Public Health Association 142nd Annual Meeting and Expo. 2014