Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist Das Ananya, WHAT IS THE ROLE OF PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY AND BRACHYTHERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA? [Book Chapter] 2011
Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist Das Ananya, QUESTION 5: HOW SHOULD MALIGNANT TRACHEOESOPHAGEAL FISTULAE BE MANAGED IN PATIENTS WITH ESOPHAGEAL CANCER? [Book Chapter] 2011
The American journal of gastroenterology Sachdev Mankanwal S., Kaur Harshaman, Singh Amninder, Das Ananya, S1635 Safety and Feasibility of Endoscopic Ultrasonography Guided Liver Biopsy (EUS-LB) in a Free-Standing Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) 119:10S, p. S1190 - S1191 2024
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Panda Subrat, Das Ananya, Shullai Wansallan, Ruksana Makakmayum, Gowda Namita, Jante Vinayak, Baruah Pratitee, Sharma Nalini, Basu Ritisha, Unveiling Preeclampsia Prognosis: Uterine Artery Doppler Indices in Low-Risk Pregnancies 2023
Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences Das Ananya, Panda Subrat, Marbaniang Evarisalin, Lynser Donbok, Baruah Surajit, Heterotopic pregnancy: A rare entity 8:1, p. 91 - 92 2020
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Mony Shruti, Shah Ishani, Pahuja Mohit, Das Ananya, Brady Patrick, Mo1256 – Prevalence and Predictors of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices: A Nationwide Perspective 156:6, p. S-735 - S-736 2019
VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Vyas Neil, Sachdev Mankanwal, Das Ananya, Khosravi Farhoud, Pancreatic necrosectomy using an automated mechanical endoscopic tissue extraction device 3:11, p. 354 - 355 2018
The American journal of gastroenterology Vyas Neil, Singh Nisha, Aijaz Sofi, Surkunalingam Nantha, Mony Shruti, Kachaamy Toufic, Khosravi Farhoud, Sachdev Mankanwal, Das Ananya, Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Gallbladder Drainage Is Potentially a Safer and Efficacious Treatment of Choice in High-Risk Patients, as Opposed to Percutaneous Transhepatic Gallbladder Drainage 113:Supplement, p. S441 - S441 2018
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Sofi Aijaz, Sachdev Mankanwal, Khosravi Farhoud, Khan Muhammad Ali, Das Ananya, Mo1289 PERCUTANEOUS VERSUS EUS-GUIDED DRAINAGE OF PERIPANCREATIC FLUID COLLECTIONS FOLLOWING PANCREATIC SURGERY- SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS 87:6, p. AB430 - AB431 2018
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Vyas Neil, Surkunalingam Nantha, Mony Shruti, Khosravi Farhoud, Sachdev Mankanwal, Das Ananya, Su1334 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Predictive Neural Network Model is more Accurate than Clinical Prediction in Classifying Malignant Pancreatic Cysts 154:6, p. S-523 - S-523 2018
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Tyberg Amy, Raijman Isaac, Sejpal Divyesh V., Benias Petros C., Trindade Arvind J., Novikov Aleksey A., Kedia Prashant, Das Ananya, Sachdev Mankanwal, Khosravi Farhoud, Gaidhane Monica, Kahaleh Michel, Joshi Virendra, 187 - Optical Coherence Tomography of the Pancreatic and Bile Duct: Are we Ready for Prime Time? 154:6, p. S-48 - S-49 2018
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Singh Nisha M., Mony Shruti, Das Ananya, Tu1669 - Negative Association Between Breast and Colorectal Malignancies 154:6, p. S-988 - S-989 2018
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Corral Juan E., Mareth Karl, Riegert-Johnson Douglas L., Das Ananya, Wallace Michael B., Tu1348 - Diagnostic Yield of Pancreatic Cancer Screening in High-Risk Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 154:6, p. S-938 - S-939 2018
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Bekal Pradeep, Stassen William, Odstrcil Elizabeth A., Johnson David A., Sa1732 Rectal Infusion Based Colon Cleansing Preparation for Colonoscopy Is a Dominantly Cost-Effective Strategy Compared to Standard Oral Preparation 85:5, p. AB258 - AB259 2017
Endoscopy International Open Ahmed Moiz, Kanotra Ritesh, Savani Ghanshyambhai T., Kotadiya Fenilkumar, Patel Nileshkumar, Tareen Sarah, Fasullo Matthew J., Khan Hafiz M., Kesavan Mayurathan, Kahn Ahsan, Nalluri Nikhil, Pau Dhaval, Das Ananya, Abergel Jeffrey, Deeb Liliane, Andrawes Sherif, Utilization trends in inpatient endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): A cross-sectional US experience 5:4, p. E261 - E271 2017
VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Mony Shruti, Khosravi Farhoud, Das Ananya, Sachdev Mankanwal S., Antegrade cholangiogram via cholecystoduodenostomy in biliary pancreatitis 2:2, p. 23 - 24 2017
Case reports in pulmonology Mony Shruti, Patil Pradnya D., English Rebekah, Das Ananya, Culver Daniel A., Panchabhai Tanmay S., A Rare Presentation of Sarcoidosis as a Pancreatic Head Mass 2017, p. 7037162 - 3 2017
The American journal of gastroenterology Khosla Manraj, Khosravi Farhoud, Cashman James, Das Ananya, Iron Deficiency Anemia with an Unusually Large Suspect 111, p. S1100 - S1101 2016
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Mony Shruti, Kanotra Ritesh, Das Ananya, Sa1474 Median Household, Racial and Insurance Disparities in Pancreatic Cancer in the US 150:4, p. S325 - S325 2016
The American journal of gastroenterology Wani Sachin, Collins Brian, Wang Jeff F, Marshall Carrie, Sams Sharon B, Yen Roy, Brauer Brian, Rizeq Mona, Romanas Maria, Ulusarac Ozlem, Amateau Stuart K, Attwell Augustin, Gaddam Srinivas, Hollander Thomas G, Hosford Lindsay, Johnson Sydney, Kushnir Vladimir, Kohlmeier Cara, Mullady Daniel, Early Dayna S, Rastogi Amit, Fukami Norio, Shah Raj J, Das Ananya, Edmundowicz Steven A, Vargo John, Azar Riad R, The clinical impact of immediate on-site cytopathology evaluation during endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatic masses: a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial 110:10, p. 1429 - 1439 2015
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Law Ryan, Wallace Michael, Raju Gottumukkala S., Klapman Jason B., Shah Janak N., Watson Rabindra R., Edmundowicz Steven A., Das Ananya, Wani Sachin, Vargo John J., Muthusamy V. Raman, Rastogi Amit, Komanduri Srinadh, Sa1583 Laparoscopic Resection (LR) Is Not Cost-Effective Compared to Endoscopic Resection (ER) in the Management of Large Colon Polyps: an Economic Analysis 81:5, p. AB270 - AB270 2015
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Gaddam Srinivas, Wani Sachin, Su1673 Progress Report and Temporal Analysis on Health Disparity in Colorectal Cancer Care in the United States: Need for Targeted Intervention 81:5, p. AB373 - AB373 2015
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Gaddam Srinivas, Jacobson Brian C., Wani Sachin, Das Ananya, Early Dayna S., Mo1970 Colorectal Cancer Screening (CRCs) Legislation Alone Is Inadequate in Decreasing Cancer Incidence: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Registry Analysis 148:4, p. S-753 - S-754 2015
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Das Ananya, Gaddam Srinivas, Wani Sachin, 840 Widening Health Disparity in Minority and Economically Disadvantaged Patients With Pancreatic Cancer: Results From a Population-Based Study 148:4, p. S-166 - S-167 2015
Cancer Wani Sachin, Das Ananya, Rastogi Amit, Drahos Jennifer, Ricker Winifred, Parsons Ruth, Sharma Prateek, Cook Michael B., Jankowski Meghan, Bansal Ajay, Yen Roy, Hosford Lindsay, Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Esophageal Cancer Leads to Improved Survival Rates: Results From a Population-Based Study 121:2, p. 194 - 201 2015
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Wani Sachin, Early Dayna S., Mullady Daniel, Collins Brian T., Wang Jeff F., Yen Roy D., Sams Sharon B., Marshall Carrie, Gaddam Srinivas, Brauer Brian C., Amateau Stuart K., Kushnir Vladimir M., Rizeq Mona, Hollander Thomas G., Hosford Lindsay, Romanas Maria M., Johnson Sydney S., Azar Riad R., Ulusarac Ozlem, Fukami Norio, Shah Raj J., Edmundowicz Steven A., Rastogi Amit, Das Ananya, Su1136 Cost Minimization Analysis of Onsite Cytopathologist (CyP) Evaluation During EUS-FNA of Solid Pancreatic Lesions: Results From a Multicenter Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial 146:5, p. S-385 - S-385 2014
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Wani Sachin, Marshall Carrie, Sams Sharon B., Yen Roy D., Rizeq Mona, Das Ananya, Amateau Stuart K., Kohlmeier Cara, Azar Riad R., Hollander Thomas G., Fukami Norio, Shah Raj J., Edmundowicz Steven A., Romanas Maria M., Ulusarac Ozlem, Brauer Brian C., Gaddam Srinivas, Hosford Lindsay, Kushnir Vladimir M., Johnson Sydney S., Mullady Daniel, Wang Jeff F., Early Dayna S., Rastogi Amit, Collins Brian T., Mo1165 Cumulative Gain of Successive EUS-FNA Passes and Predictors for Diagnosis of Malignancy in EUS-Guided FNA of Pancreatic Masses: Results From a Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial 146:5, p. S-574 - S-575 2014
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Wani Sachin, Komanduri Srinadh, Watson Rabindra R., Shah Janak N., Klapman Jason B., Das Ananya, Muthusamy V. Raman, 1040 Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) Is More Cost-Effective Than Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) for Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Tissue Sampling: an Economic Analysis 79:5, p. AB189 - AB189 2014
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Wani Sachin, Drahos Jennifer, Cook Michael B., Rastogi Amit, Yen Roy, Sharma Prateek, Das Ananya, Bansal Ajay, Comparison of endoscopic therapies and surgical resection in patients with early esophageal cancer: a population-based study 79:2, p. 224 - 232 2014
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Wani Sachin, Drahos Jennifer, Cook Michael B., Rastogi Amit, Bansal Ajay, Sharma Prateek, Das Ananya, Sa1465 Comparison of Endoscopic Eradication Therapies (EET) and Surgery in Early Esophageal Cancer (EC): Results From the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Data 77:5, p. AB215 - AB216 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Wani Sachin, Das Ananya, Drahos Jennifer, Ricker Winifred V., Rastogi Amit, Parsons Ruth, Bansal Ajay, Sharma Prateek, Cook Michael B., Sa1133 Clinical Impact of a Multimodality Staging Approach With EUS and CT-PET on Long Term Survival in Patients With Esophageal Cancer (EC): Results From a Population Based Study 144:5, p. S-210 - S-210 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Yen Roy D., Mullady Daniel, Early Dayna S., Edmundowicz Steven A., Wani Sachin, Ulusarac Ozlem, Brauer Brian C., Collins Brian T., Amateau Stuart K., Gaddam Srinivas, Siller Brittany A., Rastogi Amit, Wang Jeff F., Sams Sharon B., Marshall Carrie, Rizeq Mona, Romanas Maria M., Azar Riad R., Hollander Thomas G., Johnson Sydney, Kohlmeier Cara, Das Ananya, Fukami Norio, Shah Raj J., Mo1064 Predictors for Diagnosis of Malignancy in Endoscopic Ultrasonography-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) of Pancreatic Masses: Results From a Multicenter Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial 144:5, p. S-567 - S-567 2013
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Wani Sachin, Parsons Ruth, Bansal Ajay, Sharma Prateek, Ricker Winifred V., Cook Michael B., Das Ananya, Rastogi Amit, Drahos Jennifer, 347 Under-Utilization of Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) in Esophageal Cancer (EC) Despite Leading to Improved Survival Rates: Results From a Population-Based Study 77:5, p. AB141 - AB142 2013
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Wani Sachin, Drahos Jennifer, Cook Michael B., Rastogi Amit, Bansal Ajay, Yen Roy D., Sharma Prateek, Das Ananya, 925k A Population Based Study Comparing Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Early Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Undergoing Endoscopic Therapy and Surgical Resection 144:5, p. S-164 - S-165 2013
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Wani Sachin, Amateau Stuart K., Rizeq Mona, Hollander Thomas G., Siller Brittany a., Johnson Sydney, Romanas Maria M., Shah Raj J., Edmundowicz Steven a., Das Ananya, Rastogi Amit, Early Dayna S., Mullady Daniel, Gaddam Srinivas, Azar Riad R., Ulusarac Ozlem, Fukami Norio, Collins Brian T., Wang Jeff F., Yen Roy D., Sams Sharon B., Brauer Brian C., Marshall Carrie, Sa1540 Cost Minimization Analysis of Onsite Cytopathologist (CyP) Evaluation During EUS FNA of Solid Pancreatic Lesions (SPL) 77:5, p. AB243 - AB244 2013
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Hsieh Ting-Hui, Mekeel Kristin L., Crowell Michael D., Nguyen Cuong C., Aqel Bashar A., Das Ananya, Carey Elizabeth J., Douglas David D., Mulligan David C., Harrison M. Edwyn, Byrne Thomas J., Vargas Hugo E., Endoscopic treatment of anastomotic biliary strictures after living donor liver transplantation: outcomes after maximal stent therapy 77:1, p. 47 - 54 2013
Das Ananya, Alisa L.HartSiew C.NgInflammatory Bowel Disease: An Evidence-based Practical Guide2012TFM Publishing LtdShrewsbury, UK978-1-903378-82-3 2012
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Das Ananya, Finkelstein Sydney D., Ellsworth Eric, Sachdev Mankanwal S., 1134 Incidental Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasm (PCN): Management Guided by Molecular Analysis of Cyst Fluid Obtained by EUS-FNA is Cheaper and More Effective Compared to Management Guided by Cyst Fluid Cytology and Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA) Estimation 142:5, p. S-207 - S-208 2012
Gastrointestinal endoscopy AL-Haddad Mohammad A., Raijman Isaac, Das Ananya, Sachdev Mankanwal S., Komanduri Srinadh, Krishnan Kumar, Diehl David L., 501 Early Clinical Experience With a New EUS-Guided 19-Gauge Flexible Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Device: A Multicenter Study 75:4, p. AB146 - AB146 2012
Journal of interventional gastroenterology Nguyen Vien X, Das Ananya, Nguyen Cuong C, Sharma Virender K, De Petris Giovanni, Confocal endomicroscopy (CEM) improves efficiency of Barrett surveillance 2:2, p. 61 - 65 2012
The American journal of gastroenterology Pasha Shabana F, Leighton Jonathan A, Das Ananya, Harrison M Edwyn, Gurudu Suryakanth R, Ramirez Francisco C, Fleischer David E, Sharma Virender K, Comparison of the yield and miss rate of narrow band imaging and white light endoscopy in patients undergoing screening or surveillance colonoscopy: a meta-analysis 107:3, p. 363 - 370 2012
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Nguyen Vien X., Sachdev Mankanwal S., Das Ananya, Mo1573 Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) in Ambulatory Endoscopy Center (AEC) - A Sound Business Strategy? 73:4, p. AB391 - AB391 2011
Indian journal of gastroenterology Ghoshal Uday, Das Ananya, Evaluating quality of life of patients with chronic liver disease: quest for a questionnaire 29:5, p. 181 - 183 2010
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Ngamruengphong Saowanee, Kim Hack J., Das Ananya, Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., S1495: Stepwise Circumferential and Focal RF Ablation Using the HALO System in Barrett Esophagus (BE) With or Without Dysplasia: A Single Center Experience 71:5, p. AB177 - AB177 2010
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Pasha Shabana F., Leighton Jonathan A., Das Ananya, Gurudu Suryakanth, Sharma Virender K., W1169 Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) and White Light Endoscopy (WLE) Have a Comparable Yield for Detection of Colon Polyps in Patients Undergoing Screening or Surveillance Colonoscopy:an Updated Meta-Analysis 138:5, p. S-666 - S-666 2010
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Decker G.A., Crowell Michael D., Das Ananya, Yadav Anitha, Pasha Shabana F., Harrison M. Edwyn, Kriegshauser J. Scott, Hara Amy K., Malagon Isaac B., Sharma Virender K., Leighton Jonathan A., Predictors of Insertion Depth At Double Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE) 69:5, p. AB309 - AB310 2009
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Fujii Larissa L., Nguyen Cuong C., Das Ananya, S1784 Unexplained Biliary Dilation - An Association with Chronic Narcotic Use 136:5, p. A-269 - A-269 2009
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Decker G.A., Sharma Virender K., Das Ananya, Harrison M. Edwyn, Kriegshauser J Scott, Hara Amy K., Malagon Isaac B., Leighton Jonathan A., Crowell Michael D., Yadav Anitha, Pasha Shabana F., W1064 Double Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE): the Largest United States Single Center Experience 136:5, p. A-646 - A-646 2009
Das Ananya, Facp FACP, Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding 2008
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Nguyen Vien X., Sharma Virender K., Das Ananya, Crowell Michael D., Nguyen Cuong C., Kim Hack J., DiBaise John K., T1084 High Resolution Esophageal Manometry (HRM): Evaluation of the New Diagnostic Criteria for Patients with Achalasia 134:4, p. A-479 - A-480 2008
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Kim H. Jae, Roarke Michael, Camilleri Michael, Crowell Michael D., Tollefson Chris D., Lee Michael S., Das Ananya, Burton Duane D., Zinsmeister Alan R., Sharma Virender K., W1066 Reduced Gastric Accommodation in Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia (NUD) Lasts At Least 2 Hours: Studies By Simultaneous Gastric Volume and Emptying Measurements 134:4, p. A-626 - A-626 2008
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Das Ananya, W1419 Mucinous Cyst Adenocarcinoma (Mca) Has Better Prognosis Compared to Malignant Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumor (IPMT) of the Pancreas: Analysis of a Population Based Cancer Registry 134:4, p. A-700 - A-701 2008
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Das Ananya, S2016 Epidemiology of Sporadic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Malignant Tumors 134:4, p. A-298 - A-298 2008
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Li Feng, Cooper Gregory S., Das Ananya, Zhou Ying, Chak Amitabh, M2030 Geographic and Patient-Level Variations in Utilization of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer 134:4, p. A-454 - A-454 2008
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Lo Simon K., Das Ananya, Ross Andrew S., Gupta Gauree, Kozarek Richard A., Dye Charles E., Double Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE) Can Be Routinely Employed to Perform ERCP in Bariatric Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Patients 67:5, p. AB235 - AB235 2008
Gastroenterology & hepatology Anton Decker G., Leighton Jonathan A., Edwyn Harrison M., Nguyen Cuong C., Das Ananya, Pasha Shabana F., Moss Adyr A., Miller Laurence J., New Technology, New Complications 3:12, p. 920 - 922 2007
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Raju Gottumukkala S., Gerson Lauren, Das Ananya, Lewis Blair, , American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute Technical Review on Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding 133:5, p. 1697 - 1717 2007
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Raju Gottumukkala S., Lewis Blair, Gerson Lauren, Das Ananya, , American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute Medical Position Statement on Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding 133:5, p. 1694 - 1696 2007
The American journal of gastroenterology Sharma Virender K., Wells Christopher, Kim Hack J., Das Ananya, DePetris Giovanni, McLaughlin Roxane, Fleischer David E., Successful Ablation of Barrett Esophagus with Dysplasia Using the HALO Ablation System in a Prospective Cohort 102, p. S547 2007
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Vargo John J., Ahmad Asyia S., Aslanian Harry R., Buscaglia Jonathan M., Das Ananya M., Desilets David J., Jamidar Priya A., Kowalski Thomas E., Petrini John L., Dunkin Brian J., Inkster Michelle, Marks Jeffrey M., McHenry Lee, Mishra Girish, Pfau Patrick R., Savides Thomas A., , Training in patient monitoring and sedation and analgesia 66:1, p. 7 - 10 2007
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Li Baoxin, Zhou Jin, Li Feng, Stereoscopic Visualization and Haptic Virtual Exploration of Endoscopic Images for Improved Diagnosis 65:5, p. AB348 - AB348 2007
The American journal of gastroenterology Wells Christopher D., Kim H. Jae, Das Ananya, Moirano Michele M., Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., Circumfrential Ablation of Barrett Esophagus with Persistent High-Grade Dysplasia Following Photodynamic Therapy with Halo 360 101, p. S74 - S75 2006
The American journal of gastroenterology Das Ananya, Wells Christopher D., Fleischer David E., Sharma Virender K., Kim Hack J., Determinants of Cost-Effectiveness of Endoscopic Ablative Therapy for Non-Dysplastic Barrettʼs Esophagus 101, p. S68 2006
Journal of clinical gastroenterology Pfau Patrick, Pham Huong, Ellis Rod, Das Ananya, Isenberg Gerard, Chak Amitabh, A Novel Use of Endoscopic Clips in the Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy (XRT) of Esophageal Cancer 39:5, p. 372 - 375 2005
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Payes Jonathan, Chak Amitabh, Sivak Michael V., Cooper Gregory S., Temporal Trend in Utilization of EUS in Patients with Esophageal Cancer 61:5, p. AB274 - AB274 2005
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Farooq Farees T., Nagendra Shweta, Boolchand Vikram, Das Ananya, Faulx Ashley, Reynolds Harry, Onders Raymond, Sivak Michael V., Chak Amitabh, Supervised Versus Unsupervised Training on a Computer-Based Colonoscopy Simulator 61:5, p. AB113 - AB113 2005
American journal of epidemiology Zablotska Lydia B., Chak Amitabh, Das Ananya, Neugut Alfred I., Increased Risk of Squamous Cell Esophageal Cancer after Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Primary Breast Cancer 161:4, p. 330 - 337 2005
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Mourad William, Lightdale Charles J, Sivak Michael V, Chak Amitabh, An international survey of the clinical practice of EUS 60:5, p. 765 - 770 2004
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Wong Richard C. K, Prediction of outcome of acute GI hemorrhage: a review of risk scores and predictive models 60:1, p. 85 - 93 2004
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Singh Pankaj, Vela Stacie, Agrawal Deepak, Olds Gregory, Boolchand Vikram, Das Ananya, Isenberg Gerard, Wong Richard C.K., Sivak Michael V., Sharma Ashish, Khan Ahmed, Chak Amitabh, Long Term Outcome in Patients with Endosonographic Findings Suggestive of Mild Chronic Pancreatitis 59:5, p. P231 - P231 2004
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Olds Gregory, Singh Pankaj, Vela Stacie, Wong Richard C.K., Sivak Michael V., Sharma Ashish, Khan Ahmed, Chak Amitabh, Agrawal Deepak, Vikram Boolchand, Das Ananya, Isenberg Gerard, Do Stents Reduce the Diagnostic Yield of EUS-FNA in Malignant Strictures? 59:5, p. P230 - P230 2004
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Faulx Ashley L., Sivak Michael V., Vela Stacie, Das Ananya, Cooper Gregory, Isenberg Gerard, Clarence Terrell, Wang Kenneth, Chak Amitabh, A Changing Landscape of Practice Patterns Regarding Unsedated Endoscopy and Propofol Use: A National Survey 59:5, p. P131 - P131 2004
Cancer Das Ananya, Neugut Alfred I, Cooper Gregory S, Chak Amitabh, Association of ampullary and colorectal malignancies 100:3, p. 524 - 530 2004
The American journal of gastroenterology Agrawal Deepak, Singh Pankaj, Das Ananya, Isenberg Gerard, Wong Richard C.K., Sivak Michael V., Chak Amitabh, EFFICACY OF MANOMETRY BASED ENDOSCOPIC SPHINCTEROTOMY IN SPHINCTER OF ODDI DYSFUNCTION: A META-ANALYSIS OF CONTROLLED TRIALS 98, p. S70 2003
Current opinion in gastroenterology Das Ananya, Chak Amitabh, Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the staging of esophageal cancer: a review 19:5, p. 474 - 476 2003
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Jakubowicz Margaret, Kinnard Margaret, Lacey Shawn, Isenberg Gerard, Das Ananya, Outcome of a nurse practitioner (NP) based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) program in a veterans administration medical center (VAMC) 124:4, p. A355 - A355 2003
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Agrawal Deepak, Post Anthony B., Das Ananya, Use of intravenous albumin in patients with cirrhosis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis for reducing complications and mortality is a cost-effective intervention 124:4, p. A691 - A691 2003
The Lancet (British edition) Das Ananya, BEN-MENACHEM Tamir, Gonet Judith A, Wong Richard C. K, Cross Simon S, Harrison Robert F, Sanders David S, Cooper Gregory S, Chak Amitabh, Sivak Michael V, Prediction of outcome in acute lower-gastrointestinal haemorrhage based on an artificial neural network: internal and external validation of a predictive model. Commentary 362:9392, p. 1250 - 1251 2003
The National medical journal of India Ghoshal Uday C, Das Ananya, Management strategies for duodenal ulcer in India in the helicobacter pylori era: an economic analysis 15:3, p. 140 - 144 2002
Annals of internal medicine Das Ananya, Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Colorectal Cancer 135:3, p. 218 - 219 2001
Das Ananya, Sivak Michael V, Chak Amitabh, Wong Richard C. K, Westphal Volker, Rollins Andrew M, Willis Joseph, Isenberg Gerard, Izatt Joseph A, High-resolution endoscopic imaging of the GI tract: a comparative study of optical coherence tomography versus high-frequency catheter probe EUS 2001
Gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Isenberg Gerard, Wong Richard C. K, Sivak Michael V, Chak Amitabh, Wire-guided intraductal US : an adjunct to ERCP in the management of bile duct stones 54:1, p. 31 - 36 2001
The Pediatric infectious disease journal Sinha Madhumita, Das Ananya, TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS C INFECTION 19:11, p. 1114 - 1114 2000
Cancer control Das Ananya, Sivak Michael V., Endoscopic Palliation for Inoperable Pancreatic Cancer 7:5, p. 452 - 457 2000
Techniques in gastrointestinal endoscopy Das Ananya, Chak Amitabh, Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of gastrointestinal submucosal masses 2:3, p. 155 - 158 2000
The Pediatric infectious disease journal Sinha MADHUMITA, Das ANANYA, Cost effectiveness analysis of different strategies of management of chronic hepatitis C infection in children 19:1, p. 23 - 30 2000
Current opinion in gastroenterology Das Ananya, Variyam Easwaran, Intestinal parasitic infections 15:1, p. 59 - 59 1999
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Sinha Madhumita, Das Ananya, Effect of cholecystostomy on gallbladder motility 108:4, p. 1332 - 1332 1995
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Das Ananya, Ghoshal Uday Ch, Determinants of portal hypertensive gastropathy reconsidered 103:6, p. 1990 - 1990 1992