Journal of the American College of Radiology Brixey Anupama G., Carter Brett W., Christensen Jared D., Cox Christian W., Fung Alice, De Leon Alberto Diaz, Walker Christopher M., Porter Kristin K., Khatri Gaurav, Bang Tami J., Batra Kiran, Davis Andrew M., Holley Aaron B., Mehta Parth, Moore William H., Shroff Girish S., Uyeda Jennifer W., Nikolaidis Paul, Kandathil Asha, Little Brent P., Kamel Ihab R., Chung Jonathan H., Madan Rachna, , ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Sepsis 21:6, p. S292 - S309 2024
Radiology case reports Weingartz Lucas, Meyer Zachary, Torres Raul, Cox Christian, Humble Jennifer, Peine Brian, Case report: Asymptomatic bronchopulmonary sequestration in an adult with dual celiac and aortic supply 17:11, p. 4218 - 4222 2022
Investigative radiology Inoue Akitoshi, Johnson Tucker F, White Darin, Cox Christian W, Hartman Thomas E, Thorne Jamison E, Shanblatt Elisabeth R, Rajendran Kishore, Johnson Matthew P, Carter Rickey E, Lee Yong S, Leng Shuai, McCollough Cynthia H, Fletcher Joel G, Estimating the Clinical Impact of Photon-Counting-Detector CT in Diagnosing Usual Interstitial Pneumonia 57:11, p. 734 - 741 2022
Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports Densley Ashton, Wali Ansar, Mathew Steve, Cox Christian W, , Early Imaging Identification of Traumatic Mesenteric and Bowel Injury: An illustrative case of bucket-handle mesenteric avulsion injury with delayed presentation as small bowel obstruction 2:4 2022
HemaSphere Ruan G., Cox C., Koster M., Tobin O., Shah M., Bennani N., Vassallo R., Ryu J., Goyal G., Abeykoon J., Hazim A., Ravindran A., Rech K., Young J., Go R., P1139: A POPULATION-BASED STUDY OF ISOLATED ADULT PULMONARY LANGERHANS CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS IN THE UNITED STATES: 2010-2017 6:Suppl, p. 1029 - 1030 2022
Blood Goyal Gaurav, Cao Xin-Xin, Makras Polyzois, Kaltsas Gregory, Haroche Julien, Collin Matthew, McClain Kenneth L, Diamond Eli L, Girschikofsky Michael, Tazi Abdellatif, Vassallo Robert, Go Ronald S, Rech Karen L, Picarsic Jennifer L, Young Jason R, Cox Christian W, Hermiston Michelle L, Van Laar Jan, International expert consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in adults 139:17, p. 2601 - 2621 2022
BMJ case reports Colbenson Gretchen A, Kubbara Aahd, Cox Christian W, Yi Eunhee S, Baqir Misbah, Excipient lung disease secondary to intravenous heroin use 15:4, p. e247763 2022
American journal of hematology Hazim Antonious Z, Ruan Gordon J, Hu Marie, Ravindran Aishwarya, Rech Karen L, Young Jason R, Cox Christian W, Abeykoon Jithma P, Scheckel Caleb, Vassallo Robert, Bennani N Nora, Ryu Jay H, Tobin W Oliver, Koster Matthew J, Shah Mithun V, Goyal Gaurav, Go Ronald S, , Langerhans cell histiocytosis with lung involvement in isolation and multisystem disease: Staging, natural history, and comparative survival 96:12, p. 1604 - 1610 2021
Journal of computer assisted tomography Walkoff Lara, Dixit Anuj S, Chung Jonathan H, Cox Christian W, Ryu Jay H, Diffuse Pulmonary Ossification on High-Resolution Computed Tomography in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Systemic Sclerosis-Related Interstitial Lung Disease, and Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: A Comparative Study 44:5, p. 667 - 672 2020
Journal of the American College of Radiology Cox Christian W., Chung Jonathan H., Ackman Jeanne B., Berry Mark F., Carter Brett W., de Groot Patricia M., Hobbs Stephen B., Johnson Geoffrey B., Maldonado Fabien, McComb Barbara L., Tong Betty C., Walker Christopher M., Kanne Jeffrey P., , ACR Appropriateness Criteria (R) Occupational Lung Diseases 17:5, p. S188 - S197 2020
Sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and diffuse lung diseases Cox Christian W., Bartholmai Brian J., Baqir Misbah, Geske Jennifer R., Ulrich Specks, PULMONARY LOW ATTENUATION AREAS ON CT IN ANCA-ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS: A QUANTITATIVE AND SEMI-QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS CORRELATED WITH PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTING FOR OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASE 37:4, p. e2020016 - e2020016 2020
Journal of clinical rheumatology De Giacomi Federica, Baqir Misbah, Cox Christian W, Moua Teng, Matteson Eric L, Ryu Jay H, Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in Connective Tissue Diseases 25:6, p. 239 - 245 2019
Emergency radiology Doolittle Derrick A., Froemming Adam T., Cox Christian W., High-pitch versus standard mode CT pulmonary angiography: a comparison of indeterminate studies 26:2, p. 155 - 159 2019
Sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and diffuse lung diseases Baqir Misbah, Yi Eunhee E, Colby Thomas V, Cox Christian W, Ryu Jay H, Specks Ulrich, Radiologic and pathologic characteristics of myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated interstitial lung disease: a retrospective analysis 36:3, p. 195 - 201 2019
Journal of thoracic imaging Parvinian Ahmad, Cox Christian W., Hartman Thomas E., Cowden Syndrome A Cause of Pulmonary Cysts 33:6, p. W48 - W50 2018
Respiratory medicine De Giacomi Federica, Cox Christian W., Moua Teng, White Darin, Evolution of diagnostic UIP computed tomography patterns in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Disease spectrum and implications for survival 142, p. 53 - 59 2018
Journal of thoracic imaging Walkoff Lara, White Darin B., Chung Jonathan H., Asante Dennis, Cox Christian W., The Four Corners Sign A Specific Imaging Feature in Differentiating Systemic Sclerosis-related Interstitial Lung Disease From Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 33:3, p. 197 - 203 2018
American journal of roentgenology (1976) Chung Jonathan H., Vij Rekha, Noth Imre, Lynch David A., Cox Christian W., Montner Steven M., Adegunsoye Ayodeji, Oldham Justin M., Husain Aliya N., Strek Mary E., CT Features of the Usual Interstitial Pneumonia Pattern: Differentiating Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease From Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 210:2, p. 307 - 313 2018
Medicine (Baltimore) Rho Ji Young, Bowler Russell P., Fenster Brett E., Dransfield Mark T., Wells James M., Cox Christian W., Hokanson John E., Curran-Everett Douglas, Williams Andre, Han MeiLan K., Crapo James D., Silverman Edwin K., Lynch David A., Suh Young Ju, Nah Jeung Weon, Zach Jordan A., Schroeder Joyce D., CT measurements of central pulmonary vasculature as predictors of severe exacerbation in COPD 97:3, p. e9542 - e9542 2018
Academic radiology Cox Christian W., Gunderman Richard B., Andragogic Approaches to Continuing Medical Education 24:10, p. 1325 - 1326 2017
Respiratory medicine Zamora Ana C., Ryu Jay H., Moua Teng, Cox Christian W., Hoskote Sumedh S., Abascal-Bolado Beatriz, White Darin, Clinical features and outcomes of interstitial lung disease in anti-Jo-1 positive antisynthetase syndrome 118, p. 39 - 45 2016
Journal of the American College of Radiology Cox Christian W., Gunderman Richard B., Embiacing the Unknown in Radiology Education 13:9, p. 1132 - 1134 2016
Annals of the American Thoracic Society Czaja Christopher A, Levin Adrah R, Cox Christian W, Vargas Daniel, Daley Charles L, Cott Gary R, Improvement in Quality of Life after Therapy for Mycobacterium abscessus Group Lung Infection. A Prospective Cohort Study 13:1, p. 40 - 48 2016
Journal of the American College of Radiology Gunderman Richard B., Cox Christian W., Coaching: A Key Model of Leadership 12:4, p. 327 - 328 2015
Current opinion in pulmonary medicine Cox Christian W, Lynch David A, Medical imaging in occupational and environmental lung disease 21:2, p. 163 - 170 2015
Journal of the American College of Radiology Chung Jonathan H., Cox Christian W., Mohammed Tan-Lucien H., Kirsch Jacobo, Brown Kathleen, Dyer Debra Sue, Ginsburg Mark E., Heitkamp Darel E., Kanne Jeffrey P., Kazerooni Ella A., Ketai Loren H., Steiner Robert M., Ravenel James G., Saleh Anthony G., Shah Rakesh D., Suh Robert D., ACR Approprteness Criteria Blunt Chest Trauma 11:4, p. 345 - 351 2014
Journal of thoracic imaging Chung Jonathan H., Cox Christian W., Forssen Anna V., Biederer Juergen, Puderbach Michael, Lynch David A., The Dark Lymph Node Sign on Magnetic Resonance Imaging A Novel Finding in Patients With Sarcoidosis 29:2, p. 125 - 129 2014
Ultrasound quarterly Baltarowich Oksana H., Di Salvo Donald N., Scoutt Leslie M., Brown Douglas L., Nazarian Levon N., Neutze Janet A., Romero Miriam, Stephenson Jason W., Dubinsky Theodore J., Hamper Ulrike M., Cox Christian W., DiPietro Michael A., Glazer Daniel I., Manning Maria A., National Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students 30:1, p. 13 - 19 2014
Radiology Cox Christian W., Rose Cecile S., Lynch David A., State of the Art: Imaging of Occupational Lung Disease 270:3, p. 681 - 696 2014
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine Dhoma S, Gottschall E, Meehan R, Rose C, Cox C, Chung J, Groshong S, Cool C, Robinson M, C96 IMAGING AND FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF EXPOSURE-RELATED LUNG DISEASE: Chest Tomography May Predict Histopathologic Abnormalities In Symptomatic Deployers Returning From Iraq And Afghanistan 189, p. 1 2014
Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis Boldt Brian M, Cox Christian W, Dedekam Erik A, Tsytsik Bair, Mysliwiec Vincent, Pulmonary embolism at follow-up outpatient CT pulmonary angiography: implications on patient risk stratification 24:6, p. 633 - 637 2013
Journal of computer assisted tomography Cox Christian Warren, Chung Jonathan H, Lynch David A, Dynamic computed tomographic pulmonary angiography as a problem-solving tool in indeterminate computed tomographic angiography for pulmonary embolism 36:5, p. 536 - 538 2012
Radiology Cox Christian W., Radiation Exposure and Relative Risk of Breast Cancer: An Error Perpetuated 262:1, p. 369 - 370 2012
Journal of radiology case reports Leitman David, Yu Victor, Cox Christian, Investigation of polymethylmethacrylate pulmonary embolus in a patient ten years following vertebroplasty 5:10, p. 14 - 21 2011
Radiology case reports Yu Victor Y., Leitman David A., Graybeal Troy B., Cox Christian W., Subsegmental pulmonary embolus as a precipitating factor for takotsubo cardiomyopathy 6:3, p. 531 2011
Colby Garrett, Cox Christian, Pulmonary interstitial emphysema in an adult with metastatic choriocarcinoma 2010
Academic Radiology Cox C. W., Phalen James, Dworak Thomas J., Voice recognition dictation: An adjunct to medical student radiology education 14:2, p. 221 - 228 2007
Add to Your Cheerios for the Breakfast of Champions!, Educational Poster, Society of Thoracic Radiology, Tucson, Arizona 2024
Early Imaging Identification of Traumatic Mesenteric and Bowel Injury: An illustrative case of bucket-handle mesenteric injury with delayed presentation as small bowel obstruction. Educational Exhibit, American Society of Emergency Radiology, San Diego, California 2023
C-Section Scar Endometrioma, Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
All Twisted Up: Mesenteroaxial Gastric Volvulus. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Hard to Handle: the clinical challenges of traumatic mesenteric injury. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Big Red Herring: Acute MI mimicking Acute Aortic Syndrome. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Big Red Herring: Acute MI mimicking Acute Aortic Syndrome. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Hard to Handle: the clinical challenges of traumatic mesenteric injury. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
All Twisted Up: Mesenteroaxial Gastric Volvulus. Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
C-Section Scar Endometrioma, Interesting Case Competition, Nebraska Radiologic Society Spring Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Advancements in Imaging: Pulmonary Manifestations of Autoimmune Disease, Nebraska Radiological Society Spring Meeting, Omaha Nebraska 2023
Subpleural Distance as an Imaging Biomarker to Differentiate Post-COVID Pulmonary Fibrotic-like Changes and Non-COVID Pulmonary Fibrosis, Department of Medicine 2023 Research Day, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Advancements in Imaging: Pulmonary Manifestations of Autoimmune Disease, Nebraska Radiological Society Spring Meeting, Omaha Nebraska 2023
Subpleural Distance as an Imaging Biomarker to Dierentiate Post-COVID Pulmonary Fibrotic-like Changes and Non-COVID Pulmonary Fibrosis, Department of Medicine 2023 Research Day, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2023
Advanced Diffuse Lung Disease, Session Moderator, Society of Thoracic Radiology Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina 2023
Nontraumatic Posteromedial Rib Exostosis: Underrecognized, Miscategorized and Misunderstood, 2023 Society of Thoracic Radiology Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina 2023
Advanced Diuse Lung Disease, Session Moderator, Society of Thoracic Radiology Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina 2023
2018 Update on Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonias Madigan Army Medical Center, Grand Rounds, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington. 2018
Imaging of Airway Disease, Madigan Army Medical Center, Department of Radiology Lecture, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington. 2018
Cystic and Calcifying Lung Diseases, Madigan Army Medical Center, Department of Radiology Lecture, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma Washington. 2018
Update on Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonias, University of Washington, Department of Radiology Lecture, Madigan Army Medical Center, Seattle, Washington. 2018
Cowden Syndrome: A Cause of Cystic Lung Disease, 2018 Society of Thoracic Radiology Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. 2018
High-pitch versus standard mode CT Pulmonary angiography: a comparison of indeterminate studies, Research Exhibit, 2017 WCTI/STR Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. 2017
Ipsilateral Lung Disease in patients with unilateral pulmonary artery agenesis: a retrospective review, Research Exhibit, 2017 WCTI/STR Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. 2017
Calcifying Lung Disease - Approach to Diagnosis 2017 ARRS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017
Large Airway Disease, Tutorials of Diagnostic Radiology Annual Meeting, Mayo Clinic, Maui, Hawaii. 2017
Small Airway Disease, Tutorials of Diagnostic Radiology Annual Meeting, Mayo Clinic, Maui, Hawaii. 2017
Hospital Chest Radiology 101, 8th Annual Hospital Medicine for Nps & Pas, Rochester, Minnesota. 2016
Performance Outcome Measures in Medical Student Radiology Education, 2014 AUR Annual Meeting. 2014
The Solitary Pulmonary Nodule, AMEDD Current Concepts in Imaging Course, Tacoma, Washington 2013
Common Tests Used in Diagnosing Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease: How and When Chest Imaging is Useful, Chest 2013 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. 2013
Interpretation of Chest Computed Tomography: A Pattern-Based Approach, 2013 National Nurse Practitioners Symposium, Copper Ski Resort, Colorado. 2013
CT Pulmonary Angiography in the Pregnant Patient: Beyond the Binary of Pulmonary Embolism, 2013 AUR Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. 2013
Role of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases AUR 2013 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. 2013
Subsegmental Pulmonary Embolism as a Precipitating Factor for Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, NASCI 39th Annual Meeting. 2011
Takayasu Arteritis Presenting as Acute Dyspnea, Madigan Research Day, Tacoma, Washington. 2011
Impact Case Management of the Appropriate Follow-up of Patients with Pulmonary Nodules, MHS Conference, Bethesda, Maryland. 2010
Cystic Change of the Large Airways on MDCT, Tripler AMC 2nd Annual Donald A Person Poster Session, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2009