Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery Holcomb Andrew J., White Andrew, Rossman Emily, Wagoner Luke, Akhter Sidra, Gillespie Megan, Meyer Charles D., Lindau Robert, Panwar Aru, Osmolak Angela, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Coughlin Andrew M., Tracheostomy Avoidance in Flap Reconstruction of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract is Safe in Selected Patients 2024
JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery Panwar Aru, Holcomb Andrew J, Nolan Nicole, Duckert Randall, Barney Christian, Chiu Max, Osmolak Angela, Coughlin Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Sayles Harlan, Ganti Apar Kishor, Lindau Robert, Nguyen Cam, Shah Swapnil, Reid Abigail E, Lydiatt William, Su Yungpo B, Mirmiran Alireza, Huang Tien-Shew, Quality of Life and Depression Symptoms After Therapy De-Escalation in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R, Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, 99m Tc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 15:1, p. 82 - 2024
Indian journal of surgical oncology Sayal Navdeep R., Schafer Jeffrey, Jayne Christopher, Wali Ansar, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Sayles Harlan, Marr Alissa, Aurit Sarah, Lydiatt William, Holcomb Andrew, 99mTc-Tilmanocept vs. Sulfur Colloid for Sentinel Node Biopsy for Melanoma in the Head and Neck 2023
Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery Pandey Yash, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Coughlin Andrew, Lindau Robert, Osmolak Angela, Pandey Brianna, Aurit Sarah J, Evaluation of Agreement Among Frailty Assessment Tools in Head and Neck Surgery 168:1, p. 32 - 38 2023
Head & Neck Sayal Navdeep R., Aurit Sarah, Hufnagle John, Hubble Lester, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Osmolak Angela, Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Association of multimodal analgesia with perioperative safety and opioid use following head and neck microvascular reconstruction 42:10, p. 2887 - 2895 2020
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Jorgensen Jeffery B., Smith Russell B., Coughlin Andrew, Spanos William C., Lohr Michele M., Sperry Steven M., Militsakh Oleg, Zitsch Robert P., Yueh Bevan, Dooley Laura M., Panwar Aru, Galloway Tabitha L. I., Pagedar Nitin A., Impact of PET/CT on Staging and Treatment of Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 160:2, p. 261 - 266 2019
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Panwar Aru, Wang Fangfang, Lindau Robert, Militsakh Oleg, Coughlin Andrew, Smith Russell, Sayles Harlan, Lydiatt Daniel, Lydiatt William, Prediction of Discharge Destination following Laryngectomy 159:6, p. 1006 - 1011 2018
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Militsakh Oleg, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Interval Erik, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Panwar Aru, Development of Multimodal Analgesia Pathways in Outpatient Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery and Association With Postoperative Opioid Prescription Patterns 144:11, p. 1023 - 1023 2018
Head & Neck Berg Jenna, Gentry John, Manosalva Rodolfo E., Coughlin Andrew, Su Yungpo Bernard, Huang Tien-Shew, Primary intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of the oral tongue: Case report and review of histologic origin and oncologic management 40:7, p. E68 - E72 2018
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Panwar Aru, Militsakh Oleg, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Sayles Harlan, Rieke Katherine R., Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Smith Russell, Impact of Primary Tracheoesophageal Puncture on Outcomes after Total Laryngectomy 158:1, p. 103 - 109 2018
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Oltman Justin, Militsakh Oleg, D’Agostino Mark, Kauffman Brittany, Lindau Robert, Coughlin Andrew, Lydiatt William, Lydiatt Daniel, Smith Russell, Panwar Aru, Multimodal Analgesia in Outpatient Head and Neck Surgery: A Feasibility and Safety Study 143:12, p. 1207 - 1207 2017
Panwar A, Coughlin A. Role of HPV Vaccination in Prevention of HPV-associated Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The Nebraska HPV Vaccination Roundtable Webinar. Nebraska Area Health Education Center & Nebraska Cancer Coalition Webinar 2020
Head and Neck Malignancies for the Physician Assistant. Invited lecture to the physician assistant class at College of Saint Mary. 2019
Common Otolaryngology Complaints for the Physician Assistant. Invited lecture to the physician assistant class at College of Saint Mary 2019
Avoiding Opioids in Head and Neck Surgery. Invited Lecture at the University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston, Byron Bailey Surgical Society Meeting. 2019
Coughlin A, Angeletti P, Robinson T, Wieskamp S. Panel on Human Papilloma Virus. Nebraska School Nurses 35th Annual Health Conference. Kearney, NE. 2019
Panwar A, Coughlin A, Lindau R, Sayles H, Lydiatt D, Militsakh O, Osmolak A, Lydiatt W. Post-Thyroidectomy PTH Testing and Missed Opportunities in Preventing Hypocalcemia: Are We Failing the Test? Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting for the American Head and Neck Society in Austin, TX, USA. 2019
Coughlin A. Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and the HPV Epidemic. Nebraska Dental Assistants Association Annual Meeting. Lincoln, NE. 2019
Coughlin A. Oral Cavity Pathology and Carcinomas. Nebraska Dental Assistants Association Annual Meeting. Lincoln, NE. 2019
Coughlin A. New Staging System For Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Jennie Edmundson Cancer Center Staging Update. Council Bluffs, IA. 2019
Coughlin A and Lydiatt B. Otolaryngology Interest Group Panel. Creighton Otolaryngology Interest Group. Omaha, NE. 2019
Coughlin A. Functional Reconstruction of the Head and Neck. Oncology Nursing Society. Omaha, NE. 2019
Coughlin A. Lip Reconstruction. Nebraska Medicine Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds. Omaha, NE. 2019
Coughlin A. Adult and Pediatric Neck Masses. Methodist Hospital Primary Care Conference. Council Bluffs, IA. 2018
Sayles H, Coughlin A, Lindau R, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Militsakh O, McGill T, Panwar A. Association of Depression with Risk for Unplanned Hospitalization for Patients Under Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer: Findings from PROTECT Trial. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in Atlanta, GA, USA 2018
Sayles H, Coughlin A, Lindau R, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Militsakh O, McGill T, Panwar A. Investigation of Association between Depression, Its Prophylaxis and Long Term Overall Survival for Head and Neck Cancer Survivors in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in Atlanta, GA, USA 2018
Panwar A, Rieke K, Schmid K, Burke W, Sayles H, Dobbertin M, Bessette D, Lydiatt W. Identifying Predictors of Depression Development in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Head and Neck Society at the 2018 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), National Harbor, MD, USA, 2018
Panwar A, Lydiatt W, Lydiatt D, Interval E, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Militsakh O. Development of Multimodal Analgesia Pathway in Outpatient Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery is Associated with Dramatic Reduction in Opioid Use. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Head and Neck Society at the 2018 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), National Harbor, MD, USA 2018
Coughlin A. Sialendoscopy. Update in Otolaryngology Workshop, ENT Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2018
Coughlin A. Salivary Gland Disease. Update in Otolaryngology Workshop, ENT Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2018
Coughlin A. Hypercalcemia Management. Nebraska Medicine General Surgery Resident Education Invited Lecture 2018
Coughlin A. Neck Dissection. Creighton University General Surgery Resident Education Invited Lecture.. Omaha, NE. 2018
Coughlin A. Head and Neck for the Primary Care Physician. Harlan Community Hospital Invited Lecture. Harlan, IA 2018
Coughlin A. and Lydiatt D. The HPV Association with Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancers. Omaha Dental Association Conference. Omaha, NE. 2018
Coughlin A. The HPV Association with Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancers. Nebraska Cancer Coalition Annual Meeting Omaha, NE. 2017
Coughlin A. The HPV Association with Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancers. Omaha Dental Assistants Association Conference. Omaha, NE 2017
Coughlin A. Young Physician Section Roundtable Discussion: American Board of Otolaryngology Certlink Update. Moderator for the Webinar with Brian Nussenbaum. 2017
Coughlin A. Fuctional Reconstruction of the Head and Neck. Nurse Appreciation Head and Neck Update. Omaha, NE 2017
Coughlin A. Head and Neck for the Primary Care Physician. Methodist Hospital Primary Care Conference. Council Bluffs, IA 2017
Coughlin A. Expert Panel on Mechanisms to Understand and Improve HPV Vaccination in the State of Nebraska. Nebraska HPV Summit. Lincoln, NE 2017
Coughlin A. and Lydiatt D. The HPV Connection: Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers. Nebraska HPV Summit. Lincoln, NE. 2017
Wang F, Lindau R, Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Smith R, Sayles H, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Panwar A. Prediction of Discharge Destination Following Laryngectomy. Oral presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM). San Diego, California, 2017
Moderator for the AHNS Poster presentation. AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM). San Diego, California, 2017
Oltman J, Militsakh O, D'Agostino M, Kauffman B, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Lydiatt W, Lydiatt D, Smith R, Panwar A. Multimodal Analgesia in Outpatient Head and Neck Surgery: A Feasibility and Safety Study. Oral presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM). San Diego, California 2017
Panwar A, Lindau R, Militsakh O, Coughlin A, Sayles H, Lydiatt D, Lydiatt W, Smith R. Impact of Discharge Destination on Perioperative Outcomes Following Total Laryngectomy. Poster presentation at AHNS 2017 Annual Meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM). San Diego, California 2017
Coughlin A. Math in Medicine. Guest lecture for Nebraska Wesleyan University Department of Math 2017
Coughlin A. Surgical Endocrinology. Nebraska Medicine M3 Surgery Clerkship 2016
Coughlin A. Salivary Gland Malignancies. Creighton University Department of General Surgery Grand Rounds 2016
Coughlin A. Head and Neck Ultrasound Pathology. Nebraska Medicine Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Ultrasound Course. 2016
Coughlin A. Flap Selections for Various Head and Neck Defects. Nebraska Medicine Division of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds 2016
Panwar A, Militsakh O, Lindau R, Coughlin A, Sayles H, Rieke K, Smith R. Primary Tracheo- Esophageal Puncture: Outcomes & Insights from NSQIP. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, San Diego, CA, USA. 2016
Coughlin A. American Board of Otolarygology Update, Panel Moderator, AAO-HNS meeting during the Young Physicians Section Assembly, San Diego, CA 2016
Coughlin A. Endoscopic Approach to Tumors of the Infra-Temporal Fossa, Advanced Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Sinus Course, Omaha, NE. 2016
Coughlin A. How to Develop a 5, 10 and 20 year Career Plan. Moderator at the AAO-HNS Spring Leadership and Board of Governors Meeting. Washington, DC 2016
Coughlin A. Treatment of Advanced Subglottic and Tracheal Stenosis, Update in Otolaryngology Workshop, ENT Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2016
Coughlin A. Evaluation and Management of Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancers, Update in Otolaryngology Workshop, ENT Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2016
Coughlin A. Management of Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Update in Otolaryngology Workshop, ENT Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2016
Coughlin A. Emerging Trends In Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Nebraska Medicine, Omaha, NE. 2016
Coughlin A. Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Annual Nebraska Cancer Staging Group Meeting, Lakeside Hospital, Omaha, NE. 2015
Coughlin A. Case Based Head and Neck Anatomy, Plastic Surgery Conference, UNMC, Omaha, NE 2015
Coughlin A. Fibula Free Flap. Nebraska Microvascular Course, Omaha, NE 2015
Coughlin A. Microvascular Animal Dissection Models. Nebraska Microvascular Course, Omaha, NE 2015
Coughlin A. Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Assessment and Evaluation of Treatment Planning, Commission on Cancer Standards 4.6, Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE. 2014
Andrew M Coughlin MD, Russell B Smith MD, Jery D Inbarasu BS, Eugene Waltke MD. Osteosarcoma of the Carotid Artery Presenting as Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis. AHNS/IFHNOS 2014 Meeting, New York City, NY. 2014