Allison B. Coffin, PhD

Associate Professor

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School of Medicine
Biomedical Sciences
CRISS I - Criss 1 - 426

Allison B. Coffin, PhD

Associate Professor

I completed my PhD in Biology at the University of Maryland with Dr. Arthur N. Popper, then conducted postdoctoral research at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) before taking a fellowship the University of Washington in Seattle, where I worked with Drs. Edwin Rubel and David Raible. I joined Washington State University Vancouver in 2012 as an assistant professor and moved to Creighton University in 2024. My research has been funded by the NIH, NSF, and multiple foundations including the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, American Hearing Research Foundation, and American Otological Society. I am also the co-editor of the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, a book series of synthetic reviews around fundamental topics on hearing.
A long-time Toastmaster and communication trainer, I am co-founder and President of the Association of Science Communicators (formerly Science Talk), a professional organization that seeks to increase the impact of society in society.

Learn more about Dr. Coffin's research.

Research Focus

My research examines the cellular mechanisms of hearing loss from diverse toxic insults (noise, ototoxic drugs) and works to develop preventative or restorative therapies. Current research seeks to identify occult hearing (oto) toxins and develop predictive models to determine ototoxic potential early in pre-clinical drug development. With a background in marine biology, I’m also interested in how endogenous factors like hormones and exogenous agents like aquatic toxicants impact fish sensory systems.


Biomedical Sciences


Associate Professor