Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Selim Mohammad, Cichowski Erica, Kubowicz Rachel, Alghoula Faysal, Sankaraneni Rammohan, A Case of Acquired Cerebral Achromatopsia Secondary to Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke 13:5, p. e14798 2021
American Journal of Gastroenterology Buaisha Haitam, Abuhamidah Nawras, Emsalem Rabie, Alshebani Yazeid, Fordjour Akua, Jamieson Elizabeth, Puhl James, Reddymasu Savio, Cichowski Erica, Reducing Unnecessary Chronic Use of PPIs in a VA Primary Care Clinic: A QI Project 112, p. S638 - S638 2017
BMJ Case Reports Matta Abhishek, Tandra Pavan Kumar, Cichowski Erica, Reddymasu Savio C., Acute necrotising pancreatitis: a late and fatal complication of pancreaticoduodenal arterial embolisation 2014 2014
The American journal of gastroenterology Matta Abhishek, Cichowski Erica, Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: An Unreported Complication of Pancreaticoduodenal Arterial Embolization 108, p. S264 2013
Medical Education Cichowski Erica, Moranski Anna, Huggett Kathryn N., Medical students investing in medical students 41:5, p. 516 - 517 2007
Medical Education Cichowski Erica, Bell Judith K., Huggett Kathryn N., Tailoring the objective structured clinical examination to fit the Year one medical student 41:5, p. 515 - 516 2007
Medical education Cichowski Erica, Bell Judy, Huggett Kathryn N., Tailoring the objective structured clinical examination to fit the Year one medical student. 41:5, p. 515 - 516 2007
Medical education Cichowski Erica, Huggett Kathryn N., Moranski Anna, Medical students investing in medical students. 41:5, p. 516 - 517 2007
American Heart Journal Oldemeyer J. Bradley, Biddle William P., Hilleman Daniel E., Wurdeman Richard L., Mooss Aryan N., Cichowski Erica, Acetylcysteine in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy after coronary angiography 146:6, p. 1089 - 1094 2003
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Bradley Oldermeyer J., Cichowski Erica K., Wurdeman Richard L., Packard Kathleen A., Paul Biddle W., Mooss Aryan N., Prophylactic acetylcysteine is not effective in preventing contrast-induced nephropathy following coronary angiography 41:6, p. 84 - 84 2003
"Vulnerability: The Elephant in the Academic Team Rooms" Creighton University Department of Medicine ACGME Grand Rounds. 2017
"Deploying Emotional Intelligence to Solicit Baby Boomer Buy In to Value Based Care" Creighton University Department of Medicine ACGME Grand Rounds. 2017
H. Buaisha, N. Abuhamidah, R. Emsalem et al. Reducing Unnecessary Chronic Use of PPIs in Omaha VA Red Clinic. Poster Presentations at GME QI Symposium, ACG 2017 in Orlando, Florida 2017
Fuchs J, Cichowski E Dual Invader: Actinomycosis Above & Below the Diaphragm. Nebraska ACP Regional Meeting Poster Presentation. 2016
Transitioning R3 Continuity Clinic Patients to Incoming Interns:The Neglected Handoff Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. 2016
"Transitioning R3 Continuity Clinic Patients to Incoming Interns: The Neglected Handoff" Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. 2016
Ctrl-Alt-Delete:Creating an Environment of Inquiry and Scholarship Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds 2015
"Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Creating an Environment of Inquiry and Scholarship" Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. 2015
Professionalism in 2014 Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. 2014
"Professionalism in 2014" Creighton University Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. 2014
"Prostate Cancer Screening: Partnering with Patients in Shared Decision Making" Nebraska Nurse Practitioners Conference. Lincoln, NE February 21, 2014 2014
The Changing Face of the Medical Management of Obesity, Update on Gastroenterology for Physicians and their Support Staff, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Omaha, NE 2005
Cichowski E, Sakowski H, Hashish H, Baltaro R. A case of wide anion gap non-acidosis. Poster presentation. National SGIM meeting. 2004
Cichowski E and Warrier R, Poster Presentation: Break Bone Fever. Nebraska ACP Meeting 2003
Hashish H, Baltaro R, Nipper H, Sakowski H, Cichowski E. False Low Bicarbonate Level with Propofol Infusion and Hypertriglyceridemia. Abstract and poster presentation at AAFS meeting 2003
James F. Sullivan Award For Excellent and Dedication to Resident Education James F. Sullivan Award For Excellent and Dedication to Resident Education June 2023 Creighton University
Ambulatory Teaching Service Award
Contributed Service Faculty Teaching Award for Excellence in Medicine Education